Powerful Reasons Why You Should Trust the Bible

One of the reasons I trust the Bible as the source of truth is its consistency.
It was written…
- 66 books (i.e. history, prophecy, letters, poetry, and narratives)
- over a 1500-year span (from 1400 B.C. to 100 A.D.)
- over 40 generations
- 1 Author inspired over 40 writers from many walks of life (i.e. – kings, peasants, philosophers, fishermen, poets, statesmen, scholars)
I believe the Bible because from beginning to end, it points to Jesus as God’s gift of love . . . and tells us that everyone who repents and places their faith in Jesus will be declared completely forgiven and made right with God.
We are made right with God by placing our faith in Jesus Christ. And this is true for everyone who believes, no matter who we are.
Romans 3:22
I trust what the Bible says about Jesus because 1. The Holy Spirit has worked in my heart and mind 2. Jesus fulfilled more than 1800 Old Testament prophecies 3. People who abandoned Jesus through His suffering and death boldly proclaimed Him after His resurrection. They saw the living Lord and stood steadfast in faith to the point of death.
I believe Jesus will reign over a new heaven and a new earth because…
Isaiah wrote this word from the Lord…
“Look! I am creating new heavens and a new earth and no one will even think about the old ones anymore. Be glad; rejoice forever in my creation! And look! I will create Jerusalem as a place of happiness. Her people will be a source of joy.”
Isaiah 65:27–18
John wrote…
Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the old heaven and the old earth had disappeared. And the sea was also gone. And I saw the holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven like a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.
Revelations 21:1–2
And the writer of Psalm 87 wrote…
On the holy mountain
Psalm 87:1, 5
stands the city founded by the Lord.
Regarding Jerusalem it will be said,
“Everyone enjoys the rights of citizenship there.”
And the Most High will personally bless this city.
All who place their trust in Jesus and surrender their hearts to Him have their names written in the “Book of Life” and that makes them citizens of Jerusalem, the Holy City of God.
I believe the Bible is trustworthy.
So, I keep an eternal perspective by holding on to God’s promises about the future. I anticipate Jesus’ return and the glories of living with Him forever. I look forward to the New Jerusalem that John describes like this…
It shone with the glory of God and sparkled like a precious stone—like jasper as clear as crystal.
Revelation 21:11, 22b–23, 27
The Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. And the city has no need of sun or moon, for the glory of God illuminates the city, and the Lamb is its light.
Nothing evil will be allowed to enter, nor anyone who practices shameful idolatry and dishonesty—but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life.
I trust the Bible because it is the living and powerful Word of God…
For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.
Hebrews 4:12
Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Trust the Bible
Father God, thank you for giving us the gift of Your written Word in the Bible. You love us so much that You wanted us to KNOW about You. In fact, You sent Jesus to live among us so that we might really KNOW You and how very much You love us. Jesus said, “The Father and I are one.” (John 10:30) And, “Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me.” (John 14:11)
Jesus told us and showed us the truth about Your love. Through Your Word, I learn that I can TRUST You completely. I learn that You have always kept Your promises in the past and I can trust You to keep them in the present. I can trust You to keep Your promises in my life.
Please forgive us for the way we have doubted Your Word. We pick and choose the parts we want and ignore the rest. Please forgive me for the times I have failed to spend time in Your Word and prayer. Forgive me for neglecting what Your Word says while foolishly listening to the noise prattle of the world.
Strengthen me by the power of Your Spirit and help me to fully surrender myself to You. I want to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE Jesus and You, Father, with my whole heart. May I trust the Bible and live my faith each day for the glory of Your holy name. Amen.
Here are just a few quotes from others about why they believe you and I can trust the Bible…
“The Bible is God’s declaratory revelation to man containing the great truths about God, about man, about history, about salvation, and about prophecy that God wanted us to know. The Bible could be trusted just as much as if God had taken the pen and written the words Himself.” ~ John F. Walvoord
“The more you read the Bible; and the more you meditate on it, the more you will be astonished with it.” ~ Charles Spurgeon
“I’ve experienced His presence in the deepest darkest hell that men can create. I have tested the promises of the Bible, and believe me, you can count on them. I know that Jesus Christ can live in you, in me, through His Holy Spirit. You can talk with Him; you can talk with Him out loud or in your heart when you are alone, as I was alone in solitary confinement. The joy is that He hears each word.” ~ Corrie Ten Boom
May the Lord bless you and encourage you as you SEEK to KNOW, TRUST, LOVE, and OBEY Him through His Word.
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The Bible is the most reliable book in the entire world. Thank you, God, for the gift of your heart.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! I hope you’re enjoying a wonderful weekend!
I love this devotional! There are some of people saying that the Bible is not accurate because it has been changed so many times. These same people actually stop reading the Bible because of this thinking. This of course is a deception of the enemy to keep people from reading the Bible. I completely agree with everything you wrote!
Amen, Christina. Getting people to doubt God’s Word has always been one of the enemy’s favorite lies. I’m so thankful God loved us so much that He wants us to know Him personally through the written Word and power of His Spirit. God’s richest blessings!
Amen Deb! The BIBLE is the only book worth reading! The only book we truly ever need to read! It is the past, the present, and the future for all mankind! I have absolutely no doubt that The BIBLE is GOD’s TRUTH AND HIS INSTRUCTIONS to everyone. I cannot imagine life without my Bible and believing on every word written therein! Praise God! Praise God!
I agree, Kathy! I have gone to reading most books digitally on a Kindle reader but I still have several copies of the Bible itself. I love being able to underline and make notes in the margin. And if the grid ever goes down, I want to make sure I always have a Bible close at hand. I’ll never forget the first time I read it from beginning to end . . . like I’d read a novel. It changed my life and I’ve never looked back. It never gets old nor do I ever grow tired of rereading its truth. Praise God! Have a wonderful week ahead! Blessings!
Amén for enlightening me with the powerful words and prayers to never doubt the Bible. Dear Lord Jesus I pray that you continue to help me grow in your words and scriptures to always Seek, Know, Trust, and Obey you. I know with time the Holy Spirit will touch me so I can strengthen my faith in your Love, Peace, Grace, and Mercy.
Deb have a Wonderful blessed day and weekend to all who are follow this beautiful blog.
Thank you for your kind encouragement, Ana. And thank you for adding this beautiful word of prayer. God bless you today and throughout the week ahead.
There are SO many reasons we can trust the Bible! If a person really wants to know if it’s reliable truth, God has provided numerous proofs: 1) Among the hundreds (maybe thousands?) of archaeological finds, nothing has proven the Bible in error. 2) Over 5000 manuscripts and fragments corroborate scripture. (The Dead Sea scrolls provide one amazing example. ) 3) Science has also corroborated a number of facts presented in the Bible. And 4), dozens (hundreds?) of prophecies have come true with 100% accuracy. I pray that those who doubt will seek truth, be amazed by what they discover, and come to faith!
Amen, Nancy! Thank you for joining the conversation and adding these additional facts about the basis for the truth of God’s Word. I, too, pray that there will be many SEEKers of His truth in the days ahead. People who truly SEEK Him through His Word and prayer are always transformed by His grace, mercy, and love. God bless you!
Nancy, thank you for your message in a comment. I will copy and print it. I have a nephew who rejects God and His word. He is 49 years old. I shared with him a youtube post Divine Illumine Media (an explanation of why to believe in God) praying this would open his heart in a non-threatening way. NOT! His response was “with all due respect, all this is the guys opinions. No facts or science. there are thousands of gods. You don’t believe in Buddha or Hinduism or the Muslim god I assume. I just don’t believe in 1 more. You’ve been indoctrinated. For another example, if you were born in China or India you would believe in totally different things.”
I replied “I thought he had some good thoughts. Christianity is based on Faith not science. And there are Christians in China and India too.”
He replied “You missed the point I believe. Let’s just not talk about this topic anymore. We won’t be convincing the other one lol.” My heart breaks for him. He was raised in a Christian home. I want him to want to SEEK TRUTH but know he must desire that himself. Praying God convicts him somehow.
Hi, Teresa. I love that you continue to speak words of encouragement to your nephew. I’m currently reading Lee Strobel’s Student Editions of all his Case for Faith, Christ, etc. books. They have been excellent. It’s why we all keep praying for our loved ones. God is still changing hearts every day. God bless you!
I believe the Bible is the one true word of God. It is instuction for our daily lives, one can always find comfort by reading the Bible.
Amen, Joyce! I am so thankful for God’s grace in allowing us to know Him through His Word. God be with you and bless you!
This was wonderful, Deb! I trust the Bible not only because of my personal, heartfelt experiences, but also because it’s an evidentiary, verifiable source of historical events.
Thank you for your kind encouragement, Vera. I completely agree with you. I believe it takes more faith not to believe the truths of the Bible than it takes to trust and believe God’s beautiful Word. Thanks for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.” BTW – I love the name of your blog. Great name and a helpful beautiful site. Rev is always looking for new books. We were so happy to find out about it! Thank you!