Why You Need The Director’s Voice Of Truth Now

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Sometimes God uses a dream to teach me an important lesson. This time He impressed on me the importance of listening to the Voice of Truth and I'd love to tell you about it...

Occasionally, the Lord has used a dream to plant His voice of truth in my heart. I want to tell you about a dream where He reminded me of my need to trust and follow His will.

Like many others, this dream took me back to high school…

I was getting ready to perform in a musical. But nothing was going right. I couldn’t find the right costume. I couldn’t find my music. I couldn’t remember my lines. I was a stressed mess.

The auditorium filled with audience members as I anxiously ran from one person to another trying to get help.

At one point the director stopped me and with a disappointed warning told me I’d missed an important pre-performance meeting and a list of important instructions. But I didn’t let that solve my problem or change my behavior. I quickly returned to asking people to help me find my music and fix my look.

Finally . . . I gave up and entered the auditorium.

But everyone was gone. The performance was over and I’d missed it. I’d missed it!

I woke up and in the quiet of the night, I heard the Spirit whisper … His voice of truth:

Deb, I know you want to do things the right way. I know you want to please the people in your life. But I am the Director. I am the One best able to instruct you and teach you. I am the One who can help you. Stop running around performing. Stop worrying about how you look. Just stop and listen to me. I will help you and you won’t miss a thing! 

I rested there for a bit thanking God for this precious gentle correction and gradually drifted back to sleep.

The dream and His words have tumbled around my thoughts ever since.

Do you worry about your performance image in person and online? Do you run to friends for advice? Do you read self-help books by the dozens? Do you go to seminars and listen to a long list of teachers for advice?

None of those things are necessarily wrong but I wonder how often we miss the mark of God’s will because we fail to go to Him, the source and voice of truth.

Sometimes God uses a dream to teach me an important lesson. This time He impressed on me the importance of listening to the Voice of Truth and I'd love to tell you about it...

Jesus is the Voice of TRUTH

When I professed my faith at thirteen, my pastor chose the following verse for me as a life verse.

Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.

Revelation 3:20

I’ll be honest. I was disappointed.

I knew my pastor prayed about the verses he chose for us, so I wondered . . . was my pastor telling me he didn’t think I trusted Jesus? Was Jesus, the One who knew everything about me, telling me my faith was lacking? It took me years to hear the Lord’s voice of truth with gratitude, realizing that…

It was the perfect choice for me.

Jesus knocks at the door of our hearts because He wants a close personal relationship with us. He wants us to trust Him with more than just our eternal futures … He wants to experience the blessing of His direction today and every day.

Jesus is the Director of Our Days

He wants to come in and sit with you, with me.

He wants us to stop performing for people focused on ourselves, and love them as He desires. He wants us to stop looking for opinions and answers in all the wrong places so we can SEEK His will and listen for His direction.

“Listening to God in stillness helps us know how to apply His will to our lives.” ~Henry Blackaby

Sometimes God uses a dream to teach me an important lesson. This time He impressed on me the importance of listening to the Voice of Truth and I'd love to tell you about it...

So, let’s pause, pray, and ask Jesus to come into our hearts and homes…

A Prayer to Listen to the Voice of TRUTH

Father, thank you so much for the ways You speak Your truth to us. You teach Your children through Your Spirit and Your living and active Word. You speak to us through prayer when we stop to listen and You speak to us through our circumstances, creation, voices of wisdom, dreams, and silence.

We KNOW that we can trust the Spirit’s guidance because it always agrees with Your Word.

Lord, You want me to rely on Your Spirit as the Director of my life. Please help me open the door of my heart to You. May I linger with You and learn all I need to give me peace, joy, patience, courage, and much much more.

Please fill me with Your love and help me love well without the need to perform. Please direct my steps and take my hand to keep me from stumbling when the path is uneven.

By Your grace, help me remember that I can do and endure all things when You are with me. You are faithful to give me everything I need. You are Lord of all. You are the Voice of Truth and I worship and adore You. Amen.

Sometimes God uses a dream to teach me an important lesson. This time He impressed on me the importance of listening to the Voice of Truth and I'd love to tell you about it...

Yes, my dream reminded me that I need to stop to listen and sit quietly with my Savior letting Him direct and guide me. I need to “cease striving” and trust Him to be the Voice of TRUTH in my life.

Solomon wrote:

The Lord directs our steps, so why try to understand everything along the way?

Proverbs 20:24

That’s following the Director.

He knows the story of your life and mine. He knows the past, present, and future and He doesn’t want us to miss a thing He has planned for us.

May the Lord bless you as you open your heart and listen to His direction.

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  1. Martha Orlando says:

    What a wake up call your dream was, Deb! As a recovering people-pleaser myself, it really rang true for me. The only thing we need in this life is to trust in and honor God, and to hear His voice whispering to our hearts and minds daily. Thanks for all of this! Blessings!

    1. Sally shinn says:

      Thank you for the great reminder!!!

      1. Thanks for visiting, Sally. God bless you!

    2. Amen, Martha! There are so many beautiful ways He wants to set us free from the burdens in life. Thanks for your kind encouragement, dear friend! Blessings!

  2. This sure hit home for me. I have always tried to be a people pleaser. I once had a lady (many years ago) who was very wise and older than me to tell me that I couldn’t please everyone and trying to do so was going to kill me one day!! Well, hopefully it won’t kill me, but I still find myself trying to please people. You know what? At my age you would think I would learn by now. Old habits are hard to break. I tell myself, repeatedly, that the only person I need to please is Jesus. I just wish myself would listen!!! Thank you for this, as Martha said, “eye opening” message!! Blessings and prayers for you, my friend.

    1. What a caring wise mentor she was! My personality makes me want everyone to have fun and get along. So, I could “perform” to keep people happy with the best of them. The truth is … it’s exhausting and rarely successful. Conciously surrendering to the Lord each morning has given me freedom to enjoy more peace in my life. I still want everyone to have fun and get along but I’ve realized that it’s not up to me. But you are right, old habits are hard to break. Thanks dear friend! I hope you’re having a wonderful week. HUGS!

  3. I knowGods presence but nver try to listen for his voice. Please help me or pray for me.And to trust him as my director. Thankyou

    1. I am praying for you, Hannes, and asking the Lord to fill your heart with His love and remind You of His gracious promises. God bless you!