It’s Important for Christians To Be United In Faith

I looked up what it means to be united in faith and found the following at GotQuestions.
“Unity is a state of oneness and harmony. All believers in Christ are united in Christ. We are in a relationship that unites us with Him and with every other believer.“
Being united doesn’t mean we’re the same or agree on everything. God made us one-of-a-kind unique individuals to accomplish His plans and purposes and work together to share His love and point people to Jesus.
Paul wrote…
I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose.
1 Corinthians 1:10
So, how are we doing?
Well, we’ve seen churches split over worship styles and building preferences. We’ve heard of seminaries and colleges splitting over ideologies pitting students, faculty, and administration against each other. And we’ve watched major church denominations divide over political issues.
Again … how are we doing?
Currently, I’m struggling with what I’m observing on social media.
It’s become impossible to scroll through my news feed without seeing someone question the salvation of a group or individual with whom they disagree theologically or doctrinally. It can seem like people of faith enjoy spending more time taking sides against those with whom they disagree than they do loving Jesus and one another.
Jesus said…
I am in them and You are in me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent me and that You love them as much as You love me.
John 17:23
One more time … how are we doing?
If the answer is “not very well,” maybe it’s time for us to try a more Biblical approach to relating to one another and being united in faith.
5 Biblical Ways to Be United in Faith
- Be Jesus-focused – spend time in growing closer to Him becoming who He wants you to be and less time worrying about what others think or believe.
- Be Humble – remember that you wouldn’t have faith at all were it not for God’s grace.
- Be Patient and Understanding – not everyone shares your background or experiences.
- Be Loving – point everyone to the love of God given to us in and through Christ Jesus.
- Be a Uniter – stress what Jesus says is most important (loving God and loving others) in a positive encouraging way.
Jesus told the world…
So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
John 13:34–35
Theological debates/arguments can be tempting but maybe it’s past time to stop participating in the things that separate us from each other and intentionally say and do the things that unite us under the leadership of our Lord and Savior, Jesus.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Be United in Faith
Father, Your Word tells us that You want Your children to be united in faith and purpose. It says that You want them to be of the same mind and judgment. (1 Corinthians 1:10) It tells us Jesus prayed that all who trust and believe in Him would be one. (John 17:21) And that the Spirit unites us together with Your peace. (Ephesians 4:3)
We’ve allowed Your church to be divided and divisive. We argue with one another about practices and principles. And we continue to quarrel with and judge others based on assumptions and suppositions. Please forgive us, heal us, and help us.
Lord, we ask You to help us take time to get to know each other as individuals. Help us speak the truth about You and Your love with gentleness and respect so we might build each other up in faith. (Jude 1:20)
By Your grace and the power of Your Spirit, help me focus my faith on my Lord and Savior, Jesus. Give me everything I need to remain humble, patient, and loving. And work in me the desire and ability to unite with those who KNOW, LOVE, and TRUST You. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.
One reason it may be easy to ridicule and judge each other is that we aren’t getting to know each other as well as we should. We see a comment or learn about their church affiliation and conclude we know enough about what they believe to judge them.
If Jesus had treated people like that there would have been few if any transformed tax collectors, prostitutes, or sinners. He would have never spent time talking with Nicodemus nor would He have revealed Himself to Paul.
Jesus wants everyone to be saved. He wants us to be humble, patient, and loving so that people will see Him in us. He wants us to be witnesses of His power to transform lives.
That doesn’t mean we excuse and affirm sin … it means we lovingly speak the truth privately.
Dwight Moody wrote…
“I have never yet known the Spirit of God to work where the Lord’s people were divided.”
And E. M. Bounds wrote…
“The church is not a democracy in which we have chosen God, but a theocracy in which He has chosen us. The church is the only society in the world that never loses any of its members, even by death. The church upon its knees would bring heaven upon the earth.”
May we make it our goal to be united in faith with all who profess KNOWing, LOVING, and TRUSTing Jesus. May we speak the truth about sin and God’s willingness to forgive while loving and leaving judgment to Him. May we live united in Christ Jesus.
May we put into practice these words of Paul…
Finally, all of you should be of one mind. Sympathize with each other. Love each other as brothers and sisters. Be tenderhearted, and keep a humble attitude.
1 Peter 3:8
The Lord bless you and may He help us all do a better job of loving like Jesus.
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I feel certain that if Jesus is our primary focus in life, everything else will fall into place accordingly. God needs to be at the head of the church, for sure.
Blessings, Deb!
Oh, that we would live fully surrendered to Him as individuals and as the church. God bless you, dear friend!
Thank you for following the Holy Spirit w your messages. I am blessed i know the work and dedication it takes to constantly write devotions because I am a writer. But it is always amazing how the Spirit leads. Joyfully Annetta
I appreciate your encouragement, Annetta. I love being able to do this and it’s a blessing to be able to do something we love to do. God be with you and bless you!
Thank you for this good word, Deb. It is something that we *need* to be striving for – unity. Again, thank you!
Thank you, Deb! God bless you!
Amen! We need to continue to grow in our faith with God, Jesus, and Holy Spirit daily so they can be our anchors. Nothing is impossible for God if he created us all and knows us all so well, we just need to surrender to him to do his will. Thank you Deb have a blessed day!
You’re right, Ana! He made us and knows the best people to put in our circle to help and encourage us. Thanks for adding this to the conversation! Blessings and hugs!
I appreciate this so much, Deb! I just finished a book about how we grow, and one of the main points was that we grow by doing life together. We are not meant to isolate. Your words are reinforcing this lesson in my heart. Thank you!
I’m so glad, Stacey. Our pastor preached on this last weekend, too. It’s a wonderful blessing to have people in our lives who love the Lord and encourage us as with His love. Thanks for being someone who faithfully blesses and encourages me. HUGS!