5 Verses to Pray When You Feel Discouraged

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5 Verses to Pray the You Feel #Discouraged - THE BATTLE IS REAL! The enemy is working overtime to discourage and silence God's children. Let's #pray!

As I’ve talked with you and read through your comments the last few weeks one truth continues to stand out…


The enemy is working overtime to discourage and silence God’s children.

He’s using taunts like:

  • Your efforts are fruitless.
  • Look how you failed in the past, how can God use you.
  • Look over here, the world is a mess … there is so much to fear.
  • You don’t need a community … you can manage on your own.
  • No one cares.

I know the disheartening thoughts I’ve had lately.


I’m often surprised at how easy it is to feel like I’m falling short in every area of my life. And even if I am falling short, I know I live under the cover of God’s grace. My family offers me constant grace. And my friends are good grace-givers, too!

That’s how I know it’s the enemy and not the truth. And why wouldn’t he want you and me to be discouraged? It keeps us focused on ourselves and not on Jesus.

So, I’m going to God in prayer and if you’re discouraged, you may want to join me.

5 Verses to Pray When You Feel Discouraged

THE BATTLE IS REAL! The enemy is working overtime to discourage and silence God's children.

Isaiah 41:10

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
    Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
    I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. (NLT)

Father, help me! This feeling of discouragement keeps me focused on me. I’m sorry. Forgive me. Your Word reminds me that You are able to strengthen and help me. You hold me up and You have already defeated the enemy who continuously tries to discourage me. This battle is real. But You know that. You told us to be aware of the devil who works to defeat and destroy us. But You have already defeated him. I have everything I need to live victoriously. So, I come to You today surrendering my weakness and asking you to replace it with courage and strength. Amen.

Romans 15:4

Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled. (NLT)

Father, thank you for the gift of Your Word. It fills me with hope and teaches me Your truth. Paul wrote to Timothy that You “use it to prepare and equip [Your] people to do every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:17) By Your mighty power, protect me from the enemy’s lies and help me live each day serving You in ways that bring You glory. Amen. 

Joshua 1:9

“This is my command—be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord, your God is with you wherever you go.” (NLT)

Father, when You command something, You provide. When You tell me to “Be strong and courageous … because I am with you.” That’s all I need to know. You are with me wherever I go. You go before me, stand beside, and follow behind. Your presence covers all of my needs. When I focus on You, there is nothing to fear and no cause for discouragement. I will keep my eyes on You, trusting You to encourage me and make me strong. Amen.

5 Verses to Pray When You Feel Discouraged by Deb Wolf at Counting My Blessings #Prayer #Godiswithyou

Psalm 138:3

As soon as I pray, You answer me; You encourage me by giving me strength. (NLT)

Oh, Father, I remember the many times You answer my weakly offered prayers for strength with Your all-sufficient grace. You give me the courage to keep going as You fill me with future hope. Thank you! I will trust You today and again tomorrow because of Your past faithfulness. Amen.

Psalm 33:20–22

We put our hope in the Lord.
    He is our help and our shield.
In Him, our hearts rejoice,
    for we trust in His holy name.
Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord,
    for our hope is in you alone. (NLT)

Father, my hope is in You! I trust You, confident that Your grace, mercy, and love cover every evil effort that works to defeat and discourage me. You are my strength and shield. You give me countless reasons to rejoice. When my heart and mind remain focused on You, nothing can defeat me. Because of Jesus, I am Yours, forever. Fill me with Your Spirit. Give me the boldness I need to resist the devil and his words of discouragement. I believe I can do this because I don’t have to do it alone. You are with me giving me courage and strength. Thank you, Father. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

What verses do you hold close when the enemy works to discourage you?

What is your favorite battle strategy?

For more encouragement to stand strong in the battle, check out How to Fight Discouragement and Win and Life is Better When You Know the Final Score.

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  1. I think discouragement is the chink in my armor that leads to other more egregious sin and error, so thanks, Deb, for camping on this point and acknowledging how very REAL the battle is.

    And thanks, too, for featuring my review of Sara’s wonderful book! It’s been a blessing to share it!

  2. Hi Deb. I love, love, love Isaiah 41:10 and pray it often. It always helps me feel lifted up over my troubles. God’s strong hand is so powerful–we only need to ask him to help us, and he is so generous with his help!

  3. Debbie Putman says:

    God comforts and holds us close while Satan discourages and pushes away. As always, perfect Scripture to see the grace and love of God.

  4. Joshua 1:9 is a “go to” for me when I’m feeling discouraged or defeated. Thank you, Deb, for all your words of encouragement today.

  5. Hey Deb! I LOVE this post. It goes right along with what I have been writing about on my blog. God’s word is our sword in defeating Satan’s lies. This will definitely be pinned on my “Spiritual Warfare” board! Thank you for sharing!

  6. Happy Friday, Deb! Thank you for the reminder that God is the lifter of our heads – that God is with us in our times of discouragement. I am so touched by Psalm 33:20–22, it’s the sweet reminder that I needed today. Thanks for encouraging us from God’s word week after week. There’s nothing more comforting and soothing. Have a blessed weekend in Him!

  7. Always find comfort in the Psalms. The Jewish pray it everyday. Thanks for sharing and hosting!

  8. he (satan) is strengthening the battle because he knows his time is short! Thanks for the encouragement. I need it!


  9. Amen! It’s not about me, it’s about Him. So when I’m discouraged, I turn to Him. I will lift up mine eyes to hills from whence cometh my help…

  10. Deb, I love these verses, they are some of my favorites. Thank you for always pointing us to God and scripture. Maree

  11. Kim Jolly says:

    Deb, Thank you for the reminder to turn the Scriptures during times of discouragement. There are many that help encourage us during those times where discouragement seems warranted.



  12. Anne Sanga says:

    Am a Kenyan aged 24.Am really encouraged,thanks a lot for this.wish to hear more

    1. Anne, thank you so much for visiting and for stopping to say “hello.” God bless you!