5 Verses to Pray When You Need God to Do the Impossible

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Do you ever have times when your life’s circumstances seem impossible?

Times when … your relationship is broken, or you can’t find a job, or your child is rebellious, or you can’t break a long-held bad habit, or your pain or illness is worsening, and life is just plain hard?

Times when you wonder if the outcome you’re praying for is even possible? Times when you need God to do the impossible?

I’ll be honest with you. I do, too!

I’ve had times when my heart was heavy and I felt like I’d prayed the same prayer request a thousand times. Even now, I have a few big prayers that I continue to pray even though nothing seems to change.

And in my sadness, I start to wonder if this prayer of my heart is even possible.

Jesus repeatedly told people that God is able to do the impossible…

“What is impossible for people is possible with God.”

Luke 18:27

And He also told people to…

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”

Matthew 7:7

So, I’m praying today but I’m not only asking God to do the impossible … I’m believing that He CAN DO the IMPOSSIBLE!

And even though I’ve asked Him a thousand times before, I’m confident He will hear my prayer and respond in love!

Maybe you’d like to join me.

5 Verses to Pray When You Need God to Do the Impossible

“O Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by Your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for You!”

“I am the Lord, the God of all the peoples of the world. Is anything too hard for me?

Jeremiah 32:17 & 27

Father, I go outside and see the beauty of Your creation. The sun, moon, and stars hung perfectly in place. Seas and land, mountains and valleys, plants and animals with countless variations all sustained in complete order by Your gracious hand.

Father, nothing is too hard for You!

You care for and protect Your children … body and soul.

Nothing is too hard for You!

I believe You are able to do the impossible and Father, and sometimes from my perspective, this problem appears impossible. But You are the God of possibilities! Please, Father, do what only You can do. Please help me by Your Grace. Amen.

He counts the stars and calls them all by name. How great is our Lord! His power is absolute! His understanding is beyond comprehension!

Psalm 147:4–5

Father, You see me. You know me by name. And You love me! I am not just one of many … I am Your child. I am Your own.

There is nothing I can experience that is beyond Your understanding and comprehension. This battle I’m facing is known to You.

I believe You know what I need and that You will provide it. I understand that it may not be what I want … but it will always be what is best for me.

I also believe that if You ask me to wait or endure, You have promised to give me the strength and peace and everything else I need each day.

This is hard, Father, but You are great! Your power is absolute. Your grace is sufficient. Your love unfailing. Thank you! Amen.

Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to Him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.

Ephesians 3:20–21

Father, I need Your mighty power to work within me.

“Lord, I believe, help my unbelief!” (based on Mark 9:24)

I believe You are able to accomplish infinitely more than I might ask or think. As I fight this battle, please help me keep my eyes on You … not on the problem. Give me the courage and strength to surrender this situation to You. By Your grace, help me trust Your love for me and live with the confidence that You care about this even more than I do.

Father, You sacrificed everything to save me and show me the greatness of Your love.

I surrender this day to You. Help me in this wait to know with confidence that even though I can’t see it … You are at work doing what only You can do, things that will always be for my good and Your glory. Thank you, Father. Amen.

Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.”

Mark 10:27

Oh, the reassurance of Jesus’ words, Father. Were it not for You … there would be no saving grace. Were it not for You … I would have no faith.

Because of You, Father, the impossible becomes possible. Being born again becomes reality. And love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control become blessings I enjoy because of Your Spirit within me. Thank you!

Your grace is sufficient! (2 Corinthians 12:9) And I have everything I need. (Psalm 23:1)

Father, there is no limit to what You can do. Your miracles touch the lives of Your children each and every day.

Please help me trust Your plan for me today. Help me follow where You lead and obey Your will as You reveal it to me. Help me to see Your miracles. Amen.

This same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:19

Father, As I face this problem, please help me remember all the ways You have provided for me.

You have met my needs in the past and I believe You will meet my needs today and every day in the future.

You have given me strength and courage when I was afraid. You gave me hope when my circumstances seemed hopeless. You have given me patience when my wait felt like it was too long. Whatever my need … You have a glorious rich supply.

Father, You’ve kept every promise You’ve ever made. I can and will trust You to keep Your promises in the future.

By Your grace, You’ve helped me love when I wanted to turn away. You’ve forgiven my broken past and given me all I need to forgive others. You’ve healed my broken heart and filled me up.

You’ve given me Jesus! I have everything I need!

You truly are the God of possibilities! Absolutely nothing is impossible to You.

So, today, I will trust You with my needs, wants, and desires. And with Your help, I will surrender my pain and problems to Your perfect wisdom and care.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Whatever is going on in your life today…

God is able to do the impossible!

Rick Warren wrote…

Never let an impossible situation intimidate you. Let it motivate you – to pray more, trust more, expect more.

I want that…

I want to pray more, trust more, and expect more.

Because the truth is…

There are no impossible situations for the child of the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient God because for our Father … nothing is impossible!

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  1. Amen Deb! I’m with you on this one!

    1. Latasa Washington says:

      Everyday I pray continuously. Trusting God to so exceedingly and abundantly above all I ask him or think. Sometimes things get hard but I know with God all things are possible. Thank you Jesus for supplying all of my needs. God blesss you!

      1. Nebedum obianuju says:

        Good prayer

        1. God blesses you all! I need help: sometimes I loose patiens and feel that it is difficult to believe, that God will help me.

          1. Thank you, Ona! I love that God wants to give us what we need to draw us closer to Him. I’m praying for you! God bless!

          2. Era Merchant_Saul says:

            Good night. I have enjoyed it. I will be greatful to have more of this

          3. Daily Bible study,prayer worship and thanksgiving will cure your doubts and fears and it will give you the strength you need to be patient and to wait on God.#God Bless You

          4. I am so thankful He allows us to lift each other up in prayer as we rely on His faithful love. Blessings, Marie!

          5. Another affirmation i needed to hear thanks and God bless!

          6. Ona, I pray that God will grant you the peace that surpasses all understanding so that you will believe wholeheartedly! There is Nothing that the God of this universe cannot do! (Although He may not always answer our prayers in the way we want)

          7. Jacqueline Randolph says:

            God will always help you. Stay strong always and forever.
            God will always keep you by His side. ❤????
            He will NEVER leave you alone.
            I love you, a lot, in Jesus name.

          8. Amen! Blessed are those who believe…..

          9. Mario Benitez says:

            Hi to believe that God will do the impossible is now, before I give up hope, I have been without a job, my relationship is a mess, my kids are not going to school because I cannot afford, bills bank all is coming like a flood. Who’s able to endure all that? I always have been praying for miracle, I have been knocking doors, I have been asking for opportunities to come my way, yet all seems so impossible to achieve. But I keep waiting for God to do the impossible.

          10. I am so sorry you are going through this very difficult time, Mario. I’m praying for you and asking God to meet every need . . . that He will abundantly bless you and your family. God be with you and give you His peace as you wait on Him.

          11. Thank you for the prayers, just what I needed. Please pray for my son, as he battles with addiction..

          12. I am praying, Betty. God be with you!

          13. I feel like GOD is doing what he does the impossible and I pray so hard for GOD and his son Jesus step in this Evil that is going on. I’m so scared about our Grandkids future.

          14. I think many of us are concerned, La Donna! What a blessing to know and be able to tell them about the Lord who is and always will be on the throne! God bless you!

          15. Analida Carmen Smith says:

            I’m thanking you Good for the best you saved for me for last it’s s beautiful gift to habey life back and to be even more important to have my native ❤️❤️ life with my beautiful husband with ???? me and his Childern with him and his grandchildren and our Ancestors back with is and me with you also

          16. Praising God with you, Analida! God be with you and bless you!

          17. I too have struggled with finding my faith. But we have to dig deep within ourselves and just believe. Just as with happiness. No one can bring faith or happiness. It is within us.

          18. Faith in Jesus is a gift from God . . . one that He wants for everyone. The assurance of Hi love is the best blessing in life and the source of true happiness. Thanks so much for visiting and for joining the conversation. God bless you!

          19. I beleive in God for nothing is imposible to your lord almighty Glory and honor I give to H&M andI give thanks to H&M for another day of life his giving me amen Glory to jesus ????????????????

          20. Amen! Glory to Him forever and always. Amen. God bless you!

          21. Thanks I know God can fix anything in our lives

          22. Amen, Erma! May He be with you and bless you!

          23. You are a motivational child of God. I thank you nothing is impossible with God if we ask by faith we shall receive.

          24. Thank you for your kindness. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged. God be with you!

          25. Stephanie says:

            When you cant seem to find a way stand still and listen to what God wants to tell you. He will give you peace, he will give you calm and he will give you direction. Trust the process

          26. Amen, Stephanie! Thanks for joining the conversation and for pointing us to His truth. god bless you!

          27. Nisha Sojan says:

            Amen, Hallelujah ????????????

          28. Thabile Khumalo says:

            Hi! Can you please pray for me to get home loan thank you Amen

          29. We are happy to pray for you. God be with you and bless you!

          30. Me too dear….but I pray that may God keep me balanced to never lose hope and faith in him..

          31. Literally me now.. its hard life is hard 😪

        2. Anthony Renda says:

          Yes, could be true that God has a plan for you and everyone else too!

          1. Kettely Leon says:

            I thank you for your blessings pray i enjoy the blessings

          2. Thank you, Kettely! I’m so glad you visited and that you were blessed by these prayers.

          3. Goitsemang says:

            Thank you this really speaks to me and enjoyed it to the fullest

          4. I’m so glad it blessed you! Thank you and God bless!

          5. Josephine Nlekwa says:

            Jesus is the answer to every need. Ask, and you shall receive, knock and the door shall be opened for you. Through his intercession everything you ask for shall be granted to you. He is the only way if you believe and trust in him.

          6. Amen! God bless you, Josephine!

          7. Thank you for being a light in my darkest moments..Continue to pray for me. Blessing and peace to everyone.

          8. God bless you and be with you, Cheryl! May the Lord continue to encourage you as you encourage others.

          9. I thank God for you, the encouragement and prayers. I’m praying for the teaching post I volunteered the whole year I believe God will make a way.

          10. I am so very thankful you were blessed by your visit. I am lifting you up, Jemima, and asking God to pave the way for just the right teaching position for you. God bless you!

          11. Vahram Moskovian says:

            Jeremiah 29 11
            Jeremiah 31 3
            May GOD BLESS YOU all abundetly and reachly

          12. Amen Amen ????????…God with us ..

          13. Kayondo Charles says:

            Pray for my financial stability

        3. This was useful for my soul. I’m asking for prayer because im going through alot in my life at the moment

          1. Thank you so much, Laquilla. I’m so glad it bless you!

          2. To know more about God and his son Jesus

        4. Felecia Sawyer says:

          Yes I needed 2 pray it all ways make me feel better God bless u Fe

          1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Felecia! Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

        5. Mary Baiye says:

          Every day i pray trusting God to do the impossible in the life of my son I’m really touched by this prayer it made me to believe that there id nothing God can not do

          1. I’m so glad you visited and that you were blessed by these prayers. I’m asking God to hold you close and to do what only He can do in the life of your son. God bless you!

          2. I have a son that I pray for daily too.

            I will continue to have faith, Faith is even though I can’t see the road before me ( us) and our child(ren).

            I know God is already there.

            Blessings to all.

          3. Amen! I love knowing that He goes before us and is with us. It gives me strength and peace. I’m praying for you Joy. God bless you!

          1. Elizabeth says:

            Thank u,I need much prayer for my huband who does not know the Lord,and many weakness in his life and many bad lady friends who coming between our marriage

          2. I’m sorry, Elizabeth! I’m praying for you, your husband, and your marriage. May God be with you and bless you!

          3. This is an eye opener. God bless u all

          4. Thank you, Sarah. God bless you as well!

        6. Linda Brown says:

          Yes GOD is the master of making the impossible possible….

          1. Amen! Thanks so much for visiting and joining the conversation, Linda! God bless you!

        7. Thank you for your prayers. But I need more. Can you please pray for me to get a job

          1. We will continue to pray for you. God bless!

        8. Herman Meyer says:

          Thank you, yes all things are possible with God . With man is impossible.
          Praise God His love is External

          1. Kindly may you pray for my family,mostly my husband he has been having an are with some ones wife,he has even gone ahead to have asecrate home for them selves,but come home to tell me and the children that she is just afriend

          2. I am so very sorry, Paska. I am praying for you and for your children. May God be with you and bless you with all you need as you go through this difficult time.

          3. Vivian White says:

            May God continue to Bless us All
            In Jesus name 🙏

          4. God be with you, Vivian. Thank you for visiting!

        9. Patrick Nelson-Blair says:

          This has bless my heart as im looking to the LORD to do the imposible for me n my husband.

          1. I am so glad you were blessed! I joining in prayer for you! May the Lord be with you, strengthen you, and bless you!

          2. Natalie Jones says:

            Praying that God does the impossible for you and your husband! God can do anything!! Trust in Him. He is the same today, yesterday and tomorrow! He is so good and he hears you and sees you. He’s at work. He’s alwAys working. Keep praying and trusting .

        10. Nsoh Phil says:

          Thanks for the prayers, my prayer request is I need a change of life because am stagnant, no wife, no job nothing to say about me.

        11. my name is kobus in need of someone to pray for me for restoration in my relationship my woman and baba left me and my love for them will never change they are my world

          1. I am so sorry, Kobus. I am lifting you up in prayer. God bless you!

        12. I am believing God to do the impossible through His son Jesus. Christ.
          I want to testify so soon, that the world may be able to know how big God is through me.
          So help me Yahweh.
          Thank you God for bringing me here where your servants offer these hardcore prayers. No stone will be left unturned.
          May you give the authors of this account more life and good health that they may grow in abundance,announcing and divine favor that your name Oh God through Christs Jesus may be glorified forever and ever until the end of time. Amen

          1. Thank you so much for your prayer, Joel! You have truly blessed and encouraged me. May the Lord be with and bless you!

          1. Sandra Sprinkle says:

            Thank you for these encouraging thoughts and scriptures. Since the day I got saved, June 2, 1996, the Good Lord put it on my heart to read and study His written Word. He also revealed to me (as I’m sure He told others) that each and every one of us have a “God given” talent . And I have no doubt in my mind that mine is having a positive attitude and encouraging others. Your post on “5 Verses to Pray When You Need God to do the Impossible” is just what I need and the right time I need it most! Again, thank you. I look forward to seeing and reading your upcoming posts . Praying God’s best for you and your subscribers!

          2. Thank you, Sandra! Positivity and encouragement are wonderful blessings to others and I’m sure you’ve noticed that it blesses you, too! I love it! And I’m blessed by your encouragement as well. Thank you for visiting and for joining the conversation. God bless you!

        13. Ruth Kimanthi says:

          What a blessing. A powerful prayer when I needed it. God bless this ministry.

          1. Thank you, Ruth! May God bless you as well.

        14. Intervention in financial breakthrough, lord I pray for good health, blessings, favour, wisdom upon my entire family and house. Amen

          1. Lifting you up in prayer, Emily! God bless you!

        15. Jennifer Solis Piamonte says:

          Thank you Lord for your wonderful word and for the people you uses to know you better.. how to praise and glorify you.

          1. Thank you for visiting, Jennifer. Thank you also for your beautiful words of encouragement. May the Lord be with you and bless you abundantly.

      2. It was a beautiful prayer..i believe in god and his word to help us tru..to be there..to make the impossible..possible

        1. Hi…where do i enter my email address. I want to keep getting updates…sorry..now see it

          1. Thank you so much for your prayers. This has really helped me to know that even though I pray 1000 time he will still answer. If I only believe in him that he does the impossibles. And will help me tell others too.

          2. Please prayer for me. I’m very upset. I’m wanna go to USA but i don’t have enough money. I try to go America. Please anyone help me in this regard

          3. I am praying for you, Mehnaz! God bless you!

          4. Jill Mae Marie R. Base says:

            Thank you Lord!! I trust you with all my heart! I will pass my first semester, I will not fail because God is with me! I passed it! Thank you papa Jesus!

          5. Praising God with you, Jill! Yay! Merry Christmas!

          6. Please pray for all of us during this horrific time!

          7. I am praying, Debbi! Asking God to watch over you and keep you safe. God bless you!

          8. Carolyn Gbor says:

            I am having a difficult time. My brother was dying, but GOD saved his life. So I told him how I prayed for his delivery . Was I acting too self righteous? I know GOD did it, not me. I was just lifting him up in prayer.

          9. I’m praising God with you for your brother’s healing. I think it’s a good thing to have told him you prayed for him and I believe God will give you many more opportunities in the future to tell your brother about your faith in the God who healed and delivered him. God bless you!

          10. Dalia Bustamante says:

            Hi this is the first time I see this whole site and I loved it bcuz I’m in need of alot of prayer I’m currently unemployed my bills are so Hi I’m behind in everything my husband got hit by a car a week later I crashed my car was in an accident now ain’t got a car it’s just so much I’ve been praying too but nothing yet it’s like this site will help me to keep on praying and believing that God will answer my prayers I won’t lose hope please pray for me and my husband to get jobs and to be ok Good bless everyone Thank you! Dalia

          11. I am sorry you are going through this difficult time, Dalia. I’m praying for you and asking God to bless and encourage you as He assures you of His loving presence and meets your needs. God be with you!

          12. I thank God for opening my eyes to this knowledge. I pray that God will give me good testimonies and answers all my secrets prayers.

          13. Thank you for visiting, Bayo. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

        2. clara paul says:

          It was beautiful prayer. I trust in Lord our God. I pray every day with my husband so God bless us and solve our financial problems.

          1. Pray for me while I wait for reconciliation with my daughter. I really miss her everyday.

          2. I’m so sorry, Amy! I’m praying for you … asking God to bless you and hold you close while you wait. May He cover you with His love.

          3. Lydiah Muiru says:

            These prayers really lifted my spirit. I have been going through hard situations lately but you have reminded me that there is nothing Impossible with our God and I only need to continue praying harder.
            God bless you!

          4. I am sorry you are going through a difficult time. I’m praying for you, Lydiah, and asking God to bless you and give you everything you need each day.

          5. Debra Jones says:

            My husband and I pray every morning we pray that the Lord will bring our children out of the darkness to the light.God is the light.

          6. I’m joining you in praying for your children, Debra! God bless you and your family.

          7. Catherine says:

            Please remember my husband and I in prayers to live in peace and harmony. Am not happy

          8. I’m sorry, Catherine. We are praying for you. God be with you and bless you!

        3. Yeah God will make a way

          1. lunyolo jetula says:

            Certain things seem to be stuck in my life, but I have a way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, and my destiny changer. Even if it hurts but I will keep on going coz He’s my strength..i can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Thank you, Father for you are my provider, supplier and everything that I ever need in life. Glory to God Almighty.

          2. What a beautiful way to say it! Thank you so much, Jetula! Glory to God indeed! God bless you!

        4. Thank you so much for your encouragement prayers Deb!! I need your prayers. God bless you ????

      3. Im blessed by this. Thank you very much for l’ll always be confident that my God will answer all my prayers because ” Nothing is impossible with him”!

        1. Mwamba, thank you so much for visiting! What a blessed to know that our Father is always the God of possibilities! God bless you!

          1. Shirley Naidoo says:

            I want to thank you for your prayer and encouraging scriptures, few of the scriptures gave me confirmation,

            James5.16 Matthew 18.19 Psalms133 Luke18.6 Genesis 32.26-28
            I also would like to encourage you some scriptures.
            We have to trust him and wait upon him. Psalms46.10
            God Bless
            Shirley Naidoo

          2. Scottina Scott says:

            Can u pray for me please am going through a ruff time please please

          3. Elba Cruz says:

            May God give you lots of blessings and help you through your hard times

          4. Father lord i believe you and that you will change me sorrow to joy,father lord in this month of june make my life tune around for Good in Jesus Name Amen…

          5. Thanks Deb. I’m glad for this wonderful experience by God. I’m blessed. God bless you more than. Remember me in your special prayers. God prosperous me and solve my all problems of life. Amen

          6. Thank you for visiting, Mehnaz! I am lifting you up in prayer! God bless you!

          7. Deanne Cowans says:

            Hi Deb, I believe that there’s nothing impossible for God. I’ve notice though the closer my relationship has become with God there has been attacks everytime I turn around. My finances, love ones. So can you please pray for me. Deanne

          8. I’m sorry, Deanne! The enemy loves to attack us as we grow closer to the Lord! He is faithful to help and give us all we need to move through each challenge. I stand on 1 Corinthians 10:13 – “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” I’m praying for you!

          9. Avis Dujon says:

            Hi Deb can you pray for me please because I’m going through a rocky period in my relationship. My daughter is out of school for the past nine months now and can’t find a job yet,and the younger one is still at school and the finances are not there to help her.

          10. I’m so sorry, Avis! I am happy to pray for you … asking God to be your helper and provider. God bless you!

          11. Elizabeth says:

            Please pray for me and my family, we are going through a very hard time and are in desperate need for a miracle from God to do the impossible in our situation.

            Please pray for us and our special intentions.

          12. I’m so sorry you are going through this difficult time. I’m praying for you and asking Him to give you everything you need. God bless you!

        2. I believe jesus for us all God bless

          1. Amen, Barbara! God bless you!

          2. Okhumhale Queensly says:

            Please pray for my family. my children need life partners, good jobs and financial breakthrough.

          3. I am happy to pray for you and your family. God bless you!

          4. Veronica Plandt says:

            Thank you for sharing I love your prayers it is so inspiring please pray for my family who is struggling financially my daughter has stage 4cancer im78 year’s island love the Lord

          5. Thank you for visiting, Veronica! I am praying for your daughter and for you. It is so painful to watch our child suffer . . . no matter how old they are. May God be with you and hold you both close to His heart.

        3. Am so grateful for this prayers,I know I will be bless

        1. Abu Justina chinyere says:

          Thanks and God bless

          1. Love this prayer please help me pray fr my sis who is waiting fr her visa approval to join the husband in UK .

          2. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Becky. Will join you in praying for your sister to be blessed with her visa. God be with you!

          3. I want you to pray for my eldest daughter who suffer with Bipolar and cannot get a job. The youngest one still struggling to get a post to finish her teaching career.Pray for à financial breakthrough for us.

          4. Thank you for visiting, Minah! We are happy to pray for you and your daughters. God be with you and bless you!

      4. Betsy Trueman says:

        Yes difficult situations will come to us as Christians..and they will knock our confidence.

        Praying and trusting God…completely handing the problem over to Him..is the best solution.

        Saying iv tried God..but its too much for me..I need your help to resolve this..Im laying this problem at your feet…in full hope and trust…you will send hope and a positive answer by your love.

        Dear Father..Amen

        1. I have so many things I’ve laid before Him, picked back up, and by His grace, carried them back again! Oh, how thankful I am for His patience and forgiveness. Thanks so much for stopping by, Betsy, and for taking the time to join the conversation. God bless you!

          1. Regina Mushaike says:

            Inspirational and powerful prayers Deb. Thanks so much for your help.
            Please pray for me I have an interview on Friday 28 February 2020 that will change my life and help me take care of my two children.
            God has blessed me always and protected me and. I put my faith in him as Hebrews 11 says Amen.

          2. Thank you so much for blessing me with your kindness, Regina! I am happy to pray about your interview! Asking God to go before you, to calm your nerves, and give you the words to share. God bless you!

          3. For sure all things work for good to those who trust in God. I am blessed

          4. Amen! God be with you!

        2. untoro suwandi says:

          thank you and God bless us.

          1. Thank u for these prayers n verses.may Jehovah God bless you

          2. You are very welcome, Lauren! God bless you!

      5. Sutharshanai says:

        Very comfortings

        1. Fatima mendes says:

          Can u please pray for me I’m going to a ruff time these days

          1. My prayer for Fatima and Scottina is for God to hear your voice and your suffering and bless you with His Love and kindness and his perfect peace that we can only find in him. Whatever situation you are going through, through prayer and communication with God through his son Jesus Christ, your situation will be bearable. He will not give you more than what you can’t handle. I pray his love and kindness covers you and your family and lifts you up with endurance to have hope and faith in Him. All things are possible with Him. Remember to pray constantly and give thanks for all He does in your life. I’m myself and going through very difficult times in my life and sometimes it’s easy to forget that He knows best and we will get through this. He will bless us with His mercy and grace. I pray the Lord to bless you all and keep you and cover you with his perfect peace.

        2. Bethelhem Haile says:

          Thank you so much God bless the work of your hand I’m really blessed by your amazing prayer

        3. Aubrey Sibiya says:

          Very strong prayers

      6. Josefa ali says:

        God blessings you

      7. I love God, all things are possible with him as my leader! He has blessed me behind belief!

        1. Margaret Biddle says:

          I pray for the right decision with the help of the Lord.

          1. We’re lifting you up in prayer, Margaret! God be with you and bless you!

      8. Thanks with my whole heart. I need
        These scriptures & prayers

        1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Ann! Thank you so much for your encouragement. God bless you!

          1. Invocation Muhomba says:

            I am requesting for prayer about a rough patch I am going through.

          2. I am praying for you!

          3. Thank you Jesus. I have landed at the right sight at the right time. I give glory to God, the scriptures are so real in my life and I believe in God. It is done. Hallelujah

          4. I’m so glad you visited, Peninah! Thank you for stopping to say “hello” and for your kind encouragement. God bless you!

      9. I’ve been pray for a miracle, for my help and my husband. Praying he let go of cigarettes and alcohol because of his heart. Sometimes feels like its worst but nothing’s to hard for God. Amen

        1. I’m so glad you visited, Rose. We’re praying for you and for your husband. Asking God to give your husband the strength he needs to fight for his health. God bless you!

          1. Thank you for the scriptures I am praying for a partner for my daughter my email address

          2. May God be with you and answer your prayers! Blessings!

      10. Sophie Dion says:

        It. ‘s so true. God has answered my prayer. I am xurrently in the assistance of my local shelter and God has provided a safe place for me through them. I praise the Lord our God in Jesus name. He does always provide for his children. May the Lird almighty be praised forever and ever. Amen. I am blessed.

        1. Sophie, I love your testimony and your faith! I know you are going through a very difficult time. I’m sorry. We will continue to ask God to hold you close, to provide for you, and give you many reasons to praise Him. God bless you!

          1. Batsira SaveMore Maturure says:

            Hi Deb,
            Thanks for the inspirational messages. My spiritual brother and I are interested in starting an evangelism expo. We would like to introduce the idea to the church and we feel that there is going to be a lot of resistance. We see so many hurdles to get over. We need prayers for God to help us get this done.

          2. Hi, Batsira. How exciting that you want to start a ministry of evangelism. I am praying for you and that you get all the support you need. God bless you!

        1. We are happy to pray for you, Marilyn! God loves you so much!

      11. What beautiful prayers, thank you for sharing????????????

        1. Thank you, Karla! Your encouragement is a blessing! God be with you!

      12. I I come to you today and everyday to ask you to continue to give me the strength to stay away from negativity and negative people my sons father treat me and my son so disrespectful and I ask that you keep him away from us and give me the strength to continue to do what’s right for me and my son in Jesus name thank you he stolen and disrespectful to us both

        1. Heather, I am sorry you are going through this difficult time. I am praying for you. God bless you!

      13. Yenah Caneso says:

        Hi. I am truly blessed to read.
        Thank you.

      14. Patsy Strickland says:

        Amen and amen. I have had a lifelong relationship with the Lord and know firsthand of his faithfulness and love. I fail Him daily and He loves me anyway. He provides all of my needs, IN HIS TIME. I have to reign myself in because of my impatience. I always pray about that as well.

        1. I fail Him regularly too, Patsy. I try so hard to glorify Him in all things but oh wow, I fall short. Praying that you are covered with His peace and joy today! May He be with you and bless you!

        2. Amen and Amen Miss Patsy !!

          I’m His time not ours… thaaat has been the subject in our house the last few days

          Praying for you

          Grace and Peace

      15. MACEO LaCue says:


      16. Peace Jeremiah says:

        Am glad to have come across the page, God bless you and increase you and all the team members.
        Right now am faced with the must difficult season of my life, am confused and helpless, but this write up has reminded me of the great power and love of God. Thank you so much. please put me in your prayers for God to see me through. Peace

        1. I am sorry you are struggling, Jeremiah! Thank you for letting me know that these prayers encouraged you. I’m praying for you and asking God to meet every need. God bless you!

      17. Peggy Sparks says:

        Pray for my grands to all b saved n pray for my home n my grandson to find a Godly wife./Bart n Nick .Pray for my husband to b n church with me. Pray for my daughter n son-n- law with major health problems

        1. I am praying for you, Peggy! May God be with you and your family. May He draw you all close to Him in faith. May He bless you and give you His peace.

          1. Members I feel like am going to die,even i have lost hope

          2. I am so very sorry, Angella! I’m praying for you and asking God to hold you close and fill you with His peace and give you hope.

      18. Lorna Ogutalorna5@gmail.com says:

        My brother’s daughter has cancer of the bone and the cells are spreading rapidly But this prayer has inspired me

        1. I’m so sorry, Lorna. We are praying for your niece, asking God to give her strength and healing each day. God be with you and your family.

      19. Bagele Bagaisamang says:

        God is Mighty to strengthen my faith to Almighty Amen

        1. What a beautiful prayer, Bagele! All I can say is “Amen!”

      20. Rose Sharay says:

        Please pray for me. I have depression guilt. Anxiety and inspite of my prayers I struggle with thoughts that God does not want to heal me because l have sinned. I am 80 and weak and weary. It takes so much effort to get out of bed.

        1. Rose, I am praying for you! God loves you! Everyone has sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. But He loves us so much, He sent Jesus to save us. You can trust His love. Trust Jesus. I am asking the Lord to hold you close and assure you of His love.

      21. This is beautiful. Thanks for sharing. God Bless and keep you safe

      22. Rose James says:

        I Praise God for people like yourself, a willing vessel of which he truth and love can flow through. I have seen God do the impossible. I believe He can, I also need help when I have unbelief. May God’s most precious blessings be your portion.

        1. Thank you so very much, Rose! Your words have been a lovely blessing from the Lord. I love being able to write each day and hearing that someone has been blessed and encouraged is a wonderful gift! God bless you!

          1. I am a true believer that God answers prayers. I have experienced firsthand Gods blessings when things seemed bleak. I have been blessed to feel his amazing presence in my life. Prayer is the way to get closer to God. I am truly blessed. Thank you Lord.

          2. I love this, Rosanne! What a beautiful testimony of God’s grace, mercy, and love. God bless you!

      23. Teresa Spurlock says:

        Nothing is impossible with God. With men it is impossible, but with God all things are possible. We can do all things through Christ which strengthens us. Without faith it is impossible to please God. God bless you

      24. Mabel Banz says:

        Greetings to you in the name of our Lord jesus Christ
        It’s encouraging & motivational verses, it help us grow more & more to know our Lord Jesus our saviour. ????????

      25. Carreman Theophilus Barron says:

        He is our supplier he can never run out of supply All you can do is trust him, be patient, and know he’s God Almighty.

      26. George K.Mutoko. says:

        what God can Do no man can do..All what is here on Earth and in Heaven belongs to Him..Amen.

    2. Very inlightened words it gives so much courage to pray Jesus is always with us no matter what circumstances in our lives thanks CMB

    3. Prabha chand says:

      Thank you very much for this. Plz pray for me and my daughter. We face hard time.
      Every thing is possible with God. Amen

      1. Praying for you Prabha! He is more than able to do those things that appear impossible to us. God bless you!

        1. Marie Dufreny says:

          Thank you so much for your time to help us see what God can do on every day life. This morning I needed the prayer I didn’t know were to start. Please continue do what you are doing. Prayer for me to be strong so I can pray more and more my situation can change, my husband is nabal unable to speak to him commutation is a problem in my marriage

          1. Marie, thank you so much for visiting and for taking the time to let me know these verses and prayers blessed you! I have stopped to pray for you and your husband … asking God to draw you closer to Him and to each other. God bless you!

        2. Nonyelum Maryjane says:

          God bless you

          1. Thank you, Maryjane! May the Lord bless you, as well!

          2. Lorraine kremer says:

            Please pray the impossible that I will have no more cravings for drugs. I want a better life, please stop the cravings amen

      2. Deb

        Please pray that my serious health problems will be helped by our God.
        I need to trust and pray more and more and not give up. Mar Z

        1. I am praying for you, Mar! Asking God to guide and direct you, to give you peace and grant you healing. God bless you!

    4. Elba Cruz says:

      Thank you and may god bless you always.
      Pray for my sisters freedom and victory in the name of the lord !

      1. Ann Klein says:

        Thank you Lord for your love and for reminding us that nothing is impossible for You thank you that I can always trust you Amen.
        Regards Ann Klein

      2. Joy Sweeney-pearcy says:

        I’m praying for long life health and wealth and to past my state board also praying for God to send the right person in my life so I can have a family

        1. May the Lord be with you and bless you, Joy, as you turn to Him in faith and trust His will. God bless you!

    5. May the Lord continue to bless you guys. Powerful prayer

    6. Hi, God richly bless you.

    7. Praise God for his endless love and blessings and caring for us all! Thank you so much for this prayers! Please pray for my son and my family we need all the prayers we can get! Thank you so much! God my son needs you so bad I need you so bad my family needs you so bad and forever!????????????????????????

      1. I am praying for your family and specifically for your son, Amelia! May God bless you all and meet every need!

        1. Please pray for our president and our country.

          1. Every single day! Thanks so much for visiting and for praying! God be with you and bless you!

    8. Debra Moultrie says:

      I had to thank my Cousin for sharing & you Deb for putting out here and our FATHER FOR HIS WRITTEN WORD WE LOVE YOU LORD FOR LIFE MORE ABUNDANTLY ????????????????❤????????????????????????

      1. Thank you, Debra! Your kind encouragement totally blessed my day! God bless you!

        1. Susan Mugimu says:

          This is inspiring. I need to pray for my marriage for my husband to come back home and leave the second woman he has now. He comes home once in a while but he doesn’t provide as a husband and a father. He spends all the money to the mistress. Help me Lord because my heart is so broken.

          1. God bless you and your family, Taele!

    9. Debra Parris says:

      To God be the Glory. Blessed and highly favored. May he fill your inner men with increased of his anointing power. As he renew his grace and mercy every day. As he councils your heart increased his knowledge , in the name of Jesus and the power of his blood. Amen Thanks for blessing me with the Lords true words God bless you and your family. ????????❤️

      1. Thank you for your prayers, Debra! They are a blessing! May God be with you and bless you!

    10. Julienne Cemelus says:

      Thank you so much may God bless you, please pray for me and my husband and my family special for my Daughter Sandy

      1. Julienne, I’m so glad you visited. I am happy to pray for you and your family. God bless you!

    11. Thank u & may all your prayers be answered!

    12. Norma Scott says:

      This has been a marvelous BLESSING today .
      I have read this complete article with many tears of happiness and joy.
      I have children that need prayer so bad. All are Christian and know the LORD, but have not been attending God’s services.
      Two of them are troubled from bad marriages. Please pray for both of them. I pray for both spouses that they would come to know GOD as their LORD AND SAVIOR…

      1. Oh, Norma, I’m so glad you visited. We never stop loving and wanting the very best for our children. I’m sorry they are going through such difficult times. I have stopped to pray for them as well this morning. May God bless you and your family!

    13. Carmenmaria says:

      Awesome prayers would luv more

      1. I have been sick for over. 4 years still struggling hoping God will help me ease the suffering. I am still hoping one day to find peace and healing. Thank you for your kind words

        1. I am so sorry, Prudy! I am praying for you and asking God to hold you close and give you the peace and healing you long for. God bless you!

    14. Verna Makuakane says:

      Praying my legs heal so I am able to join my family on our vacation. I ask God for healing and to help me to lose weight I really need his help with this. In his son’s Jesus name I pray, Amen.

      1. I’m praying for you, Verna! God bless you!

    15. Barbara Castlow says:

      Me, too! Though I cannot claim to have seen, felt and gone through as much as many others, I do have some areas of pain that would be best forgotten. So, please may I sign up?


    16. Please pray for my mother who is in Intensive care. I ask God fo her healing.

      1. I’m sorry, Mary. I am praying for your mother and asking God to heal her and restore her strength. God be with you!

        1. Thank you ever so much for such a relevant article.
          It is really what I needed in my life; when I feel the way I pray is not enough

          1. I’m so glad it blessed you! Thanks for visiting and for stopping to join the conversation. God bless you!

    17. Mari Grobler says:

      Praise the Lord

    18. I really needed this prayer. I’m going through so much right now and this is really lifting me up and my faith is stronger.

    19. Peter Luzige says:

      Wonderful and inspiring prayers. You have emboldened me in my fight against all the evil forces. And I’ll win as nothing is impossible before God. Be blessed.

        1. Please pray for our president and our country. Please let the truth prevail and the guilty will realize what they have done and continue to do so and they will amend their ways and come back to Jesus way. Amen

          1. Amen, Karen! We have been praying daily! God bless you!

    20. Amen thank you for a good word of God be blessed always

    21. Verna Makuakane says:

      I loved this site, praying that my husband’s operation is a success when he goes on Wednesday the 15th if January and that he heals well, also I pray for my healing and to continue to lose weight in Jesus name I pray Amen

      1. Hi, Verna! We’re blessed to join you in prayer! Thank you for letting us know and for your kind encouragement. God bless you!

    22. Margo Attles says:

      Amen Debbie!!! This was just what I needed today. Life is difficult right now I need a another 10-20 hours of work to make ends meet and I am waiting on God to move and work in my situation. Thank you for reminding me that NOThing is IMPOSSIBLE for GOD!!!

      1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Margo! I am joining you in prayer … asking God to meet every need, making possible that which feels impossible. God bless you!

    23. Faye Young says:

      The prayer and structures for so blessed thank you so much I will be applying them to my life God bless you for sharing

    24. Thank you, just what I needed!

      1. Thank you, Jean! I’m so glad it blessed you!

    25. Elizabeth says:

      What a beautiful sharing!!! Praise be to God!!!

      1. Shirley Kingsby says:

        Glory to God for the wisdom, and knowledge that he gives to you to share. His word is true and yes I thank him for his grace and mercy. I enjoyed your words of wishop.

        1. I’m so glad you visited! I am so blessed by your kind encouragement.

    26. Kadondi Dinah says:

      Thank you so much for encouraging me am now strong

    27. Priscilla says:

      I’ve been trusting God for a breakthrough for a long time now. The wait seems endless, but I still hold on to God’s promises. Reading this has honed my confidence in Him. God bless you.

      1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Priscilla! I am praying for you today and asking God to give you the breakthrough you desire. May He hold you close in the wait and bless you in ways you never imagined!

    28. Nnana Tiny Motsumi says:

      Good day I’m over the moon I’m so happy to be send this prayer I thank God almighty definently nothing is impossible with God Lord you are God of miracles sighs and Wonders are from you Lord Thank you

      1. I’m so glad you visited! May you be blessed and surrounded by His hope and love. God be with you!

    29. Jennipher Nakaona says:

      I ve been praying for my daughter who was married with three beautiful sons now she has left the husband and children and has a child with a married man I have talked to her to no avail I feel this is too much for me but what you have said here gives me hope that one day God will answer me

      1. I am so sorry, Jennipher. I am stopping to pray for everyone involved … this must be so hard on all of you. I do believe God is working in your daughter’s life and that He will answer your prayers for her. God bless you!

    30. Hi Deb

      I’m in a horribly abusive situation with my 3 yo I share with my abuser, her dad. I’m trying to get a job and I think I just may have I’m waiting for the call. But once I start to work I need to get away from him. I feel like there are things like money, furniture, moving expenses, etc that are impossible and please pray for us! My daughters name is Sofia and I’m Kelly. I don’t know how much more I can take. It’s been almost 4 years of narcissist abuse.

      I’d like to pray for you as well. I’m not sure what you need but I pray the lord delivers his promise to us both.

      Sending you love and light,

      Kelly & Sofia

      1. Oh, Kelly, I am so sorry! I am praying for you and asking for God to pave the way before you, to keep you and your daughters safe, and to give you everything you need each day! God bless you! Please keep in touch and let me know how you’re doing!

        1. Herlinda Garcia says:

          Kelly I just want you to know that I am also praying for you. God will give you the strength and courage you need to surpass this situation you are in. I pray that God will equip your mind and soul to do what is best for you and your family. That He relieves you from any anxieties and fears you may be going through. That He makes you courages to do what is needed to take you to a different chapter of your life. Despite of your current situation remember to trust and have faith in Him who can do anything and everything is possible if you only believe. He will take you through this, keep your eyes on Him in the midst of all you are going through. He will not leave you.

        2. Thanks alot for prayers are never too much for us. This too shall pass away. God bless you. Deb. Amen.????

          1. Thanks so much for visiting, Vivian! May God bless you and be with you!

    31. heinz baumgarner says:

      i am very happy that i found you tonight God bless you all my sisters and brethern troughout the world

      1. I’m so glad you visited! Thank you for your kind encouragement!

    32. Thank you for sharing these wonderful verses.

      1. Thank you, Betty! I appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!

    33. Amen… and thank you for the wisdom and knowledge. God bless you more…

      1. Thank you, Virginia! I am so very blessed by your kind encouragement. God be with you and may He encourage you today as well.

    34. I must confess, reciting these prayers every single day has given me hope. I know God is planning something big in my life. The battle is over, devil is under my feet. Many have stolen from me, others have forgotten my deeds but I know God will never leave nor forsake me. He’s a God of wonders & miracles. I shall testify to his glory.
      Thank you so much Deb, my spirit is elevated.
      God bless you

      1. I am so glad you have been blessed by these prayers. God is our provider and victory. May you be blessed as you rest in His perfect love.

    35. Maria E. Figueroa says:

      Thank you sooo!! Much!!! God Bless!! Please help me wit you prayer. My name is Maria Elena Figueroa Rodriguez and my husband is Luis Alberto Sanchez Torres. My husband needs healing from his kidney (waiting for a donor) needs healing for his pancreas, and heart( had open heart surgery) our marriage is not in best shape, we lost our house inOhio and been 15 without a home living with different family and friends. Lost everything financially, personally, spiritually, family, self worth and self esteem. I haven’t been able to work for so long due to my profound depression. I even don’t have social security accumulated. Used to be a school teacher and haven’t been able to work. My family and my husband family haven’t been able to help us. We couldn’t procreate children and even had problems when wanted to adopt. It seems a lot right now and and everything that is bad we lived through it. Please help us praying . As you see we need it very much.

      1. Maria, May God bless you and meet your every need. May He grant your husband healing and be the provider you and your family desire. God bless you!

    36. Amen I needed to read this thank you

      1. I’m so glad it blessed you. Thank you so much for visiting.

    37. Hi Deb Your prayers helped me a lot today. I been praying For my Boyfriend who is in IRAN to be able to come home soon.So we can start our future together,He has asked me to marry him.We are both in God word and we put God first in our life and we both go to church.asking you to pray with us for him to come home.

      1. I am joining you today and praying for your boyfriend’s safe return. God bless you both!

    38. Patricia Young says:

      Thanks I enjoyed all the prayers. Happy Wednesday. Love Patricia Young

      1. I’m so glad they blessed you, Patricia! God be with you!

    39. Ida Hayes -Scharon says:

      Thank You So Much Deb.

      1. You are very welcome, Ida! God bless you!

    40. Sadie Nortier says:

      Thankyou God Bless Sadie

    41. Zacchaeus Rotich says:

      Iam thankful for the words of encouragement, may God continues revealing to you more

      1. Thank you, Zach. I’m so glad you visited. I appreciate your kindness.

    42. Hi
      The msg is so encouraging

    43. Robertajos says:

      Honestly speaking I am going through a lot of financial crisis and it is early morning of Monday and u am trying to get some sleeP but this problem looks bigger or I looked at your Wonderful verse. Thank you

      1. Robert, I’m praying for you asking God to meet every need and give you His peace. God bless you!

    44. Christine Namugangu says:

      I was blessed with this 5 verses


      1. Thanks for visiting and for letting me know you were blessed! God be with you!

    45. THANK YOU FOR these prayers, I pray God helps me find an Apartment that I can afford. All I need is a simple 1 bedroom , with Kitchen and a good size closet.

      1. I’m so glad this blessed you! I’m praying for you and asking God to provide for every need. Blessings!

    46. For a Life partner who would not be an obstacle to my faith but who with whom our lives and love will start with God, grow in Him and only in Him come to its perfect end. Amen
      I pray that God heals and mends my broken relationship with Herbert and lead us to Holy matrimony if this is His Holy Will for us. Amen
      I pray that Herbert be delivered from all forms of distraction, confusion and fear of settling down with me in Marriage. Amen

      1. We’re joining you in prayer, Ngwarh. What a blessing to pray for a partner who will grow in faith with you! I believe that is a prayer God loves to honor. God be with you and grant you your heart’s desire.

    47. thandie chipeta says:

      My faith has been uplifted,thank you and God bless you.

      1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged!

    48. Jacklyn Williams says:


      1. Thank you for visiting, Jacklyn! His love is our greatest blessing! Thank you for your kind encouragement and God bless you!

    49. Francis Schroeder says:

      hi thank you so much for a prayer partner.

    50. Gerline saint fleur says:

      Please pray for me I finish nursing school I can’t pass the exit test to take my board exam . I am loosing Hope I take the test three times , and failed I have one more chance to take It over again, I study but can’t pass I don’t know why . I wonder if God don’t want me to do Nursing.

      1. I’m sorry, Gerline! I’m asking God to calm your nerves and give you clarity of thinking that you can pass your exam and serve Him in a nursing career. God bless you!

    51. I’m Claiming This Prayer In Jesus Name .AMEN AMEN AMEN

    52. Hi! I Thank you for this prayers. I needed this.I’m going through so much hurt and pain from a boyfriend relationship. Also from my own family member my sister. Please pray for me. I’m staying in prayer about it all, I Surrender it all to my Heavenly Father.Amen

      1. Thank you for visiting, Jacklyn. I am praying for you and asking God to be your encouragement and that He will heal your pain. God bless you!

    53. These words are true words. Have proven them over and over again . God bless you all.

      1. I’m so glad you were encouraged, Maxine! I hope you’ll visit again! God bless you!

    54. LINDIWE Dlamini says:


      1. We are happy to pray for you! God bless you!

    55. AMEN. Hi Deb. I Thank You For The Prayers I Really Needed .

      1. Thanks for visiting, I’m so glad it blessed you!

    56. Thank you for this prayers, I’m so encouraged, and learning how to pray be blessed

      1. I am so glad you were blessed by your visit. Thank you for letting me know. God bless you!

    57. Charity kaleshi says:

      Thanks for this right direction of prayer..am blest.

      1. Thanks so much for letting me know! God be with you!

    58. This article was relevant to my problem I believe nothing is impossi le to God I am inspired and will continue to read this verses

      1. Thank you for visiting, Bella, and for letting me know that you were blessed! God be with you!

    59. Veronica Popo Molelekwa says:


      Good morning and be blessed in the name of Jesus. I have enjoyed this and hope to receive more prayers. Please pray for me so that my faith become strong and pray for my brother so that he may find a job.

      1. I’m so glad you visited, Veronica! I am happy to pray for both you and your brother. God bless you!

    60. Amen, I am blessed may God bless you with your family

    61. To God be the Glory,I am blessed and needed to know these truths.Thanks.

      1. I am so glad you visited and that you were blessed! Thanks for letting me know! God be with you!

    62. Beautiful verses indeed. I would love to receive these possible prayers because life is sometimes very hard.

      1. Life can be hard sometimes. We’re praying for you!

        1. Helen Maria Miller says:

          This information was just so helpful to me. It was like a lifeline in the midst of the storm I am in.

          Thank you!

          And may God richly bless you.


          1. I’m so very glad, Helen! May God bless you as well!

    63. Ramrattiesingh says:

      I am so moved with your prayers
      Thank you
      Please continue so that I can follow
      I would like you to pray for my son
      Who is drinking a lot of alcohol and indulging in gambling
      Please I need him to be a change person for good and to get closer to Jesus Christ

      1. Thank you so much for visiting and for your encouragement. I am so sorry your son is struggling at this time. I am praying for him and asking God to be his strength and encouragement. God bless you!

    64. Thank you Deb . I needed this to remember how GREAT AND GOOD our GOD truly is.That he is a Way Maker and a Promise Keeper.I absolutely am blessed beyond measure, for he is the POSSIBLE to do our IMPOSSIBLE.

      1. Amen, Jo! Thanks so much for visiting! God bless you!

    65. Diane Ferrier says:

      Such a hope builder … these verses … please pray for my oldest son David who has strayed from God , is bitter and angry , and his first love is alcohol . Pray to bring a Godly man into his life to mentor him as his father is dyingg of Alzheimer’s

      1. I’m sorry, Diane! You are dealing with so much! I am praying for your son, your husband, and for you! God bless you!

    66. Amen..i needed to hear that..because I truly believe every word is true

      1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Carol! Thanks so much for visiting. God bless you!

    67. georgina nkonge says:

      Thank you. I have been blessed

      1. Thank you so much for visiting and for your kind encouragement. God bless you!

    68. Thank you
      The article was very comforting

    69. I am feeling very much blessed.

    70. Hi Deb. I’m with you in God’s word He give’s us Blessings on Blessings and I know God can do ALL THINGS but fail.

      1. What a blessing to know that He is strong even though we are weak. By His grace, He forgives and helps. God be with you and bless you, Jacklyn.

    71. Thx for these awesome prayers. I need these everyday to help me focus on the Lord and surrender my impossible needs to him that can do all the possibilities.

      1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged. May God be with you and bless you with His peace.

    72. Thank you so much Deb im really BLESSED

      1. Thanks so much for visiting. God bless you, Evelyn!

    73. Sita Harmon says:

      Hello I’m sita and I need your prayers I’m sometimes face with fear to face situation so I ask that you pray with me that I have the spirit of boldness . I want to work for the Lord but don’t know my calling

      1. Hi, Sita! I’m asking God to guide you and bless you as you follow the path He is preparing for you. May He be with you and bless you!

      2. I fully understand what you are going through I suffer with anxiety myself. You have my prayers. Just keep trusting and calling on Jesus to help you. He listens when let things go and ask for him to help. One day at a time. Hugs

    74. JOHN KANYONI says:

      I was blessed and comforted.

    75. Kalu Kingsley kalu says:

      This prayer was for me because what I am passing through now, it can only be God that will do it for me.

      1. We are lifting you up in prayer, Pastor Kalu. God bless you!

    76. Mamathula says:

      My heart was heavy for so many months but since I’ve read this I’m relieved and healed…. Thank you so much

    77. I feel good now after I saying all this prayers thanks God n you too.

      Prayer request: im still looking for job,i have workshop next Saturday n im shy person. Trying to open my small business but i can open if God’s will.

      1. I’m so glad you were blessed, Myumi. I am praying for you as you attend the workshop and work toward your dream. God bless you.

    78. Elmer Agullana Arzaga says:

      Very precious truths, TO GOD BE THE GLORY

    79. Anthony Lightfoot says:

      Amen in Jesus pray for me Godchild Anthony Lightfoot ????

      1. We are blessed to pray for him! Thank you for asking us to join you in prayer. God bless you!

    80. With these prayer points, I believed I am bless and nothing is impossible for God to do for me.

      1. I am so very glad you were encouraged, Bolanle! Thank you for letting me know. God be with you and bless you.

    81. God bless you for your generosity. I’m blessed

    82. Thanks for sharing. Indeed…Nothing is impossible with God!!!

      1. Thanks for visiting, Wil! I appreciate your visit and encouragement. God bless you!

    83. Amen I believe in your teaching
      Help me pray for the fruit of the womb

      1. I’m praying for you, Joyce. God bless you!

    84. Hi, my name Victoria

    85. Shyrel lee says:

      Thank you for these prayers. I am going to trust that God is able to do what He has said He would do!

      Blessings and may peace be with you!

    86. Jennifer Rambaran says:

      Thanks sis God bless keep me in your prayer and my family in Jesus mighty Name Amen.

    87. Leano boikanyo says:

      Powerful prayers indeed. Can you kindly pray for my 8 year old he is diabetic, he is a strong believer in Christ and believes God will heal him 1 day but sometimes we would cry saying when will God heal him.

      1. May the Lord bless you and hold you close. I’m lifting up your son and asking the Lord to be his encouragement and his healing strength. God be with you.

    88. Amen glory be to God God bless you and keep you in Jesus name AMEN ????

    89. Hi I’m blessed praying with your article thanks

      1. Thank you for visiting and for stopping to let me know you were encouraged. God be with you and bless you!

    90. Elizabeth Mulera says:

      Amen I thank God it has really helped me blessings

    91. Thank you. I so tired of them sneaky around. I need a answer of what to do next

    92. Hi its Florence
      I just lost my son and sometimes it’s hard i need peace i feel empty

      1. I am so terribly sorry, Florence. I can only begin to imagine how painful this is for you. We are lifting you up in prayer and asking the Lord to hold you close and fill your heart with His hard to explain and understand peace and presence. Holding you in our hearts.

    93. Please pray for my son, Chris, he’s in the military. His shop has a very toxic work environment. He’s been ridiculed, made fun of and harassed multiple times. He hates that he joined the military; it’s not the same military it used to be. I’ve sent him Bible verses about praying for our enemies. It’s just not getting through to him. He needs Jesus in his life, too. I’ve encouraged him to find a church to go to, but I’m getting no where with that, too.
      Please remember him up in your prayers. Thank you
      God Bless each of you

      1. I’m sorry, Debby. That sounds like a very very hard situation for Chris. I am praying for him and asking the Lord to put a hedge of protection around him physically, mentally, and spiritually … that he might become of SEEKer with a great desire to KNOW and TRUST God more deeply. I’m praying for your mother’s heart, as well. God be with you and bless you!

        1. Thank you so much for your prayers. Praying for God’s continued Blessings on you and your ministry ????????????

    94. Hello
      My name is Deb
      I’m in need of prayers
      So badly . I been going
      Threw a lot . It’s just so
      Hard . Because I been fighting This emotionally
      And Physically . I have a Autoimmune. Problem.
      For close to 20 years. I’m
      So weak and tired , every
      Year it hits me. I feel like
      I can’t fight this battle no Longer. There just alot I can’t focus. Not barely eating, trouble sleeping. Have not left home in over
      A Month. I have two Beautiful 💜 Grandaughters . And two Wonderful Sons. That check on me. But I’m stuck
      To point .I just don’t want
      Them to see me like this .
      I just have a lot of chronic
      Stuff . It’s alot for any persons to try to fight a battle. That just is out of my Control. I need to heal
      And get back to the happy
      Person I was before this
      Happen to me . So Please
      Father God please continue to give me The courage, Strength, faith, and hope , That I need to
      Get back to Myself. Thank So much father God For all that you help me with .And your mercy. Im so sorry.
      I just need to share with someone. And would So Grateful for all the prayers
      Thank You so much 💛
      God Bless you all Amen 🙏

      1. Hi Deb. We are praying for you. I’m sorry you have been living through these difficulties. I’m asking the Lord to give you the strength, faith, and hope you need. God be with you anda bless you!

        1. Hi! Deb thank you for your encouragement to be close to God all the entire life in good or bad circumstances .
          Sorry for the problem of Autoimmune you are passing through we will keep praying for you.

    95. Dawon Holley says:

      Today my life feels overwhelming but im so excited and blessed to be here. I also have nothing to complain about because God hasn’t given me another day to work it all out. I thank you for this day lord. I understand it’s due to nothing but your dying grace that I don’t deserve but I turly thank you for always and forever. A humble servant trying to figure it out according to your word always.

      1. Thank you for joining us and sharing your heart. May the Lord be with you, bless you, and give you His peace.

    96. Tshephang says:

      Thank your is definitely a blessing prayer

    97. Mothusi Ntikile says:

      Hi there. Grace of God is sufficient. I ask for your prayers as I’m stuck in a grindstone of debt piling up. I have prayed fasted but nothing I start get successfully completed. Stagnation at work and poverty have become shame I see everyday

    98. My faith has been raised to another level,I now know and believe that whatever situation is impossible in my life shall be made possible in Jesus’s name. My confidence is in GOD’S word and the name of Jesus . HALLELUJAH

    99. Donel KATSHINGU MUNDEKE says:

      Hi, this post blessed me so much.
      From DRC Kinshasa Sunday 28 July 2024.
      The title touched me and the content blessed me more, I speak french but the holy spirit helped me to understand.
      Let Gob bless you more, please keep on working, today we find less true words of God 🙏🏾

      I’m a a song writer and producer can I use your publication to make a song?

      1. Thank you so much for reaching out, Donel. I glad you were blessed by your visit. Asking the Lord to be with you and bless you!

    100. Mary Mesha says:

      Hello ,I’m a widow mother and I have two child, I m christian, so I am poor family,I’m find sponsor family,my child’s no fees and we’re no house rent how you can help

      1. I’m so sorry, Mary! We’re praying for you and asking the Lord to meet your family’s every need. God bless you!

    101. U motivated me a lot ❤️

  2. I really love this post. Thanks Deb. God Bless You

  3. So grateful for a God who can do the impossible and who always does what is right and good.

  4. Yes, Deb, with God, all things are possible! We simply have to trust, obey and pray more and more.
    Blessings to you!

  5. Honored that you chose my post to highlight this week friend. I’m continuing to pray that God will do the IMpossible in my life and I thank you greatly for the encouragement today! Love you xoxo

  6. Deb, Mark 10:27 has passed before me several times the last few days and was in my Bible Study this morning. I am so grateful that by His strength and His grace ALL things are possible. So encouraging. Blessings!

  7. Hi, Deb! This post goes along very closely with my post on Wednesday. I could have gone on and on with more verses, several of which you have listed here, as well. Your insight of considering things from different angles always inspires me! 🙂 Thanks for the link-up. I’ll try to link my post soon.

    1. Being encouraged by this powerful word, I Truly believe and still Trusting God on his word. I face financial debt that smeems impossible to me but I will continue to believe that by Gods Grace it is possible that he will make a way for me to take care of that situation in Jesus Name. All things are Possible with God.

      1. Thank you so much for stopping by, Grace! I am praying for you that God will guide, direct, and provide for you during this difficult time. God bless you!


          1. Thank you, Amelia! Your encouragement is truly a blessing! God bless you!

  8. I DO have an impossible task that I would like to pray to God for help with. Thank you for your encouragement, Deb!

  9. I need to learn to pray, I believe, help my unbelief. Thank you for this. laurensparks.net

  10. It has been too long since I’ve been here, friend. You always have such encouraging content. I love pinning you on Pinterest because I always know it’s good! Reading through your post today, I felt faith rising inside me. Smiling big here.

  11. What an encouraging post!! Such wonderful truths that brings excitement to my soul! God of the impossible. God who does exceedingly above what we ask or think. Pondering these thoughts have been a blessing.

  12. Thank you for the encouragement to keep praying for the impossible. I love the verses you chose. They are a few of my favorite verses which I hold tight to in the midst of the unexpected. Sharing your post!

  13. What great and powerful verses to declare and decree! Amazing how the Word can stir up faith and remind us of Truth we know but sometimes forget!

    1. Amen my sister amen.???? it’s so nice to here others speak from the heart. It truly remind me it’s ok to express the inner thought get it out. When we are weak God is strong. We have the HolySpirit also our helper. To guide us daily. But it’s nice to have christain feedback quoting scriptures. All powerfull thank you. To God be Glorified. ????.????

  14. Crystal Twaddell says:

    I love the Jeremiah 32 passages because it reminds me to balance God’s sovereignty with my requests, even though I can still acknowledge that nothing is impossible.

    1. Amen, Crystal! That truth changes my prayer life in so many ways. I can pray with complete trust … counting on to do what’s best no matter the outcome. Thanks and blessings!

      1. Thanks for sharing your good words with me I believe in god and I believe things are possible with him please pray for me am going through a ruff time in my life sometimes if feels I can’t go on but gods grace and mercy is carrying me through and please pray for my daughter in Jesus name amen

        1. I am stopping to pray for you, Scottina! Asking Him to give you all you need each day! God bless you!

    2. chef ben chinedu ugwumba says:

      Wow I’m blessed this morning, please i seriously need help I’m a chef very in continental cuisines pastry and nigerian cuisines but because of HIV I can’t work, hunger poverty want to finish me and family I believe nothing impossible with God.

      1. I am praying for you, Ben! Asking God to protect you and provide a job for you that you love. God bless you!

  15. This has really lifted me. I was crashing forgeting i have a God who fights for me. Thank you Father.

  16. Victor Olafamoye says:

    This article has blessed my soul. Thanks and God bless you.

  17. “A.B.” says:

    This was so amazing! Thank you for inspiring me not to give up. Looking forward to learning more from you! Hugs A B

  18. I’m pray for my husbands salvation and adopt a child.
    Thank you for letting me post this!
    Have you had prayers answered that you thought were impossible?

  19. Paula Ross says:

    Thank you so much. I’ve been looking for prayers exactly like this!

    1. Please pray for me, Devine intervention, financial breakthrough, a job and increase in greatness in every aspect of my live.Thank Shalom.

      1. I am praying for you, Sherita. Asking God to bless you with the job you need and to be your provider during this difficult time.

  20. I am grateful for a loving caring Father who knows me and guides and helps me with my trials. I place my request I. His hands for the help I need that He canprovide for me. amen

  21. Thank you for this reminder. I have taken my eyes off of PapaGOD and focused on the several seemingly Impossible situations in my life. This is the kick start I needed to begin talking to my “mountains” about my Mighty PapaGOD and His Love and Power.

  22. Violet Nyirenda says:

    Amen and Amen

  23. Lynne Turner says:

    This article is spot on—-praying the Word of God which will not return void but will accomplish that which it is sent forth to do!

  24. This has touched my heart. Thank you. I am praying and believing for me and my family. 🙂 God bless you and this ministry to reach others through Christ.

  25. PREMA LOUIS says:

    Hello, ( please tell me your Name)
    Your Prayer above is so good, inspirational and motivational.
    Please Pray for My Healing from Arthritis, Diabetes, Thyroid problem and especially for my Knees. I have difficulty walking. I want a normal Healthy life. Please Pray for my Mums good Health. Please Pray for my Financial Blessings as well and Gods Grace for my Chiildren. Thank You

    1. Louis, I am praying for you! God bless you!

      1. Marites Alontaga says:

        Hi Deb, this is my first time I read your articles and it’s inspired me so much. And I want a prayer request for my husband he’s so confused and he can’t stand of his words when he say something and it’s easy to change his mind and he keep bringing up about the past which is cause of our argument and make me feel bad. I’m looking forward to hearing from you. God will bless you more.

        1. Marites, I am happy to pray for you and for your husband. I’m asking God to give you His peace and asking Him to give your husband clear thoughts and the ability to communicate his thoughts clearly and kindly. Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to join the conversation and leave your prayer request. God bless you!

  26. My husband is being bullied at work. . It is happening in a Christian University. My children are having a hard time reconciling this. He is a good father, husband, and employee. He retired from an honorable military and govt life service to work at this university. Unfortunately, the executive leadership here has ruined the lives, futures, and finances of a few families and that of their spouses and children. There is nothing Christian in their behavior. We need strength and protection. Thank you for this blog. I am so thankful I found it. God bless you in all of your endeavors, Janet

    1. Push Janet!!! Pray until something happens!! When I get overwhelmed by circumstances, I think of Peter walking on water. He didn’t hesitate when Jesus bid him to come. As long as he kept his eyes on Jesus he walked with confidence on the water; but when he looked down at the water, he began to sink. Focus on God, stay in his word and pray without ceasing!! When I focus on God and lay my burdens at his feet (and not pick them up again) the worry and stress of the problems diminish. I’m left with a peace that brings me joy. I have had many answered prayers!! Prayers are not just wishes in the wind!! They are a connection to our ABBA Father!! When we pray in the will of God miraculous things happen!!! I’m so grateful that we can come before our Heavenly Father with our with our praise and prayer requests. There are prayers that I’m still waiting for answers to. No matter the outcome his grace is sufficient for me!!

      1. Its so amazing , what aword with power, thank you God for reminding that you are with me, use me as i continue to seek your will, like you did to me in the past , also do so now for you truely my deepest requests, do me afavour one more time for you are aGod who gives asecond chance , do me afavour like you did to David when he was facing goliath

        1. What a wonderful prayer, Rodgers. May God be with you and bless you with peace and hope.

  27. Susan Walsh says:

    Thank you for this????

  28. Deb, I have read all the devotions you & others wrote & they are truly wonderful & help my hurting heart. March is three years ago my hubby, Ray accepted a false cult as the truth & the only way to go to Heaven. He constantly talks ugly to me because I refuse to obey him & what he believes. I am accountable to Almighty God..not him or anybody else & I accept what Jesus did on the cross for mankind & I praise Him! So much of the New Testament teaches us that we are under Grace.not any laws or rules to live by..He even says he is not sure he will do enough to get into Heaven. He really believes the “mess” he is being taught. I am 81 years old & should not have to deal with his nonsense. Our grown children cannot believe he has become so hateful because we refuse to accept anything he says about “the truth”.. Please pray for me & my family. This week has been especially tough. God bless you!

  29. Gerry Kinyoun says:

    This is so much of what I/everyone needs today…Thank you for your service…Love most of all above all things…God Bless you and your Family…

  30. Nisha Furtado says:

    Dear Jesus,

    With your full permission i would like to get married to Royden Jayapaul. I am believing that you are working things out for me and will not disappoint me this time.
    I am sorry for all the wrong that i have done in my life. Thank you.

  31. Janene Eldred says:

    Thank you for this wonderful post. I prayed it as I was reading it!

  32. Tshepo Mogomotsi says:

    God of all of us your grace is sufficient

  33. Lilly David Vue says:

    Hi I am so blessed n encouraged..I’m going though some tough situations my marriage but your post has really helped and encouraged me to keep on trusting and have hope in God through these stormy times because God Is the God of all the impossibility..

    1. Carmen M. Delgado says:

      I am in desperate need of a miracle in my life. Pray for my son JCD.

      1. I’m praying for your son, Carmen! God bless you!

  34. Bernice Mosley says:

    Hi I have been greatly blessed by this post. I felt God speaking to me through your prayer. The Lord sent me here to be encouraged by His word. I am going through a financial situation and this post was right on the money (Ha ha). God bless you for being a vessel for His word. Please continue to do so, we know with God all things are possible to them that believe.

    1. I am so glad it blessed you, Bernice. Thank you for your kind encouragement. You truly blessed my day! Have a beautiful day in the Lord.

  35. Nkereuwem, Mary says:

    It is so comforting and encouraging to read the Word of God and ponder on His promises. God be praised for His daily mercies. Thanks for these wonderful prayers.

    1. Mary, I’m so glad they blessed you! I love His Word. God healed my broken heart through the promises in His Word. Amen to praising Him every day for His mercy and grace. God bless you!

  36. Please pray for my anxiety, that God will listen to me and help me!!

    1. I am praying for you and trust that God hears your prayers and mine. I suffered for many years with anxiety and in all honesty, I still struggle on occasion. But God is faithful and I will, with His help, keep my focus on who He is and all He’s done. Because He has gotten me through things in the past I thought would crush me. He is faithful and He loves you!

  37. Rita Okoronkwo says:

    Thank you so much I’m really touched by the world . Thank you Lord Jesus.

  38. Thank you.I needed to read those words today as I face another round of Chemotherapy tomorrow.Round 18 here I come.I have Pancreatic Cancer Stage 4 and need a miracle to let me live beyond the time clock of the death sentence of 5 years.
    God Bless You.

    1. Jeanette, I’m praying for you and asking God to meet your every need and grant you a beautiful miracle! God bless you!

    2. Trust God.He will never fail you.Receive your healing in Jesus might name.Amen

    3. Praying for you Jeanette.

  39. I am asking for prayers for healing my husband. He is going through a rough patch and needs help finding his way through.

    I also pray our relationship can grow stronger through this.

    Thank you!

    1. Wilfred Oparah says:

      This is a wonderful guide for miracles and breakthroughs. May Hod bless you. Deb.

    2. Elizabeth says:

      Can lord time travel us backwards for some years! Can we go back in time for some years. M serious to this question, is this possible for Almighty, can any few no. Of person time travel backwards?

      1. I believe the Lord can do anything, Elizabeth. However, I also believe that except for one rare time in the Bible when He did, He chooses to keep creation moving in it’s planned order. If your question is one of regret, I also know that God is loving and forgiving. Although you may be living out some difficult circumstances, God is with you and with His help, you will get through this. God bless you – I’m praying for you!

    3. Jacqueline Randolph says:

      I am praying with you for your HUSBAND. I pray that your husband is now healed from the crown of his head to the soles of his feet.
      Lord, I pray, for unity, for Brittany and her husband in Jesus precious name. ????????
      AMEN ❤????????
      Stay strong and connected with God!
      He IS OUR FATHER, in JESUS name. AMEN ???? I absolutely love our God! He is A MIGHTY GOD INDEED ❤????????????????????????????????

  40. mary grech says:

    Thanks for the prayers i need a healing prayer for my daughter. Thank you

  41. Phyllis Byrd says:

    Please pray for my son to be delivered from smoking before he develops health issues and for his salvation.

  42. Thank you for your site!

  43. Thank you for sharing, I really need this.
    Thank you for the prayer.
    God bless you more and your site.

  44. Raquel Adriano says:

    Hi I’m raquel from philippines thank you for your sharing and god bless your site

  45. Deb

    I thank you for your post. I do believe, trust and know that God can do the impossible. I pray for patience that’s his will be done. Amen

  46. Mono Abraham says:

    Thank you for your post Deb. Just what I need every morning to start my day.
    Love you and bless you heaps.

  47. Hloni Hlophe says:

    Thank you for encouraging words

  48. I found you on Pinterest for the first time today and it brought me to tears. I was praying about some serious on going health issues and the some of the very words are in your page!!!! I know we serve a loving, merciful God and His plan for me is always better than I can imagine. I know He will heal me and use this illness so I can comfort someone else.

    1. Arleen, I’m so glad this blessed you! We do serve an awesome God. I’m so thankful every day for His grace, mercy, and love! I’m confident you will touch lives with your story … all for His glory! Blessings and hugs!

  49. Winnie Mavimbela says:

    please pray for me, everything seems to be stagnant, a lot has been going on in my life and nothing seems to be moving forward

    1. Winnie, I am asking God to bless you with His perfect peace as you follow Him on the path He is preparing for you. God bless you!

  50. Cassandra Fooks says:

    I ran across your post this morning and it reminded me to keep trusting and believing even when you feel like giving up. Thank you

    1. Cassandra, thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.” I’m asking God to bless you and your ministry.

  51. Godfrey okos says:

    Oh lord of my salvation, you are so good and kind, please come to my rescue here in Nigeria, I need a better life cuz this is not the life you planned for me… I have solely depend on you to help my unbelief because I am gradually losing it
    Favor me my God.

    1. I am praying for you, Godfrey! God bless you!

  52. Jim Lockwood says:

    Thank you for sharing this!!!

  53. Helena Georgiades says:

    Thank you for your encouragement

  54. Deb,

    Thank God for your life and for this wonderful and encouraging verses you talked on. It nourished me greatly and am sure others should be. The Lord will continue to give you more knowledge of His word in Jesus name. Bless You. Amen.

    1. Thank you, Telarq! Your encouragement is so kind. I feel very blessed to be allowed to share my story in this space. God has been so gracious and I just want everyone to know His good and gracious love! God bless you!

  55. Thank you for these words. These last six months has been some of the hardest since my husband died in September of last yes. I have fear, greif ,angrier, sadness loneliness . I am on emotional roller coaster dealing with what has happen . I am looking for a job and other problems have came up please pray for me.

    1. Carrie, I’m so sorry! You are going through a difficult valley. I’m praying and asking God to hold you close, to comfort you and give you hope. I’m also asking Him to go before you and lead you to a job that will be a blessing for you in every way. I’m glad you visited and allowed us to pray for you! God bless!

  56. janice medley says:

    thank you so much for your site. I have a prayer request if you don’t mind fro my Daughter Nichole and I to reconcile. Not sure why she is soangry with me but she has been for years and she won’t tell me why even though I have apologized over and over for whatever I did or did not do that she felt I should have done. I miss her so much and my 2 little grandsons that I took care of when they were babies. Pray fro her salvation and my son Justins as well. Thank you so much.

    1. Janice, I’m so glad you visited. I am so sorry you are going through this heartache. I am happy to pray for you and for your children … asking God to restore your relationship and draw your children close through faith! God bless you!

  57. Teresa Bueckert says:

    Good Morning, As I was looking for a receipe I found you!! I am slowly realizing that when we ask our heavenly Father for something it does not mean he will do it right now. God has a time for all of our needs. We or I just need to learn to be patient. Thank you for these prayers and verses. I need this today.

    1. Teresa, thank you so much for taking the time to let me know this blessed you! I think we all struggle with patience. I want to continue to pray, remain hopeful, and remember that God may just be saying “not now” asking me to wait for His perfect timing. God bless you! Hope you found that recipe!

  58. Elvine Achieng says:

    Thank you so much for this powerful message. It’s my first time in your blog and am already feeling blessed. Thank you once again. Am from Kenya in Turkana

    1. Oh, Elvine! Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.” I pray every day that God will send what I write wherever He wants it. It’s an awesome blessing when I learn that He has sent them to people all over the world! God bless you! You have certainly blessed me today!

  59. I’m asking for prayers to be obedient to God’s will and purpose for my life, so that I can be happy, at peace, and stable.

    1. I am praying for you today, Tamechia! May God bless you!

  60. Thanks for the content you’ve put because this has given words to the prayer burden of my heart . May God bless you .

    1. Leena, Thank you so much for stopping to say “hello” and for your kind encouragement. I’m asking God to bless you today!

  61. Thank you for your beautiful post Deb! It was so inspiring … I’m going to share it with others and read it often as a reminder. What a blessing you are! 🙂

    1. Thank you, Kellie! I so very much appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  62. I’m sitting here now in my car trying to find the way to my husband’s hospital bed and remove the life support he’s been on since Mar 28th, 2019. I’m praying for the strength I need right now Jehovah. Please in any way heal me and Mark from this trial. I ask for my family to feel safe and believe Jehovah knows what he is doing and nothing is impossible. Thank you for the words if wisdom and I continue with faith and understanding abilities I am being given right. Is. Amen

    1. Oh, Maria, my heart breaks for you! I’ve been thinking about you and praying for you since I read this. I can’t imagine how difficult this must have been for you. I’m asking God to cover you with His comfort and peace … that He will hold you close and give you a very real sense of His presence and love. I’m asking Him to surround you with people who will hold you up in prayer and encourage you as you walk through these difficult days. God bless you! I will keep praying.

  63. Each day I repeat this prayer with the burdens of my heart . It takes a while for us to walk in the dimension where we believe what we pray for . I pray that God continue to strengthen and prepare more people like you.

    1. Leena, God is with you. He hears your prayers and holds you close. Thank you so much for your kind words of encouragement. God bless you!

  64. I just saw the result of a promoting examination and it was not so favourable,I pray that God almighty makes a way where there seems to be none.

    1. I’m sorry, Debby! I’m praying for you and asking God to give you His peace and direction in the days ahead. God bless you!

  65. Amen!thank you this verses just revived my spirit

    1. Thank you so much for stopping to let me know! God bless you!

      1. These prayers and verses were so reviving to my spirit. Thank you so much and God bless you ????

  66. Jeanie Presnall says:

    Thank you for the prayers, for I need them in a mighty way. God bless you.

    1. Thank you for stopping to let me know, Jeanie! God bless you!

  67. I just happened upon your site and am so glad I did. Sometimes it’s so hard to know how to pray for myself. I’ve always said prayers for others, not so much for myself. Guess I’ve never felt deserving. I really do need the Lord to help me with several issues, mostly my health. Thank you for this site

    1. I completely understand, Jody. I’ve always found it easier to pray for others as well. I’m not sure why. I started keeping a prayer journal this year, where I’m praying through parts of Scripture and applying it to my life. It has helped me so much. I am praying for you today and asking God to meet every need … especially in the area of health. God bless you!

  68. Carol Griffin says:

    Your words I read tonight touched home for me. I am struggling with so many life changing issues and I don’t know how to deal with all of them; but after reading Count My Blessings has helped. I have been praying asking for His help and I do know every thing is on His time not ours. I just feel like I am sinking fast and I need maybe a sign that I can give me hope and lighten my stress and worry and help clear. May God Bless you and keep up your work of reaching out and sharing His word.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, Carol! I’m actually working on prayer post today asking God to help us during times of change. It’s hard, isn’t it?! Sometimes I think, even good change is difficult. I’m so glad these prayers helped you find peace. I hope you’ll visit often and join me as I pray. Thank you for your encouragement. It truly blessed me! God bless you!

  69. Thank You. Amen!
    We truly appreciate you!
    May the Lord bless you and make His face shine upon you and gracious to you!
    Stay blessed!!

    1. Thank you, Mohan! I really appreciate your kind encouragement! Blessings to you!

  70. Sally Paeglow says:

    Thank you for the encouragement that you and God have given me today. My husband has bad cancer and I am on a walker and wheel chair so we have a big problem. However God is seeing us through each day for which I am grateful. I have been studying about the Holy Spirit and am realizing that I have more power than I thought. We have been married for 60 beautiful years and I so want to care for him as long as I can. Please pray for us and in advance of this I say THANK YOU.

    1. Oh Sally, I’m so sorry you are going through this difficult time. That is a lot to manage. I’m praying and asking God to continue to give you the strength you need each day! God bless you and your husband. And congrats on 60 blessing-filled years!

  71. Matthew6:33 says for us to seek God and all his righteousness and all good things will be added unto us

    1. Amen, Phillip! One of my life verses and my motto for life … SEEK FIRST! Praise God that He wants to be known by us! Blessings!

  72. Cynthia Avalos says:

    My daughter, who is single, is a Foster Mom to a little boy who has trauma from the first 6 years of his life. He’s been with her for a year now, but there are “mental health” issues that are spiritual in nature. She needs wisdom, strength and courage.

    1. Oh, Cynthia, I am lifting up your daughter and her little boy … asking God to give her strength and wisdom and to heal this child’s broken heart. Praying Jeremiah 29:11 over them both. God bless you!

  73. this Prayer was and will continue to be in my thoughts. My son is struggling with addiction and I am beyond broken hearted. He is a believer and has a strong faith. He is in a spiritual battle. He is seeing it physically. Demons standing over his bed and paralyzed w fear. We are in spiritual warfare. Please join me in praying for the defeat of the enemy in my child’s life. I know God is with him and will defeat the enemy.

    1. Barbi, I am so sorry! What a difficult battle for your family. I’m lifting your son up in prayer and asking God to give you all strength and defeat the enemy in this attack. God bless you!

  74. Please pray for my family. My husband has decided to leave me after 20 years. He said he is doing it because I don’t love him anymore, but I have tried to tell and show him that I do. I believe he was just looking for a way out. I’m trying to be strong, and praying everyday. Clinging to my faith and love of God.

    1. Oh, Amanda, I am so sorry you are going through this painful time. I am lifting you up in prayer … asking God to give you His peace and hold you close. God bless you!

  75. Thank you for the wonderful prayers. I am hoping with more reading and praying one day I’ll be able to pray half as beautifully as you. I’m grateful for your sharing. Thank you ????

    1. Nellie, Thank you for your kind encouragement. I am so thankful we are praying to the One who knows our hearts and minds meeting every need even when words fall short … which mine do all the time. What a blessing to be covered by His amazing grace. God bless you!

  76. Antonio C says:

    I feel lost. I’m in need of prayer I don’t feel I deserve. Bed ridden with arthritis I can hardly walk. I wish I could be laid at the feet of Jesus. If I could just touch His garment I’d be cured… I just want to be touched by His shadow… Bless you for having this site… In Jesus I pray for you and your followers. Amen

    1. I am so very sorry, Antonio! I am lifting you up in prayer, asking Jesus to heal your body and free you from this pain. Thank you so much for your prayers! God bless you!

  77. Cecilia Easley says:

    Thank you for these wonderful spiritually filled prayers for those dark and troubled times we all seem to have. Your words are very lifting and inspirational and helping me let go of worrying about my problems and instead placing them at our Father’s feet in humility.

  78. Deb, Thank you for the beautiful prayer!
    God be with you sister!

  79. I am so blessed with the word. I believe in the God of impossibilities. Amen

    1. Praise God! Thank you so much please continue to pray with me for my son!!!

  80. I am so blessed with the word. I believe in the God of impossibilities. Amen

  81. Thank you for reminding me that all things are possible. Today I needed to spend time reading these truths and prayers and prayer requests. Please pray for me that I am delivered from the addiction of smoking, my sister’s health,my friends commutation application and a house. In life I start out with focus and good intentions but I lack commitment. I fail daily in may things because of it. I asked in the name of jesus to please help me to be committed to him and my purpose he has for me.

  82. Thank you for reminding me that nothing is impossible with God
    I’ve been hanging by a thread
    my faith has kept me from giving up, sometimes things- life can just weigh you down to point of pure exhaust
    I know I’m not defeated
    My father in heaven loves me
    Knows my pain n families difficulties n struggles
    I’m encouraged today even more so Deb by your empowering words
    God is a good n nothing’s impossible for Him, I truly believe that

  83. Teresa Jenkins says:

    …just as the rain and snow come down from heaven and does not return to heaven without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish…so is My word that goes out of my mouth: It will not return to me empty, I will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10-11 –Thank you for sharing these verses. My son is climbing out of his choices in his life it hasn’t been easy, but He is making progress in seeing the hand of God work in his life. There are more obstacles ahead of him teaching him to trust God. He is far away and I cannot help him…(God designed it that way) The hardest thing a parent has to go through is to watch her child go through self inflicted struggles and unable to do anything to “fix” it. God’s plan does not look like our plans and His way is not our way, but His purpose will prevail and I know the main purpose is that all will come to the saving knowledge of His grace and love. Thank you for the verses to keep me focused on praying for God’s will and not my will be done. Sometimes as parents we have to watch the struggle so that their wings will be strong enough to take flight the moment they finally break through. To God be the glory, honor and praise.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, Teresa! I’m asking God to bless you and your family … and hold your son close as he moves forward. I so appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  84. Saka Adams says:

    I need miracles in my in life and together with my children. I need the ???? fire of God in my heart.

    1. Asking God to bless you with the miracle you need! God bless you!

  85. Am asking God to give me a Job, life partner and finical bliss and the grace to serve Him.

  86. Kimberly Thomas says:

    I want to receive your blog, please. This is just what I needed today! Bless you!

  87. I’ve suddenly become single in a country I came in to be with my husband, I have two young kids now, no family, struggling with a part-time job, no funds to get my professional licence on to get better paid job. Feeling weighed down without someone to talk to and just earlier today I poured my heavy heart. I believe he will arise on my behalf. In Jesus name.

    1. Oh, Omolola, I am so sorry! That is a heavy burden to bear. I am praying for you and asking God to make it possible for you to get your license and provide a way for you to take care of your family! God bless you! God is holding you close.

  88. I pray to God Almighty that I may pass m exams amd go to my final year to graduate next. I am not going to be a drop-out but a graduate.


  89. I need prayer right now for finances and a job. I have been looking for almost 3 months. I trust GOD but I am starting to get a bit frustrated and discouraged. I know HE is gonna send me that perfect job at some point and I just need to trust HIM. I need prayers because it is starting to seem hopeless. Is it maybe my former employer saying some things about me that are not true or is it that I am not going for the right jobs. I need prayer for guidance as well. Thank you.

    1. Waiting is so very hard sometimes. I’m praying for you and asking God to encourage you and give you hope. I’m also asking Him to guide you to the job He is preparing for you and that your wait will be over very soon. Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to ask for prayer. God bless you!

  90. Caroline Pineds says:

    Thank you for this page. Im browsing for prayers of healing of the sick and found this page which gave me more faith and hope. My mom (ENRIQUETA MONTOYA PINEDA) had a stroke and is still in the hospital. I pray for the impossible be possible to God Almighty that she will survive and to live longer to let her know how much we, her family, loves her. She is the bond that keeps our family together. I also pray that my baby will grow healthy in my tummy this time (had 3 consecutive miscarriages) and that my mom will still be around to meet my second baby.

    I humbly ask for all of your prayers.

    Thank you and may God bless us all of our heart’s desires. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!


    1. I’m so sorry, Caroline. I’m praying for you and asking God to heal your mom, Enriqueta, and protect your little one. I’m also asking Him to give you His peace during this stressful and difficult time. God bless you!

  91. This is exactly what i needed this morning! Thank you Deb

    1. I am so glad it blessed you, Eureka! Thank you for taking the time to let me know! God bless you!

  92. Searching, ideas, emotions is all about take me in my walk of life needs, thanks for sharing the possible of God, amazing change

    1. Thank you for visiting, Roberto. May God bless you as you continue to trust in Him.

  93. This really lifted me. Thank you.

    1. I’m so glad! Thank you for letting me know! God bless you!

  94. Please pray for my daughter and I. We are struggling in life and the enemy is attacking. I know our father has BIG plans for us. I can’t help to feel saddened, lonely and frustrated. I pray for patience, guidance, and Christian friends for support and encouragement. I pray for my daughter who is a teenager in this world we live in, to be a mother and teacher for her, that Jesus made me to be. I believe and know that “Power of Prayer”, is a powerful tool that Christians have to overcome life’s difficulties. So I ask you to please pray for my daughter and I that we are shown and blessed to receive the great calling Jesus has for our lives. Thank you for this article. I know God lead me to you this morning. I will also be praying for all of you,

    1. I am so very sorry you are going through this difficult time, Jessica. I am praying for you … asking God to continue to hold you close and to honor your faith and answer your prayer as you’ve requested. May He bless you and your daughter as you trust His love.

  95. This is one of,if not the best thing I’ve stumbled upon while searching for styles on Pinterest (I’m a fashion designer),and I must say that my spirit has been lifted and reawakened. God does mind blowing things cos nothing is too much for him yo do,after all, he made everything. I’m currently trusting Him for a miracle and I’m praising my way up to his throne cos I know and believe that it’s a done deal.
    Thanks Deb,and may God continue to use you to touch more lives.

    1. Frances, I’m so glad it blessed you! Thank you so much for visiting and for your very kind encouragement. What an awesome God we serve! God bless you!

  96. I’m really going though a had time in my marriage, relationship right now, my soon to be husband breakup with me, this is really tough on me, I have been fasting and praying to God to make him change his mind, and to return my husband love to me again, but it seems God is silence on me, I’m still on this same prayer bcoz I want God to change his mind and touch his heart for me, I want God to make things right again, I want God to make impossibility possible in my life, I want God to change my story, I’m putting all my trust and hope in God, because I believe God never fails, he always kept his promises and he will do it for me, in jesus Amen

    1. I’m so sorry, Grace! I am praying for you and asking God to hold you close and meet every need! God be with you and bless you!

      1. Amen, I’m really grateful, thank you

  97. Robin Jones says:

    May GOD continue to BLESS YOU as YOU BLESS US, with HIS WORDS OF WISDOM!

  98. I am so blessed to have found this post. Thank you Deb . My life has totally fallen apart starting with the loss of my oldest son 5 years ago. Then my husband deserted me after 23 years. I lost my home and everything I have loved all these years. My youngest son can’t handle all of this and has become estranged from me. I haven’t seen or talked to him in 3 years. I am disabled and am in trouble financially. I love God. I know I would have never have made it this far without his grace. I just need prayer to be able to put this all behind me and begin living again. Thank you and God bless you. .

    1. Regina, my heart is breaking for you! You have been through an incredible about of pain. I can’t begin to imagine how hard this must be. I’m praying for you and asking God to hold you close and assure you of His loving presence. I’m asking Him to send people to help and encourage you. And I’m asking Him to meet every need today and in the days and months ahead. God bless you!

  99. Julie Vowler says:

    Thanks Deb, just the prayers I needed at this time and so bless to also found your post. My God has been so gracious to me all my life and I know Nothing is Impossible to Him. I needed these prayers to remind me of His Presence, Blessings & Love.
    Needing prayers that my relationship of 7 years will go peacefully & praying that I will find another companion/friend to enjoy life.
    Praying that he will continue to meet my needs the rest of my life here on earth.
    Blessings to you Deb!

    1. Thank you, Julie! I need the reminder of the Lord’s presence and power frequently. What a blessing to have His Word and the truth of His promises. Asking God to be with you and bless you!

  100. Vanessa Coffman says:

    Glad I found this. One of my son’s n daughter were just fighting n to tip it off my spouse n I have been arguing, I really needed this. Thank you

    1. I’m so sorry, Vanessa! It’s always hard when a family struggles with conflict. I’m so glad this blessed you. I’m asking God to be with you all and grant you His peace and fill you with His love. God bless you!


        1. Jodie, we are lifting you up in prayer and asking the Lord to give you the strength you need one moment at a time. God bless you!

  101. Thank you so much. I really needed this prayer without even knowing that I needed it. God bless you

    1. I’m so glad they blessed you, Carine! Thank you for taking the time to let me know! God bless you!

  102. Yes! Asking, seeking & knocking even if we’ve done it a thousand times!! Because He is faithful! Glad we’re on the same journey, sister!

  103. Teraysa Santana says:

    Thank you so much for sharing these Prayers! They are powerful and as I pray these Prayers and stand on scripture God will do the impossible for me. You are a blessing.

    1. Thank you, Teraysa! I’m so glad you visited and stopped to say hello. I am blessed by your encouragement. God bless you!

  104. Hello, I’m 20 yrs old. I feel so ashamed asking this but would you pls reach out to my father telling him I’m deeply sorry. Whenever I’m sick that’s the only time I reach out to him and even when I give my life to Christ, the next day I fall back into sin. My heart tells me when I sin against my father but I can’t help it. My friends at school would laugh at me if I show any sign of repentance, whenever I met him to solve a problem he helps me without I not being appreciative but he still kept helping me but after i lost my virginity due to excessive watching of porn now I’ve ran out of grace, I’m lost, I’m sick, I’m an addict to porn and masturbation. Every time I promise myself it’d be the last but yet I can’t seem to control it. Can you pls tell my father his rebellious son wants him back and thanks for this message. Thank you once again

    1. I’m sorry for the struggle you are facing, Michael! I’m praying for you and asking God to give you the strength you need. You never run out of His grace. He loves you and wants to help you. The Father is always willing to welcome His prodigal children home. God bless you!

  105. Mary Kaye Abbott says:

    Thank you Deb for your blog and posting!
    I’ve never responded personally to a blogger before, but I desperately need Jesus to heal me emotionally. I am 57-married, and am a born again saved by his blood believer since late 20’s, yet I struggle with resting in God’s love. Never had a loving Father figure or any loving male in my entire life. My husband loves Jesus and me, but is very quiet and withdrawn and not affectionate or warm. I believe by faith because i love God’s Word that God DOES love me, but it’s not a daily emotional reality. Was molested as a child so I’m sure that isn’t helping.
    I’ve begged and pleaded with Jesus to heal me emotionally so I can rest in His love and not struggle so to believe in His love for me. I’m very tired of try to believe. I’m praying Jesus will heal me emotionally so I can not only rest in His love, but be empowered by His love and then flow out to others.
    Would you pray for me?
    Thank you,
    Mary Kaye

    1. Mary Kaye, I’m so glad you visited and I’m happy to pray for you! I’m so sorry for all you’ve been through in your life. I know God wants to heal and deliver you … blessing you with His peace. May He give you hope, peace, and encouragement! God bless you!

  106. Please Jesus You are mighty beyond compare please heal and restore Steve and I first to You and then to each other in Jesus name Amen!

  107. Daniel Juma says:

    Pray for my wife she is negative to everything and uncontrollable anger

    1. I’m praying for you both, Daniel! Asking God to be with you and grant you His peace.

  108. Please Jesus redeem my son, thru you all things are possible. I give it to you and I trust in you that all things are possible. Please father do what only you can do. Please help my son by Your Grace. Amen.

    Thank you,

    1. Lori, I’m praying for your son and asking Him to hold you both close in the days ahead. God bless you!

  109. Hi Deb, your prayer blessed me so much. Would you please pray for my grandson whose going through a very difficult time. Please pray for my family also. Thank you so much

    1. Thank you for reaching out, Dawn! I am praying for your grandson and your family … asking God to meet every need and pour out His love over your family. God bless you!

  110. Mmathomo Moila says:

    Thank you so very much. Just what i needed and need. God bless you abundantly.

  111. I have been praying for decades (since I was a little girl, really) for a house of my own – now of course, for my husband of nearly 40 years and me. We are immigrants and not making very much per month, and a VERY average house here with no land is a million dollars. A decent place for us would be probably 3 – 5 million! (Crazy, yes?) I don’t want to live in a shack, I know I am a child of the Living God, and we are farming folk, originally. I just want a garden and trees and be able to have animals, which are not allowed most places here. In the natural, there is no way! Of course God can do it. If He can heal – and He does – money, a house, land, is easy! I know that. But we have lost two (three in the case of my husband) countries to communism, and so many times it all seems hopeless, and it is hard when I think of all those prayers and years. Please pray and perhaps give me a way to forget the past failures? Thanks

    1. Heather, thank you so much for visiting and for taking the time to share your story. I’m praying for you … asking God to meet every need as He gives you His peace and strength each day! God bless you!

  112. Thank you for your encouragement. I’m currently praying for the reconciliation of a dear friendship that has been attacked by the enemy through my friend’s family, and has led to him currently having no contact with me. It’s very sad and I think he is believing lies about me too, but God has made it clear he wants this friendship restored and your article has given me new strength to keep praying.

    Your prayers would be welcome.

    Thank you.

    1. I’m so sorry, Stephen! That is very painful. I am glad to pray for you and ask God to make it possible for your friendship to be healed and restored!

      1. Thank you. I really appreciate that.

  113. I need prayer for my health and Finances. Please pray for me.

    1. Anna, I’m praying for you today! May God bless you and meet every need!

    2. Hi, I will pray for you and your family. God is great and He will not forsake us. He is powerful and almighty. In all you do just continue to pray to Him as He will give you the desires of your heart. Remember to have Constant communication with Him through prayer and reading the Bible. That’s how you will hear His voice. I pray that He keeps you and pours down his mercy and grace and fills you life with his Blessings. He is a God of Love and He hears you.

  114. Thabsile DuPont says:

    Please pray for my son he has speech problems

    1. I’m praying for you and your son. Thabsile. God bless you!

      1. Susana Dilig says:

        Thank you God . You are wonderful . In the midst of my trouble I have known this people who gives me the chance to be enlightened at the moment of my suffering .
        Praise be to You in the Name of my Lord Jesus Christ .

  115. Patricia Ay says:

    I love prayers so much!
    who I am, what I have and what I am yet to have is just because of the grace and mercy of the Lord!
    I am grateful I have found this site (Deb), though I still need prayers for my family, career paths, my job and a good partner.
    please I beg you in the name of Jesus to pray for me.

    1. Patricia, I’m so glad to have you visit! And I am happy to pray for you! May God encourage you and fill you with His peace as you trust Him in the days ahead. God bless you!

  116. Julie Vowler says:

    God is good All the time! And Nothing is impossible to Him! Thank you for these wonderful prayers that encourages everyone to have Faith & Trust on the Lord Almighty.
    Please pray for my family, specially my youngest Richard who has a lot of anger in his heart, to free him from this & return back his loving relationship with his sister.

    1. You’re most welcome, Julie! Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to join the conversation! God bless you!

  117. Thank you, I needed some prayer guidance tonight. Bless you. I could sure use some prayers to finally find the strength, courage and “smarts” about how best to end my very toxic marriage which has already caused so much damage to my son and to me but my son is having emotional issues and is unable to process this. My husband pretends nothing is wrong and refuses to see the damage being done to our child by his bizarre and unreasonable behavior. Please pray for us. Bless you.

  118. good morning,

    my spirit was down today in the morning, i’m like God don’t here my prayers, but once i read on Ephisians 3 i started to understand that God is with me.

    thank you so much
    Refilwe Malesa

    1. Refilwe, I’m so sorry you are struggling. God is with you! I’m praying for you today and asking God to hold you close and continue to lift you up with His promises. God bless you!

    2. Elba Cruz says:

      Please pray for my sister she is in need of a miracle from the lord !!!
      For mercy and blessings!

  119. Stacey Tom says:

    Pray for me, I am not strong enough to fight everyday battles with a smile. There is so much I want in my life for me and my family, I just want my Faith to always stay strong and want the best life I can Have, God knows my heart and my circumstances. Thank you

    1. I am praying for you! Asking God to help you fight with His strength each day and remind you of His presence and love. God bless you!

  120. Titilayo Bamgbose says:

    God bless you as you share Gods word to meet someone like me at the point of my needs.

  121. Asking for prayers for my children, they are on the wrong path hanging out with the wrong people and doing and using things they are not supposed to. I am at the point that I feel desperate thinking God doesn’t hear my prayers. I know he does and I’ve just being trying to surrender all my problems and my worries to him but it is just so hard.
    Please, please help me pray for my children. I appreciate your prayers beforehand!!

    1. Mary, I am praying for your family and especially for your children. It’s hard to watch our children have free-will and make less than wise choices. I know God hears your prayers and I’m adding my prayer that He will work on their hearts and minds and surround them people who love and trust Him.

  122. I have been married to my husband for 4 yrs. We both have a son who is fighting drug and alcohol dependency. They have both been to rehab and have both relapsed. They struggle to get their lives under control and it is a struggle for them. My son faces many legal issues. My son has a child that he has not seen in several months because of his relapsing. When high my son has done some things that he may be facing jail time he’s lost his motivation his interest in just about everything and though he struggles to stay clean it takes one to two years for your body to feel normal again without substances so both of them struggle with depression and anxiety anger both of them know Jesus both of them have given their hearts to him but they have to give him their lives and this is the part that is so hard and this is my prayer for them. And I’m asking today that you pray for both these boys I pray that God will give them the strength each day and will speak to them every day because I know Satan does and I pray that God’s voice will be louder. I pray that God will bring them complete wholeness Spirit mind body and soul that they will completely let go of the past get through what they must face and get it behind them and have the life that God wants them to have for the rest of their life and take away any and all desire for anything negative in their lives.

    1. I am so sorry, Paula! Your family is walking a very difficult journey. I’m lifting you up in prayer asking God to draw your sons close to Himself … giving them strength and courage to be able to do all they need to remain healthy. God bless you!

  123. Please pray for a special intension!!!

  124. Hi Deb,
    You are an inspiration and a blessing to so many. Thank you!

    1. Thank you so much for your kind encouragement, Alice! God bless you!

  125. Lindsey: Thank you for this article.
    Please pray for my teenaged daughter who suffers from Major Depressive Disorder and Generalised Anxiety Disorder. It’s heartbreaking for a mum to see her child become like this.

    1. I’m so sorry, Lindsey. It is heartbreaking to watch our children suffer. I am praying for her and for your momma’s heart! God be with and bless you and your family!

      1. Thank you for your prayers. I am going through a very difficult situation and I am encouraged by your prayers.

        I am believing God for my miraculous provisions and breakthrough.

  126. Garry nsonga says:

    Am so greatful with this awesome prayer,i believe God has answered.

    1. I am so glad it blessed you, Garry! I’m praying for you and asking God to meet every need! God bless you!

  127. I have been blessed with your message. Am going through a very difficult time in my life. Lost my job for nine months and problems seem to be multiplying. Sometimes I feel like ending it all by suicide but am comforted so I will keep praying and waiting on the Lord

    1. Oh, Edwin, I am so very sorry! PLEASE reach out to someone close by … someone you can talk to in person. I am praying for you and asking God to direct you to the job He has already prepared for you and that He will be your encouragement and strength! Thank you so much for sharing your comment with us and allowing us to pray for you!

  128. Daisy Ravelo says:

    Thank you for your prayers. Might God bless you for the work you do

    1. Thank you, Daisy! That is so very kind of you! God bless you!

  129. Thank you! I needed this today! Please say my name in your prayers.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you! Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to say “hello.” God bless you!

  130. Thanks for this words of encouragement,also for the prayer section.Will like you to please keep praying for me,that I will be able to wait patiently on God as he makes the impossible to be possible in his own appointed time.Looking forward to hearing from you..

    1. I am praying for you! Asking God to make possible what seems today to be impossible and to give you His peace as you wait. God bless you!

  131. It took 32 years to be released from a bad situation but the blessings afterward have amazed me.

    1. I am praising God with you, Gale! God bless you!

  132. Amen. Just what I needed, thank you so much.

  133. Am glad. Happy to be here n may God bless you and continue to pour holy spirit onto you so that you give us hope faith and the right speech for us to walk in God. My prayers that now things keep falling apart from my marriage, kids no going school, landlord demands money for rent, our cars no.more working. No.more contracts…my business collapse. I still have faith and trust that with me n others who might know my situation might see impossible but with God all will be settled and will be possible. From Kenya

    1. I’m so glad you’re here, Ey! I am sorry you are going through this difficult time. We are praying for you and asking God to give you His peace and strength and meet every need! God bless you!

  134. Thank you so much for this prayer
    Pls pray for me and my family
    Now we and bad financial situation
    There is no enough money to pay my clg fees. So your prayer can able to change my situation so pls pray for me .

    1. I am so glad it blessed you! We are joining you in prayer for your family’s finances. God bless you!

  135. Hello Deb, thank you for these powerful words. I feel blessed for land on this. My prayer request is am 40 now, I earnestly ask God to restore this relationship I need to settle. I have struggled with relationship s in the past and finally I met someone we went to university together like ten years ago, things started well, but now it’s confusing when it’s just 3 months. It’s a long distance relationship. My God of impossiblilities I commit this relationship into your hands. Waiting now on only you as God can do.

    1. Paula, I’m so glad you visited! Thank you for allowing us to pray for you! And that you want God to be in this part of your future. We’re praying and God bless you!

  136. Hi Deb ~ my friend has experienced a difficult life with mental health, alcoholism and drug issues. It is difficult to communicate and show my concern since he is extremely introverted which is what protects him & myself. He is close with his immediate family who I believe pray for his life & safety. For the 3 years I’ve known him, I have had a strong intuition God introduced me to him to assist, but I don’t know how. I’ve been praying for him with a great amount of love, patience & understanding.

    I believe his situation could use more prayers ~ thank you

    1. Thank you so much, Faith, for sharing this with us. We are happy to join you in prayer for your friend. I’m asking God to intervene and miraculously reveal how very much He loves him. God bless you!

  137. Praying for you too. I always pray for others and encourage them to pray for their situations yet I feel it difficult praying for myself. I often feel like a hypocrite because I tell people to pray over whatever their situation is and believe. Then when something happens to me I crumble like I’m one trying to walk on the water to him and I stumble.
    Prayers ???????? for belief in praying for ourselves!¡!

    1. Thank you for joining us in prayer, Selena! I love that the Lord wanted us to know Peter crumbled, stumbled, and sank … that He showed us countless examples of what not to do. Because through them, He showed us His ability to change and use the hearts, minds, and lives of people who are surrendered to Him. Praise God! Blessings!

  138. Please pray with us that God will touch my daughter in law womb and bless her and my son with a child that they so desperately wants. We know that He can do it there is proof of it in the Bible and we know of people that He has done it for. People that thought they could never have children.

    Thank you and God Bless!

    1. Oh, Rosa, we struggled with secondary infertility and know the heartache of longing for a child. We will definitely be praying for your son and his wife. God bless you!

  139. vivian cunningham says:

    Thank you, I have stage 4 cancer and the doctor said there is no cure, and she does not know why I have pain, I don’t understand, I love the Lord, I go to church and try to live right. If I can’t be cured why not stop the pain. Please pray with me or for me. Thank you.

    1. I am so sorry, Vivian. I am praying for you and asking God to relieve you of pain and hold you close. God be with you.

  140. Vera Thomas says:

    You just blessed my day with your prayers.Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you, Vera! I am so glad you visited and your encouragement is a blessing! God be with you!

  141. Please help me pray for deliverance from my adiction to drugs and other bad behavior

    1. Kini, we are praying for you! God be with you and give you the courage and strength you need. God bless you!

  142. Zandile Ngubeni says:

    Hi Deb thank you so much for this platform and the wonderful work you’re doing encouraging other Christians and non Christians. I would like your prayers I’m a single unemployed mother living in South Africa,I’ve been unemployed for so many years and now I’m struggling to even pay my rent my landlord just doesn’t understand. Please pray for me i need a miracle to change my life and turn it around,i have faith that i serve a living God who promised not to leave nor forsake me and i believe that he will see me through this difficult and challenging time in my life and make a way for me,Amen,

    1. Thank you for visiting, Zandile, and for allowing us to pray for you! I asking God to hold you close, to be your encourager, and to meet every need. God bless you!

  143. Please pray for me! I’m really having a tough time. I just had a brain aneurysm and was in I U for over 10 days. God saved my life and I’m very grateful but right now I’m struggling! I pray God to show me the way and to show me what purpose he has for me. My mind is all over the place and I just want to lay my worries at His feet and just praise Him! Amen!!

    1. I’m so sorry, Norma. I’m asking God to be your Healer and hold you close as you go through this season. God bless you!

  144. Please help me in prayer, I am going threw a mental battle. Reading this blog helped me so much and reminded me that through God everything is possible. I know God is going to get me threw this.

    1. I’m sorry you’re going through this struggle, Gabby. I’m praying for you and asking God to hold you close and remind you every day of His presence and help. God bless you!

  145. Am blessed to read this. thanks and it has changed my life today

    1. Thank you, Vivien! I’m so glad you visited and that you were blessed! May God be with you and bless you!

  146. JJ Johnson-Smith says:

    I ask that prayer warriors pray for the people of Tennessee who have suffered a horrible, natural disaster, and for those sick with the Coronavirus. May it not spread another day.

    1. We have many reasons to go to the Lord, don’t we, JJ. Thank you so much for joining us here and for leaving this encouragement to pray. God bless you!

  147. Sharlotte says:

    I’m glad I landed on you. I’m going through very difficult times. Mum is battling stage 4 cancer, I received an eviction notice from work on Monday, today was my mum’s last chemo session and she’s not so well. Please pray for me that I get sufficient funds to offset my rent arrears so that I maintain my work place. I honestly don’t see a way of survival without work.

    1. I’m sorry, Sharlotte. That is a lot of heaviness to manage. I’m praying for you and for your Mum. God bless you!

  148. Is praying for a verbally abusive and emotionally cruel [now ex-] husband a prayer that God will answer? How do I know it’s in His will to answer? What do I pray? My heart hurts so badly. My former husband never misses church, but continues to lie about me. While we were together he would cuss me out regularly after church, etc. I left and begged him to go to counseling. He refused for 8 months. When he finally went he lied to the counselor saying things I described never happened. (Gaslighting?) He had a stroke several years ago (before I met him ) so I don’t know if that is causing the issues. In any event, he denies and refuses help. OUr divorce took a long time and he started dating a year before we were divorced. I didn’t want a divorce, but I couldn’t live with the emotional and verbal abuse. It was horrible. I sold everything, including my home, to marry him. It appears he just wanted my money . My heart aches and I’m so angry……………..

    1. I’m so sorry, Christy. This is a very painful and difficult situation. No one should have to live with abuse and it’s hard to get over that kind of betrayal. I’m praying for you and asking God to heal your heart, give you everything you need as He fills you with peace and strength. I think it’s very appropriate to pray that God will transform your ex-husband’s heart and that by His grace, He will give you what you need to forgive the past and move ahead with joy. Asking God to bless you abundantly.

  149. Ms Angelas says:

    Thank you Sis. Deb for this prayer and especially the scriptures. It’s nice to have them for quick reference when you need a reminder. FYI: I copied this from your blog/column: “Your grace is sufficient! (1 Corinthians 12:9) And I have everything I need. (Psalm 23:1)”
    Your grace is sufficient! is found in 2 Corinthians 12:9. If you’ve already been notified accept my apology and correction in love. Thank you again for having the foresight to know that blog/column this would be a blessing to so many.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting and for taking the time to let me know. I’ve taken care of it! I hate having those typos out there. Thanks again and God bless you!

      1. Deb Wolf please I really need your number so I can called, I can’t write what am passing through up here

        Please send your number I wanna call please

        1. Thank you for visiting, James. I’m sorry, I do not give out my phone number. I am praying for you and asking God to be with you and bless you.

  150. Caryl Bowman says:

    These are powerful-hitting prayers with scriptures to back it up! This is how bold and confident we should pray. Splendid.

    1. Thank you so much, Caryl! I’m so glad you visited and I’m blessed by your kind encouragement! God bless you!

  151. FAARAH MOHADEEN says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful work that God is using you for search a blessing I really love it please pray for me and my family I want to be closer to God together with my family in Jesus mighty name.Amen

    1. I am happy to pray for you, Faarah! May God bless you and draw you and your family close.

  152. Margaret Akpedeye says:

    I am blessed with this. Thank you

    1. Thank you so much, Margaret. I’m glad it blessed you!

  153. Delia Perez says:

    Amen thank you Jesus Christ Amen

  154. This is just what I needed, I love your quotes and bible versus. What a great way to start out my week! ????❤️Thank you

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Paige! Thank you for taking the time to let me know. I’m asking God to bless you today!

  155. I needed to see this—I’ve been praying everyday since Christmas of last year. I just took the bar exam and get my results this week. I’ve been so worried and stressed out but these prayers have put me at ease.
    I pray that I pass this exam and will continue to pray.

    1. God bless you! I’m praying and asking God to give you His peace and the outcome on your exam you’re hoping for.

  156. Thank you for these prayers. I need prayer for my broken relationship. That if it’s for the best of my family that God help us mend it!
    Thank you

    1. I am so glad they blessed you, Ceny! I’m sorry you are hurting. I am stopping to pray for you and asking God to be with you, give you peace, and that His will might be done! God bless you!

  157. Thank you Deb for sharing these prayers. I am leaving an abusive marriage and I need all the help from God. And I know that God loves me and will help me. Thank you. I am also sending prayers to all women who are in this tough situation.

    1. Oh, Sophie, I’m so sorry you are going through this difficult time. I’m praying for you and asking God to keep you safe, hold you close, and surround you with people to encourage you and fill you with hope. God bless you!

  158. Thanks for the encouraging words. God bless.

    1. You’re most welcome! Thanks for visiting! May God be with you, bless you, and encourage you!

  159. This was exactly what I needed this morning! I was struggling to find the words to pray, but didn’t want to start my day without praying. I thank God for leading me here. Thank you for walking in obedience. I clicked the Pinterest app and this was right there! God is so good and faithful!

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you and I so appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  160. I’m praying for times when my unbelief takes over my belief. I know with God all things are possible. I’m praying for spiritual, family, physical, mental, financial, household, employment and emotional impossibilities to be possibilities!

    1. I’m praying for you, Skyhi. I think we can all relate to the father in Mark 9, who cried out to Jesus … “I do believe, but help me overcome my unbelief.” I believe that is a prayer the Lord loves to answer. God bes with you and bless you!

      1. Thank you for your prayers and responding. Everday I see blessings, just have to keep focused on the unseen and wait for the answers and doors to open knowing (yet wavering) that all things are possible and in God’s time.

        1. You’re very welcome! Yes, I believe that’s the goal for each of us … to stay focused on Jesus and trusting Him with everything else. God bless you!

  161. Jerry Baxley says:

    Thanks for the encouraging words.

  162. Priscilla says:

    Thank you for this! I need prayers where I feel weak when it comes to Satan’s temptations. I know God has big things for my family for I’m afraid I will go back into Satan’s temptation. I need the strength to get him off my back. To stay away for I am a child of God.

    1. I am praying for you, Priscilla! I’m asking God to give you the strength and peace you need! You’re right! You ARE a child of God! He is with you! God bless you!

  163. Angelica Delgadillo says:

    Thank you so much for this beautiful prayer and time with God. I resonate with a lot of what you say. Right now I pray this every night and hope that we can get back to our normal lives very soon. God Bless.

    1. Thank you, Angelica! I am so glad this blessed you. I too am praying that we will find ourselves being able to easily get to normal and socialize without restrictions. God bless you!

  164. Thank you for this! I am in need of prayers and resonant with this as I have been praying and asking God for the same thing every night. Recently my position at my job was eliminated and I had to take a one third pay cut just to keep a job. I have been asking God to help me find a new career that I can really love and one that loves me and helps me provide for my family financially. I know that nothing is impossible for God, just asking for him to show me my new career path.

    1. Hi, Jeff. Thanks so much for visiting and for allowing us to pray for you. I’m asking God to walk with you throughout this journey and to guide you to the opportunities He is preparing for you. May He bless you and your family now and in the future.

      1. The prayers are Awesome, God bless and strengthen you more sir, these are wonderful!.

        1. God bless you, Osa! Thank you for visiting and for your kind encouragement.

  165. Kindly pray with me Deb.I am waiting for interview results and I believe its me to redeem my family from the dark pit of poverty they are in through this job.I declare its mine in Jesus name.Affliction will not rise over me a second time.I refuse.

    1. I am praying that God will bless you and that you will get this job you are hoping for. Thanks so much for visiting and for allowing us to pray for you!

  166. Daniel Maliehe says:

    Keep on doing this great job. May God bless you and give you wisdom to help more people throuh his word.

    1. Thank you so much, Daniel! May God bless you as well!

  167. Monica Kamau says:

    I am blessed by the prayer guides and would love to be receiving more from you.

    God bless you

    1. I am so glad it blessed you, Monica. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. May God be with you and bless you!

  168. I am blessed with this prayer Guide.Thank you and be blessed much

    1. Thank you, Grace! I’m so glad you visited.

  169. Thank you Deb so much for your encouraging words, and inspirational insight. Also, thank you for following the passion that God put in your spirit to do this blogs.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind encouragement, Kathy! God bless you!

  170. Augustine Piper says:

    I need you to pray for me. I have been harassed and persecuted on my job. Grateful for some prayers,

    1. I am so sorry, Augustine. I am praying for you and asking God to give you strength and courage and that He will give you peace at your job. God bless you!

  171. Thank you for this. As usual God has spoken to me this time through your blog at a time when I need to feel His presences most. My dear cousin passed awag just 5 days ago due to Covid19. Now, both my nephew and I have the symptoms. My nephew os diabetic and I have a heart problem. It is easy to be overcome with fear in situations like this. But today, a notification about your Blog appeared on my phone. Reading these verses and prayers that you shared assured me that God is sending His message of love to me and my family, through you. I am reassured of His love, mercy, and power. I will pray these prayers and share them, too. God bless you and everyone who reads your blogs.

    1. I am so sorry, Janet! I am praying for you and asking God to comfort you and your nephew and to restore your health. May you be blessed as you truly are a blessing to a blessing to others.

      1. The prayers was so good and it has lifted my soul and spirit to know that everything is possible with God no matter what my situation is but just trust and believe him for whatever seems impossible Amen

        1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Winnie! Thank you for taking the time to visit and let me know. God bless you!

  172. This was life changing and powerful. I ask for prayer for strength for me and my son we currently living apart and it’s been rough couple months. I raised myself was never loved as child. Worked very hard all my life and when the lord blessed me with greatest blessing was my son. Just been the two of us. I take responsibility for having allowed myself to be around wrong people and environment. I nearly almost died for one night out with so call friends. My son was away safe with his grandparents. Night forgive take break from packing was in the process of moving. Social outing was only out for couple hrs home by 10pm all of sudden I wasn’t feeling well called 911 and now they I need mental help and my son can’t come home til I do services. Never in my life thiught I would be here always been so careful. My son safe and I’m safe so thank you lord.

    1. Jennifer, I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time. I am asking God to be with you and meet every need for both you and your son. And I’m asking Him to surround you with people to bless and encourage you.

  173. Henry Foremost says:

    I’m truly blessed by these wonderful and powerful prayers for getting God do something that seems impossible for us. I’m truly grateful!

    Thank you Deb.

    1. I am so glad this blessed you, Henry! Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  174. Kashish.yk says:

    Hii my name is kashish and im from india. Im in lots of trouble and worry. I dont find any way out for my problems. My life is destroyed no job no money no love. My desire to purchase a villa. My education documents are stucked at a person he is not giving my docs. Im in situation where i don’t find any wayout. It is impossible for me to do. My name is kashish but people dont call me by my name kashish. They address me by the name which is not mine i tried to tell them so many times dont call me by the name which is not mine i dont like to hear the name by which half of the people know me by. Im fedup i feel like to run away so far. I just want to get rid of that name. Pray for all those people who dont call me by my real name kashish. All the people should know me by my real name kashish and should not address me by no other name. It is impossible for me to tell them. Still all those people continue the same. Let all peoples who dont know my real name kashish should know my real kashish. I wanna get married to boy with whom im in love with.

    1. I am so very sorry you are going through this difficult time, Kashish. I’m praying for you and asking God to be with you through this time of need and that He will give you the strength and peace you need each day. May He be with you and bless you!

      1. Teresa Spurlock says:

        Our Great God whose our Heavenly Father will make a way out of no way. He parted the Red Sea and He will deliveryou from your situation and circumstances. As for people calling you by your real name. They should because that’s the name God granted your mother and/or father to name you. Your name is not just your signature it is your identity in Christ our Lord and Saviour.

  175. Brooklyn Genzone says:

    I really need clarity. I have been standing in the gap for my marriage for a year now and I have had many false starts. I really need to know God’s will on this. I believe He called me to stand, but now I am starting to question my stand because of the condition of my husband’s heart. I just want what God wants and I need it to come to me loud and clear.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting. I’m praying for you, Brooklyn, and asking God to give you clarity and guide you, and give you His peace as you wait on Him. God bless you.

  176. We are having financial problems with doctor bills we was paying 100 dollars a month and they still turn it over to collection agency and we are desperately need another vehicle and I am afraid that will mess us up on our credit to get one so please pray for us and my daughters and grandsons needs prayers as well God know what is going on and also pray for me i think my health is going down but I know with God all things are possible. THANKS

    1. Hi, Lisa. I’m so sorry you are facing this financial crisis. I’m praying for you and asking God to provide you and your family with everything you need each day. God be with you and bless you!

  177. Thank you so much, this has blessed me .

  178. Please pray for my marriage. My husband wants a divorce and says there is no other option. Please pray that God will soften his heart towards me, allow him to forgive me, and turn his mind and spirit towards restoring our marriage for His glory.

  179. Charles Jemison says:

    I would like to receive a money blessing so I can get a house for my family and I. I am trying my best

    1. We’re praying for you, Charles. God be with you and bless you!

  180. Grace Nghipulenga says:

    Hi , please pray for me and my family for wisdom , strength and to have a strong faithful bond with the Lord Almighty ???? Amen

    1. I am praying for you and for your family, Grace. God be with you!

  181. David Patterson says:

    Great post!!!
    Thank You so much Deb
    Have A Blessed Day!!!

    1. Thank you, David! I appreciate your kindness! God be with you!

  182. Gracy Devassy says:

    Thank you for the Great Prayer. I need help from God very badly. My son need a job. Please pray for me too.

    1. Thank you for visiting, Gracy! We are praying for you and your son! God bless you!

    2. Meghanshi Gupta says:

      Positive vibes and lots of good wishes to you and your son. He will soon get a job offer. Ameen

  183. Thank you for the prayer i need God to come through for my 0ne year old daughter Naomi, as you pray commit Naomi unto your prayers that Gods healing hand, provision and great health shall be upon her in Jesus Name. I also Requesting God to come through my prayer needs, the unspoken . God bless

    1. Jay, I am praying for your little girl and for you and your family. May God touch you with His healing hand and grant you His peace. God bless you!

  184. My family need pray right now we are being evicted even know its no fault of ours and we have been trying to fine a new places to move and there is nothing out there and if we don’t fine anything by Wed there’s a chance we will be living in are car Please pray for us

    Thank you and God Bless

    1. I am praying for you, Marie, and asking God to lead you to the home He has planned and is preparing for you and your family. God bless you!

  185. Wow, I loved the bible verses and the prayers, I have saved them to pray them everyday as I wait for the impossible possible! Thank you

    1. Thank you so much, Jacinta. God bless you!

  186. Joseph Omemo says:

    Hi Deb, thank you verry much for your selfless service to Christians.
    Am requesting a prayer, I know that our God is able to do all things according to His riches. Am planning to get married but my fiancee is abroad and currently under this international lockdown. Please help me pray for this pandemic to cease so that life can come back to normal. I need to marry my childhood friend. Please nhelp


    1. Joseph, thank you so much for your kind encouragement. I am praying for you and your fiancee! Asking God to make it possible for her to return home and for the two of you to be able to marry! God be with you and bless you both!

  187. I so needed to find this today.
    Thank you!

    1. You’re welcome, Gloria! I’m so glad it bless you!

      1. DIKELEDI Keetse says:

        I need God to have a relationship with my children and hold their hands to help them overcome their challenges.

        1. I am praying for your children and asking God to be with them and to surround them with His love. God bless you!

  188. Josephine says:

    This has blessed me, thank you.
    I need a miracle in my life.

    1. Praying for you, Josephine! God bless you!

  189. I need somebody to pray for me hard times

    1. I am sorry you are going through this difficult time. We are praying for you, Ismael. God bless you!

  190. My son is going for his third round interview on Monday, for a job. Please pray for him to get through. I believe, nothing is impossible for God. In the past also God has done many miracles in my life. Praise the Lord.

    1. I am joining you in prayer for your son! God bless you and your family.

  191. Thank you for your message. I’m feeling defeated and could use all the prayers right now. I’m asking for God’s mercy and protection. I am thankful and blessed! I surrender everything to Him. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
    Blessings to you and your family.

    1. I am joining you in prayer, Lola! May God be with you and cover you with His grace, mercy, and protection God bless you!

  192. Thank you so much for the beautiful verses to pray when we feel that our situation is impossible. It surely reminds us with no uncertainty that “everything is possible with God”.
    We can so easily forget this truth when under stress. God bless you for this information and
    also that it is printable!! I am forever grateful!

    1. Thank you for your kind words, Jewel. I’m so glad you were blessed and I love knowing that you’re saving it for the future. God be with you and bless you!

  193. Please can you pray for my golden retriever, she has cancer and is not doing very well, I don’t want to put her down, am asking God to give us a miracle and to bring her back to being healthy once again. Thank you. Jim

    1. I’m so sorry, Jim. We will pray for your sweet puppy. We have a Cavapoo and I know how much our puppies are loved. God bless you all!

  194. Hello
    I feel blessed, burden eased, and well guided by this article
    I have a ‘Lost son’ who i know the God of all possibilities will easily handle
    Thanks and be blessed too

    1. I’m so glad, Pauline! Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. I am praying for your son! God be with you and bless you!

  195. Thank you for this website
    I scroll trough my pintrest ideas and saw COUNTINGMYBLESSINGS
    with the writing and praying requests.
    Sorry for my english writing….I am Afrikaans.
    Please pray for my daughter and granddaugter……she is divorced for about 6years and is in a relationship that myself and my husband can see there are many things that is not good and as a mother I can only pray and ask God to open her eyes…..please for her. Her name are Elizabeth and our granddaugter’s name is Zan
    Than you
    Blessings and peace (The fruit of the Holy Spirit) I pray unto you.

    1. Hi San, Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to pray over the needs on our Blessing Counters Pray Page. We will definitely pray for Elizabeth and Zan. It is hard to watch them make choices that we believe are unwise and will ultimately cause them pain. Praise God, we can take those things to Him in prayer asking for His wisdom and guidance for them and for us. You did a great job on your English! Well done! May you be blessed throughout the year ahead.

  196. Myra Brown says:

    Dear Deb,
    I read your Bible verses tonight to my husband on 5 Bible verses to pray for God to do the impossible. My husband was diagnosed in July 2020 of 4th Stage Fatty Liver Disease (no alcohol involved) 2 months after being diagnosed with him dying of liver disease he was diagnosed with Lung Disease and started immediately on prednisone for his bad lungs and cough. His doctors tell him to get his affairs in order because we never know when the Lord will take him home.
    My husband and I just got married back on November 1, 2020. Though we have known each other for 13 years for the past 6 years we remained friends and when the doctors said he couldn’t drive or stay by himself then I stepped in and offered to take care of him. Then we decided to get back together after I started taking care of him and the we got married just a couple of months ago. God put me here for a reason and I am happy it turned out for us to be together. We need continued prayer that God will take care of my husband health. There are times we all get complacent and after we feel the person is getting better but then we don’t even Praise the Lord for the answers that God has already blessed us with. God never left us, we just stopped praying for the person in need. God does answer the impossible prayers and I know he will answer the ones we are praying for my husband.

    1. Oh, Myra, you and your husband both sound like warriors. Thank you so much for stopping by and for sharing your story allowing us to pray for you both. May He continue to hold you both close, be your hope and encouragement, and touch you with His healing hand. God bless you both!

  197. Amen thank you I am agreement with you for were 2 or more meet he is there as a witness. May the good Lord forgive me for how I was yesterday I was down. May the holy Spirit intercede and forgive me were my words fail me. I needed this reminder. May the power that is in his word be a true testimony for me and my daughter. May we see his greatness for his glory. May I never forget who he has been in my life. He has always come through just when it seemed impossible.

    1. Isn’t it a wonderful blessing to know with confidence that the Lord loves us and wants to forgive us. His mercy and grace are abundant in our lives every single day! May He be with you, bless you, and give you all the encouragement you need.

  198. Thanks and God bless you, Deb!

    1. You’re very welcome! I’m so glad you visited! God bless you!

  199. It’s always been hard for me for the longest period of time, almost everything has been a struggle but I know I never escaped those troubles by my own power, this time though it seems like there’s no way out, like there’s no one listening when I pray or cry, it feels like all is lost

    1. I am so very sorry, Nina! I promise you, all is not lost! God sees your pain and He is with you! I am praying for you and asking the Lord to deliver you from suffering. God bless you!

  200. Oooooohhh am healed???? this word is like medicine of broken heart thank u my strength is reanew

    1. God bless you, Jemima! Thank you for visiting and for your kind encouragement!

  201. Nokuthula Cleopatra Motsepe says:

    thank you so much this is a beautiful prayer request and I believe it will touch Our Father’s heart and our prayers have been answered in the Mighty Name of Jesus Our Savior Amen!!

    May the Good Lord cover every Child of God with the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ

    1. Amen, Cleopatra. Thank you so very much for visiting and sharing this beautiful comment. God bless you!

  202. I have been battling depression & anxiety for years. Mediations don’t help much. I have been asking God to help me for years too. It gets so bad I want to take my own life but I’m afraid I won’t go to Heaven if I do. Please pray for me to be able to handle this. I also have a son who drinks. Pray for him also please.
    I go to church 3 days a week & watch the mass on youtube on the other 4 days. I say the Rosary many times a day. I don’t know what more to do. Thank you

    1. I’m so sorry, Loretta. I am praying for you and asking God to hold you close and that you might feel His peace and presence. God bless you!

  203. Mark Arvin Colita says:

    Hi good day to you, can you please help me to pray? I want to surrender my body and soul to our heavenly father. And also pray for me to get a job with a good salary Thank u so much.

    1. Hi, Mark! Yes, we are happy to pray for you. May God bless you, draw you close, and meet every need.

  204. Keneolisa says:

    Hi, my name is Keneolisa and I love being called Ken. Please I need someone to talk more to me about prayers to reach God with for changing all impossible dealings in my life to a possible one. Am from Nigeria and I really would love God to intervene over my issues.

    1. Hi Ken, I am sorry you are going through a difficult time right now. I am praying for you and asking the Lord to give you the words to pray that You might be blessed by His peace and strength and encouraged knowing that He is at work in all that you are dealing with. Thank you so much for visiting. God bless you!

  205. Thanks for your prayers I am walking through very hard times I lost my brother because the lies and words my sister in law said to my brother made him hate me but now too I love him and I pray for him to come back to me to turn his anger and hatred to love which I fell is impossible and only God can make it possible thank u Deb

    1. I am so sorry, Sneha. I’m praying and asking God to heal your relationship with your brother. God bless you!

  206. Hi I could really use help with prayers for my son that he finds the right path at this time in his life , and that whatever has a hold on me will by the grace of God leave me that this cloud of darkness stops following me . Thankyou God bless you and thank you

    1. Hi, Amy. I am so very sorry you are going through this difficult time. We are praying for you and asking God to guide your son and give you peace. God bless you!

  207. I am so blessed I have found inspirational verses.

  208. Thank you so much for such wonderful and encouraging words of God, l really needed to remind myself that God is the God of impossibilities and His Grace n mercy is sufficient for us always
    Be blessed always n we love u❤️❤️????????????

    1. I am so glad it blessed you, Dorothy! Thank you so much for letting me know. I praying for you and asking God to meet every need. God be with you!

  209. I am a total loss, I have had oppression for four months, been set free several times, fasted prayed all the verses memorized and I continue to fall back to it, ! I don’t think I will make it, is there hope?

    1. I am so very sorry, Joanne! I am pausing to pray for you! Keep SEEKing the Lord and turning to Him. I believe He is with you and loves you. I’m asking Him to give you the strength you need during this difficult time. May He bless you abundantly!

  210. Please pray for the healing of my body. My cancer came back. Please please pray for my healing. Thank you.

    1. I am so sorry, Cathy! We are definitely lifting you up in prayer . . . asking God to cover you with His peace and healing touch. God be with you and bless you!

  211. Truly, what God cannot do, does not exist. Lord, I believe, end this indebtedness once and for all. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen.

  212. Distraught in NJ says:

    Thank you for writing this article about prayer, I will use it the best I can, but I would like to ask for prayer support as I feel I am about to be “pulled under” from despair and exhaustion from stress.

    After living in this house for over 50 years, peacefully, my family has been endlessly tormented by a neighbor who moved in 9 years ago. The man is violent, abusive, vindictive, mentally unstable bully and a substance abuser. He has no respect for anyone in the neighborhood and makes life miserable through excessive noise, drug dealing, vandalism, threatening behavior, property destruction and the like. There is little to no help from the police and local courts. We don’t feel safe in our own yard and are trapped indoors most of the time. We can’t afford to move and situation feels hopeless. The stress is making us all physically and mentally unwell.

    We have prayed and prayed for God’s help to be separated from this man, but it doesn’t seem to come. I am at the point where I feel death is the only escape. We need God’s intervention to put an end to the torment.

    Please pray for us.

    1. I am so very sorry! We all want our homes to feel like safe places and it is so very difficult when our neighborhood no longer feels secure. Please do not lose hope. I believe God is with you and I am asking Him to give you the strength you need. I am also asking Him to turn this person’s heart and transform Him with His love. I will pray for you and your neighbors to remain safe. God be with you and bless you!

      1. Distraught in NJ says:

        Thank you so very much Deb. I always feel like my prayers are inadequate and need all the prayer support I can get. May God bless you too.

  213. JEROME COWELL says:

    Wow, I FELT really Blessed after reading your 5 verses to Pray when you need God to Do The IMPOSSIBLE! A right now Word, l needed for everything that is going on in my life. Deb, Thank you Thank you Thank you
    May God continue to Bless you so you can continue to be a Blessing. Amen
    That’s Kingdom Building ❤️????

    1. Oh, Jerome, your encouragement truly blessed my day! Thank you so much! I am so thankful to be able to do this and thankful the Lord sends people, like you, to encourage me. God be with you and bless you!

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you! Thanks for letting me know and for your kindness. God bless you!

  214. Thanks for the good work may God continue to bless you and grant you good health ,Amen

    1. Thank you so much, Winnie! I truly appreciate your kind encouragement! God bless you!

  215. Gina Ashcroft says:

    Oh Deb, thank you so very much for your wonderful ministry. It has blessed my heart and soul today and was another confirmation from our dear Lord. May the Lord continue to bless the work of your hands and your heart so richly! I am so very very grateful, I am going through an impossible and my Mama died on Aug. 17th and two other family deaths. Waiting on God with a thankful heart.
    Please keep up the LORD’s eternal work! God Bless you!

    1. I am so sorry your heart is grieving. That is a lot of loss in a short amount of time. I’m glad that God is using this space to bless and encourage you a bit. I’m praying for you and asking the Lord to continue to hold you close as He comforts you with the hope of His promises. God bless you!

  216. Please pray for me as I am going to court and I am frightened and nervous with so much doubt.

    1. I’m sorry, Andrea. I’m praying for you and asking God to protect you as He gives you His peace. May you be blessed!

  217. Hello Deb. I normally do not leave replies but had to share that God sent me this at the perfect moment. Your prayer was literally everything I felt and needed to say to God! It was powerful as it lifted my faith and spirit immediately and got me out of the miry clay I was in. I have peace now and trust God as I wait for his guidance and help. I know God has great things in store for my children’s and my life. Thank you so much and thank God for your ministry! God bless you abundantly.

    1. Linda, I am so very glad you were blessed! Thank you much for letting me know! May the Lord continue to bless and encourage you every day as You SEEK Him for you and your family. God bless you!

  218. The Lord is our refuge in good and bad times.

  219. Shelia Walker says:

    Thank God for his word . I stand on his word I believe and receive that God will do the impossible and send me my soulmate and husband to be in Jesus name

    1. God bless you and be with you, Sheilia!

  220. I have been searching so hard and for so long to find my purpose. Over the last two years I feel like I have lost myself. Health. Depression. All which led my ex-husband to take our daughter to live with him at his parents. I did not have money for a lawyer and had lost my job after an emergency hysterectomy and then slowly lost everything else. The biggest though, was my child. I miss her. I love her more than words could ever say. There is a lot of manipulation and so many things that have been said about me that are untrue. Things of why I can’t have my daughter back home. I spend day and night trying to find all the proof I can to show my family they are wrong in their accusations of me being crazy but I feel like I am just losing more. I pray and I pray and I stay in constant contact with God. I thank him for each day and for the strength to get through another day without my child but I don’t feel like he listens. If he knows my heart, then he knows the truth, and if he knows the truth, why is this happening? What is my purpose? I won’t give up. I am tired. Very tired. But I can’t give up. She has apparently said she doesn’t want me around and her dad has told me I haven’t been consistent but that isn’t true. I have. There has not been a day that goes by that I don’t text or call or ask to see her. There is hardly a response and plans get changed a lot, not by me, but then I’m told it’s my fault. Now my daughter doesn’t want anything to do with me. She is 10. I do not tell her what has really gone on, I do not talk bad about her dad or rest of the family, I stay strong for her and I just love her. I’m waiting for the day that she realizes that I did not abandon her, that this wasn’t my choice and that I have fought for her. But I feel like maybe that day won’t ever come. I don’t know what I am suppose to do anymore. Its been almost two years of me doing everything I can. What does God want from me? I am struggling to find my purpose now. I just want to be her mother. My heart aches. I’m worn out. I’m broken. So, if anyone wants to pray for me, maybe God will listen to others, I don’t think he is listening to me. I don’t want to give up but I feel empty without my child. Thank you. And thank you for this blog. I needed to hear everything I did.

    1. I am so sorry you have been going through this difficult time, Melissa. I am praying for you and asking God to bless and encourage you and restore your relationship with your daughter. God be with you!

  221. Bafana Gumede says:

    Thank you very much for this prayer, it dig deep to my past challenges of family life and made realize how God has walked with me through the depth of the hardships and elevated me to where I am now.. Praise be for Lord Jehovah at all times.

    1. Thanks so much for sharing this. I agree, When I look back over all the ways God has been with me through highs and lows . . . I’m overwhelmed. He is so generous with His grace, mercy, and love.

  222. Stephanie says:

    Thank you, Deb, for the encouragement and also it gave me the opportunity to pray for others who left prayer request. I would like to encourage you to continue doing God’s great work, you have truly been a blessing to me and others on this post. May God continue to richly bless you!

    1. Thank you so very much, Stephanie! I truly appreciate your kind encouragement! Blessings!

  223. Wanda Gaitor says:

    ???????????????? just what I needed. God is so awesome. Nothing is impossible with God. I’m believing and receiving all he has for me. Thanks for the encouraging words and prayers.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Wanda! Thank you for letting me know. You’re right! God is awesome and oh so very good! God bless you!

  224. So glad I found this page rn I’m trusting God for a new Job and a husband in my life

  225. Beautiful prayers to everyone in the comments & may the Lord work His ways to help & ease us through our struggles. I’ve lost my mother & father over the last 2 years. I now face uncertainty with my oldest son who’s led a rebellious life these last few years. He has grown & asked for forgiveness for his sins. We have one last hurdle to face & pray for God to move this seemingly impossible mountain. By the grace of God may he be uplifted & reassured that God does love him. He is the prodigal son come home as he was my Issac to lay before God.

    1. I’m so sorry, Alyda! That is a heavy burden to carry. We are lifting you and your son up in prayer asking God to be with you, strengthen you and give you everything you need. God bless you!

  226. Cassandra Myrick says:

    Those are wonderful prayer.

    1. Thank you! I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged. Blessings!

  227. Thank you for this encouragement, I needed this. I been sick for two weeks now and no one knows exactly why this is happening.I pray Gods gives me peace during this difficult time.

    1. I’m so sorry, Mona! I’m praying for healing and asking the Lord to hold you close throughout the healing process. God bless you!

  228. Prayers being said for each of you and asking for a prayer for my family. I am not allowed to talk to anyone these days. They fake texts and have me blocked from calling. Parents got rid of their house phone so no secure way to talk. Same with my children. I constantly get stalked and hurt and raped daily 20-200 times a day for past 7 years as well as the rapes that occured in the family home for 7 years before. Either God gave up on me or turned away because God has not answered my prayers the way they were and I have asked time and time again for years of what I can do to make things the way they were. Testing my faith maybe or the other.
    one example I always give is when my sister almost died and I prayed and my parents got home and took her to the hospital and because of situation the state trooper was called in. I prayed again and they allowed my sister to come home that night! My parents had become good friends with the trooper and would stop over my parents summerhome often to have coffee and make sure things were better with my sister. God worked an almost deadly night into good!
    God answered my prayers that night I was 14 years old! Blessed me through the years with beautiful ministries. Please if you remember, could you keep me in your prayers?
    Thank you

    1. I’m so sorry for your struggle, Susan. We’re lifting you up in prayer and asking Him to cover you with His love and give you everything you need. God bless you!

      1. Teresa Spurlock says:

        God always answeres prayer. No prayer is too small that He cannot answer. His arms are not too short that He cannot save. God answers our prayers is His own time. You have to stay in continual prayer. The Bible says, The fervent prayers of a righteous man availeth much. Don’t ever give up on God, because He will never give up on His Children. Have a blessed day!

        1. Amen! We are so blessed to know and love the One who promises to hear and answer our prayers. Thanks so much for stopping by and for joining the conversation! God bless you!

  229. John Hammond says:

    I sure needed this today. I have so many problems & difficulties that I can’t get my words/requests into a prayer, I am in my early nineties, live alone in England & my African wife is stuck in Ghana. Only God can turn the stumbling blocks into stepping stones & open doors the existence of which I have no knowledge! Amen.

    1. I’m so glad you visited and that you were blessed. I’m sorry you are experiencing this difficulty. We’re lifting you up in prayer . . . asking God to be with you and enable your wife to join you. God bless you!

  230. Much needed reminders right now. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you for visiting and for stopping to say “hi.” God bless you!

  231. Thank you Deb, I really needed to hear this. I’m going through a lot. I’m praying and trusting God for a job immediately as I am really struggling and a single parent with no other plans. Everything is not working out for me. I’m unemployed, in debts, have financial problems, health problems, relationship/s are not working and raising my child alone. Please put me in your prayers for the right job immediately, for God to fulfil my heart desires, needs and wants, and for God to protect me, my child(her father to come see, support and be present in her life) and bless us, give us strength, wisdom, guidance and God’s grace and prosperity upon our lives, love, happiness, joy and peace. I pray for breakthrough in each and every area of my life and God to bind and cancel all the evil spirits and plans of Satan and my enemies and break all the curses known and unknown as well. I ask all these in Jesus name, Amen ???????? Thank you Jesus ????????

    1. I’m glad you were blessed and encouraged, Sindi. I am sorry you are going through this very difficult time. We’re praying for you all and child . . . asking the Lord to meet every need and surround you with His peace, hope, and love. God bless you!

  232. Lillianne Oiye says:

    Can you pray for me…I once loved God and served him faithful but suddenly my job, my health and everything else is taken from me. I got so angry with God and I rebelled against him but I realized that He is my father and he will accept me back if I confess my sins and ask him to forgive me. I just want his Will in my life…..

    1. Hi Lillianne, He is our loving Father and yes, He is always waiting and watching to welcome us back when we repent and ask for His forgiveness. Praise God that He has revealed that to you. May you be blessed as He draws you close and holds you in His loving care. God be with you and bless you!

  233. Carla Gabaldon says:

    I love these prayers and being in agreement with you all To The King

    1. I’m so glad they blessed and encouraged you, Carla! Thanks for visiting.

  234. Patricia HillWilson says:

    Thank you for the prayers. Much needed in my life.

    1. Thank you for visiting, Patricia. I’m so glad God used them to bless and encourage you. I hope you’ll visit again in the future. God be with you!

  235. Mr. Boysie Brown says:

    Pray for me and my family that we continue to to trust God just the way we are.

    1. We are praying for your family and asking God to bless and encourage you.

  236. Geraldine Jefferson says:

    This message brought tears to my eyes it serves as a reminder to me O how Jesus loves us and all we need to do is to keep our focus on Him trust and follow Him

    1. Thank you for visiting, Geraldine, and for taking the time to share your faith and encouragement. May the Lord be with and bless you as you place your faith in Him.

  237. Karen. Ford says:

    I have a traffic court hearing on Monday the 18th of September. My lawyer says it doesn’t look good. I am a firm believer that God will be there by my side . I need prayers to guide both my lawyer and the judge . Despair it shows we are unable to do the right thing, all the time. It also a wake-up call for me to break from the past and trust God for the future . Please pray for me as I have never been to court .

    1. We’re praying, Karen. Asking the Lord to go before you and walk beside you. I’m also asking Him to guide both your lawyer and the judge. God be with you and bless you with everything you need.

  238. Abiade Coker says:

    With God all things are possible. Thank you for these prayers. May God renew His strength in you each day

    1. Amen! What a blessing to know that we can count on His promises. Thanks for visiting and for your kindness. God bless you!

  239. When I was diagnosed with two different types of cancer just months apart I thanked God that it was me and not someone I loved. After my first chemo treatment I ended up in the hospital. I spoke to God and said that I didn’t think I could handle any more treatments. I was crying and felt alone. Within minutes I felt a wave of peace wash over me and I immediately knew that I wasn’t alone , and that God would be with me throughout my journey. “God is Great”.

    1. What a beautiful testimony, Colleen. Thank you so very much for sharing it with us. God bless you!

  240. Leticia Greenaway says:

    My son and I are going through a tough situation that we know that our Heavenly Father will Continue to work everything out in our Favors And He will get all the GLORY, Honor and PRAISE. I would like you to add my son and I to your Prayer list. Please and Thanks. I’m very Grateful to our Heavenly Father for allowing me to come across this wonderful post Deb, you are doing an excellent job encouraging everyone to continue trusting in our Heavenly Father. Blessings always,

    1. I’m sorry you are facing this difficult time, Leticia. We are lifting you up in prayer. I’m glad you’ve joined us. Thank you for your kind words. May the Lord meet your every need and bless you abundantly.

  241. God is able to do anything but fail…

    1. That’s so true, Teresa. Thanks so much for adding this. God bless you!

  242. I need strength, wisdom, complete learning,

    1. We’re praying for you, Linda. May God be with you and bless you!

  243. Diana Drummond says:

    Very Inspiring and motivating and uplifting thank u also Amen,Amen

    1. Thank you, Diana! I’m thankful for your visit and truly appreciate your kind words. God bless you!

  244. Oladapo Opeyemi says:

    Please pray for me I need God’s help in all areas of my life. I need Him to bless me spiritually, financially and in all areas of my life. He should bestow His mercy upon my children and I.

    1. We are lifting you up in prayer. Asking the Lord to bless you and give you His peace.

  245. Urshula v/d Ross says:

    Great is our Lord Amen

  246. Reading and praying with you was very fulfilling.
    I believe that there is nothing god cannot do. I’m trusting God to do a miracle in my life.

    1. I’m glad it blessed you, Gifty! May God be with you and give you everything you need each day! Blessings!

  247. Dorris moyo says:

    Very helpful, thank you

  248. Charles magumba says:

    Am motivated by this wonderful piece of article!!! God bless you!!!

  249. Amen…Really needed this prayer…Thank you Lord for your love ..pls Bless my husband’s health & business n my children with employment….it’s been a tough journey..

    1. I’m sorry you’re going through this difficult time, Ash. I’m so glad you visited and that you were blessed and encouraged. We are praying for your family and asking God to turn this situation around and pour many blessings over the days ahead. God be with you!


    God is so good and faithful,I believe there is nothing too hard for Him to do in my life and my entire family’s lives.He is the God of the 11th hour,nothing I say nothing is impossible with Him.Abba Father,come and do the possibilities in my life now I pray in Jesus Mighty Name.Amen ????????????????

  251. Just Rick K. says:

    Lord had laid it on my heart for a bus mission to assist with getting lost souls back home to Him. So I’m looking for other people to assist with this. Thanks and GOD Bless you all of your families.

    1. What a wonderful idea, Rick! May the Lord bless you as you pursue this ministry.

  252. Nikki Key says:

    Love the prayers. Keep them coming!

  253. Ani Yavala says:

    These prayers are so powerful. Thank you so much. You really brighten my day.So encouraging…thanks so much. I’d love to hear more from you

    1. I’m glad they blessed you, Ani! thank you for your kind words of encouragement. I’d love for you to subscribe and join us each Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. You can subscribe here -https://countingmyblessings.com/subscribe-to-cmb/ God be with you and bless you!

      1. Kotilondo Konneh christian says:


  254. Lydia Grapine says:

    I am praying for God to heal me of my pains in my back Amy blinded left eye also to heal my daughter of cancer

    1. I’m asking the Lord to relieve your back pain, and heal both Amy and your daughter. May the Lord be with you, encourage you, and bless you abundantly.

  255. Kotilondo Konneh says:

    I appreciate it so much

    1. I’m very glad you were blessed by your visit. God be with you and encourage you with His peace and promises.

  256. Frances Gonzales says:

    This is a very inspirational. I will share with my daughter who is going through a really hard time. Seems hopeless to her but I continue to speak Gods promises. This will be a great share. ???? she will read it and believe

    1. Thank you, Frances. I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God be with you and bless you!

  257. Funmi Daramola says:

    I was positively impacted by these prayers! The words seemed to have come from deep within me.

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged. God be with you!

  258. Please pray for us zaleena and mark Orgista please pray against strange woman from my husband

  259. Mary Patricia says:

    Please pray for release of my chronic pain. Doctors trying to help but no resolve yet. God please answer my prayers. Please protect my little elderly dog that I love dearly. Thank you.

    1. We are happy to pray for you, Mary. May the Lord heal your pain … bless and protect those you love. God be with you and bless you!

  260. Joy van Wyk says:

    Amen ???? Hallelujah
    Thank you

  261. Thank you for this. It’s been helpful to me. God bless you ????????.

    1. I’m so glad it encouraged you, Busie. God bless you!

  262. Clara Davis says:

    Please I’m asking for prayer and healing with my dental situation. Thank you ???? ????

    1. I’m so sorry, Clara. Praying for healing and relief from any discomfort. Blessings!

  263. I enjoyed every bit of this and I thank you tremendously! I am asking for a special prayer for my husband and I too reconcile our marriage. I’ve forgive him whole hardly and I want to move forward with our relationship. Only God can do this and I only want His Blessings! Thank you????????

    1. I’m so very glad it blessed you, Gina. Thank you for visiting. We are lifting up you and your husband … asking the Lord to draw you close to Him and to each other. May He be with you and bless you with everything you need.

  264. Folashade Newman says:

    Indeed nothing is impossible with God.
    Thanks for the prayers ????

    1. Juliette olga says:

      Glorrrrrrry, really nothing is impossible with God, i think this verses are our way out of our challenges , father i’m next in line with my own testimony that you will grant, you are a good God

      1. Christina says:

        I just subscribed today and I know what God have done for me already as he is always doing miracles with my life and in everything that I do, people will be left amazed with what is happening in my entire life, after what happened to me, I fear no evil, fire in the mighty name of Jesus… As God is giving me and /opening new opportunities for me, I receive in the name of Jesus… Things are always working in my favor. Amen!!!
        Thank you father thank you Jesus!!!

        1. Thanks for subscribing! I’m praying God with you! God bless you!

    2. Juliette olga says:

      Good evening everyone, please i need your prayers, my daughter just informed me that she is jobless,because her employer just went to be with the lord. I pray that the lord should surprised her with job, where she didnot even applied, let her receive favour in the name of Jesus

      1. I’m sorry to hear of your daughter’s struggle and for the death of her employer. Praying for everyone touched by this and also asking Him to guide your daughter along the path to the job He is already preparing for her. God bless you!

        1. Juliette olga says:

          Ameen, i received for my daughter, indeed this platform is a blessing

    3. Thank you so much! I’m glad it blessed you! Thank you for letting us know. God be with you!

  265. Juliette olga says:

    Good day everyone, i was so blessed with these 5 verses, i will like to be part of this group. Actually I’m facing a situation that only the hand of God can help me. These verses above, was addressing my situation, that is why i was so blessed when i read it. Please are you not having any whatup group

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Juliette. Thank you for visiting and for joining the conversation. God bless you abundantly.

    2. Juliette, we would love for you to join us here at Counting My Blessings. If you subscribe to receive posts you can join us here for prayer and conversation every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday as we interact through posts and comments. Many blessings!

  266. Thank you! God blessing all!

    1. You’re most welcome, Lan. Thank you for visiting. God bless you!

  267. Betsy Torres says:

    Thank you I needed to hear and pray today I’m going thru hard times financially and emotionally plz help me lord I surrender all to u in Jesus name amen

    1. I’m sorry you are going through this difficult time. We’re praying for you and asking the Lord to bless you and meet every need. God be with you!

  268. young chuchee says:

    This beautiful, lucid, inspiring and honest.
    Just the right code for my access and ascension today. Thanks. -Young.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you! Thank you for taking the time to let us know. God be with you and bless you!

  269. Michaela Dawn Mccrackin says:

    Thank you so much Deb. I really needed to read all of these prayers. I have been terribly sick for the last couple of months. I know with all my heart these prayers are like medicine and or even better. God has all the answers. If you can please keep me in your prayers I would appreciate it. I also will be praying for you and your family and all the people on here. God bless and much love.

    1. Oh, Michaela, thank you so much for visiting and for taking the time to say “hello.” I am so sorry you have been ill. We will keep you in our prayers and we’d love to have you join our group of faithful encouragers here at CMB. You can subscribe and join us 3 times each week. We share our faith and stand with each other in prayer. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  270. Carol Postel says:

    What beautiful prayers, which have encouraged me to hold onto God during this very hard, painful, lonely time. Thank you for your ministry to believers and others struggling alike.
    My husband is very ill, and I am exhausted. Our marriage is breaking my heart. Thank you for your help.

    1. I’m so sorry you are going through this difficult time, Carol. We would love for you to join us here for prayer and encouragement. My husband is suffering with ALS and I am his caregiver. I believe God will give us the strength and encouragement we need each day and our group here would love to be able to encourage you with God’s love. May He be with you and bless you!

  271. Hi good afternoon people My name is grace

    1. Hi Grace, thank you for visiting. God bless you!

  272. Mrs Connie Govender says:

    Please pray for me feeling down my house burnt down on the 5th March the insurance company now finds issues in paying out I have no financial assistance to restore the house and I have a disabled husband ‘Stroke’ for 23 yrs…I sometimes cry and feel depressed as I’ve lived for CHRIST from age 11 im now 67 and have never turned my back on CHRIST now what did I do wrong to deserve such treatment please pray for the impossible to become possible at this time

    1. Oh, Connie, I’m so sorry you are going through this painfully difficult time. We’re praying for you and your husband … may the Lord be your Provider as He gives you the peace you need each day. God bless you!

  273. Thank you for the assurance when I need it the most. I need God to do the impossible, so I can pay for my daughter’s last tuition so she can come back home.

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged as you joined us in prayer. We are lifting up your financial needs and asking the Lord to help you meet this need for your daughter. God be with you and bless you!

  274. Oreva Gift otutu says:

    Thanks i really appreciate.the verses uplifted my soul.God bless you sir

    1. God bless you, Oreva! Thank you for visiting and for stopping to say, “hello.”

  275. Atieno Oliewo says:

    Thanks for the powerful prayers and guidance God bless you

    1. Thank you for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.” God bless you!

  276. Carolyn Norris says:

    Please pray for me, I have cancer

    1. I’m sorry you are going through this difficult health struggle. We are praying, Carolyn. God be with you and bless you!

  277. Mabel Mfusi says:

    This page really gave me hope and strength that my situation of being in debt and not having a solution to solve it, so now I believe that with God it’s possible

  278. Eunice AGBOR says:

    I want to know God more

    1. What a beautiful desire, Eunice! I pray that you have access to a Bible and that you may SEEK Him through His Word and prayer. I’d love for you to subscribe and join us here as we talk about knowing Him, loving Him, and applying His Word to our lives. God bless you!

  279. T I GOD ALMIGHTY only be all the glory GOD of mercy

    1. Amen! He is gracious, merciful, and loving. He alone is worthy of all our praise and glory. God be with you and bless you!

  280. Helen Ray says:

    My brother, Nick, has stage 4 colon cancer for the last 2 years he’s been fighting it with his faith in our lord. He now has colostomy bag, also a hernia He was getting radiation, and chemo, now his medical insurance has dropped him We’ve tried everywhere to get insurance with luck. My brother is a good man helps anyone that needs it spirituality, financially or anyone that needs to talk. I ask prayer ???? in insurance to help him or the Lord just remove this devilish cancer from this beautiful human being. ???? I ask all this in the holy name of our Lord Jesus Christ almighty ????. Please Lord hear our Loving Prayers ❤️. Helen Ray. . thank you

    1. I’m so sorry to hear of your brother’s suffering, Helen. I’m sure your family is very concerned about him. We’re lifting him up in prayer and asking the Lord to heal him and meet every need to make treatment possible. God be with you and bless you!

  281. God bless you…this blessed my heart

    1. I’m so glad, Florence. Thank you for letting me know. God bless you!

  282. Arnita Jones says:

    My son Huton, tried to take his life over the weekend because of life and finances situations. Huton is not saved. Please pray for his salvation. Myself and Jordan is an Christian for over 30 years, just pray our strength in the Lord. Thank you so much. Arnita Jones and the Jones Family

    1. I am so very sorry, Arnita! We are praying for your son and for all who love him. May the Lord hold you all close and draw him to faith and love for Christ Jesus.

  283. Sally Owen says:

    Thank you Deb for this post. We needed it today and every day forward. Thanks be to God that there is nothing impossible for Him.

    1. Thank you, Sally! Knowing that He is the God of possibilities gives courage and strength. Thanks so much for visiting and for your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  284. Georgie Kristensen says:

    Very interesting. Love your way of reaching out to others. May God bless you immensly!!

    1. Thank you, Georgie. I appreciate your kind encouragement. Thanks for visiting and for taking the time to say “hello”.

  285. Stella peter says:

    I’m blessed with this prayers may God direct you more and more to have very powerful with the help of holyghost

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind encouragement, Stella. God bless you!


    Thank you for your witness! I am Brother Larry Wayne Alexander, of Newport, KY. September 17th, 2023, I was honored by our Lord to have served Him 50 years as an ordained minister ???? My doctors would tell you that medically speaking, there’s no justified reason for me to be here – but God! Hands down, I am a living, breathing, walking, talking, miracle of God’s awesome Grace! I was called to ministry at age 13. At age 32, I was in an industrial accident which crushed my entire spine. I was not supposed to live and survived by God’s hand after three long years of life support machine. In July, 1986, we were told that I would live the remainder of my life as a vegetable in some room. It was said that I would never feel below the waist or walk again unless God showed up with a miracle. PRAISE GOD, HE DID! In November, 1986, only 3 days before Thanksgiving, 8 men from my church hired an ambulance and took me – hospital bed and equipment as well – transported me to a local Full Gospel Businessmen’s Association meeting. I was carried in, but Dr Jesus showed up and showed off! I arose from that bed shouting, walking, running, and giving God the glory! I have determined that by the LOVE, POWER, AND GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST, THERE’S NO POWER ON PLANET EARTH THAT CAN TAKE ME DOWN. QUIT NOR DEFEAT ARE INCLUDED IN MY VOCABULARY. THIS DOESN’T BEGIN TO SCRATCH THE SURFACE TO TELL ABOUT MY LORD, AND MY GOD AFTER 14 MAJOR SPINE SURGERIES SINCE 1980. CERTAINLY, NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!! HE’S ONE EXTRAORDINARY FATHER!

    1. Wow! Thank you so very much for sharing your powerful testimony with us here. We are praying for a miracle in our home right now as my husband, who I call Rev, is suffering with ALS. Your words are yet another reminder that God continues to do miracles in the lives of His people every single day. May the Lord bless you as you build others up in faith through your testimony and your love for Him.

  287. Cheryl Mann says:

    Good morning! Thank you for this wonderful article! It touched my soul! I recently lost my job and then had major car problems. But through it all, God is making a way. I sometimes get frustrated because I don’t have what I was accustomed to and my finances are now extremely low. It gave me insight on how I should continue to pray more, trust more, and expect more! Nothing is impossible for God!! I need to always believe that, regardless of what is going on!

    1. I love your heart, Cheryl. You just perfectly described God’s promise … “My grace is sufficient for you.” Thank you so much for sharing it here. Praying that the Lord will give you all you need in all ways. God bless you!

  288. Margareta Sanguinette march says:

    I would like to know more about the bible

    1. I hope you have a Bible available to you. I then recommend checking out my post on reading the Bible by clicking here. Thanks so much for visiting. I hope you’ll join us again as we share our faith and apply it to life. God bless you!

  289. Tina Atta says:

    Thank you so much for the wonderful scripture it really helpful to me.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you, Tina. God be with you!

  290. Thank you for your heartfelt message! It renews Hope in me through all the hard times.

  291. Bernard McKnight says:


    1. Thank you, Bernard. I appreciate your visit and your kind words of encouragement. God bless you!

  292. Festus Nii Korley Attuquayefio says:

    Thank you Jesus

  293. Amen ????
    A wonderful prayer
    I believe I’m blessed and God is making the impossible in my life possible.

    1. Thank you, Unyime. May the Lord bless you and faithfully encourage you as you walk in His grace.

  294. That was very powerful and I feel empowered! Thank you so much for posting this and Thank you Lord Jesus for everything!

    1. I’m so very glad it blessed you, Donna! God be with you!

  295. Delilah makokha says:

    Pray for me the impossible thing in my life to be possible to God,,I have tried to get pregnant but I have not succeeded pliiz pray for me

    1. I am so very sorry for your struggle, Delilah. I’m praying for you and asking the Lord to grant you this desire of your heart. May He be with you and bless you!

  296. Ann Victor says:

    Blessed prayer it was a blessing for me today thank you

    1. I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you. Thank you for letting us know. God bless you!

  297. Thanks for the words of encouragement, may God bless you ????

    1. Thanks for visiting and for stopping to say, “hello.” God bless you!

  298. Thanks for encouragement, i have been praying but my situation didn’t change. But I started to loose hope. I thought my prayer is not good enough and I’m cursed.

    1. I am so sorry! Sometimes it is hard to understand God’s timing. We are joining you in prayer and asking the Lord to guide you with His will and meet your every need. God bless you!

  299. GOD. Will you help me with this “plasma cell leukemia”. That I just found I have had since July 2023. I am very happy that you have watched over me all my 79 years. I love you GOD

    1. I am so sorry you are struggling with this illness, Larry. We are joining you in prayer and asking the Lord to touch you with His healing grace. God bless you!

  300. Glory to God Almighty, am grateful for such a great love Amen

    1. Thank you for visiting! God be with you and bless you!

  301. Am blessed, continue in the good work at the Lord’s vineyard

    1. Thank you so much! I truly appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  302. Joyce Mwanza says:

    I like this page it has really helped me and may the Almighty God bless you Amen

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Joyce. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  303. Stella Addison says:

    This article is inspiring, teaching us how to go praying during challenging times. I enjoyed it.

    1. I’m glad you were encouraged, Stella. Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to leave your kind words. God be with you and bless you!

  304. Amen ???? this is powerful. Harriet

    1. I’m glad it blessed and encouraged you, Harriet. Thank you for letting us know. God bless you!

  305. Thank you very much for the prayers. It’s been such a blessing to me. God bless you.

    1. I’m so glad, Tracy. Thank you for taking the time to let us know. God bless you!

  306. Thank you so much for this , I need strength in my marriage, Love shall conquer all. I need self confidence in myself & my mind Body & Soul. Thank you & God Bless????????????

    1. I am praying for you, Dee. May the Lord bless and strengthen you and give you everything you need each day. God be with you!

  307. Dedra Baxter says:

    Blessings, and I’m thankful for this site and opportunity to share with others who love Heavenly Father God and his son Lord Jesus Christ, thank you blessings

    1. Thank you, Dedra. I’m so very glad you’ve joined us. May the Lord be with you and bless you mightily.

  308. David McGuire says:

    People like you WHO spreads the word of GOD is glorified by GOD keep up your spreading of your blessings I feel blessed when I read the KJV of GOD Matthew 5 through 12 keeps my cup overflowing & I pray to GOD let no one on this earth drain my cup HALLELUJAH glory to GOD in JESUS name & under the blood of JESUS I pray in trust faith & belief amen & amen let each day be BLESSED!! DAVID LEE McGUIRE Bryan Ohio

    1. Thank you so very much for visiting, David, and for your kind words of encouragement. I love sharing the ways God has worked in my life. Thank you for letting me know it blessed you. May the Lord be with you and bless you and fill you with faith, hope, and love.

  309. Justina Abiola odunmbaku says:

    I’m blessed and rested after reading this. God bless and strengthen your ministry.

    1. Thank you, Justina. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  310. Mel Johnson says:

    Thank you for your uplifting devotional reminding me that God has not forgotten me and can still do the impossible.
    Please pray for me. I have had all kinds of health issues since I had that covid shot. I’m still holding on to God’s promises. Trying to keep my eyes on God it’s been 2 years and I’m still struggling, still believing God will restore my health. God bless.

    1. I’m so sorry you are struggling, Mel. I’m sad to say I am hearing that struggle often. We’re praying for you and asking the Lord to restore your health. Thank you so much for visiting. May the Lord bless you. We’re hoping you’ll visit often.

  311. Doris Chukwura says:

    I am blessed to have come across your page today. It has given a a new pump and motivation to keep on believing with all of my heart that at the right time, God answers. Thank you.

    1. Thank you, Doris. I’m so very glad you were blessed and encouraged. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  312. I. Really needed this..My struggles have been long and hard..I love God and trust him but sometimes I feel he doesn’t hear me..I have prayed some prayers for years and nothing..I get discouraged but I have faith in God he has brought me through things that no one else could. Please pray. For. Me I. Need all. The prayers I can get..Looking forward to more. Inspiration.

    1. What a beautiful testimony, Verna! Thank you so much for sharing it with us. May the Lord be with you, bless you, and hold you close as you walk this path with Him.

  313. Thanks you for I will be able to get back to my praying power an please pray for me an my family to be a praying family

    1. We are joining you, Keziah, in this beautiful prayer for your family. God bless you!

  314. Marjorie Kawanzaruwa says:

    I enjoyed 5 Verses to pray… It was God sent for me. Be blessed abundantly today and always! Thank you!

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Marjorie! May the Lord be with you and fill you with faith, hope, and love. Blessings!

  315. Mama Bear says:

    Please pray for my son to see Gods truth, that his eyes will see, his ears will listen to, his ways of thinking will be in alignment with, his words will praise, and that his heart will be open to The Way The Truth and The Life. He is battling porn addiction & same sex attraction, which is a growing issue around the world. It is spreading like wildfire more so w the abilities of the internet. It is a lie from the devil! He is a man, to be with a woman to procreate as is Gods plan.

    1. Thank you for visiting. We are praying for your son and asking the Lord to guide him and restore him with His truth and love. God bless you!

  316. Victoria Cummings says:

    Needed to see this, God supplies all of our needs.

    1. Amen, Victoria! Thank you for visiting and for adding to the conversation. God bless you!

  317. Jacqueline says:

    Thank for your encouragement.
    Be blessed

  318. Hi! l wish to thank you for your page which has assisted me to surrender everything to God during the time of troubles and goodness.
    Therefore my request to you assist me to go thorough and deeper with the word of God as you keep on pray for me and share books.

  319. Doris Taylor says:

    My desire is to have a relationship with God

    1. I pray that you have access to His Word and that He will draw you close to Him through time spent with Him through Word and prayer. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  320. Thank you so much. This is helpful.

    1. I’m so glad, Grace. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  321. Joseph colas says:

    God is awesome 👍 people need people to pray together,to God be the glory 🙏

  322. Shamiso Kanye says:

    Thank you for this post. I am so encouraged. I need God’s intervention to raise $700 before November end.

    1. God be with you and bless you, Shamiso. And may He help you meet this need.

  323. I pray for my son, Frank Anthony that his brain tumor disappears. That his eyesight will be restored and that he is able to get his balance back and get rid of his seizures. So that he will be able to be himself.in Jesus name Amen.

    1. Oh, Maribel. We are joining you in prayer for your son, Frank. May the Lord heal him and give you all peace, courage, and strength as you walk this journey. May he be with you and bless you.

  324. I have been praying for a husband for the last 10 yrs. I am divorced but am ready for the right guy. My kids are also ready for me to have that. I have given the Lord permission to put the right guy in my life. There is a guy from my past that keeps coming back but I don’t know if he is the one or not. I keep praying for clarity to know for sure or I need to close the door. Been praying for yrs about this guy. Been praying for God to make a way for us if we are to be together. Thanks

    1. Hi, JoEllen. We’re praying for you and asking the Lord to guide and direct you according to His will. God be with you and bless you!

    1. I’m glad it blessed you, Judy! Thank you for letting me know. God bless you!

  325. Jennifer Okoye says:

    Very encouraging article. I am really blessed. Thanks for the prayer points. They lifted my spirit . Thank you

    1. I’m so glad this blessed you, Jennifer. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. May the Lord be with you and bless you abundantly.

  326. Thank you for your site. I lost my husband two months ago and I am really struggling to grow in my faith. I am trying so hard to get my feet planted firmly in His word, but there are days when the tears are stronger.

    1. Oh, Lisa. Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to introduce yourself. I truly appreciate it. My husband is quite ill with ALS so your words really hit my heart. I am sorry you are having to go through this difficult time of grief. I can only begin to imagine. I am praying for you and asking the Lord to hold you close and to surround you with the prayers and love of many. You have a prayer sister in me. God bless you!

  327. Linda Rinn says:

    Be with Me Alfred and my family and friends and Alfred’s family . Help me to get my finances taken care of.

  328. Susudi Jasini says:

    I’m blessed with those verses , God bless you. Amen

    1. I’m so glad they blessed you. God be with you and encourage you!

  329. I am encouraged knowing that God is able to do the impossible. I have a skin condition, I’ve been praying and trusting God for healing. I’m not giving up but will continue loving, trusting and drawing closer to Him for I know one day He will heal me.

    1. Hi Ruth. I’m sorry for your struggle. I’m praying and asking the Lord to relieve and heal your skin condition. May the Lord be with you and hold you close as you walk this journey!

  330. Carole jacobs says:

    Please send me e-mail post.

    1. Hi, Carole. I’m so glad you’d like to subscribe to Counting My Blessings. You can do that by adding your email address on our subscription page. Click here to visit. God bless you!

  331. Rhonda Jordan says:

    I am a true Believer that there is nothing that The Lord God can’t Do or Want Do if You Don’t Trust and Believe in Him! Amen . Rhonda Jordan

    1. Thank you for visiting and for joining the conversation, Rhonda. God be with you and bless you!

  332. I’m so thankful for this, I needed to hear and see that God is doing impossible things, hearing testimonials, I know He is Alive 🙏

    1. I so glad it blessed you, Victoria. Thank you so very much for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  333. Thank you, like what your are doing

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I appreciate your kind encouragement. God bless you!

  334. Thulisile says:

    I am on a way to recovery l was hospitalized for 5 months and l when l was discharged l no longer had a place to stay,most often l sleep in the car without money for food,Please pray for me this seems impossible and l am scared but l know nothing is impossible with God.

    1. I am so sorry that you are experiencing this difficult and frightening situation, Thulisile. We’re praying for you and asking the Lord to be your provider, hope, and shield. God be with you and bless you!

  335. All I can say is thank you for sharing this. I need this so desperately. Please stand in prayer for my family members to serve the Lord. I cry out to the Lord to save them. Me and my husband are living under the bread line for we need to take care of my granddaughter and her 3 kids. She is divorved and is not working. Her allowance cannot even buy a bread and milk every day for the 3 kids. Please pray that the Lord will send her a husband that first loves the Lord and then her and her kids and rhat hê will take good care of her. Be blessed in Christ Jesus Name. Amen.

    1. Thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to share your family’s circumstances with us. We are praying for you all and asking the Lord to be your peace and provider. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  336. Thanking God for you and your post! Indeed a blessing. Praying that God will also meet your personal and ministry needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus!

    1. Thank you so very much, Rochelle. I’m glad you visited and truly appreciate your kind encouragement. God be with you and bless you!

  337. Joyce Makungu says:

    Am encouraged and indeed there’s nothing impossible to God. Prayer is key.

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Joyce. Isn’t it a wonderful blessing that we can go to God in prayer and ask for the impossible. He is so very good. May He be with you and bless you!

  338. SALOME CAFE says:

    The messages make my heart lighter as I am facing a big problem now. I believe that our Almighty Father will make a way for me. Nothing is impossible with God.🙏❤️

    1. I’m so glad this helped you, Salome. We’re praying for you and asking the Lord to walk with you through this difficult time and bless you with everything you need.

  339. Hi,,,I am surrounded by impossible situations still I am trusting God for the best situations for my family.

    1. I’m sorry you are facing this difficult struggle, Stella. We are praying for you! God bless you!

  340. Dr Alec Gono says:

    This was so profound teaching.

    1. Thank you! I’m glad it blessed you! God be with you!

  341. Pauline whitehouse says:

    Please pray urgently for an impossible situation in my life, I ask the LORD please intervene in the situation.

    1. I’m very sorry, Pauline. We are praying for you! God be with you and bless you!

  342. Adisa boluwatife favour says:

    This as really helped me today and I believe I’ve had all round breakthrough with these prayers, thanks 🙏 so much,God bless you

    1. I’m glad it blessed and encouraged you! Thank you for visiting and for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  343. Please my son needs help with his alcohol and pot addiction, depression , anxiety, self medicates. Wonderful heart, hard worker. And prayers the mass in my lung is not cancer, and my heart tests find a healthy heart. Amen 🙏Thank you❤️

    1. Hi, Carol. We’re joining you in prayer for your son and also asking the Lord to heal your body. May His give you peace and strength as He surrounds you with His love. God bless you!

  344. My prayer request please pray for my family ,my children and my business to expand and successful

    1. May the Lord be with you and bless you and your family!

  345. Thoko Diko says:

    I thank you very much for the script above. I really needed revival. I am right now carrying a heavy burden. I need prayers more than ever. My 4 children are unemployed. I need prayers. There’s also drug addicts.I don’t know what to do. Kindly lift me in your prayers. Iam a born again Christian. Thank you in advance

    1. I’m glad you were encouraged, Diko. I’m lifting your family up in prayer and asking the Lord to bless you and give you wisdom as you live through this difficult time. God be with you!

  346. DAWON HOLLEY says:


    1. I’m so glad it bless you! God be with you!

  347. Elisha Pilusa says:

    Thank you for sharing the Bible passages with me. I hope i will be strengthened spiritually.

    1. I hope you are strengthened as well. God bless you!

  348. Thoko Diko says:

    Morning Deb.my name is Thoko Diko. I’ve been trying to subscribe with no success. Because of network in my area.Iam blessed to hear from your teachings. Keep on Thankyou

    1. Thank you, Thoko. I looked at my subscribers list and it looks like you are a subscriber. I hope you are able to get each post. I am so thankful that you are joining us. God be with you and bless you!

  349. I wanna thank you for this message…it enlightened me

    1. Thank you for visiting, Reen, and for taking the time to bless me with kindness. God be with you and bless you!

  350. Florence Saigori says:

    I love site.it will be a great help to me..

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed by your visit, Florence. I hope you’ll come back and visit often.

  351. Gorreti Mughebwa says:

    Thank you so much . May God bless you

    1. Thank you for visiting. God be with you and bless you!

  352. Jill Pickens says:

    I just reading these verses, and it’s already helping me,I love this,and lord Jesus Savior, thank you

    1. I’m so glad they’ve blessed you, Jill. God be with you and bless you!

  353. Patricia Metivier says:

    Pray that my children house that was Will to then by their father the judge return their house to Ginnall ,Giselle ,Terry and kerwin Thomas amen

    1. I’m praying for your family, Patricia. God be with and bless you all!

  354. Opeoluwa Ikumapayi says:

    This article awakens my spirit to trust God more over all that am believing Him for that with Him nothing is impossible.

    Thanks for sharing

    1. I’m so very glad it blessed and encouraged you! Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God be with you and bless you always.

  355. Mrs. Rebecca Elliott says:

    Please join me in praying for our youngest daughter who has a medical condition for permanent healing in the name of Jesus Amen

    1. We are joining you in prayer for your daughter, Mrs. Rebecca. God be with and bless you all!

  356. Rebecca Griffin says:

    I was going through Pentrest post and came across counting my blessings. The scriptures and prayer helped me pray for my Adult Daughter that struggles with Bipolar Disorder.lately it seems worse and she is struggling.
    When she was in High School she gave her heart to the Lord. She has been away from her former beliefs for many years now. I pray for her and talk to her about the Lord.She accepts my prayers for her but does not want to go in to any discussion about Jesus or Salvation.
    Lately she is more troubled than ever. Bipolar changes as you get older. It gets worse. I believe she can be healed completely. But the disease does not say anywhere it can be healed. But I know Nothing is impossible for God.
    I’m asking for prayer and guidance for her.
    I believe God lead me to your post today. She needs the Lord snd return to her place at the feet of Jesus.
    Thank you and Hid Bless your ministry.


    1. Hi, Rebecca. Thank you so much for visiting. I am so sorry to hear of this difficult struggle for your daughter and for you. I am praying and asking the Lord to heal her and especially to give her a desire to SEEK Him so that she might realize His love for her once again and experience His hard to understand peace in her heart. May the Lord be with you both and grant you the miracle your heart desires. God bless you!

  357. Nosiphiwo Gabada says:

    Pray with me as I pray for my son, I trust God for a miracle 🙏

    1. Thank you for joining us. We are happy to pray for your son and for you. God be with you and bless you!

  358. Trish Harrell says:

    Thank you for these prayers- sometimes my own words feel inadequate

  359. Paulatta ngina says:

    God bless you and increase you in wisdom

  360. THANKYOU so much for the Powerful prayers scriptures. I believe in my God
    All things are possible in the name of our Lord Jesus. Amen

  361. Really going through a hard time, things are not working out as it should and I don’t know where to run to for help aside from God

  362. Thank you for this beautiful prayer

  363. Thank God this has helped. I’m grateful.

  364. Gloria Hardy says:

    Thank you so much for sharing this blog. This was such a good reminder and conformation of how amazingly loving and full of grace our God is. Peace and blessings to you.

  365. Melvina Gilbert says:

    I enjoy your prayer session and would like to have more of it.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Melvina! I would love it if you subscribed to Counting My Blessings. I post prayer devotions every Friday. I also have a page with links to all of my past prayer devotions that you might find helpful. Thank you again for visiting. God bless you!

  366. Rita Phillip says:

    I loves the prayers,thank very much ,for sharing the word of god to this world.shalom

    1. Thank you for your kind encouragement, Rita. God bless you!

  367. Thank you. We all have challenges and sometimes we need to be reminded that our God CAN do all things! It’s also good that we remember the previous things He has already done for us – things that looked impossible to us at that time and God did something about it that to us was a miracle. I very much appreciate this article. Thank you!!

    1. Amen, Pam. He CAN do all things and He does them all in love. It’s easy to focus on what’s wrong but I’m learning that it’s so much better for focus on His love and blessings. His grace truly is sufficient. God bless you!

  368. Brigitta Villaurel-Blades says:

    I faithfully trust God….I’m often faced with impossible situations and have to believe God 💯 to make a way or to become the way…He is a God of all possibilities 🙏

    1. Amen, Brigitta. He is the God for whom all is possible. We are so very blessed to be loved and cared for by Him. God be with you and bless you!

  369. Thank you all for such wonderful supporting prayers continue with your prayers please pray for me and my family

    1. Thank you for you words of encouragement, Jean. I am praying for you and your family, Jean. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  370. Nonhlanhla says:

    The article helped to strengthen my resolve to pray for our needs.

    1. I’m glad it blessed you, Nonhlanhla. God bless you!

  371. Barbara chanhasi says:

    I like this 👌 its so inspiring

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Barbara. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  372. Mary Brown says:

    That was so beautiful. I sent it to my kids who have prayed for me for some time and I’m only getting worse. Their faith is being challenged and now my son said he hated God and doesn’t believe he exists which breaks my heart since I’ve been praying for years to heal his addiction and return to Christ. I’m dying of cancer and heart disease and now been given trigeminal neuropathy which is from the brain and causes severe seizures of pain that make eating and drinking near impossible so thank you for your prayers. God bless you darling

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Mary. I’m very sorry you are going through this painful time. I’m will be lifting you and your children up in prayer … asking the Lord to hold you close and assure you all of His love. God bless you as well.

  373. Rahab I shaku says:

    I love the word

  374. Sibongile Mtintsilana says:

    Thanks for blessing me with those 5 verses, may you please pray for my healing

    1. Yes, I am praying for you and I’m so glad these verses and prayers blessed you! God bless you!

  375. Priscilla says:

    Hi can you please pray for me am struggling with fear, anxiety,disorder and the spiritual husband and my plans don’t happen the way I do they fail

    1. I am so sorry, Priscilla. I have struggled fear and anxiety for much of my life. I am happy to pray for you and ask the Lord to hold you close and deliver your from all your fear. God bless you!

  376. Kathleen Wellington says:

    Hi my name is Kathleen W. I was able to sell my house in Delaware last November. Thank you for your prayers. Please pray for my family that we continue to seek the lord’s will. Our main goal is to move to Ghana west Africa. We had purchase a land in 2015. Since then we found out there was a land dispute over ownership between a family and a unknown person. The court date will settle.rhis matter in April 8, please pray for us that this matter.gets resolved that we don’t have to repurchase this land again. Thank you all. God bless.

    1. We’re praising God with you on the sale of your home. And lifting you up to the Lord as you go forward. Praying that all works out in your favor on the land purchase. God bless you!

  377. Thank you for your support and prayers God bless continue to pray for our children and our nation

    1. God bless you as well, Jean! Praying that He will transform hearts and heal our nation for the redemption of many.

  378. Ida Coates says:

    I pray all the time, always have . I really can’t complain, but God has been good to me and my family. My situation is before we realized that our mother had dementia she had borrowed money on the house, then payments were not made, so my brother purchased the house with the assurance that the other 3 help with the payments. But they didn’t. My brother made the payments, then our mother passed, and since it had been our home, I decided to move in and take over the payments, and that he would sign the house over to me, before he could do that, he passed, and my nephews won’t give me the deed. I need the deed in order to borrow money to redo and fix some things in the house. I can’t afford it on my own. Pray that they give me the deed. And pay them what I can if that’s what they want. The house completely paid for but need repairs. I have lost the desire to clean up around the house or inside it because it’s not mines. I need all the prays I can get. I discover this looking for something else. I like it very much.

    1. Kathleen Wellington says:

      Heavenly Father, I pray over Ida. I know the feeling of family disputes over home and land. I pray that all work together for the good. Please help the family to do what is right for each other. Lord you see all things and know all things. Give Ida the wisdom and discernment of what she needs to do. I pray this in your mighty name in Jesus name. Amen.

    2. I’m so sorry you are going through this difficult time, Ida. I’m asking the Lord to work in hearts and minds and to provide for you in every way. God be with you and bless you!

  379. Mary Beth Weyhrich says:

    Hello. My name is Mary. Thank you for the encouraging words. I’ve had physical pain in my body and I’m hoping Drs can help me With God’s Guidance. I’m also waiting for a husband that God will bless me with. I will be 60 yrs old on June 16th I’m going through a lot physically and emotionally with the change of seasons. My three children are grown two young men and a daughter. Thank You.

    1. Hi, Mary. Thank you so much for visiting and for taking the time to tell us a little bit about yourself. I am so sorry that you are struggling with pain. I’m joining you in praying that the Lord will provide a way for you to experience relief both physically and emotionally. God bless you and your children.

  380. Felicia B says:

    I know that God is real. I trust and depend on him everyday. I know that God is an on time God. He may not come when you want him to but he’s on time. Thank you God for your Grace and Mercy……Amen

    1. Amen, Felicia! What a blessing it is to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE God. Thanks for visiting and for stopping to say, “hello.” God be with you!

  381. Fridah Mutale says:

    Good afternoon, am glad to read these verses, I have a lot of spiritually battles remember me in your prayers, am sick I experience pains in my back, my legs, this pain moves making changes, today it’s here tomorrow it’s another part. Plis pray for me in Jesus name.

    1. I’m sorry you are suffering with pain, Fridah. I am praying for you and asking the Lord to give you relief and strength. May He be with you and bless you!

  382. Ipeleng Dlamini says:

    Yes in deed he is God of possibilities 🙏

  383. Nicole Stevenson says:

    I Really enjoyed reading this.oh my I need a miracle on today for my son who is going for his Sentence for the last sentence they have.in Jesus name I pray.

    1. I’m sorry, Nicole. We are praying for your son and for you. May the Lord be with you, bless you, and fill you with His peace.

  384. With God everything is possible.

    1. Amen, Judith! Isn’t that awesome news! God bless you!

  385. Petros. Shezi says:

    I am so blessed to know that I am serving God who make impossible to possible. God bless

    1. God bless you, Shezi. Our God is an awesome God!

  386. Mary Woods says:

    OH MY GOODNESS! That is almost word for word what I’m praying for. And I’m still praying it constantly. I know He can and I’m trusting Him. Because He knows best.
    Thank you and please say this prayer for me. I don’t know when you wrote this but it’s absolutely me! Today’s date is 04/30/2024
    Mary W.

    1. I’m very glad it blessed you, Mary! Thank you for visiting and for stopping to say, “hello.” I hope you’ll visit again. I’d love to get to know you! God be with you and bless you!

  387. Thank you for feeding the few or masses that is in nee d of directions,encouragement and answers to immediate dire prayers.

    1. I’m glad you were blessed and encouraged. Thank you for letting me know. God be with you!

  388. Thanks for the word of God and food for soul 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    1. Thank you! I’m glad you visited and appreciate your kind encouragement. God bess you!

  389. Bowoade-Fagbemi says:

    Excellent and Superb

  390. Belinda Oneill says:

    I Pray for stronger wisdom and faith, I want to feel the holy Spirit working in me, AMEN.

    1. What a beautiful prayer, Belinda. I believe that’s a prayer the Lord loves to answer. God bless you!

  391. Kathleen Jummai Ambi says:

    I find this prayer a blessing. I am inspired to trust God more for the impossible in my life.
    2. My daughter desires to get married this year. My prayer is that she gets to meet the right man soon . Her name is Ladidi Evelyn Destiny

    1. Thank you for cisiting, Kathleen. I’m glad you were blessed and encouraged. I’m pausing to pray for you and your daughter. God be with you!

  392. Florence Njagi says:

    Pray for my healing

    1. I’m sorry you are struggling with illness, Florence. I’m praying for you and asking God to heal you and grant you His peace as He fills you with hope and joy. God bless you!

  393. Crystal McFarlane says:

    AMEN just as that person had said i want to trust more and pray more but sometimes its hard

    1. That’s true, Crystal. What a blessing it is to know the Spirit is with us to help and guide us. Blessings!

  394. Monica kataka says:

    Thanks very much for the prayers 🙏and I am sick chronics.i am 63yrs old and have financial problems.i don’t want to be a burden to them.i wish I can just feel better soon and help myself and see my grand children when they grow up.

    1. I am praying for you, Monica. May the Lord give you strength and healing, and may He provide all that you need each day. Thank you for visiting. God bless you!

  395. Josephine Jemide says:

    I’m really inspired by the prayers I just prayed now,I believe God can do the impossible to possiblity in my life, thanks.

    1. I’m glad you were blessings, Josephine. God be with you and bless you!

  396. This morning I can say thank you this is what I need the most thank you

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you, Linda! Thank you! May the Lord be with you!

  397. Jane mwale says:

    I have been blessed today by your message

    1. I’m so glad, Jane. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  398. abidemi adeoye says:

    I have been tremendously blessed and reminded of God’s mighty, absolute and unmatchable power

    1. God is good! Thank you for taking the time to say “hello.” God bless you!

  399. Elizabeth Kindl says:

    Please pray to connect more with God, I just feel like the devil is playing tricks of my mind and making me feel like I’m not good enough. I’ve lost my salvation. I lost my son just about three months ago and I’m just really feeling down these days. I need a knee operation and it’s so painful. They have not given me a date. I’m looking for a place to live and drink wine and I want that filthy habit gone from my life. Thank you for all this

    1. I am so very sorry, Elizabeth. It sounds like you are feeling overwhelmed by grief and life. I lost my husband in February and grieving is oppressive at time. I am praying for you and asking God to draw you close and surround you with His peace. I am also praying that you get relief from knee pain. Please visit again. We are happy to pray for you and would love to keep in touch. God bless you!

  400. Phil - Cecil Okubor says:

    I love this. So soul lifting and assurance that nothing is impossible with God

    1. I’m so glad it blessed you. Thank you for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.” God be with you and bless you!

  401. Goodwin J Fernandes says:

    God is my strength and just trust in him it’s fine you got what ever you asked him. Just believe and have faith. It won’t take time but it’s blessed to you already. Pray for me too that my request will be fulfilled in whatever I have requested. Job, travel, Protection, Health and family. In Jesus’s name Amen.

    1. Thank you for visiting, Goodwin, and for sharing your word of faith-filled encouragement. God be with you and bless you!

    1. You’re welcome, Olga. God be with you and bless you!

  402. Stephanie Thompson says:

    Hey good morning, for the last 4 months I have been going through a hard time, my parents are 90 and 92,my mom got a stroke and in dying she has 6 children 21 grandchildren and 44 grandchildren and all of the burden is on me,food,medicine, doctor bills, most times I can’t even pray…. my husband just lost his job..I am the youth minister of my church and the president of the women’s ministry. My parents lived about an hundred miles or more from me and at times I had to be there 3 times for the week, I’m not feeling as strong as I used to in my body…but I will keep holding on to the promises of God please I’m asking for prayer for myself and for my relatives to come to know christ as their Lord and Savior..have a blessed and holy day 🙏 ❤️

    1. Oh, Stephanie, it sounds like your plate is piled high with stressful circumstances. I am lifting you up in prayer and asking Him to provide the help, strength, and peace you need. God be with you and bless you as you love and honor your parents and serve our loving Lord.

  403. Goodwin J Fernandes says:

    Thank you Deb

  404. Thanks for the powerful word of encouragement. May the Name of Jesus be excalted. May the Lord dearly bless you

    1. Thank you, Suzan. I truly appreciate your kind words of encouragement. And yes, may the name of Jesus be exalted. God be with you and bless you!

  405. Goodwin J Fernandes says:

    Thank you Deb, God hears. I pray for you too.

  406. Clara chivonivoni says:

    Thank you for the wonderful verses my requests:
    Marriages for my children 3 sons and 1 daughter
    To have a strong blessed marriage
    I am looking for a job
    I have people who owe me money so that they give me back my money
    Looking for god’s blessings

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed, Clara. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. We are praying for you and asking the Lord to bless and encourage you!

  407. I just came across this article of yours Deb, I know with God nothing is impossible.during these tough times. I know God is with me through my battles. Thanks a lot Deb ❤️

    1. Thank you, Theresa. I’m glad you were encouraged by it. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  408. Jacqueline Cooper says:

    I am terrified about the coming storms and worried too plz pray for me I am in Jamaica.

    1. I’m praying for you, Jacqueline. Asking God to protect you and give you His perfect peace. Blessings!

  409. Rumbidzai masasire says:

    Thank you for the encouraging words I’m believing God for my miracle

    1. You’re very welcome. God be with you and bless you!

  410. Cynthia Makomva says:

    I enjoyed this article and strengthen me and gave me hope in my situation be blessed

    1. I’m so glad it encouraged you, Cynthia. Thanks for visiting and for stopping to say, hello. God be with you and bless you!

  411. Robert DeWees says:

    Please pray for my son, traumatic brain injury. His name is Troy David DeWees.. Thank you.
    Robert DeWees

    1. I’m so sorry, Robert. We are praying for Troy’s complete healing. God be with you and bless you!

  412. Thank you. I am a prayerful warrior and belong to a few prayer groups. Your prayers are inspirational. We pray them and sometimes we do the IF table. Thank you again and please continue to inspire prayers to all. It beats negative thoughts any day.
    God bless.

    1. Thank you so much for your kindness, Hyacinth. I’m glad you are being blessed by your visits. God be with you and bless you!

  413. Goodwin J Fernandes says:

    Thank you God for your protection on me and my family. You have kept a member of the family who was continuously planning Satanic activities to steal. God is the ultimate protector and the destroyer of such evil activities and in Jesus’s name the evil planner has been silenced and it go forever if it persists. Please Jesus keep a watch on us always AMEN

    1. Thankful the Lord kept you safe. God bless you!

  414. Leticia Greenaway says:

    Please Pray for my son and I. We’re going through a spiritual battle where our enemies are trying so hard to block every financial support from his dad, and Please pray for my ex husband that our Heavenly Father will Continue Blessings him with spiritual eyes to see the truth, spiritual ears to hear God’s truth and to be a responsible father to our son.

    1. I’m so sorry you’re going through this difficult time, Leticia. I’m praying for you and your son. And I’m also joining you in praying for your ex-husband. May the Lord be with you and bless you and your family.

  415. Peace kaks says:

    Thank you for this article. I have read it and it has encouraged me.
    Be blessed always.

    1. I’m glad it blessed and encouraged you! God be with you!

  416. Goodwin J Fernandes says:

    Bless us God the father of Jesus on my family and let me have a job and travel keep us in good health and bless us with your wealth. May daughter establish her own business soon in the name of Jesus Christ your son. Amen.

    1. We’re joining you in prayer. God bless you, Goodwin.

  417. Since the day I got married have never had a child. I want you to pray for me that before the ending of this year I want a pregnant, this as been my prayer for many years and if God could give me and answer my request I will be grateful
    And I wIll worship him till eternity

    1. We’re praying for you!! God bless you!

  418. Encouraging article. I am tired and worn down but I am not giving up because God can change my situation…SUDDENLY. He is the God of the impossible and the Author of miracles.

    1. I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you, Erik. God bless you!

  419. Jancy T. V says:

    Amen. Glory to the Lord! Hallelujah! Please pray for my grandson Liam to get healed from ear infection and terrible pain.

    1. Oh, poor boy! We are praying for Liam, Jancy. Asking the Lord for relief from pain and speedy healing. God bless you!

    1. We are praying for you and asking the Lord to bless you!

  420. Sam Gloria says:

    Am blessed today coming across this platform. These are powerful prayers and I know and believe that God already answered. God bless u Deb. Keep up the good work of faith.

    1. Thank you, Sam! I love being able to do this. It’s a wonderful blessing to be able to interact with people who love the Lord here. God be with you and bless you!

  421. wilma van wyk says:

    I feel as though God abandoned me and my children and grandchildren Everything is going wrong in our lives. I pray and fast yet nothing happens.
    Please God I need You!!!

    1. I’m so sorry, Wilma. I’m praying for you and your family.

  422. JoWanda Gore says:

    I’m trusting and believing for GOD to work out everything for my good in JESUS Name!!! Thank you for the encouraging Holy Scriptures; may the Good LORD continue to Bless You and your ministry in JESUS Name!!!
    Love and prayers, JoWanda

    1. Thank you for your kind encouragement, JoWanda. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  423. Joseph Amaechi Ogbonna says:

    Thank you so much. May the Almighty God bless you as you bless others with these effective prayers. They are really made for my needs and I humbly claim them on Jesus Name, Amen!

    1. I appreciate your kindness and encouragement, Joseph. God bless you!

  424. Thank you for blessing me

    1. Thank you for visiting and for stopping to say, “hello.” God bless you!

  425. Thank you for this uplifting beautiful prayer. God is in control and I believe He can fix all things that concern me. In Jesus name, Amen.
    God bless you!

    1. Thank you for your encouragement and for sharing your faith with us, Jennifer. God bless you!

  426. Tezikya Charles says:

    Oh Lord, you know how weak am ; All I surrender to you take care of everything…. Amen!

    1. Amen, Charles. Thank you for visiting and stopping to say, hello.

  427. Angelien Vreedzaam says:

    I need prayer for my life and family nothing seems to work for me i’am in a different country in Europe the Netherlands 🇳🇱 immigration is my challenge and I don’t have a job to I pray a lot but nothing seems to change anything it seems like my heaven is closed🔐 please take me in prayer. A new born Christian Angie

    1. We are praying for you, Angie. Asking the Lord to be your encouragement and meet every need. God be with you and bless you abundantly.

  428. Bobbie Overshon says:

    My husband had a stroke about 8 years ago and was doing really well. He could get outside, walk, even garden. Last October, he began falling everyday and sometimes several times each day. We have been to doctor after doctor after doctor and he has taken test after test after test and all results are normal or negative.
    He also has a defibrillator and heart problems. We went to a neurologist in a university hospital and he seems to think he has had another stroke. That can only be determined by an MRI which he cannot have because he is on blood thinners due to the defibrillator (to stop the blood thinners could cause another stroke). We are in our late 70’s and I am afraid of him falling and me not being able to get him up. This is all taking a real toll on me as I now have to do everything that he always did plus everything I need to do around the house. My stomach stays upset and I am just exhausted. I try to stay positive, but fear I am depressed and it’s getting worse. Please pray for us. Thank you.

    1. I’m so sorry, Bobbie. You are walking through a very difficult season. My husband went home to the Lord in February and had ALS for a few years before that. I’m asking the Lord to give you both the emotional and physical strength you need each day. May the Lord be with you and give you His peace. Please keep in touch and let me know how we can pray for you! Blessings!

  429. Please pray along with me for open doors and breakthroughs in my property business.

    1. Praying with you, Anthea! God bless you!

  430. Silvi Martinez says:

    What a blessing in reading this today.9/4/24.
    I’ve been in prayer for relatives battling cancer, diabetes, one in surgery at this minute to repair the vertebra in her neck. So as I read your prayers they comfort me and sharing with others. Bless you! Silvi

    1. I’m so glad it encouraged you, Silvi! We’re lifting your family up in prayer. It sounds like there are many walking through difficult battles. May the Lord be with and bless you all!

  431. Everyday before I awake I thank our Almighty God for awakening me to face a new day and challenge also world peace 🙏🏽

    1. That’s beautiful, Chris. What a wonderful way to begin each day! God bless you!

  432. I needed The Assurance Of These Prayers Today.Thank You Dear God.Thank You.

    1. I’m glad it blessed you, Mararet. Thank you for letting me know! God be with you!

  433. Thank you Jesus that nothing is impossible when we trust in God🙏🏾 I’m requesting prayers for my daughter who is fighting an addiction she’s been struggling with for over a year I need prayer for strength to be spiritual support I trust and believe God for a miracle immediately in the mighty name of Jesus
    Amen 🙏🏾

    1. I’m so glad this bless you, Venna! God bless you!

  434. Jackie Trisha says:

    It’s amazing that we you post the verses here.
    May the good Lord bless you

  435. Praying that God enables me to pay all debts and opens doors for income

    1. Lifting you up in prayer, Joy! God be with you and bless you!

  436. Francescah says:

    I have had issues in my life that threaten my faith severely. As I write this,I have gone through all the posts on this site. I am plenty doubtful that God will open a window for my family after years of prayer. If He does I will let you know here. Meanwhile, if you can pray for us too. God bless you for taking the time to read this 🙏

    1. I am praying for you and your family, Francescah. God is with you and I believe He will give you the strength and direction you need each day. God bless you!

  437. Rachael Abraham says:

    This post is good and it will help me do well in my prayers

    1. I’m glad it encouraged you, Rachael. Thanks for stopping by.

  438. Today this brought me hope and a little peace that God will hear my prayers.

    1. I’m so glad, Dee. We worship God – He gives us hope as He keeps His promises and answers our prayers. May He be with you and bless you each day.

  439. Paula Ann Brown says:

    Thank you for these words.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Paula! God be with you and bless you!

    2. I’m so glad they blessed you, Paula! God be with you!

  440. Lumbani Sichinga says:

    Looking at our God who does all things well.

    1. Amen! He certainly does! God bless you!

  441. Elder Adeyanju Stephen says:

    I’m so much blessed with the verses

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged, Stephen. Thank you for taking the time to let me know!

  442. Greetings.God bless you for these five reassuring verses on nothing is impossible with our God.
    I’m trusting Yahweh to complete that which He has began,in my life
    I’m overwhelmed with children’s needs(university tuition and upkeep)
    I pray for grace to hold unto Him alone
    God Bless You Abundantly

    1. Hi, Christie! I’m so glad you were blessed and encouraged. Thank you for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.” God bless you!

  443. Love the prayer point hope and trust that God will hear all my prayers I’m sick unemployed wife with husband and 3 children two unemployed one at high school seeking God’s help as a child of God I know I serve a living God of possible

    1. Thank you for visiting, Mphokazi. We are praying for you and your family. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  444. Atupokile Francis says:

    Thanks for your prayers they give us more strength to wait and keep on trusting our lord savior Jesus.God bless you and keep on praying for us

    1. I’m appreciate your visit and words of encouragement. May the Lord be with you and bless you!

  445. U motivated me a lot ❤️