Important Truth You Need to Guard Your Heart

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The wisdom of Solomon tells people to "guard your heart." What does that mean and how do we do it? Here's some important truth you need to know to guard your heart and bless your life.

What does it mean to “guard your heart”?

Got Questions defines heart guarding like this…

Guarding our hearts is about protecting ourselves from external and internal factors. We must be mindful of the things we think about, the things we set our affection on, and the things we give our attention to.


Because what you and I think about is more important than we realize.

Business owner, Frank Outlaw wrote…

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Solomon said it like this…

Guard your heart above all else,
    for it determines the course of your life.

Proverbs 4:23

If it’s true that guarding our hearts is vitally important, then we need to know what to do and how to do it.

Solomon pointed to Godly wisdom…

My child, pay attention to what I say.
    Listen carefully to my words.
Don’t lose sight of them.
    Let them penetrate deep into your heart,
for they bring life to those who find them,
    and healing to their whole body.

Proverbs 4:20–22

And for you and me, Godly wisdom is inspired by the Word of God through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Paul said it like this…

 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 

2 Timothy 3:16

If you want to guard your heart, if I want to guard my heart, we need to fill our hearts and minds with the living and active Word of God.

We need to know God’s commands and trust His promises. We need the power of His Spirit to teach us, guide us, and help us guard our hearts.

In this crazy chaotic world, controlling our thoughts and attitudes is a full-time job that often feels impossible.

I know I need help…

I’m prone to worry. Fear and anxiety frequently knock at the door of my heart. I can be quick to judge others and make excuses for myself. I’m not as thankful, loving, and helpful as I want.

I need help and I’m guessing you need help, too. The enemy of our souls knows our weaknesses. He knows when and how to tempt us. And he lies.

So if we want to guard our hearts, we must be prepared to fight his lies with God’s TRUTH. We need to be in God’s Word surrendered to the power of the Spirit.

I have hidden Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.

Psalm 119:11

Here are some other translations…

  • I have treasured Your word in my heart. (CSB)
  • I keep your word close, in my heart. (CEB)
  • I study Your teachings very carefully. (ERV)
  • I have treasured Your promise in my heart. (GW)
  • I ponder every morsel of wisdom from You. (MSG)
The wisdom of Solomon tells people to "guard your heart." What does that mean and how do we do it? Here's some important truth you need to know to guard your heart and bless your life.

So, let’s turn to the Lord and ask Him to guard our hearts by filling us with His Spirit as we cling to His Word…

A Prayer for God’s Help to Guard Your Heart

Father, Thank you for giving us Your living and active Word and for making it possible for us to know Your Covenant, Your Commands, and Your Promises.

Please forgive me for the times I let the world’s chaos and craziness distract and frustrate me. I am so sorry for failing to give my concerns to You. I’m sorry for the times I have listened to the enemy’s lies and carried unnecessary burdens that You have invited me to surrender.

Please help me by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Help me hide Your Word in my heart. Help me trust and obey Your will and increase my faith as I hold on to Your promises.

Please, Lord, give me the wisdom I need to guard my heart. I can’t do it on my own. I won’t do it on my own. But by Your grace and with Your help, I will SEEK, KNOW, TRUST, LOVE, and OBEY … I will live my life for Your glory.

I praise and thank You. I worship You. You are Lord of All … You are my Lord and my God. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The wisdom of Solomon tells people to "guard your heart." What does that mean and how do we do it? Here's some important truth you need to know to guard your heart and bless your life.

One more thing…

Why is it important to guard your heart?

Because it determines the course of your life … it determines the direction of our days.

If we want to enjoy God’s blessings of peace, joy, strength, wisdom, hope, and courage; and if we want absolute confidence in God’s promises, then…

  • We need to SEEK His TRUTH and hide His Word in our hearts. (Colossians 3:16)
  • We need to focus on Jesus the Author and perfecter of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2)
  • We need the Holy Spirit to help and guide us. (John 14:26)

We need to watch what we take into our minds and hearts … what we watch, what we hear, what we think about, and what we invest in. Because what we take in influences our thoughts and remember, our thoughts become…

So, guard your heart, my friend, by clinging to God’s TRUTH and enjoy the blessings of His love in your life.

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  1. Martha Orlando says:

    Amen, Deb! We all need to faithfully guard our hearts.

  2. I so needed this today, thank you! 🙏🏻. I let fear and anxiety take over my heart and I give away the power of God’s truth and promises over my life. I struggle with stopping this because I’m trying to do it myself and I can’t control it.

    1. I’m so glad it encouraged you, Lynne. I spent many years struggling with fear and anxiety. By God’s grace, it is a less frequent and overwhelming visitor but I still need God’s help every day. You’re right, it’s not something we can do on our own. Praise God! He is willing and more than able to help. God bless you!

  3. Kathy Francescon says:

    Amen, Deb! Guarding our hearts is the one thing that I know I know I am failing at, especially right now. So much is going on around me, and the family dynamics about funeral services, and all the other legalities that need to be addressed are overwhelming. It has caused stress, hurt feelings and discord. I am trying hard to be salt and light for others, but I am so longing for the quiet of my home and my quiet time with God. I pray for God’s mercy and grace to help me guard my heart and to keep my thoughts aligned with His. Thank you for the strength your post has given to me this morning. Blessings to you and Rev on your journey too. Praise God that His Holy Spirit will always be with us to help guard our hearts against all lies of the enemy.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! We’re praying for you and your family. Grief is such a powerful emotion and you’re right, the things that need to be addressed can feel overwhelming. I’m asking the Lord to hold you close and continually whisper His comfort and peace into your hearts, thoughts, and relationships. Sending you big hugs! Blessings!

  4. Ana Cordova says:

    Omg! This really hit home for me. That has always been my sin to speak before thinking what I say and how the person will take it. Lord please help me to speak and think like you so I no longer offend people. Give me grace, wisdom, and humility to always help me guard my words and heart.
    May God enlighten me on my words, thoughts, heart.
    Blessing Deb and all who follow your podcast.🙏

  5. Deb, I am so thankful for your honesty when you tell us about your anxiety and fears. I know for me, it keeps me from thinking I am the only one. Guarding my heart and truly trusting God is something I pray for each morning and through the day. You are so right! The enemy does know our weaknesses and he prays on them. Fear is one of the three words I chose for this year. I am learning, through prayer, Bible reading, this wonderful site of yours and from others to be stronger in God, and trust more and fear less. It is a slow progress, but it is progress. I am so grateful, as I tell you often, for you, your friendship and your wisdom and for the friendship I have with Kathy and now to have the chance to reach out to others here. You are such a wonderful, wonderful blessing in my life. Thank you so much, my sweet, wise and dear friend in Christ.

    1. Kathy Francescon says:

      My sweet and dear friend Sue, thank you for your thoughtful to me in your last reply to me on Monday! It meant so much and was so very comforting. I am sorry that you worried about me! God kept us safe in the snow and I was so thankful we didn’t loose power! And your comments today, are so honest and humble. Sometimes, I feel so weak, the enemy just tramples me in the ground! And he win a couple of fights, but I am determined he will not win the war. In light of the sadness of so many families, including two of my own (hubby and sister), I still realize there is joy in so many other things also. I am trying to stay strong for those I love, and with prayers and support from dear friends like you,
      I am finding the strength to make it through. You are such a beautiful soul and such an endearing friend. I thank God, He brought us together! I hope you’re having a lovely and peaceful day of contentment! Sending love and a hug across the miles to you!!

      1. Kathy Francescon says:

        That first sentence was all messed up…so sorry. My mind is going in circles. I was thanking you for your sweet words from your last reply on Monday!

      2. Hi Kathy,
        I am so glad to hear from you again. I did get both replys and I understand what you were saying in the first reply. Bless you my dear friend. You have so much on you at this time. Grief is never easy but necessary. You have three to grieve and also to be a support system for your husband.
        We didn’t have snow here, but it has been so cold. I am such a cold natured person, so, I have been chilled to the bone with this weather. Taking a nice hot bath warms my bones and joints! Old age has it’s good and has it’s bad. Mr. Arthritis is not fun.
        Anyway, enough of that groaning from me! You are such a good person and such a wonderful friend to me and I deeply appreciate you. LOTS!!
        I know that Deb is glad to have you back and your wonderful comments, love, and wisdom as well.
        I am ALWAYS thankful to hear from you. You are an encourager. We all need that! Please know that I have you in my prayers and my heart for all good things.
        You are right about that old enemy. He just wants to keep us down and make us feel like we are nothing. God doesn’t feel that way. He loves us and sees us all as good. He understands our weakest moments and he cries with us. He rejoices with us too. I have been praying for strength and freedom from so much fear and anxiety. I know He hears me. Just hearing from you and the replys from Deb are so uplifting. God Bless You My Sweet Friend. Much Love and Hugs, Sue

  6. I really enjoyed this one! It struck a cord in my heart. Thank you

    1. I’m so glad it blessed and encouraged you, Jane! Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  7. This is just what I needed to hear today thank you so very much Everyday can be such a battle but I know that God will always be there for me

    1. Thank you, Sandra. I’m thankful that God used your visit here to bless you and encourage you with His love. May He continually bless you and give you everything you need.

  8. Mary Nelson says:

    Deb our hearts do need protecting you are so right, a brilliant post thank you so much . Bless you. Lots of love ❤️ Mary

    1. Thank you so much, Mary! Blessings and hugs!

  9. “Counting my Blessings “ Always alarm me to-be follow the word of the Lord . Thanks to you sister, for this beautiful reflection on God’s Blessings by guard our hearts and thoughts and actions by observing the commands n follow them through the word of God. 🙏

    1. Thank you for your kind word of encouragement, Marina. I am thankful that God is using your visits here to bless you and remind you of His love. God be with you and bless you!