7 Important Habits to Have Peace When You Disagree

It’s nothing new. People have disagreed since Adam and Eve left the Garden and that has always included people of faith. Even though we want to have peace … disagreements happen.
But that doesn’t mean we have to get used to them nor does mean we should accept them.
Paul was inspired to challenge a couple of women who lived in Philippi that were “disagreeing”…
I appeal to Euodia and Syntyche. Please, because you belong to the Lord, settle your disagreement.
Philippians 4:2
His words remind me of all the times I’ve either said or thought… “Would you please just get along?”
The interesting thing is that Paul doesn’t stop there, he goes on to tell them, and the other Philippians, what to do…
- “Don’t worry about anything” (v. 4) – I believe he was saying, “That includes the opinions of others.”
- “Instead, pray about everything” – So, If something bothers you, if you’re anxious and something upsets you . . . talk to God about it.
- “Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done” – Be honest with God about your needs and frustrations while remembering all He’s done in the past.
- “Then you will experience God’s peace” – Because God’s peace doesn’t worry about differing opinions. Godly peace focuses on God’s love, promises, and will.
- Which exceeds anything we can understand – Even though God’s peace goes beyond understanding or explanation you and I can experience it when we focus on His eternal promises and quit stressing over the world’s temporary disagreements.
Because when we give it all to God…
- “His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus – Because the one whose heart and mind is peacefully focused on Jesus doesn’t have to participate in every petty disagreement they’re invited to.
To close, Paul added the following instructions…
Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.
Philippians 4:8
So, if you and I want to have peace when we’re tempted by disagreeable opinions, we need to do this instead…
Thank God.
Surrender to God’s will and experience His peace.
Then, focus on things that are:
True – Accurate and trustworthy.
Honorable – Building reputations not tearing down.
Right – Fair and just.
Pure – Clean and uncontaminated.
Lovely – Beautiful and pleasant.
Admirable – Respectable and good.
Excellent and Worthy of Praise – Wonderful and God-pleasing.
No, it’s not easy.
In fact, in our sin-infested world, it can feel impossible to avoid disagreements that divide us spiritually, racially, socially, and politically.
But Paul’s words to the Philippians are still the answer.
So, when you’re tempted to participate in the enemy’s current effort to divide and conquer God’s people … pause, pray, thank God, and focus on all that is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. All the blessings we have in Christ Jesus.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer for Peace
When You’re Tempted to Disagree
Father God, Thank You for Your Word of Truth .. for giving us Your promises and commands. You made clear the things that are important to You. And Jesus declared that love is the answer. He summed up Your commands with these words …
Jesus replied, “The most important commandment is this: ‘Listen, O Israel! The Lord our God is the one and only Lord. And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength.’ The second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other commandment is greater than these.” (Mark 12:29–31)
But like the people of old, we’ve added our own ideas and opinions to Your commands. We have chosen to disagree and divide over some of the most foolish things. What we believe is standing for the truth, may be sin if it’s not done in love with a goal of unity.
Yes, Jesus overturned the tables at the Temple but He also had perfect wisdom, knowledge and understanding of Your Word, and the hearts of men.
I come to You in repentance asking You to guide my thoughts and words. Please help me lead with love and pray for those with whom I disagree. Please help me study Your Word so that I might KNOW Your will and promises. And help me focus on all that is trustworthy and worthy of praise so that I might be filled with Your peace.
And if I must disagree and speak the truth, please by the power of Your Spirit, help me do so with kindness and respect. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
One more thing…
I did some digging in the Word and noticed that there were many passages about being careful to know the truth and avoid false teachers but I didn’t find any that said we should disagree and argue with them.
In fact, through Paul, the Spirit gave this guidance…
Watch out for people who cause divisions and upset people’s faith by teaching things contrary to what you have been taught. Stay away from them.
Romans 16:17
Instead, we will speak the truth in love, growing in every way more and more like Christ, who is the head of His body, the church.
Ephesians 4:15
You and I are called to be witnesses of God’s love, to speak His truth, and to do it with a prayerful attitude of love and unity.
So, I want to do my best to walk away from arguments, to speak God’s truth in love, and when tempted to disagree … to pray, focus on the Truth, and give it all to God, asking Him to replace my frustration with His peace.
May God bless you and give you everything you need to have peace when you’re tempted to disagree.
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We may not see eye to eye with others of differing opinions, but we can disagree gently and with love for each other. Lord, make us instruments of your peace!
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! I’m joining you in that pray! Blessings and hugs!
Amen, Deb! We can have minor disagreements and those major disagreements that blow up into anger! In this current society, dealing with disagreements have gone from gentle rains, to spewing volcanoes! The saying we are all familiar with “just agree to disagree” has gone by the wayside.
Anger gives way to hate and hate destroys! Thank you for these verses and reminders that are particularly needed on a daily basis these days! Hope you and all those who visit here today have an “agreeable” day! Hugs and love!
Thanks for your encouragement, my friend. There are few things that annoy me more than the petty arguments we see online … especially between Christians. How I pray that there will be a greater example of His love among His people. I hope you’re having a wonderful day! Blessings and hugs!
Good morning, I just wanted to say thank you for your ministry. I look forward to seeing your blessings during the week. The holy Spirit always speaks to me through these. It’s SPRING🌞 time ! And thing’s are risen thank you again
Thank you for your kind words, Tom, they are much appreciated. God bless you!
Wow. This is a fantastic email and one that I desperately needed at this time. I prayed to God to help me and then I opened this email and there was his answers, all of which I will do my best to do! Thank you 🙏 so much!
There are many times I disagree with others and can become argumentative. Next time I’m in an argumentative situation, I will pray that God gives me peace and grace to help me walk way and place it in his hands. Thank you Deb needed this. Have a blessed day.
I love your tender surrendered heart, Ana. God be with you and bless your day.
Thank you for this post Deb, I found it helpful thank you.
. I hope you are ok
Love, hugs & blessings Mary
Thank you, Mary. I’m glad it blessed you! I’m doing well. Grief is a roller coaster but by His grace, God is on this ride with me and giving me the strength I need moment by moment. Blessings and hugs to you!