Reject Lies and Lying But Speak the Truth in Love
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Reject Lies and Lying But Speak the Truth in Love

Don’t you wish liars’ noses grew and their pants did catch on fire? It would be much easier to confidently know the truth if we could quickly identify and reject lies and deception. I’ve shared before how much I hate lying. It seems like our culture assumes it’s just part of life but look at…

7 Verses that will Inspire You to Commit to Asking WWGGG in the New Year
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7 Verses that will Inspire You to Commit to Asking WWGGG in the New Year

Have you seen the acronym WWGGG? We’ve all seen – WWJD. What would Jesus do? But I sometimes wonder if #WWJD has become an easy phrase to use more than it is a personal commitment to actually knowing, loving, and obeying Jesus. When I hear someone affirm something that clearly goes against God’s Word, I…

10 Important Things to Pray for Your Family Before You Get Together
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10 Important Things to Pray for Your Family Before You Get Together

Rev has often said, “Jesus taught about the things we should do to get along with one another and God gave us families to practice!” Jesus told His followers… And although we want to trust and follow Jesus’ words and example . . . it’s hard to serve consistently and faithfully exhibit humility and mercy…

3 Questions – Why Does God Allow Evil If He Really Loves Us?
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3 Questions – Why Does God Allow Evil If He Really Loves Us?

Years ago, a reader asked the following: “If God loves us so much, then why are we slowly being dehumanized?Why would God let something like that happen to us? I believe we need to take a closer look and break those questions into 3… 1. Does God love us?2  Are people becoming dehumanized?3.  Why does…

10 Ways to Have True Patience & Show Compassion Even When It’s Hard
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10 Ways to Have True Patience & Show Compassion Even When It’s Hard

True patience is the capacity to accept or tolerate delay, difficulty, or annoyance without getting angry or upset. True patience treats yourself and others with kindness and compassion. Would you say you have true patience? What would your friends say? It’s easy for me to be patient when nothing is annoying me but harder when someone…

4 Ways to Stop Generalizing and Start Loving Like Jesus
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4 Ways to Stop Generalizing and Start Loving Like Jesus

Generalizing is the belief that all members of a group are alike. It assumes that a few individuals in the group represent the whole group. Therefore every individual believes, thinks, and acts exactly like all the others. Generalizing believe that… Women are _________. Men are _________. White people are _________. Black people are _________. Democrats…

4 Perfectly Practical Ways to Talk About God and Faith
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4 Perfectly Practical Ways to Talk About God and Faith

It happened many years ago, but I can still remember it like it was yesterday. I was in an intense discussion about God’s characteristics and qualities. As a long-time student of the Bible, I was passionate about the information and faith that inspired my side of the conversation, and that passion led to me proclaim,…

5 Ways Being Kind Will Bless Your Life and Make You Happy
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5 Ways Being Kind Will Bless Your Life and Make You Happy

Paul wrote: Be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:32 Jesus told us to: Love each other. Just as I have loved you. John 14:34 And Evangelist Henry Drummond combined the two, saying… “Kindness is love in action.” But being kind consistently is hard, isn’t it?…

The Unexpected Ways Doing Whatever It Takes Can Bless Your Life Today
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The Unexpected Ways Doing Whatever It Takes Can Bless Your Life Today

Rev and I once stayed at a hotel where there was a card on the nightstand that read: W.I.T. Whatever it Takes. Simply dial ’10.’ Our goal is that every guest leaves satisfied.“ As guests, we appreciated both the message and the goal. And then I started thinking… What if every follower of Jesus, the…

8 Qualities You Need If You Want Healthy Trusting Relationships
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8 Qualities You Need If You Want Healthy Trusting Relationships

What makes a healthy trusting relationship? Not just between husband and wife, but with family members and friends, too. Rev and I talked about this recently and determined that we believe trust is essential in all healthy relationships. So, we made a list of things we believe are important to maintain the trust that is…

3 Blessings Fathers Need to Thank and Encourage Them Every Day
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3 Blessings Fathers Need to Thank and Encourage Them Every Day

Have you ever noticed that we spend Mother’s Day telling moms they’re wonderful? We honor them with love through gifts and attention. The goal is to make moms feel appreciated for all they do and celebrate their role in the lives of their children and their influence on society. And that’s great! But there is…