How to Base Your Worldview On Unchanging Truth
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How to Base Your Worldview On Unchanging Truth

Have you ever read or heard something that completely changed your worldview and how you live your life? It may have been a word about… We get information through books, articles, friends, teachers, “experts,” and internet searches … sources from which we form our ideas and opinions. And those ideas and opinions become our beliefs and the…

7 Important Habits to Have Peace When You Disagree
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7 Important Habits to Have Peace When You Disagree

It’s nothing new. People have disagreed since Adam and Eve left the Garden and that has always included people of faith. Even though we want to have peace … disagreements happen. But that doesn’t mean we have to get used to them nor does mean we should accept them. Paul was inspired to challenge a…

A Look At The Truth About The Problem With Pride
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A Look At The Truth About The Problem With Pride

You’ve heard the saying, “Pride comes before the fall.” And that’s what I thought it was … a saying our mothers told us to try to keep us humble. But as Rev would say, “That’s downright Biblical.” Solomon wrote… Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. Proverbs 16:18 What exactly is pride? What…

7 Verses that will Inspire You to Commit to Asking WWGGG in the New Year
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7 Verses that will Inspire You to Commit to Asking WWGGG in the New Year

Have you seen the acronym WWGGG? We’ve all seen – WWJD. What would Jesus do? But I sometimes wonder if #WWJD has become an easy phrase to use more than it is a personal commitment to actually knowing, loving, and obeying Jesus. When I hear someone affirm something that clearly goes against God’s Word, I…

5 Important Biblical Truths You Need to Know about God’s Discipline
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5 Important Biblical Truths You Need to Know about God’s Discipline

My child, don’t reject the Lord’s discipline,    and don’t be upset when He corrects you.For the Lord corrects those He loves,    just as a father corrects a child in whom He delights. Proverbs 3:11–12 Nope, I don’t like being disciplined. I never have. Truthfully, I don’t know anyone who gets excited about being sent to time out or having a…

The Who, What, and Why of Living with a Strong Moral Character
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The Who, What, and Why of Living with a Strong Moral Character

So, how’s your character? I looked up both positive and negative character traits and discovered… Positive traits like compassion, kindness, humility, honesty, and self-control. And Negative traits like arrogance, rudeness, laziness, selfishness, and abrasiveness. So those are character traits but… What exactly is a person’s character? The word character comes from the Greek word “χαρακτήρα”,…

8 Qualities You Need If You Want Healthy Trusting Relationships
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8 Qualities You Need If You Want Healthy Trusting Relationships

What makes a healthy trusting relationship? Not just between husband and wife, but with family members and friends, too. Rev and I talked about this recently and determined that we believe trust is essential in all healthy relationships. So, we made a list of things we believe are important to maintain the trust that is…

How to Make this the Day You Begin Again & Accomplish Your Goals
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How to Make this the Day You Begin Again & Accomplish Your Goals

So you’ve kept every New Year’s resolution perfectly, right? You… lost weight. exercised faithfully. managed your budget. organized your house. perfected your planner. volunteered regularly. faithfully spent time each day in Bible Study and Prayer. spent time with friends and family. Or maybe you didn’t. Maybe you need a mid-year re-resolution party, a do-over ….