5 Verses to Pray When You Need to be Strong

You tossed and turned most of the night and still, you can’t believe it’s morning already.
The challenge you’re facing feels overwhelming and if you could, you’d just pull the covers over your head and stay in bed … all … day.
Oh, I can relate!
Truth is … you and I have to live through what Jesus called “trouble” more often than we’d like.
“I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world.”
John 16:33
I’ll admit, I hate the “trouble!” I’m guessing you do too!
But you and I can be “brave.” We can be strong because Jesus defeated evil.
- By living a perfect sinless life.
- Through His suffering and death.
- Through His resurrection.
He spoke those words just prior to His arrest. He knew what was coming. Jesus was no stranger to “troubles.”
He understands … and that truth gives us strength and hope when our giants loom large.
Whatever you and I are going through … whether it is a failing relationship, a daunting diagnosis, a financial concern, a legal problem, a what do I do now decision, or an ongoing pain that feels like it will never end.
Whatever it is … the Lord is able to give us everything we need to be strong one day at a time.
But I’ll admit…
When I’m going through “trouble” it’s hard for me to turn from my restless anxiety and focus on God’s all-sufficient grace.
Which is why I need to pray. I’d love for you to join me.
5 Verses to Pray When You Need to be Strong
I was so foolish and ignorant—
Psalm 73:22–26
I must have seemed like a senseless
animal to You.
Yet I still belong to You;
You hold my right hand.
You guide me with Your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
Whom have I in heaven but You?
I desire You more than anything on earth.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
He is mine forever.
Father, You gave me Psalm 73:26 to claim as my own, when my heart was broken.
And I can so relate to the words above…
I’ve had many times when I’ve made foolish choices. Yet … You continued to call me Your own. You held me close and patiently taught me Your truth.
Thank you for Your loving me and covering me with Your grace and mercy. Thank you for Your healing touch … for holding me and for giving me strength when I was at my weakest.
Father, thank you for guiding me. There is nothing in this life I desire more than You. Even if my health fails and my spirit is weak, I believe You will always be my strength. In Jesus name. Amen.
Remember that I commanded you to
Joshua 1:9
be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid,
because the Lord your God will be
with you everywhere you go.”
Father, on my own, I’m not strong … not even a little bit. And this problem feels overwhelming.
But then I remember, You divided the Sea (Exodus 14) and used a marching band to defeat a city (Joshua 6). You gave life to dry bones (Ezekiel 37) and healed a broken world through Your Son.
My circumstances are not too great for You. Please help me turn my focus from the problem to You, the One who already knows the outcome. Please make me aware of Your presence. Help me trust Your will for me. Help me follow wherever You lead with courage and strength.
God is our refuge and strength,
Psalm 46:1,10–11
always ready to help in times of trouble.
“Be still, and know that I am God!
I will be honored by every nation.
I will be honored throughout the world.”
The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us;
the God of Israel is our fortress.
Father, You are my safe place and source of strength.
Your Word says You are always ready to help me. You invite me to “be still” and know You … Lord of all, God of gods, and King of kings.
Father, I need You to help me be strong.
I need You.
So, I will quietly sit here in Your presence trusting that You will give me whatever I need to face the day ahead. Thank you, Lord.
The Lord is king. He is clothed in majesty.
Psalm 93:1–2
The Lord is clothed in majesty
and armed with strength.
The world is set,
and it cannot be moved.
Lord, Your kingdom was set up long ago;
You are everlasting.
Father, this world is Yours … everything in it. You speak the word and creation obeys.
Sometimes when I look around, I see a world in chaos. People turning on each other over ideology. Terrorism. War. Natural disasters. Personally, we are suffering with broken relationships, financial hardships, and health concerns. And we’re afraid.
Yet, nothing is new to You. You have always known the end from the beginning and You are always in control. Father, please help me keep my eyes focused on You, for You are able to make me strong today and give me the hope I need for tomorrow.
I begged the Lord three times to take
2 Corinthians 12:8–10
this problem away from me.
But He said to me,
“My grace is enough for you.
When you are weak,
my power is made perfect in you.”
So I am very happy to brag about my weaknesses.
Then Christ’s power can live in me.
For this reason, I am happy when
I have weaknesses, insults,
hard times, sufferings,
and all kinds of troubles for Christ.
Because when I am weak,
then I am truly strong.
Father, Help me remember that whatever I’m going through … Your grace is enough for today. Please help me remember that when my circumstances don’t change … when the struggle I’m facing doesn’t end.
I’ve prayed and prayed and You quietly remind me of Your more than enough grace. You are able to help me face today and I believe You will help me face tomorrow … because You have strengthened me through many yesterdays. Thank you!
I know Jesus is with me and Your Spirit is within me. I trust You to guide me. and give me all I need … joy in the midst of weakness and strength to live through this trouble with courage.
Thank you, Father. With Your help, I will be strong and live this day surrendered to You. By Your grace and for Your glory. Amen.
God knows exactly what you need to be strong.
He is with you.
He will give you what you need today and what you need again tomorrow.
When I’m tempted to center my attention on my struggle and anxiously remind myself that I’m not enough … that I can’t, I will turn to the One who is able to give me exactly what I need through His grace, mercy, and love.
Yes Deb, He certainly does always give us what we need not necessarily what we wanted 😉
Bless you,
Thank You a lot for the wise words. They resonated so well with me this morning and gave me renewed hope and energy.
Thank you, Deb. Glad the Lord truly understands. Love Psalm 46…so comforting during troubled times.
So beautiful Deb. Love these verses that remind me of what she has already said and done.
Wonderful post filled with great scripture! My favorite line was,
“I’ve prayed and prayed and You quietly remind me of Your more than enough grace.”
His grace truly is enough, it is so amazing. And His grace is all we need for strength in all the hard times. Many Thanks 8)
Thank you Deb. What a wonderful message. God is Awesome!!
“Yet, nothing is new to You. You have always known the end from the beginning and You are always in control. Father, please help me keep my eyes focused on You, for You are able to make me strong today and give me the hope I need for tomorrow.”
Thank you for Bible verses and for these words of hope, Deb. I need them right now.
P.S. Thanks for sharing my post today! 🙂
Wonderful reminders here, Deb, that when we are weak, God is strong; He will see us through all our fears and troubles when we pray in faith.
I am just learning please bear with me but I am really enjoying your lessons I have a desire to grow my relationship with God
We are all in the process of learning and growing. I’m so glad you’ve joined us here … thank you and God bless you!
Thanks Deb for the reminders and scriptures. I don’t like the word “trouble” in that verse either – and when I was recently complaining about a similar verse – I heard the old time song – I never promised you a rose garden playing in my head – it’s true – God never promised trouble free – He only promised to be with us through it all. I appreciate your post especially with the season I currently find myself in.
I have missed linking up – the season has been not only difficult, but busy with travel too -I am looking forward to a slower paced summer. Blessings
Good one as usual. I need this so much as I am struggling to make it through eight more months on my job before I retire. I have been working with a woman for the past 17 years who drives me crazy!!! Today is one of those days when I don’t know how I’m going to make it.
Oh, Lisa, that’s hard! I’m praying and asking God to give you the strength you need day by day. And that He will work in the heart and mind of the person you work with. God bless you!
Thank you so much, Deb.