5 Verses to Pray that will Help When You are All Used Up

Do you ever feel used up and depleted emotionally?
Times when you get to the end of the day and you are all used up and the thought of getting up and doing it all again tomorrow feels like more than you can take?
I have friends who are dealing with…
- physical and/or mental illness
- emotional trauma
- major life changes
- rebellious children
- grief
- loneliness
- stress
- problems that seem to never go away
And so many who are simply exhausted because their to-do list is waaay longer than the amount of time they have available.
If any of that describes you … you’ve come to the right place today.
I’m taking my “all used up” feelings to the Lord. I’m taking my circumstances and emotions and laying them at the throne of grace. Then I’m going get away with Jesus to a quiet place and rest with Him.
And I’d love for you to join me…
5 Verses to Pray that will Help When You are All Used Up
Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.
Hebrews 4:16
Father, thank you for inviting me to come to You with everything. What an amazing gift to know that I can enter Your throne room because Jesus has made it possible. The words before this verse bring peace to my weary soul … [He] “understands our weaknesses, for He faced all of the same testings we do, yet He did not sin.”
Jesus lived the perfect life I am unable to live and endured the punishment I deserve so I can come to You and receive. All because of Jesus, I receive Your mercy, grace, and help.
Thank you! I need You today. I need Your mercy to cover the things I’ve done and the things others have done to bring to this place of feeling all used up. I need Your grace to fill me with hope and remind me that this is a season to walk through not a permanent situation. And I need Your help Lord as I work to put one foot in front of the other and live today. Please give me all I need to live this day for Your glory.
The apostles returned to Jesus from their ministry tour and told Him all they had done and taught. Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.”
Mark 6:30–31
Father, I love this moment in Your Word. The apostles had to be so full of emotion. They had experienced the highs and lows of ministry … the overwhelming blessings and exhausting challenges.
And Jesus in all wisdom says, “Come off by yourselves. Let’s take a break and get a little rest.”
I need time to get away with You and rest. Please help me see where I can make choices that will give me that time I need. Please give me wisdom to know when it’s okay to say “no” to life’s demands. And please fill my heart and mind with peace, strength, and encouragement as I sit quietly and Your feet and rest in Your presence. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28
Jesus, I am weary and at moments this burden feels like it is more than I can endure. And You say, “Come to me.” Your promise to “give me rest.” And you do that by helping me carry this burden. You promise that when I walk with You my burdens are easier to bear.
You don’t promise to remove them … You promise to help me carry them. And when I remember the times you have helped me in the past, I am strengthened and encouraged. You have never left me alone in the past. You have always been with me, even in my darkest moments.
So, I’m coming to you again today. I need You to help me carry this weight and give me the rest I need to move ahead in faith.
Let all that I am wait quietly before God,
Psalm 62:5–6
for my hope is in Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation,
my fortress where I will not be shaken.
Father, please forgive me. I can get so busy and overwhelmed by my circumstances and feelings that I forget to wait quietly before You. I stubbornly try to do things my own way, charging through life as my thoughts dart from one problem to another and my hope begins to fade.
But Lord, my hope is not in things of the world. My hope is in You. My hope comes from You. It is a gift You give to me through Your Spirit. The One who reminds me that You alone are my Rock and my Salvation! You alone are my firm foundation … the Savior on whom my hope is built. And by Your grace, I will not be shaken by the circumstances of my life. As I live through this season You are allowing, I will remember that I am not alone. The One who holds the stars … holds me.
Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.
1 Peter 5:7
Father, I give it all to You! My worries and cares. My burdens. My overwhelmed emotions and my “all used up” exhaustion. My pain and heartache. My fear and anxiety. Everything! I bring it to You. I will live today under Your care.
I will live with hope! I will stand on faith! I will trust Your love. In Jesus precious holy name. Amen.
Friend, I’ve realized that when I feel all used up … it’s usually because I’m trying to do it “all” on my own.
It’s when I’m worried about people and things and situations over which I have no control.
The blessing is we know the One who is in control. When I surrender the things over which I have no control to Him in prayer, and trust Him to do what only He can do … He fills me with everything I need.
And I believe by His grace, He will give you everything you need as well!
And if you need some specific tips of things you can do to turn things around when you’re exhausted, check out – This is for You – the One Exhausted by Life.
Thank you Deb, am resting with Jesus!
Oh, I am learning this truth myself, Deb–He’s the only safe place to go with that feeling of being used up and not enough.
I love that Hebrews 4:16 verse! I’m actually using that as the foundation for a retreat I’m leading in a few months. It is beautiful that we can come to the throne BOLDLY, fully anticipating His grace!
One time when reading Mark 6, where Jesus told the disciples to come apart and rest, I realized that what I had always thought of as two separate incidents happened one after the other. The crowds followed them, and Jesus “had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.” He taught them til it was late. Then the disciples told Him to send the crowds away so they could get something to eat. Perhaps they were thinking, “NOW we can get that rest He promised.” But, no. He said, “You give them something to eat.” They didn’t have enough, of course, but Jesus provided enough for them and 5,000+ people, with twelve baskets left over–more than enough. And even though they had to keep serving even after they were depleted and needed rest, He gave strength for that, too. That was such an eye-opener for me–that He’ll provide “exceeding abundantly” when we’re depleted. I love this theme on your post today! Such great promises.
These prayers are so comforting, Deb! Thank you for reminding us that we are never alone in our struggles and heartaches when we give them to Jesus.
I’m always blessed by your scriptures and prayers. laurensparks.net
Deb, You must have been reading my mind or peeking in my windows. Earlier this week I was so overwhelmed and to top it off I had a prescheduled post “Are You Sick and Tired of Being Busy” go out on Tuesday.
However, I quickly asked for prayer and got back to sitting with God, and things started turning around.
I love the verses you chose.
Thank you,