Can You Do What Jesus Would Do and Follow “In His Steps”?
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Can You Do What Jesus Would Do and Follow “In His Steps”?

I love exploring local bookstores when we’re on vacation. I’ve found all kinds of treasures on their racks. One such treasure was the book, In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. Even if you’re not familiar with the book itself, which I highly recommend, you probably are well aware of the acronym that came from it….

Why It’s Good to Be Friends with People Who Don’t Believe in Jesus
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Why It’s Good to Be Friends with People Who Don’t Believe in Jesus

How much time do you spend investing in relationships with unbelievers? Historically, there have been some groups of Christians that have chosen to create their own exclusive communities to remain isolated from the “influence of the world”—people who choose not to be friends with people outside of their faith community. In 1 Corinthians 5, the…