3 Helpful Things To Do When You’re Worn Out

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Are you worn out? Are you exhausted by the busyness and stressors of life?

Have you considered making some changes but don’t know where to begin? Because even though you’re running on fumes … people depend on you. There’s no quitting or giving up; so, you keep doing what you need to do no matter how thinly you’re stretched.

Over the years wonderful mentors have given me some great advice. They are the things that helped me most when I was worn out.

Well, they helped when I remembered to do them. So, I’m sharing them here because I believe they will help you, too.

Helpful Things to Do When You’re Worn Out

Spend time alone with God

It’s easy for us to set our quiet time aside when life gets crazy but that’s when we need it most. So, even if it’s just a couple of verses and a 5-minute prayer … run to the Lord and invite Him to fill you spiritually.

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Make every effort to eat a healthy diet, get the rest you need, and do something that makes you laugh and gives you joy.

Take care of yourself. It’s the only place you have to live.

And finally, simplify where possible.

The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.” ~Hans Hofmann


Know God’s will. and strive to live His plans and purposes.

Know God’s yeses and nos. Know what He approves and what He doesn’t. Ask Him to make His will evident in your life and then follow where He leads you.

“My dreams had to be His dreams, the ones He placed in my heart. They couldn’t be the ones I thought I should have, or needed for the purpose of making other people like me.” ~Stormie Omartian

You don’t have to do it all. It’s okay to say “no.”

Saying “no” is hard for me. I don’t like disappointing anyone. But living out too many yeses stresses me out and makes me cranky and miserable. I’ve found that most people would rather hear my “no” now, than deal with my crankiness later.

“I know saying ‘no’ is hard now but you’ll only have to feel bad for a little while. If you say ‘yes’ you’ll worry and feel bad until the event, through it, and probably long after. I think I’d rather shorten the misery.” ~A Very Wise Friend

Guard your heart and mind.

Limit your time on social media and the news … consider the possibility that what you are putting into your mind could be one source of your stress and anxiety.

Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Philippians 4:8

Philippians 4:8


You are not responsible for someone else’s happiness and they are not responsible for yours.

Trying to please everyone is a recipe for stress and frustration. You can’t control other people’s happiness. Live for God’s glory and let the rest play out as it will. ~ Deb

So, the last and most important tip…

3. Live for God’s Glory

Live for an audience of One.

Living for God’s glory has as much or more to do with our attitudes than it does with our actions.

I want my attitude to come from a heart’s desire to glorify God in everything and then live each day trusting and obeying His will.

That’s a huge goal.

And it’s only possible with the Lord’s help. He promises to give us the strength to accomplish His plans and purposes as we say yes to what He desires and no to everything else. With His Spirit’s help, we can know which is which.

Teach me to do Your will,
    for You are my God.
May your gracious Spirit lead me forward
    on a firm footing.

Not to us, O Lord, not to us,
but to Your name goes all the glory
for Your unfailing love and faithfulness.

Psalm 143:10 and Psalm 115:1

Let’s pray…

A Prayer for the Exhausted and Worn Out

Father, I’m so tired. I’m worn out spiritually, physically, and emotionally. I want to make choices that will help me live a balanced life for Your glory but right now the demands on my life feel overwhelming.

Please help me! I want to make wise choices that help me trust and obey Your will and accomplish Your plans and purposes. Help me say “yes” to the things You want for me and “no” to those You don’t. And please help me choose wisely those things I watch, listen to, and read.

I want to live for Your glory, Lord, and love as You desire. Please give me a godly attitude and guide my steps through the power of Your Spirit. I’m worn out but I believe with Your help I can have the strength I need to structure and live my day according to Your will. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

If you read the title of this post and said, “Yes, I’m worn out!”

Don’t give up!

It takes determined and intentional prayer and planning to make changes and I know it’s not easy … but you can do it and it is so worth it!

Write these 3 tips on a note card and use them as a bookmark in your Bible…

  1. I will make choices to fill my spiritual, physical, and emotional tank. 
  2. I will set clear and specific boundaries for myself.
  3. I will live each day for God’s glory.

With God’s help and by His grace we can have the wisdom, strength, and energy we need.

One more thing… I love this quote from R. C. Sproul…

“We do not segment our lives, giving some time to God, some to our business or schooling, while keeping parts to ourselves. The idea is to live all of our lives in the presence of God, under the authority of God, and for the honor and glory of God. That is what the Christian life is all about.”

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  1. Martha Orlando says:

    This is superb advice, Deb. Let’s not divide our time and intention in any way that separates us from God and His will for our lives.
    Blessings always!

    1. Thank you, Martha! It’s the best blessing to be able to lean on the Lord and trust that He will help us and give us strength. Blessings and hugs, dear friend!

  2. Maree Dee says:

    Thank you for the reminders of what to do when we are worn out.

    1. Thank you, Maree. I always love hearing from you! God bless you and your ministry.

  3. Kathy Francescon says:

    Bless you, Deb, my sweet friend for sending this post today! God knows I sure do need a few great tips to keep going! This whole summer has been non stop hectic and I have had to be on everyone’s clock and time table but my own! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your words today! I am taking a deep breath, and keeping these pointers handy! I have been reading and loved every post, but have so missed having the time to say hello to you and Sue and all the other beautiful souls who follow you! Love and hugs and thank you again for your beautiful and faithful ministry! You are a gift and a blessing!!

    1. Kathy,
      I am so glad to see your post. I have thought about you so much and kept you in my prayers. I hope that things will slow down for you now and you can catch your breath as you stated. I have missed you and your sweet posts and the love you send. We all need encouragement and you are so good at that (Of course, Deb is too)! I don’t know what I would do without either of you.
      Much love and hugs,

    2. It’s great to hear from you, Kathy! It’s sounds like it has continued to be a very busy and stressful time. Praying that things begin to settle down soon and that you are able to enjoy the peace and rest you need. Blessings and hugs, sweet friend!

  4. Lauren Roskilly says:

    Great post and very needed! The Lord has been teaching me to rest in Him this last 6 months & have been sharing whenever possible inc interviews & blogs, this new incredible kind of rest. X

    1. It’s amazing when we first realize the peace the goes beyond understanding that is only found in the presence of Jesus. I’m so happy for you and pray that God continues to fill you with His peace and joy. God bless you, Lauren!

  5. Deb,
    I am so grateful for these pointers in slowing down. I really needed this today. I have such a high stress level right now. And, I have truly been so exhausted. It really messes with my sleep. I will re read these and soak these in. You have such a way of knowing what we need when we need it.
    I hope that your week is blessed! Thank you friend for all of your divine wisdom. Hugs!

    1. I’m so glad it helped, Sue. I’m praying that the Lord will fill you with His hard to understand peace and help you get the rest you need. Blessings and hugs, dear friend!

  6. Meghan Weyerbacher says:

    Hey Deb, I really appreciate this post. I have had to learn this the hard way. One of my favorite things you said here that stood out to me was, “Living for God’s glory has as much or more to do with our attitudes than it does with our actions.” I never thought of it like this before. Thanks for being a great host!

    1. Hi, Meghan. Thanks so much! I appreciate you kind encouragement. God bless you as you touch lives for Him!