Your Friend Turned Against You – Do This Now!

Someone you loved and trusted turned against you.
I don’t know if there is anything that’s more painful.
We share our hearts with those we love. They know many of our secrets and our greatest hopes and dreams. They also know how and where we are the most vulnerable.
So, when they turn against us . . . it’s heartbreaking.
One of David’s closest friends, Ahithophel, turned against him by helping David’s son, Absolom, rebel against him. Ahithophel gave Absolom advice about the best way to win the hearts of the people, turn them against his father, and seize the kingdom for himself.
David was heartbroken and wrote Psalm 55 out of that pain.
Listen to my prayer, O God.
Do not ignore my cry for help!
Please listen and answer me,
for I am overwhelmed by my troubles.Fear and trembling overwhelm me,
Psalm 55:1–2, 5–8
and I can’t stop shaking.
Oh, that I had wings like a dove;
then I would fly away and rest!
I would fly far away
to the quiet of the wilderness.
How quickly I would escape—
far from this wild storm of hatred.
This Psalm brings up a collection of painful memories for me. Years ago, my closest friend and my child turned against me. My heart was broken. I wanted to fly away . . . to escape the pain.
I wanted to curl up in a corner and hide but, like David, I cried out to the Lord for help.
I will call on God,
Psalm 55:16–17
and the Lord will rescue me.
Morning, noon, and night
I cry out in my distress,
and the Lord hears my voice.
He heard my prayer and the Spirit prompted me to grab my Bible and it became my lifeline. For the first time in my life, I read it all—Genesis through Revelation.
Slowly, verse after verse and day after day, God showed me…
- He is greater than my circumstances. (1 John 4:4)
- He is always with me. (Matthew 28:20)
- His perfect love never fails. (Psalm 33:5)
- He is able to give me peace. (John 14:27)
- He will give me the strength I need. (Isaiah 40:29)
And He gave me my life verse…
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart; He is mine forever.
Psalm 73:26
Now, years later, I proclaim the verse before as well…
Whom have I in heaven but you? I desire You more than anything on earth.
Psalm 73:25
I fell in love with God’s Word and through His Word, I fell in love with Him. He became the One I desire more than anything or anyone.
Maybe that’s the very reason the Lord allows heartbreaking experiences. He wants to be the One we desire more than anything.
He desires that we will have “no other gods before” Him.
Everyone wants close loving relationships and I believe the Lord wants them for us too. But He also wants us to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE Him most of all. He wants us to know that whatever our circumstances even when those closest to us turn against us . . . He will be the strength of our hearts. He is all we truly need now and forever.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer for God’s Help When
Your Friend Turns Against You
Lord Jesus, thank you! You know exactly what it feels like when someone turns against us. You came and experienced the emotions of being human in this sinful world . . . yet, you didn’t sin. You endured the pain of rejection. Many of the people around you were self-absorbed and selfish and yet You did not let their words or actions change You . . . who You always have been and who You always will be.
You showed us what to do with crushing pain. You took every part of Your pain to Your Father in prayer. You prayed alone and with Your followers. You prayed through a sleepless night and in the brightness of day. You lifted Your heart in gratitude and praise, asked for deliverance from suffering and death, and pleaded for the hearts and minds of the people around You.
Thank you for giving us David’s words to lift up in prayer. Thank you for guiding me to Your Word and for working within me and making it possible for me to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE You. Thank you for being the desire of my heart . . . for I know You will never leave me nor will You forsake or reject me. Help me live every moment of my life with faith, hope, and love. May I glorify You in all I do and say. Amen.
For those who have experienced the crushing pain of rejection and betrayal. You know that when someone you dearly love turns against you the pain is overwhelming. You know the lonely longing and feeling that no one truly understands or cares.
But Jesus does. He knows, understands, and cares.
He was betrayed by Judas . . . one of the twelve who were closest to Him. He knows how much it hurts and it was His Spirit who prompted David to also write…
Give your burdens to the Lord,
Psalm 55:22
and He will take care of you.
He will not permit the godly to slip and fall.
If you’re crushed because a friend turned against you. If you’re having trouble forgiving and letting it go…
Give it to the Lord. He will take care of you.
The Lord always keeps His promises; He is gracious in all He does.
Psalm 145:13
May the Lord be with you and bless you. May He forever and always be the strength of your heart and your portion forever.
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God Bless you for your encouragement! You are always spot on in truth and authenticity! The scriptures are so appreciated. I went through this struggle 12 years ago and God carried me and held me in the cleft of the rock. Believe me it was bad, deceitful, messy and broke up family dynamics. God has been my source of strength.
Pray for me that this season as I recover from hip replacement (7 weeks ago) and a nagging foot problem (ongoing) that I can get my zip back as I aim to be hospitable to my neighbors in my neighborhood. We moved in 5 months the ago. Ironically I was yearning for the peace and quite yet hospitality is a word that keeps popping up in my study time.
Blessings as God is my strength!
Thank you so very much for your kindness, Dixie. I’m sorry you have had to walk this painful path as well. I love your heart for hospitality and getting to know your new neighbors. I’m lifting you up in prayer and asking the Lord to bring continued healing to your hip and ease the pain in your foot as you move forward to follow His call to fellowship. Blessings and hugs!
I am so thankful that you posted this one today. I know I needed it and the prayer was so beautiful. I look to Psalm 55 quite often, especially of late. I love the reasurance too of the other chapters you mentioned: Matthew, John and Isiah.
This post is so personal to me. Knowing that you went through something like this , I know that you understand the pain so very much. It is hard when a friend betrays you, but when it is your child or children, it is indeed, as you say, “crushing”! And it is not something someone can understand unless they too have suffered something similiar. !
God does show us his faithfulness when go through and come through our struggles. I am so thankful that I have him to talk to. And, believe me, I talk to him a lot. And, I listen for his voice. I love mornings and mornings on our screen porch! Peaceful and quiet and the morning air is invigorating.
This post will help me to get through this Mother’s Day weekend.
God bless you Deb, today and always. You are so dear to me and to all of the sweet Christian folks who read and are so blessed by your wisdom.
I call it silent grief, Sue. It is something that we rarely talk about those who have experienced it are often judged without the facts being revealed. And many choose to keep the facts to themselves. What a blessing it is to give it all to the Lord, know that He knows the truth and our hearts, and is able to sustain us and ultimately give us the peace and strength we need. It’s not a journey we’d choose but one that the Lord can turn into a true blessing. Hugs to you, my friend!
It is especially hurtful when you know that the things being said about you are untrue and are things conjured up in someones distorted mind!!
It is so wonderful that God sees and knows the truth.
Forgiveness! Yes, I have forgiven! I did that right away.
I think that kind of rejection from a close friend or relative is the most crushing one, Deb. But, if we take the experience as a chance to depend on God more, it’s well worth all the pain and suffering. Only He can deliver us.
I complete agree, Martha! I didn’t get there right away but totally believe that today. His grace is truly sufficient. God’s blessings, my friend!
I can truly relate to this post after dealing with betrayal from two family members. It is a horrific thing to deal with which is why I have turned to God to help me forgive. It has been two years with one and three with the other. I have decided to no longer speak with one of my family members since she cause too much stress on my husband and I. My other family member I do speak with on holiday gatherings but things are not the same. I pray for them and ask God to help me forgive and forget what they have done to me. I am at peace knowing God is with me and helping through it. Thank you Deb for the words of encouragement and prayers to know God will give me strength and Grace to cope with my situation.
I’m so very sorry, Ana! I’m thankful that the Lord has helped you through the pain and given you the strength to forgive. He is faithful to keep His promises. Thank you for sharing this with us. God be with you and bless you!
Indeed a real pain both from the let down by a family friend or a fellowship member. Here is where you depend on God who commissioned you under who’s authority you operate. God is our present help in times of trouble.
So true, John! We can take our pain to the Lord and trust Him to carry us through. Thank you so much for visiting and for joining the conversation! God bless you!