5 Verses You Need to Pray that Ask God to Bless America

I’m stopping today to thank God for the blessing of growing up and living in the United States. And I’m asking Him to bless America for future generations.
We’re a people with conflicting ideas and a long list of things we could do better but friends, we are free!
I looked up the Bill of Rights for a list of freedoms we enjoy. It’s awesome!
Freedoms in America
- Freedom of Religion
- Freedom of Speech
- Freedom of the Press
- Freedom of Assembly
- Freedom of Petition
We are blessed!
If you’re like me, you would like those freedoms to last for many generations in the future.
As I read the Bible I found two things necessary for a nation to be successful and lasting…
♥ 1. People honored and trusted God and intentionally made every effort to follow His commands.
♥ 2. People asked God to forgive their failures and help them honor and obey Him.
People prayed!
So, I thought today would be the perfect time to stop for a minute or two and Pray for America!
5 Verses You Need to Pray that Ask God to Bless America
I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
1 Timothy 2:1-2
Father, I lift up our country to You. We need You. We’ve always needed You but right now at this moment, it feels like we need You more than ever. I am so thankful for those who are willing to serve our nation … whether they are elected or appointed, military or local law enforcement. Lord, please place Your hand of protection over them. Guide them and help them wherever they serve.
Father, please work in the hearts and minds of those who lead our nation. By the power of Your Spirit, I pray that they will both know and follow Your will. Please help them to see past politics and power and give them hearts to make decisions that are in line with Your will. Lord, help us! Lead us. Forgive us. By Your grace, God bless America.
Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14
Father, forgive us. We have gotten so many things wrong. We don’t love You well. We don’t love each other well. We don’t follow Your commands as we should. We judge the behavior of others and make excuses for our own flaws and failures. We need You. We Need Jesus. We need Your forgiveness and we need changed hearts and minds. We are so very sorry. Please heal us and help us. Please bless America!
What joy for the nation whose God is the Lord,
Psalm 33:12,22
whose people He has chosen as His inheritance.
Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord,
for our hope is in You alone.
Father, We need our joy restored. We need You!
The enemy wants us to focus on the junk … on problems that divide us. But You are able to unite us with Your peace.
Please surround us with Your unfailing love, Lord. Give us hope for the future. We have victory in Jesus … all the enemy can do is distract and distress us. When we place our trust in You and focus on all You have done and continue to do in our lives … we will have hope and joy!
If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.
James 1:5
Father, Wisdom is defined as knowing what is right and true and doing it. We could even say … wisdom is knowing Your will and obeying it.
We so often fall short when it comes to wisdom! By the power of Your Holy Spirit, work in our hearts and minds and bless us with Your wisdom. Work in our nation’s leaders … give them the wisdom they need and help them apply it. And give us all reverent fear and the courage and strength we need to trust and obey Your will.
May God be merciful and bless us.
Psalm 67:1–3
May His face smile with favor on us.
May Your ways be known throughout the earth,
Your saving power among people everywhere.
May the nations praise You, O God
Yes, may all the nations praise You.
Bless America, Father! We need Your mercy. We need Your favor. We need You. Help us love others in ways that will make You known.
Your Word tells us that You want everyone to come to know and love You … Jesus said, “Go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you.
You want all people everywhere to trust and follow Jesus. And You’ve given us Your Spirit so we don’t have to figure things out on our own.
Thank you, Father! You have given and You continue to give us everything we need. May we praise and worship You in all we say and do.
Friends, there are so many more things we could pray specifically for our nation. May we take our concerns to Him. May we pray for one another.
And most importantly, may we continue to show deep love for one another … as “love covers a multitude of sins.”
May God bless America!
Thank you for verifying that there is a biblical way for a believer to be patriotic. We have so much to be thankful for here in the USA.
Prayed with you this morning, Deb! Yes, our great country needs God’s healing, mercy and grace.
Deb, this is wonderful. Thank you for leading us through these prayers for our nation. And thank you for featuring my blog. Bless you!
Shared and I’m thankful for America and for your faithful posting and directing all eyes to the only words that matter, God’s.
Love this Deb, I don’t pray for our country as much as I would like, and in reading this I was able to lift some great prayers up to God for America. Many Thanks 8)
Amen to each verse, each prayer. Amen! Especially seeking forgiveness for our ways of life, our anger, our unforgiveness, and so much more. Thank You, Lord, for hearing our prayers.
Perfect post for today! laurensparks.net
Yes, God indeed gives us His wisdom when we seek it! Prayer is such an important ministry for all nations 😀
Bless you,