About Deb & CMB
About Deb

I am a child of God, pastor’s wife, mom, gram, daughter, sister, and friend who loves nothing better than laughing with friends over a good cup of coffee or glass of wine.
I love sharing the amazing ways God transformed a “good little church girl” into a joy-filled woman of faith. I am crazy in love with Jesus and I feel so blessed to be able to share my love for Him through my writing and at retreats and conferences.
One of the most important things I’d like you to know about me is that I am still a major work in progress. I’m taking life one blessing-filled moment at a time thankful for God’s patience and persistence as He continues to work on me.
I hope you will join each conversation about faith and life. Life’s circumstances may be hard but we are blessed to know the One who is able to give us hope, peace, courage, and strength. And those are just some of the perfect reasons to praise Him and share His love … because at the end of the day, it’s all about LOVE. God’s Love! A love so great that…
“He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
A to Z Unique Words that I Want to Describe Me
A – Appreciative & Approachable B – Blessed & Busy C – Caring & Curious D – Dog Lover & Dreamer E – Enthusiastic & Emotional F – Forgiven & Fun G – Grace-blessed & Genuine H – Honest & Hopeful I – Imperfect & Improving J – Joy-filled and Just K – Kind & Kooky L – Listener & Learner M – Mended & Melodious N – Nurturing & Nice O – Open & Original P – Patient & Playful Q – Questioning & Quaint R – Redeemed & Real S – Saint & Sinner T – Trusting & Talkative U – Understanding & Unfinished V – Veracious & Veritable W – Wonderer & Writer X – eXcited & eXpressive (work with me here!) Y – Yoked to my Savior & Young at Heart Z – Zealous & Zappy
What words describe unique and original you?
What you’ll find at CMB
Motivation/Transformation . . . Posts that share the blessings of a closer walk with God through the transforming power of Jesus.
Appreciation / Satisfaction . . . Writing that encourages a greater appreciation of God’s blessings which leads to greater satisfaction and happiness.
Illustration / Intersection . . . Stories that share the Good News as believers experience the intersection of faith and life.
Inspiration / Affirmation . . . Weekly reminders of God’s perfect forever and always love.
Devotion / Adoration . . . And the consistent celebration of the joys and blessings of living every day for God’s glory.
I promise that I will never preach at you.
We are on this journey together.
I write about the things God is teaching me.
When it blesses you I do a grateful dance of praise.
Contact Deb
- Email Address: deb@debwolf.com
- Facebook: Deb Wolf
- Facebook Page: #WWGGG
- Facebook CMB Page: Counting My Blessings
- Twitter: @BlessingCounter
- Pinterest: Deb Wolf
My Books
52-Week Devotional Journal for Women
No matter what a busy week may throw your way, God is with you in every moment. Take a breath and find peace in Him with the 52-Week Devotional Journal for Women, a weekly devotional full of Scripture passages, unique insights, and journal prompts. Strengthen and deepen your relationship with God as you focus on faith over the course of the year.
Each week in this devotional journal for women begins with a Scripture passage and a unique reflection. Then, four succinct but stirring prompts give you an opportunity to journal on your life, faith, and relationship with God. The last prompt in each devotion inspires you to connect with Him through prayer.
5 Stars – A trusted resource for yourself and sharing with other women.
52 Week Devotional for Women speaks down-to-earth words of wisdom and peace straight from God’s Word into your heart. This isn’t just another book to read through and put on a shelf. Each weeks devotional thoughts are well worth returning to again and again. The writing prompts gently guide you to reflect on Scripture and challenge you to grow in faith. I’m looking forward to completing it myself and also using it as a trusted resource to share with other women.
5 Stars – Love this prayer devotional book
Love this book. Each week has a simple but thought-provoking theme. The author shares personal stories making it a realistic, down-to-earth devotional guide. She also provides Bible verse references for each weekly theme. I can apply each week’s theme to my own personal life. I truly enjoy this book.
To find out more go to 52 Week Devotional Journal for Women@ Amazon
Sarah’s Garden
Each child is born with a unique personality, individual talents, and specific abilities. Wouldn’t it be nice if they came with a personal manual, too?
Sarah’s Garden is a parable that tells of the struggle in each of us to flourish in our strengths, rather than giving in to our weaknesses.
Join Sarah as she deals with confusion and frustration while caring for her special garden. Find out who the King sends to help her after the ogre, the nasties, and the “trashy” villagers make a mess.
Finally, discover the thrill she experiences when she learns of her true identity and the fabulous future that awaits her
To Find out more go to Sarah’s Garden@Amazon
5 stars – Not Just a Kids Book,
This is a great book for “kids of all ages”; we have all been given special talents by God for use in His Kingdom on Earth. As Rick Warren would say, ” We have been created for a purpose”. This is a must read!
5.0 out of 5 stars A Biblical Fairy Tale for Girls of All Ages
This book is a beautiful allegory of God’s love for us and how we so often resist it. It’s a picture book with gorgeous illustrations, making it the perfect book to read to your daughter or granddaughter. Yet it’s every bit a gift for grown-ups, too.
I was a contributing writer at designHappy – HomeGoods Blog for 8 years.
I’ve had articles featured in Woman’s Day Magazine and posts on Woman’s Day Happiness Blog.
I’ve traveled with the World Vision Bolivia Bloggers and written posts for the World Vision Blog.
Advertising @ CMB
Counting My Blessings is my place of ministry. Rev and I consider it a huge blessing to not need an income that could be generated here and because my heart’s desire is simply to glorify God as I encourage you in your faith, I have chosen not to profit from advertising or sponsored posts.
I applaud and encourage those of you who are helping to support your family through online ministry as we each make the decision to monetize our sites for very personal reasons.
If you should see a link in my sidebar or read a post where I review a book, movie, or product . . . know that I am not benefitting personally other than occasionally receiving the gift of a sample for review.
I am so thankful to be here sharing my love for the Lord with you. Your conversation and encouragement is all the blessing I need.
Thanks for stopping by . . . I hope you’ll visit often and stay to chat. I love spending time with friends.
Don’t forget to leave your prayer requests here.
Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ,
the Father’s Son, will be with us in truth and love. 2 John 1:3