How to Seek God First and Have Everything You Need

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Jesus taught His followers about prayer and the importance of seeking God's first with the promise that if you do . . . He will give you everything you need. #BibleStudy #SeekGodFirst #Prayer #Faith #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

One of the things I love about reading Scripture is that it speaks to every intelligence level and personality type. It’s everything you and I need.

How is that possible?


The word of God is alive and active. 

Hebrews 4:12 (NIV)

God’s Word is living and powerful, able to change lives because God’s Holy Spirit works in us through the Bible’s commands and promises.

Matthew 6 is full of Jesus’ teaching, words that speak to all of us together, and each of us individually.

Maybe you’re going through a season where you need to be reminded about your personal relationship with the Lord. Where you ask yourself, would I still do this act of kindness or service if no one would ever know about it?

Maybe, you need to focus on prayer today and remember how much the Father wants us to come to Him in quiet and privacy to thank and praise Him and talk to Him about whatever is on our hearts and minds.

Maybe you struggle with priorities and what you would identify as your “treasure,” and you need to remember that whatever you treasure most controls your thoughts and your choices.

Maybe like me, you have an ongoing struggle with worry and anxiety and you need to reread Jesus’ words…

Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

Matthew 6:33–34

And you need to be reminded that His promise to give you everything you need, is a promise to give you:

♥ peace that goes beyond understanding. (Philippians 4:7)
♥ courage when you are afraid. (Mark 6:50)
♥ strength when you feel weak. (Philippians 4:13)
♥ wisdom when you’re confused. (James 1:5)
♥ all-sufficient grace when you’re not enough. (2 Corinthians 12:9)
♥ love and mercy when you need forgiveness. (Ephesians 2:4–5)

It’s easy to confuse “everything we need” with everything we want but what God promises is that He will give us what we need to help us grow in and live with faith that we might be able to endure in any and all circumstances.

And that is the EVERYTHING we need more than ANYTHING!

Jesus taught His followers about prayer and the importance of seeking God's first with the promise that if you do . . . He will give you everything you need. #BibleStudy #SeekGodFirst #Prayer #Faith #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

Will you pray with me?

A Prayer to Seek God First and Have Everything You Need

Father, thank you for Your “alive and active” Word that has made it possible for every generation, every person and personality to be blessed by Your truth.

Jesus, thank you for showing us the Father and His truths and for offering yourself as a sacrifice for me. This world is confusing and full of distractions, but You showed us the importance of seeking God’s Kingdom . . . the life-changing eternity-giving blessing of putting my relationship with You, my God, first in my life. And the promise is not just for an eternity in heaven, it is a promise to give me everything I need right now in the midst of the confusion and chaos.

And thank you, Spirit of God, for being with me and helping me live with wisdom and discernment by grace through faith.

Lord, I surrender my life to you! I love you and pray that with Your help I will live each day for Your glory.

Jesus taught His followers about prayer and the importance of seeking God's first with the promise that if you do . . . He will give you everything you need. #BibleStudy #SeekGodFirst #Prayer #Faith #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

Friend, I pray that as you SEEK God first and give Him all that’s distracting and confusing you today.

Write on today’s post-it note:

By God’s grace, I am blessed with everything I need!

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  1. Absolutely, Deb! By God’s grace, we are blessed with everything we need to live our lives in the ways that bring Him the glory.

    1. Amen, Martha! After spending so much of my life struggling with fear and anxiety – His everything I need has included peace that passes understanding and strength to do the difficult. He is true to His promises and that is on of the easiest reasons to live for His glory!! Blessings!

  2. Encouraging words and motivating! Thank you, Deb for your posts and insight.

    1. Thank you, Faith! I hope you have a day filled with blessings!

  3. Thank you so much for your kindness and prayers… God bless you… amen

    1. Thank you, Laura! Your encouragement is a blessing!! God be with you!

  4. Powerful scripture today and I need more of Jesus. God is so good and I enjoy reading his word makes my day so much better and my life much better knowing God is with me through everything

    1. Me too, Ranea! I need to remain in His Word and carry it in my heart throughout each day. It truly is living and active in our lives. Thanks so much for visiting. God bless you!

  5. Carlos Delgado says:

    Thank you so much for sharing Jesus. I am also a believer in Christ Jesus. I am building a site to myself. I am having some issues with it but I will still look forward to your blogs!! May God bless you and your family ????????????????

    1. Thank you for visiting and for your kind encouragement. Keep working on your site . . . you’ll get there. God bless you as well!

  6. Thank You Deb♥️????????❗️❗️❗️????????AWESOME And INSPIRING!!! And Your BLOG IS A BLESSING , Not ONLY BECAUSE You Share JESUS ????????????But they REALLY HELP me reflect on thing I FEEL I SHOULD WORK on!!! G-d♥️Bless????

    1. Thank you! You are such a blessing of encouragement to me. God be with you today and every day!

  7. Thank you for this encouraging and challenging post. It is definitely a daily decision to put God’s kingdom first and not always easy, but if I do everything else gets easier.
    Sending lots of love from Germany, Britta

    1. Amen, Britta! Focusing on Him proves to be such a blessing in our lives it becomes our heart’s desire. By His grace and with His help. Thanks for visiting! God bless you!