How to Replace Negativity with the Truth
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How to Replace Negativity with the Truth

Worry, anxiety, envy, anger, frustration, discouragement, self-pity, etc. Stinkin’ thinkin’! Negative attitude affecting thoughts that ruin our days and hurt our relationships. But it’s just part of life, isn’t it? Since sin entered the Garden, there have been examples of negativity leading to serious problems. Most of us have seen the quote: “Watch your thoughts,…

Stop Being Negative and Positively Improve Your Life

Stop Being Negative and Positively Improve Your Life

This is important! Nothing . . . absolutely nothing is ever accomplished by being negative! And yes, I said that negatively. You may be thinking, “amen sister!” You’re tired of the whining, complaining, arguing, disapproving, finger-pointing I’m right and you’re wrong attitude you’re hearing on the news, reading on social media, and seeing around well ….