5 Things to Do While Waiting on God to Answer Your Prayers

I’ve prayed and waited and prayed and waited and…
I imagine you know what it’s like to pray while waiting on God, too.
Maybe you’ve prayed for a:
- Job.
- Child.
- Restored relationship.
- Spouse.
- Home.
- Healing.
And you wait.
At some point, the “what if I never” thoughts begin.
What if I never get hired?
What if I never get pregnant?
What if I never get married?
What if I never get out of debt?
What if I never..?
Rev and I have had many times when we prayed and waited. Some we waited well, others not so much.
Those seasons taught us some important truths about waiting on God for answered prayer.
One of the most important is to refuse to listen to the enemy when he tempts us with thoughts of selfishness, doubt, and impatience. Living outside of God’s will and timing is never a plan for long-term peace and joy.
The good news is that God knows our hearts, our needs, and our weaknesses. He is patient, loving, forgiving, and willing to show us a better way.
Isaiah wrote…
The Lord is the everlasting God,
Isaiah 40:28–31
the Creator of all the earth.
He never grows weak or weary.
No one can measure the depths of His understanding.
He gives power to the weak
and strength to the powerless.
Even youths will become weak and tired,
and young men will fall in exhaustion.
But those who trust in the Lord will find new strength.
They will soar high on wings like eagles.
They will run and not grow weary.
They will walk and not faint.
Paul wrote…
I can do all things because Christ gives me the strength.
Philippians 4:13
Based on the words of Isaiah and Paul, when the Lord asks us to wait on His timing, we can trust Him to give us the strength we need to endure while we live one day at a time.
Waiting on God doesn’t mean idleness and inactivity . . . but walking without fainting and running without weariness until He gives us what we need to soar on wings like eagles. And through it all trusting God to give us the strength we need.
5 Things to Do While Waiting on God
1. Trust God’s Love.
No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Romans 8:39
2. Trust and Obey God’s Will.
Always be joyful. Never stop praying. Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:16–18
3. Trust and Wait with Hope.
Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation, my fortress where I will not be shaken.
Psalm 62:5–6
4. Trust and Embrace God’s Promises.
God’s way is perfect. All the Lord’s promises prove true.
Psalm 18:30a
5. Trust God and P.R.A.Y. – Praise. Repent. Ask. And Yield!
Praise God for who He is and all He does. Repent of impatience, pouting, and bargaining. Ask Him to graciously meet this need. And Yield . . . “Not my will, but Yours, Lord. Amen.”
And surrendering our will to God becomes easier when we remember that He promises that His love for His children is so great . . . however things appear at the moment, God is at work for good in our lives.
We know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them
Romans 8:28
Repeat #1–5 as often as necessary.
A Prayer to Encourage You While Waiting on God
Father, I’ve prayed and prayed. You know my need and the longing of my heart. This waiting feels so hard. I want to be patient but I’m really struggling. It’s hard not to feel worried and anxious. It’s hard not to wonder “what if I never…” Then I realize that I’m just spinning my wheels. I’m miserable and this isn’t good for me or for anyone else.
So today, as I lift up my need once again, I also pray that You will help me to fully trust Your love, Your will, and Your promises as I wait with hope. “Lord, I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief.” (Mark 9:24)
By Your grace and with Your help, I surrender my need to Your loving care. I believe You will give me the strength I need each day . . . strength to humbly pray, “not my will but Yours be done.” (Mark 14:36) I love You, Lord, and I place myself in Your loving care. Amen.
God’s Word says repeatedly that because of His love, God gives His children what is best for them. And as our perfect Father, God’s best includes the things that mold and make us into the people He wants us to be. And He wisely knows that sometimes takes a season of waiting.
So, as we pray and wait, may we hold this word close trusting in His perfect love that never fails…
“Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” Yes, for HIM. Seek not only the help, the gift, [you need to] seek: HIMSELF; wait for HIM. Give God His glory by resting in Him, by trusting Him fully, by waiting patiently for Him. This patience honors Him greatly; it leaves Him, as God on the throne, to do His work; it yields self wholly into His hands. It lets God be God. ~ Andrew Murray
May God bless you and give you everything you need today as you wait on Him.
We would love to pray for you.
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God is so good to give us His message at just the right time. My impatient self needed to read this today and I, also, shared it with a dear friend who has been taking treatments for pancreatic cancer and did not get the news he hoped for this week. Thank you for sharing God’s word in these devotions.
Thank you for your kind encouragement, Jo. We are lifting up your friend in prayer. God bless you!
Glory be to God Almighty. Resurrection power of the Holy Spirit help me to receive in Jesus mighty name and so shall it be.
Thank you so much for visiting and for sharing this wonderful testimony. God be with you and bless you!
Thank you, Deb., I receive my blessings in Jesus’ name
All glory and praise be God’s, no matter how long our season of waiting might be.
Blessings, Deb, and have a great weekend!
Amen, Martha! God bless!
Home run ????????. I’ve been praying for over 4 years for the healing of my husband. During this time, I received God’s confirming passage that says “Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, That her suffering is ended, That her iniquity is pardoned;”. Yet, his condition is getting worst by the minute. I read and heard sermons about praying boldly as God loves it. So, I reminded the Lord many times that He promised, He confirmed, yet my hubby is getting worst each day. I went through these years of all spectrum of emotions, from determination, belief, trust, doubt, anger, disappointment, hope and disbilief….then I always loop back to His promise, and to the fact Who made the promise. Deep in my heart I know that the Lord is growing us, purifying us, and preparing both of us, for the receipt of His blessing and Glory. But sometimes it’s nearly unbearable to watch helplessly the suffering of your loved ones. There have been times that in the middle of his health attack I was yelling out to the Lord that “You PROMISED, You promised…..”. And the hours, days ticking away and we continue praying and waiting. Job’s cry comes to my heart during this waiting, that “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.”
What a beautiful testimony, Gaby! Thank you for sharing it. We are praying for you and for your husband. Blessings and hugs!
Deb, your five things to do while waiting are perfect. Thanks for sharing and all your encouragement.
Thank you, Deborah! I am always blessed by your kindness. Blessings!
I’ve been patiently waiting and praying day in and day out. I have been praying hours on end and found complete comfort in God the Almighty. I know God has the solution in the natural. I have given complete surrender to God. I completly and whole heartetly surrenderd to Gods peace. In Jesus name I pray that my spirit and soul finds the peace it deserves. God promises to be a present help. He’s everywhere in time of trouble. He is here during the times in the valley and on top of hill tops. I pray I live in a place of peace.
What a beautiful testimony of faith, Salma. Thank you so much for sharing it with us. May God be with you and bless you!
Praise God, Praise God. A wonderful and inspiring post Deb! We must learn to be more patient and wait on the Lord. And the five things to do while waiting is a fantastic instruction to us all!! Bless you, Deb! You are such a wonderful
Thanks much, Kathy! Praying that you have a wonderful week. Blessings!