How to Improve Your Life With Gratitude

Multiple studies suggest this one thing can improve your life and emotional well-being and your physical health. It strengthens relationships, creates feelings of satisfaction and contentment, and can even help you cope with stress.
What is it?
Did you know all the ways being thankful could bless you? Not to mention the blessings for those you thank. Seriously, you and I could almost say “thank you” for purely selfish reasons.
What if you decided to go a step further? More than just saying words. What if you went out of your way to act on your gratitude?
7 Ways to Say “Thank You” and Improve Your Life
1. Write a Note – The easiest and most obvious way to thank someone is by writing a note. Make it a goal to thank people from your past who made an impact on your life.
“Blessed are those that can give without remembering and receive without forgetting.” ~Author Unknown
2. Go Public – Tell a manager you appreciate the efforts of a server. Thank your husband in front of his parents. Thank you children in front of their grandparents. Thank your child’s teacher with your children present.
“Praise in public, criticize in private.” ~Vince Lombardi
3. Give a Small Gift – Always keep small gifts on hand to show your appreciation. Some ideas: chocolate, a latte, something handmade, or flowers.
4. Do an Act of Service – Pay attention to the needs of your family, friends, and neighbors. Offer to babysit, bake brownies, make a pot of soup, cut their grass, or have them over for dinner.
“Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.” ~William James
5. Tip Well – The best way to thank anyone in a service profession is to tip them well.
Trip Advisor suggests -10% usually means you aren’t totally happy, 15% usually means all was acceptable, 20% for excellent, and over 20% for outstanding. 15-20 percent is considered standard in most communities.
6. Be Kind and Smile – Smiles and kindness tell the people around you that you’re thinking about them. It shows you care about their well-being and feelings.
7. Throw a Party – It can be a party for 2, 3, 5, 10, or 50. Simply throw an I’m Thankful for You Party. Bake a cake and while you enjoy it . . . have everyone write a quick two sentence note telling someone in the room why they are thankful for them.
A simple – I thank God for you because…
What’s your favorite way to show gratitude?
Saying “thank you,” tells people you appreciate them. It says you recognize they had a choice . . . that you were not entitled to their kindness.
Paul said, And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts. For as members of one body you are called to live in peace. And always be thankful. Colossians 3:15
Thankful to God for His countless blessings and thankful to the people He uses to fill our lives with love and joy.
I agree! When we show our thankfulness, it feels good, doesn’t it? Telling someone we appreciate them is being an encourager, and I’m all for that!
Blessings, Joan
I’m a firm believer in having a gratitude attitude in all things. And it does bring amazing benefits both to the one who shows thankfulness and the one who receives it.
Blessings, Deb!
Loved the reminder that we’re not entitled to other people’s kindness. Gratitude not only blesses others but also us. Great article. Thanks! Visiting from #RaRaLinkup
Gratitude goes a long way. It blesses both the grateful person and the one receiving the thanks. 🙂
Love these gratitude tips! I need to be more grateful. Thanks for the ideas.
I think each of us would be blessed by more gratitude. It’s one of the things I love about your site. You faithfully cheer us on to do and be better. Blessings and hugs!
Great suggestions Deb. I love to “make all over” people who deserve thanks. About the only one I haven’t done is the party thing, although as a staff we started a Volunteer Dinner about 3 years ago where we (3 of us) serve a free dinner to all our volunteers. It is a blast! We have the meal catered. We give away prizes. We do stupid, silly things as skits. Lots of fun.
What a great idea Bill! I love that! I’m sure it’s something your volunteers look forward to each year. I like the silly skits and adding laughter and fun. Great way to make your volunteers feel appreciated. Blessings!