3 Questions – Why Does God Allow Evil If He Really Loves Us?
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3 Questions – Why Does God Allow Evil If He Really Loves Us?

Years ago, a reader asked the following: “If God loves us so much, then why are we slowly being dehumanized?Why would God let something like that happen to us? I believe we need to take a closer look and break those questions into 3… 1. Does God love us?2  Are people becoming dehumanized?3.  Why does…

How God Will Give You What You Need When You are Suffering
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How God Will Give You What You Need When You are Suffering

It’s normal to complain when life doesn’t go the way we expect. But what if it’s not supposed to… In Henry Blackaby’s Bible Study, Experiencing God. He talks about the way we often make plans and then get upset when God doesn’t seem to cooperate and facilitate. He encourages readers to watch and learn what God is doing around them…

5 Things to Do When People are Being Persecuted for Their Faith
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5 Things to Do When People are Being Persecuted for Their Faith

The following facts are from an article in the January edition of Christianity Today: Every day, 13 Christians worldwide are killed because of their faith. Every day, 12 churches or Christian buildings are attacked. Every day, 12 Christians are unjustly arrested or imprisoned, and another 5 are abducted. And as I write this, the news…