It’s Important To Do This When Someone Lies About You

Have you ever had someone spread lies about you?
What did you do?
We’re tempted to either loudly defend ourselves or quietly get revenge. But as you might expect, neither of those are the responses God wants from us.
Psalm 7 was written when David was dealing with the “slanderous accusations of those who claimed he was trying to kill King Saul and seize the throne.” (LABN)
David had a wise reaction . . . one we need to know and follow. He didn’t loudly defend himself nor did he try to get revenge.
David ran to God in prayer…
I come to You for protection, O Lord my God.
Psalm 7:1
Save me from my persecutors—rescue me!
He trusted God to protect and defend him.
End the evil of those who are wicked,
Psalm 7:9
and defend the righteous.
For you look deep within the mind and heart,
O righteous God.
God knows the truth. He knows our hearts and minds . . . everything we think, say, and do. He even knows the motives behind them. God knows who’s innocent and He knows who’s not.
So, what should you do when someone lies about you?
I can tell you that I used to feel the need to loudly defend myself. But I’ve learned that it’s better to follow David and run to the Lord in prayer and trust Him to take care of it.
A number of years ago, we had the experience of people telling lies about us. Instead of defending ourselves, we chose to cry out to the Lord. And by His grace, He protected us in ways that we didn’t even know about until years later.
You and I so often believe that we have to fix everything ourselves. But many times, we are better off if we simply entrust the problem to God.
I’m not saying we should sit on the couch and watch life go by. What I am saying is that we can trust God’s promises.
Promises like:
So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor. Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.
1 Peter 5:6–7
Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.
Isaiah 41:10
“I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
When you’re struggling with circumstances that are unjust and unfair . . . cry out to Jesus, leave it with Him, and trust His promises. He is always just and fair even when people are not.
Pray the following when someone lies about you…
A Prayer for God’s Help When Someone Lies About You
Oh, Father, it’s unfair. I don’t know if I’m more hurt or angry. I thought these people were my friends. I trusted them. But they turned against me and they’re spreading lies about me. Please rescue me from their rumors and lies.
I want to shout from the rooftop and declare myself innocent. I want to call them out and get revenge against them. But Your Word tells me to trust You. Jesus said, “do not resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other cheek also.” (Matthew 5:39) And Paul wrote, “never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God.” (Romans 12:19)
Father, You always know the truth. You see what we do and what we say. You know what we think. Nothing is hidden from You, even the motives of our hearts.
So, I bring my distress and anger to You. Please protect me. Please allow the truth to be revealed. Guard my relationships and guide my words and actions. Help me to honor You by following Your commands and trusting Your promises. Fill me with Your love and use me for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
David gave us two more important things to do after we take our pain to God in prayer…
I will thank the Lord because He is just;
Psalm 7:17
I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.
Thank the Lord and sing His praise.
Scripture says that the Lord is just and fair . . . perfect and trustworthy. Just think about all the ways He blesses us with His grace, mercy, and love.
And He promises to give us what we need to obey His will…
I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.
Matthew 5:44–45a
So, when someone lies about you, go to God! Ask Him to rescue and protect you. And trust Him to keep His promises.
May God encourage you each day and give you His strength and peace.
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This inspires me today, Deb. I do need to go directly to God when I’m feeling wronged.
Thanks, Martha! Blessings, my friend!
This one made me cry. Touched so deeply because of one in my family who has promoted untruths about me.
Everything you have suggested is what I am trying to do. I am glad to see your words because they have given me more strength to wait and to let God handle this. I know his plan is for my best. Once again I say to you how much I am enjoying and absorbing your wisdom. I am learning more and more about the book of Psalms. Having your perspective and insight into these scriptures is wonderful.
I’m so sorry, Sue. That is a deep hurt when those closest to us betray us. I’m praying for you and asking God to hold you close, comfort you, and fill you with peace. Thanks for your visits and your much-appreciated encouragement.
Thank you Deb your article resolved a lot of hurt and pain I was nursing for being falsely accused by my own family member. It gave me hope and strength to carry on.
I’m glad it helped, Asirva. May God be with you and bless you as He fills you with peace and hope.
This speaks to me and reiterates what my husband has been saying to me. Thank you for that confirmation.
Thanks for visiting and for sharing this! God bless you!