Powerful Verses You Need to Pray Over Your Spouse

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Praying Scripture is powerful and positive. These 5 powerful verses to pray over your spouse ask God to do what only He can do to give them all they need. #PrayforHusband #PrayforWife #PrayScripture #Hope #Faith #WWGGG #CountingMyBlessings

I’m a good student … someone who has always believed that information helps me achieve my goals and helps my relationships.

So, whenever we faced a challenge in our marriage or family, I went searching for information that would “fix” the problem.

I’ve read countless self-help books … books on personality types and love languages in addition to marriage and parenting guides because I wanted to gather as much information as possible to better understand the people in my life and strengthen our connections.

Although I probably gained some helpful insights, in retrospect, I wish I had spent more time and energy turning to a better source.

I wish I’d spent more time searching the Scripture and on my knees in intentional prayer.

If you’re a regular visitor here at CMB, you know I’ve learned to love praying Scripture. One of the reasons is that it helps me focus on praying what God wants more than what I want or think I need.

In the past, I spent years asking God to…

  • change a loved one’s attitude.
  • fix a problem.
  • alter their behavior.
  • transform their thoughts.

And what I’ve learned is that I was praying from a negative they “need to change” perspective.

Praying Scripture has taught me to pray from a positive perspective. One that looks to the future and prays for my spouse to have what God has already said He wants for them. It stops looking at what isn’t and prays for what should be.

To put it bluntly … it’s praying according to God’s will not mine! And that’s just better for my heart and my attitudes.

So today, I’m writing prayers for Rev but I’m leaving a blank for His name so you can join me and pray over your spouse as well.

Powerful Verses You Need to Pray Over Your Spouse

Praying Scripture is powerful and positive. These 5 powerful verses to pray over your spouse ask God to do what only He can do to give them all they need. #PrayforHusband #PrayforWife #PrayScripture #Faith #WWGGG #CountingMyBlessings

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.”

John 14:27

Lord, the problems of this world can feel overwhelming at times. The news can be terrifying and sometimes seems like there are countless reasons to be anxious and afraid. But You are on the throne. You reign today as You have since before the beginning of time and You will reign for all eternity.

Thank you for this awesome promise! You have won the victory over sin, death, and power of the enemy. You have already defeated the powers that try to upset our minds and unsettle our hearts.

Lord, I ask you to pour Your Spirit over __________ and give him Your perfect peace. Help him release troubling thoughts to You as He focuses on Your Truth.

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

Isaiah 41:10

Father, please give __________ everything he needs when he feels discouraged. By Your grace, You give us everything we need to live without fear and despair.

You have promised to be with us. You have made it possible for us to have a relationship with You, the God of the universe. You assure us that You are strong enough to meet every need. You are our help and our encouragement. Be with __________. Strengthen and encourage him as You remind him of all he has as Your chosen child.

Let all who take refuge in You rejoice;
    let them sing joyful praises forever.
Spread Your protection over them, that all who love Your name may be filled with joy.
For You bless the godly, O Lord;
    You surround them with Your shield of love.

Psalm 5:11–12

Lord, protect __________ physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Please surround him with a covering of Your loving care. Give him a sense of Your presence and the knowledge that You are always with him through each experience and every challenge.

May he remember that he can always come to You with every need. He tries so hard to be strong for everyone in our family. Please remind him that You want to be his strength and place of safety.

Lord, I pray that __________ will always love You with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. Fill him with spirit-filled joy and an attitude of praise for who You are and all You’ve done.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;
    do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,
    and He will show you which path to take.

Proverbs 3:5–6

Father, I pray for __________ will trust You with all his heart … that he will fully depend on the truth of Your Word and seek Your will in all he does. You invite us to ask You to give us the wisdom we need. Please help __________ know that he doesn’t have to be strong on his own. He doesn’t need to figure things out or prepare for the future alone. You promise to lead the way when we trust Your promises, obey Your commands, and seek Your will.

May we both follow You as we live each day by Your grace and for Your glory.

I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in Him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Romanns 15:13

Lord, I ask that You will be __________’s source of hope … that he will trust the power of Your love completely.

You invite us to place our trust in You. (John 14:1) And You promise that as we do, we can bring You our burdens and You will help us carry them. (Matthew 11:28)

Thank you for Your Spirit who lives with and within us giving us everything we need to surrender our lives to You in faith. On our own, we can’t but with You, everything is possible (Matthew 19:26) A promise that is a hope that gives peace and joy.

Please give __________ the confidence that You are who You say You are and that You can and will do all that You have promised.

Your grace is sufficient, Lord. Thanks and praise now and forever. Amen.

Praying Scripture is powerful and positive. These 5 powerful verses to pray over your spouse ask God to do what only He can do to give them all they need. #PrayforHusband #PrayforWife #PrayScripture #Hope #Faith #WWGGG #CountingMyBlessings

Pray Over Your Spouse

With God’s help, I’ve learned something very important … praying positively for my husband and family gives me peace.

All of those years I busily tried to learn ways to “fix” whatever I thought was going poorly. With God’s help, I’m doing my best to remember to surrender my loves to the Lord … to pray Scripture over them and trust that God is able.

Friends, there is peace and hope when you pray over your spouse and entrust them to the Holy Spirit to do the work He is far more equipped than either you or I.

So, love big, trust the Lord and pray. As Rev might say, “that’s downright Biblical!”

For a printable copy of today’s prayers click here.

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  1. Deb, how I delighted praying for Danny using your prayers here. He definitely needs them as his past health issues make him more susceptible to this latest virus affecting our nation. Yes, praying through and with Scripture is so powerful and effective. I will book mark this post so I can refer to it in the future.
    Blessings, and stay safe!

    1. Thank you, Martha! Praying for you and Danny to stay safe and well. God bless you both!

  2. Rebecca King says:

    Is it possible to make the prayer printable? To be able to print only the prayer?
    Thank you

    1. Great idea, Rebecca! Done! The link is at the bottom of the post! Thanks and God bless you!

  3. Kathy Mansfield says:

    Thank you for your words today. They were very comforting as we as a country are struggling with the fear of this coronaviris. I know God is our source of hope, strength and comfort and protection. Thank you for the reminder.

    1. Thank you, Kathy! I love that we can go to God with everything … knowing He loves and cares about each and every person and circumstance. His grace always overwhelms me! God bless you!

  4. This is truly fabulous! Saving and sharing for sure….

    1. Thank you, Sharyl! I am so blessed by your kind encouragement!