3 Important Steps to Let God Direct Your Life

Several years ago, I had a dream that I will never forget … a reminder to let God direct my life.
I was in school. (Please tell me I’m not the only one who returns to school in her dreams.)
I was getting ready to perform in a musical. But nothing was going right. I couldn’t find the right thing to wear. I couldn’t find my music. I couldn’t remember my lines. I was a mess.
The school was filling with people and I was running from one person to another trying to get help.
At one point, the director stopped me and with a disappointed warning told me I’d missed a pre-performance meeting and an important list of instructions. But that didn’t solve my problem or change my behavior. I immediately returned to asking people to help me find my music and fix my look.
Finally . . . I just gave up and entered the auditorium.
Everyone was gone. The performance was over and I’d missed it.
I’d missed it!
And then … I woke up.
It was 4 AM. and God chose that moment to quietly speak to my heart…
Deb, I know you want to do things the right way. I know you want to please the people in your life. But I am the Director. I am the One best able to instruct you and teach you. I am the One who can help you. Stop running around. Stop performing. Stop worrying about how you look. Stop worrying about what people think. Just stop and listen to me. I will help you and you won’t miss a thing!
I lay there thinking about God’s love and His reminder to “be still and know, and as I drifted off to sleep, I thanked Him for this precious much-needed word.
Solomon wrote…
My child, listen to me and do as I say,
Proverbs 4:10
and you will have a long, good life.
I will teach you wisdom’s ways
and lead you in straight paths.
Where do you go when you don’t know what to do?
Do you run to friends for advice? Do you read self-help books by the dozens? Do you go to seminars and listen to a long list of teachers?
None of those things are wrong if you and I are adding them to sitting at the Lord’s feet. But when we neglect God’s truth and seek the wisdom and knowledge of the world, we may receive counsel that is not at all helpful.
Henry Blackaby wrote…
“Listening to God in stillness helps us know how to apply His will to our lives.”
3 Important Steps to Let God Direct Your Life
- Seek God’s guidance, read His Word, pray faithfully, and be still to listen.
- Apply His Word to life, prayerfully ask for the Spirit’s guidance, and be still to listen.
- Trust God’s promises, obey His will, and be still to listen.
Proverbs 4:13 adds…
Take hold of my instructions; don’t let them go.
Guard them, for they are the key to life.
If we want to let God direct our lives, we need His direction … He made all things and understands all things. He is the source of wisdom and truth. He is the One who will lead on the best path for life.
A Prayer to Let God Direct Your Life
Father God, I want You to direct and lead my life. Yet, I know that I often listen to wordly wisdom without seeking You first. I am so sorry. Please forgive me. After a fumble or failure, I often learn that the world’s wisdom is foolish and flawed. The enemy of our souls often twists and distorts Your Words rather than confronting us with obvious lies.
I ask that You will fill me with Your Spirit and help me keep my focus on You so that I might trust and obey Your will. With Your help, I will read and study Your Word, surrender my heart, and never stop praying. With Your help, I will quietly spend time in Your presence so that I might listen to Your voice and follow Your direction.
Please help me trust and obey You in all things. I love You, Lord. I give myself to You. Please give me everything I need to let You be the Director of my life. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
David wrote…
The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
Psalm 32:8
I will advise you and watch over you.”
God directs His children with love and wisdom. He wants us to follow His will because He created us and knows us. He always knows what is best for us and He wants to accomplish that in our lives because He loves us.
When we think about it … it really is foolish for us not to let God direct our lives.
So let’s faithfully learn His will in His Word and pray without ceasing. Let’s be still and listen as we surrender our lives to the leading of the Holy Spirit. And let’s trust God’s promises and live each day by His grace for His glory.
May you be blessed with peace and joy as you let God direct your life.
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You wrote the word “surrender,” my word for the year, so many times in this post, Deb. That certainly helped me to focus once again on allowing God to be the sole director of my life. Thank you and blessings!
It’s a reminder I need too, Martha! I want to trust the Lord so much that I am at completely peace in His will each day. You picked a great word for 2024. God’s blessing and you give yourself to His care and keeping.
I’m very excited dat I got this email this morning thank you god 🙏 I wanna know everything about god I love him with all my heart ❤️
I’m so glad it blessed you, Mechele. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!
“Surrender!” A good reminder for me! I have had trouble surrendering and letting it go so God can do His work. What a great post. Thank you once again! Just what I needed most today.
Dear Sue, I just wanted to say hello and I love you…I pray you and all those you love are safe, healthy and happy. If you read my comment to Deb, loss is surrounding me at the moment, but
God’s wonderful mercies and His amazing grace are also surrounding me with His comforting love. I will make it through, though I am dreading another trip to Nashville this weekend. If you don’t mind, keep us in your prayers and as always, I will be praying for you and yours. Love and hugs across the miles for you!
Thank you, Sue. I need to surrender every day. It’s so tempting to want to do it myself or to listen to the words of this noisy world. My daily prayer is to give myself completely to God and trust His will for me. I’m glad it blessed you. I know I needed this reminder. Blessings and hugs!
Thank you praise the Lord 🙏
Thanks for visiting, Rose. God bless you!
Yes. I too, want to surrender and let God be my Director, Deb. Beautiful and encouraging words today! And I needed them. Has anyone else had the cold, cold temps and snow this past week? Ken’s dad, Vic has now passed away, but because of all the snow and availability of the church, his funeral service will not be until this coming weekend. He passed peacefully in his sleep and we were thankful he didn’t suffer…in the meantime, a dear friend of ours who had cancer, passed away the 20th and yesterday morning, my sister lost her mother-in-law unexpectedly.
I am feeling a bit overwhelmed at the moment, but I know God is with me, with all of us…and He will help us through this chapter of sadness and grief. I would so appreciate prayers for these three families and as always, I keep you and Rev, in mine. Sincere blessings and heart felt gratitude for always giving me a happy place to run to! Love and hugs, dear friend.
Kathy, I have missed you so much and been so concerned. I didn’t know if you and your husband were caught in all of the snow I heard that was in Nashville. I worried for your safty. I am sorry about your father in law and also the others who were near to you and passed as well. God be with you and your family as you grieve. You are in my prayers my dear friend and as is your husband and his family, Your sister and the family of your friend.
I am so thankful you are home and safe. I pray for a safe trip this weekend for you all.
Love to you,
I think our comments to each other sent about the same time! Thank you for all your prayers for all the families who are grieving. God kept us safe during all the snow and I was giving thanks for that and that the power stayed on. “All sunshine makes for a desert” and tears are love and love is perhaps the only glimpse we are permitted of eternity. Love you!
I am so glad to hear from you! I know that your heart is very heavy right now, and I pray for the strength of God to enfold you and your family. I have always heard, and my mother used to say, ‘When it rains, it pours!” You have had a downpour! I know that you told me once that the trip to Nashville is a long one from where you live. I do pray for you and Ken and your safety. It is hard enough to go under the circumstances, but with all of the snow and ice and cold, it doesn’t make the journey any better.
Just know, my dear friend, you are in my heart and prayers and thougts. Give your husband my condolences as well. And, let me hear from you when you get home to let me know you are safe. May God continue to bless you both with safety and good health. Much Love to you and many hugs too! Sue
It has been so cold and wet (rain and snow) here in KC. It is slowly improving and I am so thankful. I am so sorry to hear about all of the loss for you and your family. I often think about Jesus crying over Lazarus’ death. He knew He was going to raise him and still He cried because of the pain and suffering we experience in this sinful world. And then He took on that pain and suffering Himself. It’s overwhelming to think about the magnitude of His love.
We are praying for you all … asking God to hold you close through this time of grief and all the things that go along with it. Blessings and hugs to you, dear friend!
I didn’t understand anything about the Bible or the love of Christ. But now in the name of the Son of God, you have changed my life by your goodwill. Thank you so much!
Oh, Henok! I am praising God for your beautiful words. I am so very glad the Lord used our space here to encourage you in faith. I’m praying that you’ll continue to join us. We love building each other up and we walk in faith together. God bless you!