Powerful Pleading Prayer When You Need Jesus to Heal

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The power of pleading prayer has touched me. I've seen miracles & I've seen the Lord accomplish His plans in other ways. We can trust the One who keeps His promises & hears our prayers.

I’ll never forget the Sunday before Rev’s heart surgery in 2007.

Pastor Greg invited everyone attending the service to come forward and lay their hands on Rev as he prepared to pray for Jesus to protect him through surgery and heal his heart. More than a hundred people approached the front, each placing their hands on the person ahead of them. As I looked at our loving and caring friends, my emotions bubbled up and overflowed.

Pastor Greg lifted his voice in pleading prayer saying, “God we come to You and ask You to please spare his life.” (Today both Rev and Greg stand in the presence of their Lord and Savior.) But 17 years ago, God answered that prayer giving Rev and me 6,990 bonus days to praise Him together.

Many of you have pleaded with God. You’ve needed Jesus to heal a loved one—to spare their life and give them more time.

John shared an account of a “government official” from Capernaum who pleaded with Jesus to heal his son.

He went and begged Jesus to come to Capernaum to heal his son, who was about to die.

Jesus asked, “Will you never believe in me unless you see miraculous signs and wonders?”

The official pleaded, “Lord, please come now before my little boy dies.”

Then Jesus told him, “Go back home. Your son will live!” And the man believed what Jesus said and started home.

John 4:47b–50

Can you imagine that moment?

I can only imagine the confident and powerful way Jesus must have said those words because John wrote that the man immediately believed. Without hesitation or wavering, that father turned and started the 20-mile walk home trusting that his son would be well again.

We would love to hear Jesus’ promise of physical healing every time we ask but we know from other Bible accounts and life experiences that’s not always the case.

This was early in Jesus’ ministry yet, He could already see people coming to Him for miracles and wonders more than they did for the truth of God’s love.

And we’re guilty, aren’t we? We want Jesus to heal us. We want Him to provide for us physically, financially, emotionally, etc.

But He came to give us something better than temporary solutions. He came to restore our relationship with the God of the universe giving us everything we need to be healed spiritually and live with Him forever.

We will continue to pray pleading prayers and ask Jesus to heal us. And often, like the official’s son, He will. But other times, our loved one’s heavenly home will be ready and it will be time for us to say a temporary goodbye.

The blessing is that if the Lord gives us bonus days today or we have to wait for an eternity of bonus days, we do have the assurance of His faithful presence and loving care.

“Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.

Matthew 28:20

So, let’s continue to pray pleading prayers and ask Jesus to heal trusting that He will always walk with us and help us whatever He determines is best.

The power of pleading prayer has touched me. I've seen miracles & I've seen the Lord accomplish His plans in other ways. We can trust the One who keeps His promises & hears our prayers.

Powerful Prayer Asking
Jesus to Heal

Father God, thank you for encouraging us to come to You in prayer with every need and promising to hear us. You tell us not to worry but to tell You our needs and requests. (Philippians 4:6–7) You tell us to trust You to give us what we need.

So many need Your healing care. Many of us and our loved ones are suffering physically, mentally, and spiritually. Jesus showed us Your healing power. He healed illness and rebuked demons.

Thank you for showing us this father’s faith. He walked miles to ask in faith and then returned home trusting that Jesus would do what He said He would do. Forgive me for my moments of doubt. Please strengthen me and give me what I need to run to You quickly when fear and anxiety fill my thoughts.

Thank you for the times You have graciously healed in the past. I’m sure many have gone unnoticed and some have been taken for granted. I am so sorry. You are gracious and good. You keep Your promises. You are Lord and Savior. You are our Healer.

Finally, I thank you for all who pray for those they know and love and for those they may have only heard about. And I ask You to give us strength to live with faith trusting that Your plans are always best. I pray this in the precious name of Jesus, my Savior. Amen.

The power of pleading prayer has touched me. I've seen miracles & I've seen the Lord accomplish His plans in other ways. We can trust the One who keeps His promises & hears our prayers.

One of my favorite things about this account is the way it ends…

While the man was on his way, some of his servants met him with the news that his son was alive and well. He asked them when the boy had begun to get better, and they replied, “Yesterday afternoon at one o’clock his fever suddenly disappeared!” Then the father realized that that was the very time Jesus had told him, “Your son will live.” And he and his entire household believed in Jesus.

John 4:51–53

The government official didn’t even make it home before he met people who couldn’t wait to tell him that his son had been healed. The moment Jesus spoke the words health was restored.

When Jesus feels far away and my prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling, remember there is never a distance so far that makes it impossible for Him to help. We are the only ones who imagine distance.

The Lord is always present. He always hears our prayers. And He always does what our souls need most. May He bless you and hold you close as you take every need to Him in prayer.

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One Comment

  1. Martha Orlando says:

    Jesus will always hear our pleading prayers for ourselves and others, even if things don’t turn out the way we hoped. He can only do the will of the Father.
    Blessings, Deb!