How Making Comparisons will Always Steal Your Peace, Hope, and Joy
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How Making Comparisons will Always Steal Your Peace, Hope, and Joy

It’s the season of comparisons. Advertisers tempt us to compare every part of our celebrations so they can entice us to make purchases that will “make us feel better about ourselves.” Theodore Roosevelt once said… “Comparison is the thief of joy.” And I believe he was right. The enemy of our souls uses comparisons in…

6 Helpful Ways to Stop Complaining So You Can Live with Gratitude and Joy
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6 Helpful Ways to Stop Complaining So You Can Live with Gratitude and Joy

It seems like people are finding plenty of things to complain about lately. What do you think? How often do you catch yourself complaining? But wait, it’s supposed to be that time of year when we encourage each other to talk more about those things for which we are thankful. And… Aren’t we told that…

5 Helpful Things to Remember to Maintain Hope When Life Is Hard
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5 Helpful Things to Remember to Maintain Hope When Life Is Hard

Are you hopeful? Martin Luther wrote, “Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.” If everything is “done by hope”, maybe we need to take a closer look at what that means. Hope is defined as… Believing that what is wanted can be had or that events will turn out for the best….

10 Positive What-if Questions that will Bless You and Give You Peace
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10 Positive What-if Questions that will Bless You and Give You Peace

How much time do you spend thinking about what-if questions? You know… What if I had done this? What if I hadn’t done that? What if I’d reacted sooner? What if I hadn’t posted this or reacted to that? It’s called “second guessing” and it’s defined as . . . criticizing or questioning someone or…

How Having the “Fear of the Lord” Will Bless You Every Day
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How Having the “Fear of the Lord” Will Bless You Every Day

Both David and his son, Solomon wrote: Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. Psalm 111:10 and Proverbs 9:10 Solomon also wrote that the “fear of the Lord” led to: True Knowledge (Proverbs 1:7) Understanding (Proverbs 2) Life (Proverbs 19:23) And Luke wrote in the Book of Acts: The church had peace . . . and it became stronger as…

5 Verses that will Help You Experience Peace and Soul Satisfaction
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5 Verses that will Help You Experience Peace and Soul Satisfaction

Is your soul satisfied? Let me ask another way, “Is it well with your soul?” If we want to know if our souls are satisfied, we should probably begin by identifying what a soul is. Simply stated, the soul is—a person’s mind, will, and emotions. John Ortberg put it this way… “Your soul is what…

How You Can Be Strong Enough to Survive Any Problem You Face
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How You Can Be Strong Enough to Survive Any Problem You Face

Father God,I’m not strong enough.I can’t. I’m afraid. What’s the thing you fear most? That thing that makes your palms sweat and your heart race? The thing you beg God not to allow—telling Him you can’t, you’re afraid . . . you’re not strong enough. But when you finally get the courage to talk to a friend…

Why It’s a Blessing to Surrender to God Especially When It’s Hard
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Why It’s a Blessing to Surrender to God Especially When It’s Hard

What if God asked you for permission before He allowed your life to get painful and messy? I imagine like me, you would quickly reply, “I don’t want to!“ “I don’t want to . . . endure, suffer, grieve, lose, forfeit, repent, surrender, forgive, etc. It’s too hard. It’s too painful. I’m not strong enough . . ….

7 Helpful Things You Need to Do When You Doubt Your Faith
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7 Helpful Things You Need to Do When You Doubt Your Faith

I frequently hear from people who are struggling with feelings of doubt… They doubt God’s goodness. They question God’s forgiveness. They’re afraid or worried about the future. They’re disappointed, hurt, or just beaten down by life. They don’t feel His presence and wonder about His love. The enemy of our souls works overtime to keep us…

2 Verses to Pray When You Need God’s Help & Hope for the Future
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2 Verses to Pray When You Need God’s Help & Hope for the Future

Do you ever feel like everywhere you look, the world is in crisis? You will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many…