Improve Your Attitude – Try Again

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typing handsI’ve always loved words, talking or writing it didn’t matter. My high school English teachers encouraged my gift for gab every time I gave a speech, but not so much when it came to my writing. So, I never listed creatively putting words together as one of my strengths.

Have you ever given up something you enjoyed because a teacher or parent failed to share your enthusiasm?

Maybe you dreamed of becoming a musician, an artist, a performer, an athlete, a designer, a business owner, a teacher, or ___________; you imagined a future that someone with influence discouraged.

And you wonder:

  • What if I’d tried harder?
  • What if I’d just gone for it anyway?
  • What if I hadn’t given up?

What if?

It’s time to turn your what if into why not!

Now, before you read on, it’s important for you to know I’m not recommending you quit your job or leave or family.

I’m suggesting you schedule some time to try again.

Today’s Activity:

1. Identify your “what if” – do a little dreaming today and think about something you used to enjoy that you’d like to try again.

2. List ways you can try again – start a blog, take a class, coach a kid’s team, find a mentor, join a community theater group, etc.

3. Choose something on your list and do it – put it on your calendar. You don’t have to change your life; just do something. Start with a short-term commitment and see how it goes. If you love it – try it again. If not – try something else.

Think left and think right and think low and think high. Oh, the thinks you can think up if only you try! ~Dr. Suess

Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. ~John Wooden

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream. ~C. S. Lewis

I’m thankful I decided to try again.

The Lord has blessed me with so many wonderful opportunities through CMB, HomeGoods, and 5 Minutes for Faith. I’m using my love for words everyday and I’m crazy about it.

So tell us, what are you going to try again?

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  1. Carolyn Miner says:

    I, too, like you love to write and since the year 2000 have written a monthly flock letter to 25 families in my Shepherd group at church. Then in 2005 I took the position of Shepherd co-ordinator so then added to my task list writing a monthly memo to my 50 “shepherds” keeping them abreast of church news and activities. At home I write a monthly letter to family & friends on my email list and many ask how do I have the time to do that? What they don’t know is that because it comes easy to me and I enjoy communicating with them – it’s not something I view as tedious! I so dislike this modern age of communicating through one word answers or minimizing the communication further by using just initials. I also get frustrated with Hallmark cards that speak a message for us but then no personal words come from the senders other than signing their name. So, in connection with trying to think of something I’ve dreamed of doing – one of those might be submitting stories to Guideposts or other magazines. Our big extended family has so many instances and events from years ago that we see God working in our lives and /or walking beside us through a tragic event or unusual circumstances. So, with that on my bucket list – I’d better do something about it soon before I get too old to remember all those stories.

    1. Carolyn, I love it!! You should definitely give it a try. Check out the Guidepost website and find out their requirements for article submission. I love that you use your writing now to bless your family and those who serve beside you in ministry. Keep writing. You’re right, it’s never tedious when you love it!!

  2. Deb, thanks for your visit to my blog, Pursuing Heart (through UBP). It’s always fun to meet other “grama’s” through blogs, isn’t it? I enjoyed visiting here, and will go see your FB page next .. thanks again!

  3. Love this! So many times I’ve given up for fear that I won’t succeed. Two things specifically come to mind. Writing and sewing. As a child I loved to write, but somewhere along the lines I lost my confidence in my abilities. I’ve started my blog now and that is another chance for me to write. Sewing, well, that’s a bit more difficult since I don’t have a sewing machine, but I determined that this year I will learn to sew by hand so I can use that skill until I can afford a sewing machine.