Day 26 -God, Please Help Me and Make Me a Good Friend

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I wonder if part of the appeal of social media is that we’re able to have lots of “friends” without the inconvenience of actually making the friendships work.

We’re learning that more and more people struggle with sadness and loneliness because their “real life” friendships are suffering due to the distraction and rush of likes, comments, and shares from people online.

God made us for community. Real in person up-close community.

So, today I’m praying…

Life is better when we do it together. We need friends but whew, friendship can be messy. So, I'm praying and asking God to make me a good friend. #Friends #Prayer #MountainMovingPrayers #BlessingCounter

God, Please Help Me and Make Me a Good Friend

Father, You know we’re better when we’re connected to one another.

Solomon wrote, “two people are better than one because they can help each other.” Ecclesiastes 4:9

And it’s true Father. I am so thankful for the friends You’ve given me who have listened, encouraged, inspired, and blessed me in countless ways.

Your Word says…

 Be happy with those who are happy, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15

I am so thankful for friends who have celebrated both my big and small victories and I’m especially grateful for precious friends who have sat with me and cried as I sobbed in brokenness and pain.

Your Word tells us to…

Encourage and take care of each other. 1 Thessalonians 5:14
Be humble, gentle, and patient. Ephesians 4:2
Forgive one another. Ephesians 4:32
Look out for each other. Philippians 2:4
Make each other better. Proverbs 27:17
Carry each other’s burdens. Galatians 6:2

And Jesus summed it all up in two simple sentences.

Do to others as you would like them to do to you. Luke 6:31
Love each other as I have loved you. John 13:34

Oh, Father, help me. Make me a good friend.

Help us all to be better friends.

We want to love each other the way You want … but honestly, too often our selfishness gets in the way of our best intensions.

Please forgive us. Please forgive me.

Make us friends who don’t just pretend to love each other … make us friends who really love! Romans 12:9

Make us, make me, like Jesus … who was the perfect example and is our perfect friend.

Father, with Your help, may I…

Choose to be present.
Listen, really listen to my friends.
Be caring and compassionate.
Be honest and trustworthy.
Refuse to judge.
Be quick to forgive.
Encourage and inspire.

Father, I lift up my friends to You. Please help them with any struggles they are facing. Give them strength as they fight their battles. Hold them close and comfort them. Please allow them to feel Your loving presence.

Please help us to cherish each other and hold each other close. This world can be hard. The challenges are real and the enemy persistent. We are stronger when we stand together united in Your love. Thank you for giving us each other.

Father, thank you for giving me good friends. By Your grace and with Your help … make me a good friend. Help me love like Jesus. Amen.

Life is better when we do it together. We need friends but whew, friendship can be messy. So, I'm praying and asking God to make me a good friend. #Friends #Prayer #MountainMovingPrayers #BlessingCounter

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  1. Amen! I would not be where I am today without my amazing friends. I am so grateful for them. Thank you for reminding us to have good friends we must be a good friend to others.

    I am loving your prayers.


  2. Relationships are my weakness, and even that statement sounds very clinical. I like yours better. “LORD, make me a good friend!” He can do this!

  3. Dona Forbes says:

    Dearest Friend, Thank you for this series of Mountain Moving Prayers. I have been truly blessed every day as I study, pray and copy them for my folder. God is leading me into a new path since Arlie and I are empty nesters again after having grandchildren living with us for the past 18 years. You would think I would be jumping for joy with my new found freedom but we always suffer some kind of loss with every change in our lives. These posts are helping me draw closer to the Lord by teaching me how to pray. Your sister in Christ, Dona

  4. Friendships definitely change through the years. I can say that I have remained friends with 3 of my high school friends even though we don’t get to see each other we keep in touch. The one thing I’ve recently been praying about is new friendships. It’s been a while since I’ve cultivated any new closer friendships, I lost several when I went through a divorce 12 years ago and I think the hurt from that kind of made me hesitant to get to close but God’s been working on me and I’m praying He sends new opportunities for new friendships!! This was beautiful

  5. Although I’ve met many wonderful people on social media, ones that I’ve gotten to know, like you, through their blogs, there are only a handful of them that I truly count as friends. You’re one of those, Deb! I feel that if we were ever to meet in person, we would immediately connect. But yes, we need real-life, in-person friends, and we should always treasure the friendships God’s blessed us with.
    Blessings to you!

  6. I love this Deb! This is so my heart! I want to be a good friend, encouraging and preferring others above myself. Thanks for this encouragement today!