It’s Useful to Understand What It Means to Be Righteous
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It’s Useful to Understand What It Means to Be Righteous

Do you know what it means to be righteous? The Urban Dictionary defines it as: The American Heritage Dictionary says it means: And finally, the Biblical defines righteousness as: Psalm 111 says… How amazing are the deeds of the Lord!    All who delight in Him should ponder them.Everything He does reveals His glory and majesty.    His righteousness never…

How To Have Flourishing Faith Until Jesus Returns
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How To Have Flourishing Faith Until Jesus Returns

Are you watching the sky? Are you listening for the heavenly trumpet? Do you know how to have flourishing faith until Jesus returns? Recently while reading 1 Corinthians, I came across these words…  Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong. And do everything with love. 1 Corinthians 16:13 Paul was hoping to…

5 Simple Prayers When You Want Stronger Faith
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5 Simple Prayers When You Want Stronger Faith

If you’re a frequent visitor here, you know the five words I use to describe faith (SEEK, KNOW, LOVE, TRUST, & OBEY). They are essential if growing stronger faith is our heart’s desire. David wrote… Take delight in the Lord,    and He will give you your heart’s desires. Psalm 37:4 And Isaiah wrote… Lord, we show our…

Why It’s Important for You to Pray and Surrender
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Why It’s Important for You to Pray and Surrender

How willing are you to wave the white flag of surrender and give yourself completely to God? We typically think of surrendering as admitting defeat and giving up the fight but let’s see what some dictionaries say… Proverbs 3:5–6 perfectly explains what it means to surrender our lives to God… Trust in the Lord with all your…

7 Important Qualities Found In Someone Who Has Integrity
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7 Important Qualities Found In Someone Who Has Integrity

If I asked you to think of someone who has integrity, would it take a minute or two … or would a face and name come to mind immediately? Wikipedia defines integrity as… The quality of being honest and showing a consistent and uncompromising adherence to strong moral and ethical principles and values. And says… Someone who…

Why Jesus’ Resurrection Offers Truth and Life Forever
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Why Jesus’ Resurrection Offers Truth and Life Forever

We love celebrating Jesus’ resurrection but there’s a part of us that wants to look away when it comes to the Lord’s suffering and death. We don’t want to see ourselves running away in fear with the disciples. We don’t want to see ourselves standing in the crowd shouting, “Crucify Him.” We don’t want to…

When You Need Someone to Fix Life’s Big Problems
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When You Need Someone to Fix Life’s Big Problems

I’m a problem solver. I love finding solutions and fixing problems. I’m entertained by puzzles and creating ways to resolve dilemmas. Until I can’t. The truth is that many of life’s big problems can’t be fixed. There are times when our feeble human efforts simply aren’t enough. Times when our worlds are shaken by things…

4 Important Posts to Focus Our Hearts On Daily Praise And Worship
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4 Important Posts to Focus Our Hearts On Daily Praise And Worship

You and I were created for praise and worship. We will worship someone or something and that is never more clear than it is at Christmas time. Between gifts and gatherings, specials featuring celebrities, and celebratory indulging . . . we can be tempted to worship the creation more than we worship the Creator. But God’s Word…

How You Can Have a Perfectly Strong & Reliable Foundation for Life
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How You Can Have a Perfectly Strong & Reliable Foundation for Life

There’s a new house being built in our neighborhood. They started by digging down through the pliable earth, set forms, and poured a concrete foundation. Every building needs a strong foundation if we want it to stand through the storms of life. So, let me ask you… What is your foundation for life? Your family…

3 Questions to Help You Share Your Story through Joy, Junk, & Jesus
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3 Questions to Help You Share Your Story through Joy, Junk, & Jesus

Let’s talk about our Joy, Junk, & Jesus. I picked up my old Bible the other day. The one I used when our children were growing up. I’ve always kept it in a cute fabric case so the cover still looks clean and undamaged. But the pages are a different story. They’re covered with notes…