5 Wonderful Ways to Celebrate Life and Count Your Blessings

Rev and I are making it a goal to celebrate every day as a precious gift from God.
It’s easy to forget the truth that each day is a blessing, isn’t it?
We can get distracted by life’s challenges. We can feel overwhelmed by illness, grief, broken relationships, financial problems, and a whole host of problems. But no matter how difficult our circumstances, with God, the gift of life is always something to celebrate.
And the truth is, my days are filled with more joy and happiness when I focus on my blessings and celebrate.
So, lets’ look at a couple of verses to help us get started:
This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24
Every day is a gift and by God’s grace through Jesus, we are forgiven and free . . . that alone is a wonderful reason to rejoice and be glad.
The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.
Lamentations 3:22–23
Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.
Not only is God gracious; He is loving and merciful. Each new day is a fresh start, a clean slate . . . a day to LIVE, CELEBRATE and share His LOVE!
So, let’s take a look at ways we can enjoy life more by celebrating the gift of today.
5 Ways to Celebrate Life Every Day
1. Worship God
Worship is getting to know God with our heads, love Him in our hearts, and serve Him with our lives. Worship is thanking and praising God for who He is and all He does. And when you and I are focused on worship . . . we can’t help but notice every wonderful blessing God gives.
As a child of God, you and I enjoy the blessings of faith, forgiveness, peace, joy, and hope. We are surrounded by the Lord’s grace, mercy, and love. And He promises to give us everything we need. Those are amazing reasons to worship Him every day of our lives.
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we are united with Christ.
Ephesians 1:3
2. Practice Random Acts of Kindness
God is kind and gracious. He told us to show mercy and kindness to one another. And because He is love, He puts a blessing if every act of kindness.
God made it possible for kindness to not only benefit the one who receives it . . . He made kindness something that benefits the one who gives it as well. I promise.
Being kind will bless you and give you countless reasons to celebrate.
3. Celebrate Your Relationships and Do Things that Make You Happy
Make a phone call, send a note, get together for lunch, or share a funny story. Hug your family. Turn off your devices and pause to be present with the people around you. Turn up the music, sing, dance, go for a walk, sip your coffee slowly . . . do something you enjoy with someone you love and celebrate.
“Celebrate the happiness that friends are always giving; make every day a holiday and celebrate just living!” ~ Amanda Bradley
4. Light the Candles and Use the Good Dishes
I love trying new recipes. I’ve even created a few of my own. Sharing a beautiful meal doesn’t have to be elaborate or expensive. It can simply be a sandwich or a bowl of soup . . . but even that shared with the people we love can become a celebration. So, I’m lighting the candles and using the good dishes. I’m making it a goal to celebrate and make every day special.
“Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude”. ~ Denis Waitley
5. Notice the Blessings in Little Things
I can be guilty of getting so busy I forget to notice all of the beautiful blessings around me. So, I’m making it a point to look at the sky to watch a sunset or count the stars. I’m turning up the music and pausing to smell the roses. I’m going to smile more and appreciate all of the lovely little things God pours into my life every day.
“There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.” ~ Author Unknown
By God’s grace, I will intentionally celebrate life today, and I’d love for you to join me.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Celebrate Life and
Thank God for Every Blessing
Father, You are so very good and gracious. You created our world with beauty beyond our imagination. You put more stars in the sky than we can count, more colors in the world than we can name, and more blessings in each day than we deserve.
You love us so much that You sent Jesus to save us from sin, death, and the power of evil. You care for us spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically. You watch over us and guide us along the path You have prepared for us. And You carry us and help us when the path is difficult.
Lord, some days life is hard. I’ll admit I can focus on the negative and fail to notice and celebrate the countless ways You show me Your love. Please forgive me.
With Your help, I will make it my heart’s desire to count every blessing and celebrate every day. I love You, Lord. I worship You. I give myself to You and ask You to be Lord of my life. Amen.
And finally, here’s a quote by Watchman Nee that shares the best reason we have to celebrate life every single day…
“Outside of Christ, I am only a sinner, but in Christ, I am saved. Outside of Christ, I am empty; in Christ, I am full. Outside of Christ, I am weak; in Christ, I am strong. Outside of Christ, I cannot; in Christ, I am more than able. Outside of Christ, I have been defeated; in Christ, I am already victorious. How meaningful are the words, “in Christ.”
“In Christ” you and I have all the reasons we need to celebrate life!
May God pour countless blessings over your life and may you CELEBRATE!
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A great list of ways to celebrate life. As Christians we have every reason to celebrate daily. Being “in Christ” means so much. He is our strength, our shield, our Savior and Lord, and so much more. Thank you for sharing these simple ways to remember to count our blessings. Blessings to you, Deb!
Thank you, Gayl! I appreciate your encouragement. Blessings!
Deb, this is a lovely post that filled my heart with happiness. Thank you for these five wonderful ways to celebrating life.❤
Thanks so much, Deborah! You blessed my day! Blessings and hugs!
Thank you Deb for another great post.
Thank you for your kind encouragement, Angela! Blessings!
Part of me being able to break out of the malaise and melancholy I felt engulfing me in August is reading this exact type of inspiration, Deb. I have everything to be grateful for in Jesus, and I need to celebrate that each and every day, and not dwell on the what if or what could be. Each day, living with thankfulness to God, is more than enough.
I’m so glad you’re feeling better. It is hard to go through those seasons of struggle. You’re right . . . letting go of the what-ifs and what-could-be is so important. God bless you, dear friend!