Be Still – God is Still God

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Be Still

Quite a few years ago, when Rev was serving as a full-time pastor and a full-time consultant; he found himself working extremely long hours.

One afternoon, a fellow church member called him and said, “The Lord laid it on my heart to call you and encourage you to read Psalm 46:10,”  Be still (cease striving) and know that I am God.

Even though Rev’s list of ministry to-dos was long and of value, what the Lord wanted for him was to let it go . . . to let God be God. 

The Hebrew word translated as “be still” or “cease striving” is raphah. It also means lean into, let it go, or allow yourself to become weak.

Today God is calling you and me to lean in to Him. Not to stop what we’re are doing, but to allow Him to be in the doing and give Him the glory.  Because . . .

In our doing, God is still God.  In our emotions, God is still God.  In our successes and failures, God is still God.  In everything, God is still God!

The Great, I Am, is all we need when life is stressful and overwhelming, when our to-do list is too long, or when people are annoying and we want to run and hide.

[Tweet “God is still God and we can lean in. We can be still.”]

I have another personal definition that I add to this verse. It may not be the intended meaning, but it helps me.

I include “shh.”

You know like your mother used to say, “Just be still!” Shush. Be quiet.

Talkers don’t like being still. We believe there is always something to say. So, I’m challenging myself to “Shh, be still.”

I believe God wants me to quietly lean into Him.

That’s hard for me. I don’t do it well.

The Lord knows and understands. He gently calls me to the place where I can be still and listen. To the place where…

He whispers, “surrender, cease striving, trust me. I AM.”

“I am in your to do list. I am with you when you’re stressed. I am there when your heart hurts. I am aware of your worries. I AM” 

“I always have been and always will be God. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. I AM” 

I’m practicing and He’s patient. He’s like that with His children.

The Lord whispers to you too. He is asking you:

Is your to do list too long? Are you worried? Are you stressed? Frustrated? Overwhelmed? Tired?

Be still lean in…

God is still God. 

Photo Credit – Creation Swap

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  1. This verse has been on my mind a lot lately. Glad I stopped by for this encouraging message. Thank you. Blessings to you.

    1. Thank you Beth. Great to hear from you.

  2. When we finally quit all our feuding and fussing with others and ourselves we will find God waiting to offer us the peace we need in our lives. One of my favorite psalm passages. Thanks.

    1. True Coach! We reject stillness not only with busyness, but with attitude and conflict. Trust is essential for the stillness God alone can give.

  3. Catherine says:

    I needed this! Thank you!

  4. God is still God, even when I’m still. Thank you for this wonderful truth. Why, oh why, do I feel like God needs my help. My doing. My contributions. Being still reminds me that God calls me his co-laborer, but He’s still God. Thank you for linking at Unforced Rhythms.

  5. This touched me this morning. I copied down several things that you wrote for another day. I had your tab open since yesterday waiting for time to read this post.

    I hope you have a wonderful day!!