10 Ways to Celebrate National Escape Day – at Home

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Cold. Snow. Dirty cars. Cabin Fever. Winter Blahs. Yuck!

If you’re sick and tired of winter and ready for a break . . . today is your day.

It’s National Escape Day.

Where would you go to escape? A beach in the tropics? A chalet in the mountains?

Back to reality. . . most of us can’t travel to our dream destination right now, but we can take a break, refresh, and de-stress without packing a suitcase.

 10 Ways to Escape at Home

1. Enjoy a Spa . . . Ah – Tub or shower you decide. Grab your favorite pampering lotions and potions. Relax.

2. Dis Your To Do List – Just for today, forgive yourself for things left on your to do list. Take the evening to relax and pamper yourself.

3. Get a Massage – Take turns giving your spouse a massage, go to your favorite massage therapist, or press into a ball on the floor or a wall and roll away stress.

4. Dream – Close your eyes and imagine your perfect getaway or better yet remember your favorite vacation moments.

5. Take Do Not Disturb Time – When you last enjoy alone time somewhere other than the car or the bathroom? Leave your phone in another room, set an alarm, and declare the next 15 to 30 minutes “me” time.

6. Buy Yourself Flowers – Treat yourself to a deliciously fragrant bouquet of roses, gardenias, chocolate cosmos, or lavender with anything.

7. Curl Up and Sip Something – Curl up in your favorite chair with a cozy throw and your favorite beverage. Maybe tonight’s the night for an island drink or cup of hot _______.

8. Relive Past Escapes – Watch vacation videos or page through photo albums with your family and ask each person to share their favorite or their funniest memory.

9. Declare it Vacation Night – Do something you would do on vacation . . . go out to eat, sit longer over dinner, dance, go to a movie, play games, etc.

10. Plan Your Next Escape – Stop and pick up travel brochures or check out your favorite web-site and start planning your next vacation.

Escape/Vacation Quotes

“Laughter is an instant vacation.” ~ Milton Berle

But despite Jesus’ instructions, the report of his power spread even faster, and vast crowds came to hear him preach and to be healed of their diseases. 16 But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer. Luke 5:15-16

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

“Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax.” ~ Mark Black 

Let’s Talk: Where would you like to go to escape? What’s your favorite way to take a mini-vacation at home? 

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  1. It’s ironic that today marks the first break in a 52 day dry spell where I live! Yep…we have rain – finally!! So, to celebrate today, I’m going to stay cozy. I’ll do some reading, maybe some writing all while absolutely enjoying watching the rain falling outside! Maybe I’ll light some candles to add more to the cozy feel around here. As it is, I slept in (to 6:45!!!) and I’m still in my robe on the couch drinking coffee. Ahhh. Now that’s something to celebrate!!

    I love all your ideas above, too! I especially love the flowers part. Just last week as my husband was going to the store, I let him know I’d love flowers! (Why not ask?) And he came through with a beautiful bouquet of spring tulips! They lasted a whole week and made each of us smile whenever we looked at them!

    Have a wonderful escape day!!

    Blessings, Joan

    1. Yay for rain!! Praying S. CA. gets the good drink it needs. And your day sounds perfect. Enjoy every minute of your cozy at home escape. Nice work by your hubby too. He sounds like a keeper!