5 Helpful Verses to Pray for Your Broken Relationship

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Wouldn't it be wonderful if people were easier? If every parent, child, sibling, spouse, neighbor, and friend could get along blissfully? But we don't. 5 Helpful Verses to Pray for Your Broken #Relationships #Blessings

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if people were easier?

If every parent, child, sibling, spouse, neighbor, and friend could get along blissfully?

But we don’t. Relationships are messy!

And unfortunately, some end in brokenness.

Everyone I know has had at least one relationship end unpleasantly and many that had ended painfully leaving heart scars behind.


The closer the relationship the deeper the wound when it ends.

I’m guessing you have someone who came to mind … some strained or broken relationship that causes you sadness or heartache.

So, today I’m going to the Lord to pray for my broken relationships and I’d like to invite you to join me and pray for yours as well.

The closer the relationship the deeper the wound when it ends. #Prayer #Brokenheart

5 Helpful Verses to Pray for Your Broken Relationships

Romans 15:5–6

May the patience and encouragement that come from God allow you to live in harmony with each other the way Christ Jesus wants. Then you will all be joined together, and you will give glory to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (NCV)

Father, Your Word tells me you want us to “live in harmony” with each other. What a good word. We don’t have to “sing in unison” we just need to blend well — not always agreeing but listening to understand and work together. Help me! I can be so stubborn. Please forgive me. I often think of how much better life could be if everyone just agreed with me. But You made us each unique and wonderful. Help me listen. Help me love like Jesus. Please work in my heart and the hearts of those who have grown distant and heal what is broken for our good and Your glory. Amen.

James 3:2

We all make many mistakes. If people never said anything wrong, they would be perfect and able to control their entire selves, too. (NCV)

Father, Your word says, “everyone sins.” It also says, our tongues “are wild and evil and full of deadly poison.” It shouldn’t surprise us when we hurt each other with words and actions. Please forgive me for the thoughtless and unkind word I’ve said or thing I’ve done. And help me forgive _________ for the things he/she did that hurt me. We need You. Amen.

Ephesians 4:32

Be kind and loving to each other, and forgive each other just as God forgave you in Christ. (NCV)

Father, forgiveness is hard, especially when I’m hurt and angry. I want to be kind and loving consistently but oh my, I fail. And when I come to You sorry for the things I’ve said and done, I trust Your faithful love and amazing grace to forgive me. I need Your help to forgive _________. Please fill me with Your Spirit. Remind me of the countless times You have forgiven me and tender my heart to be more forgiving.

Father, I also ask that you would help _________ forgive me. Give me the courage I need to humble myself and repent of any pain I’ve caused. Restore what is broken by Your grace. Amen.

Psalm 27:14

Wait for the Lord’s help. Be strong and brave, and wait for the Lord’s help. (NCV)

Father, this is hard. I don’t wait well. I want to do or say something that will magically fix this. Help me remember that You may be using this time to work on me and to work on ___________. I don’t want to get in the way of what you’re doing but I get so impatient. It sometimes takes more courage and strength to wait than it does to act. So, I will come to You today and every day asking for Your guidance. Help me wait when that is Your will and then, help me know when and how to act when the time is right. I need Your help. Amen.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if people were easier? If every parent, child, sibling, spouse, neighbor, and friend could get along blissfully? But we don't. 5 Helpful Verses to Pray for Your Broken #Relationships #Blessings

Colossians 3:12

God has chosen you and made you His holy people. He loves you. So you should always clothe yourselves with mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. (NCV)

Father, I need a wardrobe adjustment. When I think about how often I fail to wear mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience … I’m ashamed! And You love me even with my tattered attire. With Your help, I believe _________ and I can do a better job of loving each other. So, today I’m asking You to show me where I need to do better and love well. Heal our hearts, Father. Help us forgive. Help us to love like Jesus and by Your grace, heal our relationship. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

I would love to pray for your broken relationships. Please leave a prayer request in the comments or if you don’t want to leave your name you can go to our Blessing Counters Pray Page and leave one there.

God bless you, my friends, and encourage you with His grace, mercy, and love.

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  1. Hi Deb, Happy Friday! Boy, between your post and a few of your features, there’s a lot of meat to digest here.:o) But I think I’m diving into the post with the funny coffee cup first. It looks hilarious! (At least the cup does.) Thank you for hosting, my sister. Have a blessed week!

  2. I think praying for our relationships is one of the best actions we can take. And praying God’s Word is key! Thanks for the post today and also for the feature! Be blessed, my friend!

  3. TGIF Deb! I have been praying Exodus 14:14 for the past 8 months because of a difficult relationship that I know God is calling me to release to Him. Waiting for Him to work while I invite Him to refine me has been one of the most difficult journeys for me. It required more strength and bravery to wait than to take things into my own hands. I so appreciate these truths and your prayers!

  4. This is particularly good, Deb, because our brokenness shows up the most in our close relationships — all those shards and sharp angles get in the way. Thanks for reminding me that even for this there is truth that heals and helps.

  5. The Lord who created my sensitive heart does know how to heal it as well. I am so comforted by these words today. He can heal our broken heart today.

    I am so humbled to be have my last week’s post featured here today. Thank you sweet Deb !

    I am always blessed by your ministry

  6. Debbie Putman says:

    Thank you for adding a prayer to each verse. These are such practical truths to help us live as God wants us to and help heal broken relationships.

  7. I pray for one of these daily. I give it all I have and then I give it to God. Thanks for sharing these prayer suggestions and may I add may those who have a broken relationship with Christ be awakened to the truth of what they are choosing! Thanks for hosting!

  8. Thank you, Deb, for this wonderful reminder and help to pray for those who have hurt us and offended us!
    Your words were helpful to me today!

  9. When I think of broken relationships, I immediately think of Joseph. He had every right to be angry at his brothers for selling him into slavery. BUT he chose to follow each one of these areas you mentioned, and it ended in a God-only story of reconciliation and the saving of many. Thank you for reminding us to take the road less traveled, Deb!

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Deb, for featuring my post here this week! I am both honored and humbled, my friend.
    Blessings always!

  11. So true we have all had broken relationships. We all know the pain involved. On the same token, I have seen so many relationships restore when God was allowed in. Great verse to pray and remember. Thank you! Hope you had a wonderful weekend.

  12. Please can you pray for me and my boyfriend we suppose to get married but we broke up. I think he is depressed he only works eats and sleep. He does not enjoy live. Help him lord to restore our relationship. So that we can love one another again.Thank you.

    1. Oh, Fanny, I’m so sorry! I’m am praying for your hurting heart and that the Lord encourages and guides you and your boyfriend through whatever is causing this struggle in him. God bless you!

  13. martin micheal says:

    i want GOD to restore my broken relationship..it painful and hard to wait ,.. but i trust the process i love her soo much all though it her fault i have forgiven her and want her back
    and i need prayers .

  14. Dear Deb~
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this page. When I came across it looking for prayers for my broken relationship it touched my heart and I started crying while reading it. I’m going to add the Psalm 27:14 prayer to my prayers.
    Just under a year ago my fiancé called of our engagement and our 3 year relationship. We’re both religious and I really feel deep down that God brought us together and we’re meant to be together. It’s like this knowing I’ve never experienced in relationships before. We each had some relationship lessons to learn and I wish we could have learned them together but it seems God and my ex had other plans. My ex is deployed to Korea and he has not communicated with me for months. I still deeply love him and am impatiently wanting to reconcile our relationship. Could I ask for prayers that God has been using this time to work on both of us and our hearts, for my patience during his work, and that one day we will be able to reconcile our relationship. Thank you again!!

    1. Alicia, Thank you so much for stopping to share your heart and bless me with the honor of praying for you! I am definitely adding you to my prayers. God is working! I wrote this post after being rejected by people I loved with all my heart. I wish I could tell you that those relationships are restored. They are not… but God has filled my life with so many blessings and so much love, I am whole. I’m praying that for you. That He will pour blessings and love into your life and make your heart whole once again. Hugs!

      1. Deb, Thank you for your tremendously kind, understanding, and thoughtful response!! It was so compassionate of you to share your journey and it was encouraging to hear your heart has since been healed and made whole. As you know it’s a difficult journey. This has definitely been the most challenging journey of my life and has shaken my faith and it’s comforting to know that God is working. It’s like the Footprints poem – God carries us when we can’t do it ourselves. I’m so grateful and thankful for you, your ministry, and your prayers. It’s clear God works through people! Thank you so much again!!

  15. Amanda White says:

    Please pray for my relationship with JB. We are struggling and i know with God’s intervention we can get thru this and ne stronger than before.

    1. I am praying for you, Amanda. May God bless you with love as He guides your relationships.

  16. Alex Ruiz says:

    Please pray for my relationship of 23 years. My partner and I are living together but seperated at the time and have our 3 wonderful children living with us ages 22, 19,16. Your prayers all help! Thank you.

  17. Victoria Sosa says:

    I ask that you pray for I Victoria sosa and Micheal Morales to help each other forgive and love one another as well to help Micheal morales find Jesus. Please pray to heal our broken relationship we have been together on and off for 7 years always break up in a ugly way please help us find a way to heal us and create a healthy loving relationship. To help us love each other through the bad times and most important have each other back instead of turning on one another. Please pray for us because I love this man dearly. Pray for anyone that has tried to tare us apart. That they find peace.

    1. Victoria, Thank you for stopping by and I am praying for you. I am asking God to guide and direct you both and draw you closer to Him and to each other. Relationships are hard but I believe with God’s help we can, even as imperfect people, learn to love each other well. God bless you!

  18. Prayer for my heart as we are going through a “break” or the distance between us and it hurts. Pray for the relationship and love to return better than before…or for a healing heart if the path God has is different that what i see in front of me right now.

    1. Yris, I’m so sorry your heart is hurting. I’m praying and asking God to work in your relationship and give you His peace. God bless you!

  19. My relationship keeps falling apart , its like my boyfriend let me feel as if he isn’t in control all the time it can’t work, he called it off few days ago saying he don’t think we can work, did I mention I was pregnant . He said a lot of mean stuffs to me n idk if I can forgive him but some part of me wants to if he even tries to come back. I ask that u will pray for us and our unborn child to mend us stronger than before n that we understand each other more.

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time, Zoe. I am praying for you and for your little one, asking God to hold you close and give you His peace. I’m also asking Him to give you wisdom in the days ahead as you figure out what He wants for your future. God bless you!

  20. I came across this looking for relationship prayers. I am asking for prayers for me and my significant other. When we met it was like lightning and I fell in love with him as did he. We’ve been together for several months and he asked and asked me to move in and he just started to change when I am trying to heal from a very bad injury. I started to fight with him over him breaking his word then instead of him trying he started to withdraw and the we fought over the relationship and it seems and feels like he’s seeing someone else. We tried to make an agreement to be like we were but he will not keep his side and I’m hurt every day. I said I didn’t want to be a live in girlfriend because of my beliefs and he mentioned marriage and a bunch of stuff now it feels like he’s not really trying emotionally or romantically. But doesn’t want me to fight with him. I have been praying that our relationship is healed and that God please change his heart to follow him and that if he is cheating he will have his heart changed and that we can have a true chance to love one another. That we can be healed of brokenness and a miracle can happen so that we can be happy together. Please pray it hurts deeply and I do love him but I don’t feel like he is in love with me or even loves me. I get emotional rejection and he doesn’t try to have a connection. I am confused why I am here and have been praying for God to show me and strengthen me and show me what I need to work on. I pray to be changed but him too as I believe that God can do all things please pray a prayer of faith for us and healing of our relationship.

    1. Kaley, I’m so sorry you are going through this difficult time. I am praying for healing for your body and your relationship. Asking God to guide you and give you wisdom as you seek His will in the days ahead. Relationships are hard and I’ve learned that the closer we both are to the Lord, the closer we are to each other. God bless you in the days and weeks ahead!

  21. Hi deb, I am having a very stressful and sad time. I need God to intervene in my relationship with AA. It started off wonderful and then everything just went sideways. We don’t even talk anymore and I refuse to believe and assume that it was all a sham like my friends think. I want God to touch his heart and help resolve the issues that we have.

    1. I’m so sorry you are going through this difficult time, Dee! I am praying that God will guide you and grant you His peace and that if it is within His will, that He will restore your relationship as you desire. God bless you. I’m so glad you visited and stopped to say “hello.”

  22. David Toiyanga says:

    please pray for me my wife of five years left with our son.Its now 3 weeks, I admit I was wrong and I seek for forgiveness and restoration of our marriage.

    1. I’m praying for you and for your marriage, David! God bless you!

  23. Lakeita Shiel says:

    I would like you to pray for me and my husband we have been together for 7 yrs married for 3 and we have always had the devil in the mist of our relationship I have tried to forgive him for all the wrong doing his done in the past like going out side this union and flirting with females and betraying me and making me become some one I’m not because I go and entertain people because I’m hurt that he does this he makes me feel like I’m truly not good enough for him and I don’t understand why. I been heart broken for years and I don’t know how to let go of all the hurt and pain I feel towards him and what he has done even though he is trying to fix and change I won’t let the past be I need prayer for this Union I need prayer to let go I need prayer to forgive him cold heartedly without holding his wrong doings towards him. Spiritually I’m drained I don’t ask for help but god is my last resort before I end a union because I’m emotionally broken

    1. Lakeita, I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time in your marriage. Thank you for asking me to pray. I am blessed to lift you and your husband up to the Lord and ask Him to cover you both with His love and guide you with His wisdom in the days ahead. God bless you!

  24. Lord, we have been together for 10 year help me and Jonathan Antipolo Cabasag to love each other and to make this feeling mutual for both of us, we’ve been through a lot of hardships and we have been strong in you loving heart please help us that we will be reunited one day, I know we both love each other, please pray for me

    1. I am praying for you, Kathleen! May God bless you and hold you close!

  25. Great relationship repair prayers.

    Please pray to restore, our relationship, Anna, her young daughter and myself, to overflowing love, trust and forgiveness. Help us to be dedicated and committed to each other. I feel Anna is surrounded by many negative forces, clouding her heart, mind and actions, keeping them away from me. Also please pray for our healing and patience.
    Thank you and in the name of Jesus, Amen

  26. Irene Odongakara says:

    Please help pray for my broken relationship.I have been with Emmanuel Matovu for 5 yrs we are not married and with a son named Eugene Sean Kamoga,3 years old. We are all Ugandans.I love my family so much and i need my boyfriend back.My name is Irene Odongkara.

    1. I am praying for you and for your family, Irene! May God bless you and grant you the desire of your heart.

  27. Tijaana Johnson says:

    Hi and pleasant good morning to all! My name is Tijaana Johnson and I’m here to asked for help to mend my broken relationship with St. Clair Eldon Alphonzo. I ask that your prayer can help us to love each other again, help us forgive each other, help us to grow a stronger relationship than before, help us to get to know God and to always have him in our heart & to keep our family together. Please I’m asking for your help in Jesus name Amen

  28. Thank You, for your website.
    Many Blessings

  29. Aigbe favour says:

    Thank you for the prayer, it really helped. Pls help me pray that God restores my relationship. My name is favour. And that God should grant him the heart to tolerate and forgive easily.????

  30. I ask humbly for a prayer, though I trust the Lord I feel like I need all hands on deck, I want to restore my relationship with my ex, Alexis. We are both in new relationships now but I can’t get past it, I feel like we have this bond that is meant to be. Please, dear God please help mw, I want to be with her please

    1. We are praying for you, Eric! God bless you!

  31. Please pray for the lord
    To restore my relationship with TRUST
    I ask that your prayer can help us to love each other again,help us to forgive each other ,help us to grow a stronger relationship than before help to know God and to always have him in how hearts ,and That every satanic power going against
    The blessings in my relationship that the rain of fire should consume it in.Jesus name please help me pray

  32. gabrielle says:

    Please pray God will restore my relationships with my son Andrew and my friend Robby I am believing God to do a miracle in both of these. Pray that their hearts will soften open and come back to me pray that they are not hard-hearted stubborn and proud. Pray that they will remember my love and kindness and miss me and come back to me. Praying for forgiveness and love. Pray to I will remain hopeful and patient till God answers my prayer. I have been praying over this for many months now. I cannot seem to give up my prayers are persistent but I am not seeing results.

    1. I’m so sorry, Gabrielle! We have broken relationships in our family and they are very painful. I’m praying for you and asking God to give you His peace as He works on hearts and minds. Praying that you will enjoy the blessing of healed and restored relationships. God bless you!

  33. Deb, please pray for me and Vic. We have been together 2+ years and were to elope 3 weeks ago. We broke up about 1 month 2 weeks ago and I am completely torn. I continue to try and act in my flesh and fix things that only God can fix in the spirit. I believe he is supposed to be my husband but the enemy has attacked us and I was not spiritually ready due to my lack of consistency in my Faith.
    I worry, fear, do not trust at times and my joyful confidence is being tested. Im standing on Gods word that he will restore. Please… please pray

    1. Marcia, I’m so sorry. That is a lot of emotion to process. I’m praying for you … asking God to comfort you and give you His perfect peace and He guides and directs you in the days ahead. God bless you!

  34. Lydia Hauw says:

    Hi, I really need more support on restoring and bringing my boyfriend, Herry Widjaya back to me. I miss him so much and has been praying for God to bring us back together as I believe he is the one for me. Thank you, God bless.

    1. I’m praying for you, Lydia … asking God to give you His peace and bless you with a restored relationship. God bless you!

      1. Lydia Hauw says:

        Thank you Debra. We are back together and I am really thankful for your kindness and most importantly, I am thankful to God. Thank you Jesus;i love you

  35. Lydia Hauw says:

    Really thankful For God ‘s grace and your website. Me and my bf had a break a week ago and I was devastated. Yet I believe God is able to change to situation so I keep praying all the time. I deepen my relationship with Him and I ask for forgiveness and healing for both of me and my bf. Tonight we finally reconcile together and I know God’s will is working for both of us. Keep praying, God is able, God is kind and God is amazing.

  36. Hi, I really need more support on restoring and bringing my boyfriend/ fiance, Tony back to me. I miss him so much and has been praying for God to bring us back together as I believe he is the one for me. We had issues because I didn’t accept our marriage to be this year but I pleaded for extension of time till next year when I will be done with my law school program. But I want him back and then we can marry Thank you, God bless.

  37. Hi Deb ,please pray for me and Tony , please pray for God to restored our broken relationship ,we’v been going out for a couple of months ,were friend for 6 years before we started dating ,it was very serious and we were discussing marriage , but I can’t explain what happened its like a bad dream and it left me totally broken , he just started withdrawing emotionally from me I think he is seeing someone else but am not sure , I believe he is suppose to be my husband but the devil is trying to tear us apart ,we’v not spoken for close to 6 weeks he just stopped talking to me , I’ll keep praying because I believe he is a miracle working God

    1. I am so sorry you are going through this painful time. I’m praying for you and asking God to give you His peace and to work all things for His glory in your life. God bless you!

  38. Please help pray for me. My relationship is broken and we are apart. My partner is with another woman but has been in touch to say he still thinks of me.
    How will I know if it is gods will to restore this relationship
    Help me in prayer
    Thank you

    1. I am so sorry, Helen. I am praying and asking God to give you His peace and wisdom! God bless you!

  39. Annie April says:

    Hello Deb,

    Your article was a blessing and hope to my heart today. I and Jamie are in love with each other for 4 years now and because of a bitterness in our relationship his heart is hardened towards me. Please remember us in your prayers. All my efforts failed to mend this up. Thank you!

    1. I’m so sorry, Annie! I am praying for you and Jamie! God bless you!



    1. I am so sorry you are struggling with this, Rochelle. I am praying for you and for your relationship! God bless you!

  41. Hello Deb,

    I appreciate this post and I will ask God to hear my prayers and cries for healing in my relationship. I have been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now and I want nothing more than to become his wife and he my husband. I have become so insecure and wrapped myself in negative thinking and questioning him and our love has been so torn. We now have a 2 month old and have spent the past week apart. We decided to clean the slate even prior to this and I just couldn’t stop my negative thoughts and worries take over and letting the wounds from my past hurts not interfere. Of course he has his wounds too and his issues as well that have played a part. I am hoping you can please pray for Josh and I to give ourselves fully to God and I’m hoping for a miracle. I am asking Him to renew, restore, and heal what has been broken individually and also together. I would greatly appreciate your prayers.

    God bless you and thank you! ❤️
    Sarah Jean

    1. Sarah, I’m so glad you visited and paused to bless me by allowing me to pray for you. Congratulations on your new little one. You’re right, we are all wounded and we bring our scars with us into our relationships. I’m praying for you and asking God to help you heal individually and together. God be with you and bless you and your family!

  42. My heart is broken over my daughters broken relationship with one another. They have not spoken in almost three weeks and we live in the same home. I’m at a loss for what to say or do about it. Praying these prayers over them and asking for God to do a miraculous work in their hearts.

    1. I am so sorry, Melissa! It is hard to watch our children hurt and hurt each other. Praying for you all. God bless you!