Day 37 – God, Please Help Me – I Don’t Want to be Afraid

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I spent way too many years of my life terrified of “what ifs.”

Life can be hard and bad things happen.

And that thought that frequently sent my anxiety levels through the roof.

Maybe you struggle with fear and anxiety.

And maybe, just maybe, you’re tired of living with the knot in your stomach that’s keeping you from living the life you know God wants for you.

If so, please pray with me…

Life can be hard and bad things happen and but I don't want to be afraid. So, I'm praying and asking for God's help to live bold and unafraid. #Prayer #Bible #Faith #MountainMovingPrayers #BlessingCounter

God, Please Help Me – I Don’t Want to be Afraid

Father, I need Your help.

I don’t want to live overwhelmed by fear anymore. I’m tired of worry and anxiety and “what ifs” that hold me back.

I’m sorry, Father. I know the real source of my fear is a lack of faith. I have somehow believed the lie that there are some things that are beyond Your ability to help and/or strengthen me to endure.

But starting today, with Your help, I will reject that lie and reject fear.

Oh, Father, I know there will still be things that appear frightening … unknowns that will unsettle me.

But by Your grace, I will quickly surrender every anxious thought to You in prayer.

Like David, I will proclaim who You are in my life…

 When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you. Psalm 56:3

Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for You are close beside me. Psalm 23:4

You are my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? (based on Psalm 27:1)

I praise You for what You have promised. I trust in You, so why should I be afraid? (based on Psalm 56:4)

This I declare about the Lord. He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God, and I trust Him. Psalm 91:2

I will remember all the countless ways You’ve helped, protected, and strengthened me in the past.

I will remember the times.

I prayed to You, and You answered me. The times You delivered me and freed me from my fears. (based on Psalm 34:4)

Life can be hard and bad things happen and but I don't want to be afraid. So, I'm praying and asking for God's help to live bold and unafraid. #Prayer #Bible #Faith #MountainMovingPrayers #BlessingCounter

You have been my refuge and strength … always ready to help me in times of trouble. (based on Psalm 46:1)

Father, please help me keep my heart and mind focused on You. Help me remember all the ways You’ve strengthened me in the past. Help me run to You in prayer when the enemy tempts and taunts me with the world’s possible problems. And help me hold Your promises close to my heart.

With Your help, I will focus on what is true today. Do what I can and surrender the rest to You. And trust the blessing of Your beyond understanding peace in any storm You allow.

Thank You, Father. Your grace is sufficient. Your mercy underserved. And Your love unfailing. All because of Jesus. In whose name I pray. Amen.

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  1. It’s exactly what I do when fear or anxiety hits – run to God for help! He will always comfort.
    Blessings, Deb!

  2. Thanks for these scriptures to fight against fear. It’s a battle I’m quite familiar with too.
    Have a blessed 2019, Deb!

  3. Things always look worse at night. Anxiety breeds in darkness. I know there’s a lesson there somewhere but for today, in the new light, I will trust God as you so beautifully encouraged me to do so. Amen and Happy New Year/New Light, my friend. PS I’m starting to host a link up – it, too, is a little scary, – it begins next Wednesday and I can’t wait til the first one is OVER! Please send any help/tips/prayers my way. . .or emails…

  4. I understand this one!
    It came down to allowing God to be God in my life & my loved ones lives…Otherwise I was trying to control God! I don’t think many think about that. Fear & control…

    Otherwise I was not trusting Him & His power to overcome the concerns & fears I had…it is such a more peaceful place to be at now.

    Thank you Deb Enjoy your New Year celebrations!

  5. Stephanie Gammon says:

    Help me to remember. Focus on what’s true. What a beautiful post and beautiful prayer. Thanks!

  6. Deb, hope your New Year is off to a blessed and peaceful start. Thanks for hosting. I love the fact that you share so much of God’s Word. I frequently share your posts from Pinterest tribes.

  7. Thank you.i have a prayer request for my son who is struggling to finish his sch

    1. I’m lifting up your son in prayer, Mollin. God be with and bless you both.