5 Important Things that will Bless Your Prayer Life

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I've honestly never met anyone who believes their prayer life is what they want it to be. Here are 5 words that you can apply to your prayer life and grow closer to God as you spend time with Him.

How would you like to learn a quick and easy way to bless your prayer life?

Just imagine

All day long you listen to requests. “Please help me. Please give me. Please. Please. Please.”

Oh, there is the occasional thank-you but it seems they’re always in a hurry. There’s never any time for real conversations.

No, I’m not talking about your kids.

I’m talking about those of us who go through life shooting up bullet prayers calling it “praying without ceasing.”

I wanted an easy way to be more intentional about my prayer life; so, I sat down and came up with five words that begin with the letter “R” … words that are helping me pause to prayerfully spend time with the Lord.

So, grab your prayer journal and get ready to pause and pray…

5 Words and Verses to Pray
and Bless Your Prayer Life

1. Relationship – Time and conversation are necessary when we want a close relationship.

Have you ever had a friend or family member who only talked to you when they wanted something? Or what about someone who insists on doing all the talking without caring about anything you have to say?

You and I were created to have a relationship with God and a strong prayer life is an important part of that relationship.

“Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends.”

Revelation 3:20

Father God, You are gracious and merciful, faithful and loving. And I am a sinner who desperately needs You. Why You would want a relationship with sinners is hard to understand. You are the Creator of all things. You could have made a whole new people to love and care for … yet, You chose us.

You chose to create us for Your plans and purposes. You sent Your Son to suffer our punishment when we failed You. And You sent Your Spirit so we might KNOW, LOVE, and TRUST You.

Please work in my heart and my life … I want to fling wide the door and SEEK a closer relationship with You each day. Amen.

2. Rejoice – The best relationships include remembering reasons to be thankful and rejoice with gratitude.

Rev and I loved remembering gratitude anniversaries … not just birthdays and anniversaries but days blessed with miracles, moments, and memories. That’s why counting our blessings is so very important.

Lord, I remember what You have done. I remember the amazing things You did long ago.

Psalm 77:11

Father, I worship You for who You are and for all You do. Jesus, I thank and praise You for coming to live among us to show us the Father’s love and teach us His will. I give You all glory for offering Your life to save me from my sinfulness. And Spirit, I humbly surrender my heart to You in gratitude for the countless ways You work in my life.

Lord, You have always been and continue to be so very generous. I rest in Your care because You have proven Yourself to be trustworthy. You keep Your promises and give me hope for the future. I will forever remember and give You all the glory. Amen.

3. Repent – Strong relationships remember that it’s important to say, “I’m sorry. Please forgive me.”

When you and I are quick to ask the Lord for forgiveness, we humble ourselves and acknowledge our need for the closeness that comes through repentance and forgiveness.

The sacrifice You desire is a broken spirit. You will not reject a broken and repentant heart, O God.

Psalm 51:17

Father, I don’t deserve Your mercy and grace but I am humbly grateful. I am so sorry for my countless failures … words I shouldn’t have said, things I shouldn’t have done, and attitudes that rob me of all that You want for me. I grumble and complain like the Wilderness Wanderers and I don’t love as You desire. Please forgive me and by Your grace and the power of Your Spirit, help me surrender myself to You so that I might TRUST and OBEY Your will. Amen.

I've honestly never met anyone who believes their prayer life is what they want it to be. Here are 5 words that you can apply to your prayer life and grow closer to God as you spend time with Him.

4. Requests – In quality relationships, requests go both ways.

You and I may make requests, but it is equally important for us to honor the requests of people we love. There will always be things we ask of God like healing, deliverance, provision, and blessings . . . but, we need to know and do what God asks of us like love, kindness, compassion, self-control, and obedience.

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Romans 12:2

Father, thank you for inviting me to come to You with my hopes, dreams, and desires. You know my needs; yet, You invite me to come to You and talk about them. (Philippians 4:6) You know the needs of my friends and family and tell me to pray with them and for them. (Matthew 18:19–20) Jesus told us to bring our burdens to Him and that He will help us carry them. (Matthew 11:28)

Your Word tells me to pray without ceasing which means not only telling You about my needs but listening for Your replies. I want to know what You want for me. Please help me grow in my love for You and my love for spending time talking with You. Amen.

5. Rest – The closest relationships enjoy the blessing of quiet trust.

Time spent with someone we love soothes us and gives us what we need to feel content, safe, cherished, and hopeful. Spend quiet time, even if it’s as you drift off to sleep each night, resting in the Lord. Surrender your heart to Him in faith trusting that He is all you need now and forever.

I lie awake thinking of You, meditating on you through the night.
Because you are my helper, I sing for joy in the shadow of Your wings.
I cling to You; Your strong right hand holds me securely.

Psalm 63:6–8

Father, You are always with me. Please make me mindful of Your constant presence in my life. The world works overtime to distract me with noise and activity. But You meet me in the quiet. Your “still small voice” speaks to my heart when I “cease striving” and set my heart on You.

Please bless my prayer life as I come to You in repentance with my requests. Please help me praise You with rejoicing and help me rest in Your care trusting that You are the God for whom everything is possible.

I want the closest of relationships with You, Lord. I want You to be my heart’s desire. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

I've honestly never met anyone who believes their prayer life is what they want it to be. Here are 5 words that you can apply to your prayer life and grow closer to God as you spend time with Him.

May the Lord be with you and bless you as You focus on these five words and bless your prayer life.

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and even take a few minutes to pray over the list left by our friends.

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  1. Kathy Francescon says:

    Wonderful guiding words to utilize and remember to strengthen our prayer life and our relationship with God. There are times when I long to be in prayer and praise all day long! The early morning and my quiet time before bed are my favorite times and an absolute must have! And I do try to integrate prayers, praise, and thanksgiving all throughout the day! I cannot imagine how anyone copes without praying and having God to share everything with! Blessings for a most joyful and happy Mother’s Day! I will be thinking and praying for you, precious friend! Love and hugs
    And Happy Mother’s Day to my beautiful friend Sue, and all the moms who share Deb’s blessed blog!!

    1. Kathy,
      Thank you so very much for this Mother’s Day wish for me. You are so kind and so thoughtful. It means more to me than you know.
      I am so blessed to have you for my friend. I pray that you have a wonderful weekend and stay safe. You mean the world to me.
      Love You and many hugs,

  2. Martha Orlando says:

    Please forgive me, Deb, for not being able to visit until today. As if things weren’t crazy enough with Danny’s health issues, we got a virus in the computers and couldn’t use them until our provider came this afternoon to fix them for us. Thanks be to God!
    Your words here today are exactly what I needed to read, so I’m so happy I could finally connect safely.
    Blessings for a great weekend!

  3. Wayne Stewart says:

    Thank you for sharing the words touched my heart and soul, may the peace of God continue to develop strong character and wisdom.

    1. I’m so glad you were blessed by your visit, Wayne. Thank you for taking the time to let me know. God bless you!

  4. Ana Cordova says:

    Beautiful words that will me in my life to grow in God’s love, peace, grace and mercy.
    Sorry for not keeping up with your podcast I’m out of town spending time with my son.
    Have a wonderful blessed weekend.

    1. I hope you’ve had a lovely visit with your son, Ana! You’re so faithful here. No worries. I’m glad you’ve been able to enjoy this time with your family. Blessings!

  5. Mary Nelson says:

    May the Lord also bless you Deb.
    As you faithfully write these blogs and share them with us, they mean so very much, and are a real life line, thank you. 🥰❤️ Mary

    1. Thank you so much, Mary! Your kind words are a lovely blessing. God be with you today and always.