This is for You – the One Exhausted by Life

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A woman exhausted by life who needs hope and encouragement. #BlessingBloggers #CountinMyBlessings

Yes, I’m talking to you! You’ve poured yourself into your family and friends. You’ve worked your tail off and you’ve got nothin’ left.

You are poured out! Exhausted by life!

If you’re like me … you feel guilty, too.

Because you love your people!

And even though you’re running on fumes … there’s no quitting, no giving up. You will keep doing what you need to do no matter how hard it is.

So, I’m sharing the best advice I’ve been given over the years … the things that helped me most. Well, they helped when I remembered to do them.

3 Helpful Tips for the One Who’s Exhausted by Life

When You’re Exhausted by Life

1. Fill Your Spiritual, Physical, and Emotional Tank

Spend time alone with God

It’s easy for me to set my quiet time aside when life gets crazy . . . but that’s when I need it most. When I’m exhausted by life, I need time alone with God most.

I love both the BibleGateway and YouVersion Apps. They are full of reading plans and devotions that will fit any season of the year or of your life.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Are you exhausted by life? Then this is for you! 3 helpful tips to get you through the day. #Faith #GodLovesYou

Eat a healthy diet.

“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.”  ~Jim Rohn

When I’m exhausted I crave sugar and junk food. Gotta love that sugar rush. Right?! But I’ve learned I have more energy and feel better when I stick to a natural diet plan full of fruits, vegetables, and protein.

Take time to rest.

It’s better to cross a few activities off your list than to regularly deny yourself the sleep you need. And if you have little ones that get up during the night … do your best to nap when they do or go to bed a little earlier. I was always tempted to try to get something done when they were sleeping but the truth is most things can wait … get some sleep!

Sleep deprivation is an illegal torture method outlawed by the Geneva Convention and international courts, but most of us do it to ourselves.” ~Ryan Hurd

Set aside time for fun with family and friends.

There is something about laughter that energizes me like nothing else. It’s a wonderful way to put stress aside and forget what’s troubling me . . . even if it’s just for a little while.

How would your life be different if… you decided to give freely, love fully, and play feverously? Let today be the day you free yourself from the conditioned rules that limit your happiness and dilute the beautiful life experience. Have fun. Give – Love – Play!” ~Steve Maraboli

Simplify where possible.

Rev and I simplified and organized before, during, and after our move last year. We love it! Keeping our surroundings simplified gives us less to take care of and worry about. We used the Kon-Mari method and asked one simple question of every item in our home … Does it bring me joy?

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” ~Hans Hofmann

Fill your day with worship

Praise God for who He is and for all He does. Turn on your favorite worship tunes and sing with your heart and mind focused on just how very much your Father loves you. A simple act of praise and worship can fill your spirit with joy, energy, and God’s all-sufficient grace to do what you need to do.

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before Him, singing with joy. Acknowledge that the Lord is God! He made us, and we are His. We are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Psalm 100:1–3

When You’re Exhausted by Life

2. Set Clear and Specific Boundaries

Know God’s will.

Know God’s yeses and nos. Know what He approves and what He doesn’t. Ask Him to make His will evident in your life and then follow where He leads you.

“My dreams had to be His dreams, the ones He placed in my heart. They couldn’t be the ones I thought I should have, or needed for the purpose of making other people like me.” ~Stormie Omartian

Know and live your priorities.

 You can’t be and do everything for everyone. Write a mission statement and live by it. Plan. Set goals. Know your best “yes” so you can say no when necessary.

“You have a purpose in life. You know in your heart what’s most important to you. In fact, your mission and values are expressed every day, by how you live–you just may not realize it.” ~Stephen Covey

Be willing to say “no.”

Saying “no” is hard for me. I don’t like disappointing anyone. But living out too many yeses stresses me out and makes me cranky and miserable. Most people would rather hear my “no” now, than deal with my crankiness later.

“I know saying ‘no’ is hard now but you’ll only have to feel bad for a little while. If you say ‘yes’ you’ll worry and feel bad until the event, through it, and probably long after. I think I’d rather shorten the misery.” ~A Very Wise Friend

Guard your heart and mind.

Limit your time on social media and the news, and avoid gossip altogether … both personal and celebrity.  Choose your entertainment carefully. Consider the possibility that what you are putting into your mind may be a huge source of your stress and anxiety.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

Set happiness boundaries.

This is for You - the One Exhausted by Life by Deb Wolf @ Counting My Blessings

Simply put … you are not responsible for someone else’s happiness and they are not responsible for yours.

Trying to please everyone is a recipe for stress and frustration. You can’t control other people’s happiness. Live for God’s glory and let the rest play out as it will. ~ Me

When You’re Exhausted by Life

3. Live for God’s Glory

Live for an audience of One.

Living for God’s glory has as much or more to do with my attitude than it does my actions. I want my attitude to come from a heart’s desire to glorify God in everything and then follow through with actions that follow His will. It’s a huge goal. One I am only able to even begin to do…

When I keep my eyes on Jesus and make obedience my heart’s desire … I can do all things through Christ because He gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 (NCV)

With Jesus’ help, I can do what I need to do and say no to all the things I don’t! And with His help, I can know which is which!

“I don’t believe there is one great thing I was made to do in this world. I believe there is one great God I was made to glorify. And there will be many ways, even a million little ways, I will declare His glory with my life.” ~Emily P. Freeman

Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
but to Your name goes all the glory
for Your unfailing love and faithfulness.
Psalm 115:1

So, if you’re someone who read the title of this post and said, “Yes, I’m exhausted by life!”

Don’t give up!

It takes determined and intentional effort which I know is hard when you’re tapped out … but you can do it and oh, it is so worth it!

Write the 3 tips on a note card and use them as a bookmark in your Bible…

  1. I will make choices to fill my spiritual, physical and emotional tank. 

  2. I will set clear and specific boundaries for myself.

  3. I will live each day for the glory of God.

With God’s help and by His grace you and I can have the wisdom and strength we need to live today for His glory!

“We do not segment our lives, giving some time to God, some to our business or schooling, while keeping parts to ourselves. The idea is to live all of our lives in the presence of God, under the authority of God, and for the honor and glory of God. That is what the Christian life is all about.” ~ R. C. Sproul

Leave your prayer requests…

and pray for others who have left requests.

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  1. Such great advice, Deb! No, we certainly cannot run effectively and productively for God when our tanks are empty. It is so crucial for me to have alone time with Him each day, multiple times a day, to keep my energy where it needs to be.

    1. Thanks, Martha! I am always so blessed by your faithful encouragement! God bless you, my friend!

  2. Love this post! Loaded with common sense that I need to hear today. Logging off now to get back to work and preserve those boundaries. Also you’ve reminded me to eat a healthy lunch and take a walk today. Blessings to you, Deb!

    1. Oh, Sarah, I’m so glad it blessed you! I published this post and by that afternoon found myself in a major funk. Why is it the enemy so often attacks us on those things we’re writing about. You’d think I’d be used to it by now but it still often catches me by surprise. Thank you for being such a wonderful encourager! I’m so thankful for you!

  3. Deb, I can SO relate to wanting sugar when I am exhausted-it’s my go to. I am getting back to eating healthy and trying to point my family in that direction as well. The other thing I completely relate to is the need to guard my heart and mind- that is an everyday prayer/need for me. Thank you for this post!

    1. Thank you, Susan! I still allow myself a piece of awesome chocolate every day. It helps me avoid cookies, cake, and muffins that used to be my go-to mood lifters. And I love anticipating my little indulgence. Sanders salted caramels are my favorites! I’m so blessed by your kind encouragement. Hugs!

  4. What a great post, Deb! Full of great wisdom and practical tips. I especially love your happiness boundaries. That’s one it took most of my life to learn, but it’s an extremely valuable one! Thanks!

    1. Thank you, Trish! I still struggle to limit my time on social media and the news but I have learned that when I start to feel agitated it’s time to walk away and focus on all the good things in my life. Thanks so much for stopping by and for blessing me with your encouragement! God bless you!

  5. Boundaries are so very important and abiding by them is just as important.

    Like Sarah said, I’m going to get off line now and get some work done.

    Blessings to you Deb.

    1. Blessings to you, Cindy! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying “hello.”

  6. Being willing to say no is so important to finding rest, but it definitely is a challenge at times! Especially if the things you’re saying yes to are all great things! I found this article really encouraging. 🙂

    1. I agree, Emily! I have always struggled to say “no”… especially, when it means disappointing those I love. I’m trying to do a better of communicating how I’m doing emotionally when I have to say “no.” It helps other people reach out and help me. Notice I said, “I’m trying.” Yep, I’m a work in progress. Thanks and blessings!

  7. April Boyer says:

    Absolutely timely, on target, critical. Thanks so much Deb. This just hit me right in the heart!

  8. Deb, Oh my I almost quit reading at the very beginning because I was nodding my head up and down so much I was worried I would have a neck issue on top of being exhausted. Loved this post and the practical tips. I think I will start with #1. Thank you! I have pinned all of the pictures and will share on facebook.

  9. Wow! So much here that speaks to this tendency of many of us. I have found myself in this place a few times and you diagnose it well and give super tips for changing those feelings of depletion. Great insight and so practical for us!! Thank you for this!

  10. Yes kids adapt. But their lives can also ruined by selfish parents who only think of themselves. If all this was that easy we wouldn’t have a lot of people doing jobs they hate but are needed for the world to go on.
    And while I would love to do as you suggest I have a child with special needs and I refuse to be as selfish as you suggest because no she wouldn’t adapt.

    1. It sounds like you’re going through a difficult time of exhaustion with much on your plate. I reread my post and I don’t think I said anything about “kids adapting” and I am definitely not recommending that you stop caring about the people God placed in your life and live selfishly. Many of the things I suggested could be done with our children – things like taking time to laugh and turn up the music to worship God together and refill our tanks. A good rest can even come by saying “no” to an invitation to go out and stay in to watch a movie with the family.

      Your child is very blessed to have such a devoted parent! May God bless you and your family.