Surprise! When You Want to Be Happy – Be Kind

Happy World Kindness Day!
Did you know if you want to be happy it’s good to be kind?
I love watching videos of Random Acts of Kindness.
Have you ever noticed they always end with a smile? The participants in the video are smiling and they make us smile too.
If we only watch the news, we’re likely to think random kindness is rare but when I head out into my community, I see it everywhere. When I’m having a sad day, I’ve learned that a quick trip to one of our local stores can often turn it around and that’s because of the people, not the purchase.
Paul wrote…
Since God chose you to be the holy people He loves, you must clothe yourselves with tenderhearted mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.
Colossians 3:12
One of the ways we show people His love is by being kind to them.
I’ve learned that kindness requires me to notice people. When we’re self-absorbed and selfish we’re not looking for opportunities to be kind and bless others.
Paul also wrote…
Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. Don’t look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.
Philippians 2:3–4
The best part is that it can be easy to be kind. We just need eyes to see and a heart to help.
Solomon wrote…
Never let loyalty and kindness leave you!
Proverbs 3:3
Tie them around your neck as a reminder.
Write them deep within your heart.
So, for World Kindness Day I’ve made a list of a few of my favorite ways to be kind.
15 Ways to Celebrate National Kindness Day
and Be Happy
- Smile! Look people in the eye and share a smile with them. The happy part is that every returned smile will brighten your day.
- Compliment generously! My rule is … if I think something nice I speak it out loud.
- Let someone else go first … in line, through a door, etc.
- Clean up your own mess and help others when you can.
- Be punctual. It lets people know you value their time.
- Say “please and thank you” unreservedly and mean it.
- Put down your phone and pay attention. It shows people that you value them.
- Give others the benefit of the doubt. We all make mistakes sometimes.
- Pray for a friend. Then send them a text to let them know.
- Notice the people who can use a little help. Then help them.
- Take time to listen. It might be the thing that gets someone through a difficult day.
- Leave encouraging words on sticky notes in unexpected places.
- Be kind and encouraging on social media. If you can’t say something nice… (You know the rest.)
- Remember to be kind and take care of yourself, too.
- For one day do every single kind thing that pops into your head.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Be Kind More Consistently
Lord God, You have been so gracious and kind to us. You are Creator, Savior, Provider, Helper, Healer, and Friend. You give us everything we need spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Your World tells us that You want us to share Your love. John wrote, “If we love one another, God lives in us and His love is made complete in us.” (1 John 4:12) But we fail often getting lost in our thoughts and busyness … we fail to notice the people who need our kindness. Forgive us. Forgive me and help me to be kind.
Please open my eyes to see the people You want me to help. Open my ears to hear Your Spirit prompt me to accomplish Your will. And open my heart to love as You desire.
Please help me know the happiness I can experience when I obey Your will and I’m kind to others. Help us all to be kind and show the world the magnitude of Your love. By the power of Your Spirit, fill us to overflowing and help us graciously pour kingness into the lives of those around us. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Here are a few quotes to inspire us all to be kind…
“Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely.” ~ Roy T. Bennett
“Kindness is the art of making someone feel less alone.” ~ Unknown
“Kindness makes a person attractive. If you would win the world, melt it, do not hammer it.” ~ Alexander MacLaren
“Kindness has converted more sinners than zeal, eloquence, or learning.” ~ Frederick W. Faber
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if every day was World Kindness Day?
I may have missed some of your favorite ways to be kind. Maybe you enjoy sharing a plate of cookies with a friend, helping a neighbor, watching a neighbor’s children, or taking dinner to a sick friend.
Whatever your favorite way to be kind—I’m guessing it makes you and the beneficiary very happy.
So, when you’re having a bad day … open your heart and do something kind for someone. I promise it will make you happy.
And before you leave, take a moment to share your favorite way to be kind in the comments below…
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and even take a few minutes to pray over the list left by our friends.
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I’ve been making little “Huggin’ Pillows” for a long time and give them to all who need them. I write on the back “My Huggin’ Pillow, Thank you JESUS for your love.” Many people tell me they still have them and use them often. I tell them they’re from the Lord. Yes, I like making people happy, always have. Since I sew a lot I have lots of fabric to choose from for the tops. The Lord helps me all the time, and I want to spread His love to others.
I appreciate your articles. Thank you so very much!
I love this, Mary! Everyone needs a hug sometimes and this is a wonderful reminder that the One who loves us most is always holding us close. God be with you and bless you. I truly appreciate your visits and your kind encouragement.
We have fun taking cookies to all the folks that serve us during the year. We bake, pack up a half pan of cookies for each doctors office, our lawyers office, the nursing home where Mom lives and anyone else that comes to mind who has taken care of us during this last year.
Also take a small treat to our postal workers every day between Thanksgiving and Christmas (small post office with 3 employees each day). They work really hard this time of year and really appreciate the energy boost of a few cookies or some snack mix.
What a wonderful idea, Linda. It’s blesses everyone it touches and I’m sure your kind acts make everyone glad to see each other. You sound like someone who loves to brighten the lives of others. God bless you!
If a person is having a bad day, I like to remind that person about something in their personality that lifts me up, benefits me, or just plain makes me happy. Sometimes I just like to get that person out for a cup of coffee or a walk or something. I just like to get them out at the environment where they’re having a bad day.
I love that idea, Glada. Everyone has something in them that we can remind them of and encourage them. Those small acts of kindness can turn around a sad day quickly. Thanks so much for sharing them. God bless you!
Kindness always moves mountains when sincerely shown toward others. A simple smile can always brighten the day of another, can’t it? Thanks for reminding us of what can make us truly happy. Blessings, Deb!
I love it! When someone shares a smile with me it can turn my whole day around. It’s such a simple way to bless each other. Blessings and hugs, dear friend!
Deb, thank you for your wonderful Bible Studies! I appreciate them all.
Just had to let you know on your ‘Be Kind’ one, I had to laugh at item #12… leave sticky notes. I need to tell you that is what my daughter & I did while she was here at home for 10 months, attempting to get past her parasite/mold health issue. She had to save every one of mine… and stuck them on her bathroom door… and put them in the shape of a cross. I wish I could send you a picture.
Remembering our fun days of years past with you and Pastor… and our kids at WLS. Thank you for continuing the effort of teaching people about Jesus.
Doris (Puster) Bobring
Thank you, Doris! What a lovely surprise to hear from you! Thanks for sharing that sweet memory with your girl here. I love that she saved them and used them to remind herself that her Mom and the Lord were with her while she healed. We do share lots of fun memories of days with our young kids and the family of faith-filled friends.
Thanks so much for reaching out and for blessing me with your words of encouragement. Many blessings to you and your family.
Laughing and smiling😁😂😁
I love that! Thanks, Angie! God bless you!