When You Don’t Understand God’s Ways Trust His Love

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It's sometimes hard to understand God's ways but based on the promises He has made and kept, you and I can trust His love. He never fails and always has a plan to help us to KNOW, LOVE, & TRUST Him.

You’ve heard people say that God’s ways are perfect and that you can trust His love when you don’t understand His timing.

But that’s not always easy when we’re going through difficult moments.

In John 7, Jesus told His brothers…

You go on. I’m not going to this festival, because my time has not yet come.” After saying these things, Jesus remained in Galilee.”

John 7:8–9

Honestly, I’ve always been a bit confused by this account because the next verses say…

But after His brothers left for the festival, Jesus also went, though secretly, staying out of public view. The Jewish leaders tried to find Him at the festival and kept asking if anyone had seen Him. 

John 7:10–11

The following verses sound like comments on a social media post…

There was a lot of grumbling about Him among the crowds. Some argued, “He’s a good man,” but others said, “He’s nothing but a fraud who deceives the people.”

John 7:12

Jesus’ brothers didn’t understand God’s ways or His timing and neither did the Jewish leaders or the people in the crowds but even when it’s hard to understand we can trust that His plans and purposes are loving.

Jesus wanted everyone to KNOW the TRUTH about God’s truth and love…

So Jesus told them, “My message is not my own; it comes from God who sent me. Anyone who wants to do the will of God will know whether my teaching is from God or is merely my own.

“Yes, you know me, and you know where I come from. But I’m not here on my own. The One who sent me is true, and you don’t know Him.

John 7:16–17

It’s what Jesus’ half-brother Jude wrote to the “church” following His death and resurrection…

This letter is from Jude, a slave of Jesus Christ and a brother of James. I am writing to all who have been called by God the Father, who loves you and keeps you safe in the care of Jesus Christ.

Jude 1:1

It’s been more than two thousand years since Jesus promised He would return and John wrote the Book of Revelation and the enemy has continued to place doubt-filled grumblers in every generation.

And still, the enemy wants us to doubt God’s love when He answers our prayers with a “no” or “not now.”

But, the Spirit reminds us that even when we don’t understand God’s ways we can trust His love.

  • God was silent for four hundred years between the last word of the prophets and the birth of Jesus … but when the time was right God sent His Son. (Galatians 4:4)
  • God is not slow in keeping His promises. He is being patient because He wants everyone to trust in Jesus to be saved. (2 Peter 3:9)
  • Even when we’re weak and tired, God will renew our strength when we wait on Him. (Isaiah 40:30–31)
  • God’s timing for God’s plans is always on God’s schedule. (Acts 1:7)

Do you get impatient waiting for God to answer your prayers? Do you grow restless waiting for Him to keep His promises?

Remember that He is faithful … even when we don’t understand God’s ways we can trust His love.

It's sometimes hard to understand God's ways but based on the promises He has made and kept, you and I can trust His love. He never fails and always has a plan to help us to KNOW, LOVE, & TRUST Him.

Let’s pray…

A Prayer to Trust God’s Ways, Promises, and Love

Father God, I admit, that I often empathize with Jesus’ brothers and disciples. I don’t always understand Your ways just as they seemed confused by some of Jesus’ words and actions.

I do believe Your Word. I have seen Your promises come to life in me and the people around me. I trust Your love shown in all that Jesus did and continues to do. Thank you for allowing me to KNOW and LOVE You through the power of Your Holy Spirit. I’ve learned that the more I LOVE You the more I can trust You.

You are trustworthy in all You do. Even when I’m trying to cope with the consequences of sin and I don’t understand Your ways, I believe that You are at work in my life and that everything You allow will be for my ultimate good.

Your people believed they were waiting for a Messiah to save them from the present circumstances but You loved us so much that You sent a Redeemer to save us for all eternity. As we grow impatient with this life please help us trust Your unfailing love.

Thank you for Your powerful promises and perfect love. By Your grace, please give me everything I need to trust and obey You by responding to Your love for Your glory. In the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. Amen.

It's sometimes hard to understand God's ways but based on the promises He has made and kept, you and I can trust His love. He never fails and always has a plan to help us to KNOW, LOVE, & TRUST Him.

Charles Spurgeon wrote…

“We cannot always trace God’s hand, but we can always trust God’s heart.”

And this quote from Dieter Uchtdorf is one of my favorites…

“Think of the purest, most all-consuming love you can imagine. Now multiply that love by an infinite amount, that is the measure of God’s love for you.”

Our view of life is so limited. It’s impossible to understand all the ways of a loving God who has always been and will always be. He is teaching the finite about the infinite—the temporal about the eternal.

That’s why the Lord tells us to love and trust Him like little children. We may not understand all that He says and does but we can trust His love and joyfully love Him in return.

So, when you don’t understand God’s way, I pray He will surround you with His love.

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  1. Martha Orlando says:

    Knowing God loves us and trusting in His love always will give us peace and comfort in this life and the next. Thanks, Deb, for your inspiring words here today!

    1. Amen, Martha! Being assured by His promises of faithful and unfailing love give me the strength and hope I need. Blessings and hugs!

  2. Paula Nelson says:

    GM. Sometimes I say wow I sure get a lot of and read a lot of devotional messages. But, all of them are meaningful and helpful in my spiritual walk. I wish I could remember them all, but we know that’s impossible. So I’ll just keep reading and pray I can remember as much as I can. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thank you so much, Paula! I am blessed by your kindness. Thanks for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.’ God be with you and bless you!

  3. I keep praying for healing for myself and husband and nothing happens. Vi know Good knows better than me but I get discouraged because I don’t understand. I try to have faith but sometimes I almost l lose hope.

    1. Praying for you and your husband, Glada. As I walk through this season of grief, I’ve had many moments of loneliness and discouragement. But I continue to cry out to the Lord and trust His love. He is getting me through one day at a time. Asking Him to give you healing and peace. Blessings!

  4. I so much appreciate your articles! I love Jesus, too, and have conversations about Him as often as He permits. He has done several miracles in my life and I tell folks about them. I agree with you though, sometimes it’s hard to wait for His answer. I realize it’s always His timing, but of course I like to “be the boss” and have things my way. Then He teaches me a lesson on patience! I love Him and am glad you do, too! Keep up the good work! MaryJoy

    1. Thank you, MaryJoy! I appreciate your kind encouragement. You’re right, it can be hard to wait on God’s timing. I so often want Him to do what I want in my time. But over my life, I’ve learned that His timing is always for my good and His glory even when I don’t understand initially. God be with you and bless you!

  5. Perfect timing Deb. Just going through one of those seasons. My once quiet life have been suddenly turned upside down. Forced to chose between my livelihood or my husband’s well-being. And even if I chose my work, still facing to lose our only income. And can’t even truly rely on the Lord as in the past year or so I put His Word aside. Been praying daily, in my thoughts all the time, but my lifeline got severed with Him. So, here I am in the storm of my life without having a solid anchor. I want to believe in His love as you said. Also have a hunch that He’s using this situation to turn my heart and eye to Him. Though He saved my job in the past that was on the chopping block, not because of my actions, but due to tyrannical circumstances. I want to believe that He can do the same again. But right now I only see the sea blowing, and the dark night where ever I look. So, yes, I need desperately that Fatherly love, even though I have nothing to claim it on.

    1. Oh, Gaby, I’m so sorry you are going through this difficult season. I will be praying for you and asking the Lord to pave the way and hold you close each day. Blessings and hugs!