7 Important Things You Need to Do to Grow In Godly Wisdom

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Have you ever made a foolish decision you later regretted? Do you want to live with wisdom? This will help you grow in Godly wisdom & experience peace. #Wisdom #TrustGod #Peace #Faith #Blessings

You’ve decided you want to live with Godly wisdom but…

Have you ever taken advice from someone and later realized you’d made a huge mistake?

Yea, me too.

  • You went shopping with a friend and overspent your budget so you could get matching bags.
  • You listened to and based your opinion on a friend’s gossip only to later learn it was all untrue.
  • Your friend told you to follow your “heart” and your “heart” was wrong.
  • You rejected a friend over a political argument and later learned you’d believed a lie.

We want to make wise decisions but the temptation to be foolish is always right in front of us.

Solomon wrote:

The person with understanding is always looking for wisdom, but the mind of a fool wanders everywhere.

Proverbs 17:24 (NCV)

Other translations say…

“Keep their eyes glued on wisdom.” (NLT) “Sets his face toward wisdom.” (RSV) “Keeps wisdom in view.” (NIV)

I don’t want to be foolish. I want to keep my eyes glued on wisdom but I know I’ve got some growin’ to do. Maybe you’ve got some growin’ to do too.

But what should we do when we finally realize we need to grow in Godly wisdom?

I decided to do some digging into God’s Word and found…

Have you ever made a foolish decision you later regretted? Do you want to live with wisdom? This will help you grow in Godly wisdom & experience peace. #Wisdom #TrustGod #Peace #Faith #Blessings

7 Important Things to Do to Grow In Godly Wisdom

1. Know What Godly Wisdom Is.

Wisdom is often defined as “knowing the right thing to do and doing it.”

Godly wisdom is knowing what God says is the right thing to do and doing it.

Fear of the Lord is the foundation of true wisdom. All who obey his commandments will grow in wisdom.

Psalm 111:10

2. Know You Want Godly Wisdom. 

Prayerfully commit that you’re done with letting your “foolish mind wander everywhere.” God wants what is best for His children and what He says is wise . . . is wise!

For wisdom is far more valuable than rubies. Nothing you desire can compare with it.

Proverbs 8:11

3. Have Reverent Fear for the Lord

Respect God. Trust that He is who He says He is and that He does what He says He will do.

In that day He will be your sure foundation, providing a rich store of salvation, wisdom, and knowledge. The fear of the Lord will be your treasure.

Isaiah 33:6

4. Pray – Ask God for the Gift of Wisdom.

Spend time talking and listening in faith-filled communication with the God of all wisdom. Don’t be shy. God invites us to ask.

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

James 1:5

5. Seek – Seek Godly Wisdom through His Word

Prayerfully study God’s Word in the Bible. Be faithful. Be a seeker. Trust the Spirit to reveal God’s wisdom to you.

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.

2 Timothy 3:16

6. Repent and Learn from Your Mistakes.

We all make mistakes. As long as we’re here, we will never live with perfect Godly wisdom. But . . . praise God, we know the One who is wisdom.

So, we repent saying, “I’m sorry, I did it and I don’t want to do it again!” And then, we learn from our failures so we don’t repeat them. That’s the wise thing to do.

The kind of sorrow God wants makes people change their hearts and lives. 

2 Corinthians 7:10a (NCV)

7. Partner with a Wise Spiritual Mentor

Ask someone who clearly demonstrates a desire to live with Godly wisdom to mentor you . . . someone you trust to give you Godly counsel. For help in knowing how to find the right mentor, click here.

Get all the advice and instruction you can, so you will be wise the rest of your life.

Proverbs 19:20
Have you ever made a foolish decision you later regretted? Do you want to live with wisdom? This will help you grow in Godly wisdom & experience peace. #Wisdom #TrustGod #Peace #Faith #Blessings

Will you pray with me?

A Prayer to Grow in Godly Wisdom

Father, I am so very sorry. I’ve done it again. I’ve listened to the wrong voices. I’ve reacted too quickly. I’ve been foolish. Please forgive me.

I believe Your ways are best. I believe that Your will for me is that my future will be good and filled with hope. I need wisdom, Lord, to KNOW, TRUST, and FOLLOW the path You want for me. Your Word says that if I ask for wisdom, You will give it to me.

So, I will SEEK Your Word that I might KNOW all You want for me. Please fill me with Your Spirit. Bring to my heart and mind Your commands and promises . . . guide me by Your truth. Help me to know in the moment of decision what You want me to do and give me the strength and courage I need to trust You and obey.

I give myself to You. Please help me live this day for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

Have you ever made a foolish decision you later regretted? Do you want to live with wisdom? This will help you grow in Godly wisdom & experience peace. #Wisdom #TrustGod #Peace #Faith #Blessings

J. I. Packer wrote:

“Not until we have become humble and teachable, standing in awe of God’s holiness and sovereignty. acknowledging our own littleness, distrusting our own thoughts, and willing to have our minds turned upside down, can divine wisdom become ours.” 

May the Lord bless us with humble teachable hearts. May we stand in reverent awe of our Creator, Savior, and Counselor. May we be willing to have our minds turned upside down and surrender ourselves to the Godly wisdom we need.

What a blessing it is to know that God wants to give us that wisdom we need.

May God be with you and bless you with Godly wisdom.

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  1. Dialis Velasquez says:

    Thank you so much this really helps me. I love reading these and I always look forward to what God has called you to speak on.

    1. Thank you so very much for stopping to say “hello” and for your kindness and encouragement. God be with you and bless you!

    2. Pauline Blankenberg says:

      Thank you so much I learn so much and want to learn more, please pray for me I want to do what is right and what God require from me.

      1. I’m glad you were blessed and encouraged, Pauline. God be with you!

  2. Sharla Keller says:

    Deb, this lesson really spoke to me. I have been blessed with a number of Godly mentors in my Christian walk. I want to thank you for being one of those mentors. Your lessons are always
    something I need and want to follow. I hope I am becoming a person who can help others grow in their Christian life by sharing what I have learned from my Bible study and also from the mentors God has given me in my life.
    Thank you????

    1. Thank you for your kindness, Sharla. I, too, have been blessed with Godly mentors who have encouraged my faith and pointed me to His truth. I love that you want to encourage others . . . mentored to mentor. God is so good. I believe He will bless this prayer of your heart. God bless you!

  3. I so want to have Godly wisdom, Deb, and am so comforted by the notion that God truly will give me that wisdom if I humble my heart and ask.

    1. I’m with you, Martha! So very thankful that He promises to give us wisdom when we SEEK Him and humbly ASK Him. So we will “keep on asking and keep on seeking” by His grace and with His help. Have a wonderful weekend friend!

  4. While I always wanted, I never found personal spiritual mentors but have been blessed by finding your blog, and online pastors who preach the Word faithfully. I also believe that since Jesus knows well my situation, He became my most inner mentor. Just as He promised in Ezekiel 16,60 “Nevertheless I will remember my covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant.”
    The One Who never lets up, guides day and night towards Himself.
    True, Godly wisdom eluded me through my life. Way too often I allow my feelings, thoughts and mouth run away from me. So, Psalm 141, 3-4 became my regular pleading –
    “Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips. 4Let not my heart be drawn to what is evil, to take part in wicked deeds with men who are evildoers; let me not eat of their delicacies.”
    Yes, I desperately need God’s wisdom and a discerning spirit to recognize the Lord’s will in each situation of life. Along with growing Trust and Faith to receive His gift. Blessings my friend

    1. What a lovely thing to say, Gaby. I am so glad you are being encouraged here. I think living with wisdom and discernment takes daily prayer and time in God’s Word and I’ll admit, I miss the mark often. What a blessing we have to be covered by God’s grace, mercy, and love. God bless you!

  5. Thank you Mrs. Wolf for your words, I stumbled up on your site a few weeks ago, and almost felt like I was reading about myself. I’m 56 years old and probably over last 10-15 years learning more and more about Grace. Yes that’s a long time to be learning. Anyway I feel like God placed your writings in my sight. And for this I am very thankful. I have just started the 52 week devotional journal your wrote. Thank you again

    1. What a lovely word of encouragement, Stacey! Thank you so much! I believe learning about God’s grace is an ongoing process. I don’t think I will ever fully understand the fullness of God’s grace, mercy, and love this side of heaven. But I want to . . . so, I love spending time with Him through prayer and His Word. I pray you are blessed by the journal. God be with you and bless you as You SEEK Him each day.