How You Can Live with Peace and Hope In a Hostile World
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How You Can Live with Peace and Hope In a Hostile World

As I read the following words, it amazed me how applicable they are for today. Why are the nations so angry?    Why do they waste their time with futile plans?The kings of the earth prepare for battle;    the rulers plot together against the Lord    and against His anointed one.“Let us break their chains,” they cry,    “and free ourselves from slavery…

6 Helpful Ways to Stop Complaining So You Can Live with Gratitude and Joy
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6 Helpful Ways to Stop Complaining So You Can Live with Gratitude and Joy

It seems like people are finding plenty of things to complain about lately. What do you think? How often do you catch yourself complaining? But wait, it’s supposed to be that time of year when we encourage each other to talk more about those things for which we are thankful. And… Aren’t we told that…

5 Helpful Things to Remember to Maintain Hope When Life Is Hard
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5 Helpful Things to Remember to Maintain Hope When Life Is Hard

Are you hopeful? Martin Luther wrote, “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.” If everything is “done by hope”, maybe we need to take a closer look at what that means. Hope is defined as… Believing that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best….

10 Positive What-if Questions that will Bless You and Give You Peace
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10 Positive What-if Questions that will Bless You and Give You Peace

How much time do you spend thinking about what-if questions? You know… What if I had done this? What if I hadn’t done that? What if I’d reacted sooner? What if I hadn’t posted this or reacted to that? It’s called “second guessing” and it’s defined as . . . criticizing or questioning someone or…

5 Ways Being Kind Will Bless Your Life and Make You Happy
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5 Ways Being Kind Will Bless Your Life and Make You Happy

Paul wrote: Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 Jesus told us to: Love each other. Just as I have loved you. John 14:34 And Evangelist Henry Drummond combined the two, saying… “Kindness is love in action.” But being kind consistently is hard, isn’t it?…

5 Ways You Can Be Positive in a World Full of Negativity
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5 Ways You Can Be Positive in a World Full of Negativity

How would your friends and family describe you? Are you a positive person? How would people on social media describe you? Are you positive there, too? It’s not easy but I typically try to choose words that are loving, kind, and encouraging . . . even when it feels like I’m swimming against the current. I’ve…

When You’re Fighting Loneliness These 3 Promises Are Sure to Help
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When You’re Fighting Loneliness These 3 Promises Are Sure to Help

We are connected to more people than at any other time in history and yet, more people say they struggle with feelings of anxiety, stress, loneliness, sadness, and low self-esteem than ever before. So, let me ask… How are you doing in the fight against loneliness? I want you to know today that you are…

5 Meaningful Steps that will Help You Heal from Painful Emotions
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5 Meaningful Steps that will Help You Heal from Painful Emotions

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could protect our children from difficult painful emotions? Fear Anger Grief Anxiety Frustration Heartbreak It would be wonderful if we didn’t have to deal with them ourselves. I imagine it was a very sad day for our Heavenly Father when Adam and Eve decided they wanted to know “good…

How God Will Give You What You Need When You are Suffering
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How God Will Give You What You Need When You are Suffering

It’s normal to complain when life doesn’t go the way we expect. But what if it’s not supposed to… In Henry Blackaby’s Bible Study, Experiencing God. He talks about the way we often make plans and then get upset when God doesn’t seem to cooperate and facilitate. He encourages readers to watch and learn what God is doing around them…