How to Know If This Is the Time To Be Bold with Faith

I have to admit that for most of my life I haven’t had to think much about being persecuted for my faith.
Oh sure, when I was in Bible Studies as a teen, I was asked to think about whether or not I would be strong enough to stand firm and bold in my faith if I was faced with death. We read verses like:
Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers.
Matthew 24:9
Jesus said that His followers would be persecuted before His glorious return but for most of my life in the United States – it was not something we had to think about much. Sure we read about it happening in other countries and we prayed for Christians around the world . . . but it wasn’t happening here.
It feels different today, doesn’t it?
Around the world, more people are being persecuted and dying for their faith . . . in our own country churches are closed, Christians are being sued, and their voices are being silenced. The social pressure to hide our faith is prevalent and powerful.
Not unlike the atmosphere that Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemas faced at the time of Christ.
Joseph was a leader and honored member of the Jewish high council of which Nicodemus was also a member. Had their faith been made known they would have faced the loss of their positions, their influence, and possibly their prosperity.
But Jesus’ death changed them . . . Joseph provided a new unused tomb and together he and Nicodemus cared for Jesus’ body and laid Him there.
Joseph of Arimathea, who had been a secret disciple of Jesus (because he feared the Jewish leaders), asked Pilate for permission to take down Jesus’ body . . . With him came Nicodemus, the man who had come to Jesus at night.
John 19:38a,39
The Life Application Notes add:
When confronted with Jesus and His death, we [like Joseph and Nicodemus] should be changed—to believe, proclaim, and act.
A Prayer to Be Bold in Faith
Father, please give me the courage to be bold in my faith. It’s so easy to be frightened by the opinions of people and swayed by the power of those who seem to be in control. But Your Word tells me to be “strong and courageous.” It promises that You are with me and that you will never fail nor abandon Your children. (Deuteronomy 31:6) Thank you for making me Your child. Thank you for showing me the love of Jesus.
Please prompt my heart to SEEK Your will. Help me honor a commitment to read and study Your Word that I might know what You say not just what others say about what You say. Please give me everything I need to stand strong and be bold in faith. Give me the courage to speak Your truth with gentleness and respect when appropriate and the strength to boldly confront sin when You ask.
I pray that people will see Your love in me and that when they do, they will want the blessing of Your living loving presence as well. I love You, Lord. Bless me and use me for Your glory. Amen.
Friend, I’m not suggesting that we are all called to get involved in all the political battles that are taking place right now.
What I am inviting you to consider is that we have all been called to be bold and to stand strong in Jesus as we shine the light of His love.
[Jesus] told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”
Mark 16:15
And Paul gave us an example…
I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. And my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.
1 Corinthians 2:3–5
On today’s note write:
God give me the courage to be bold in my faith.
May God be with you today and give you everything you need to be bold and courageous in your faith.
Click here to read the rest of John 19.
There’s never been a greater need in our country as there is now to be bold in our faith, Deb. Yes, Lord, give us all the courage and strength to stand out and stand up for You!
Amen, Martha! May God give us everything we need to stand in faith and courageously share the truth of His love. Blessings!
Amen Martha!! I never imagined all this happening in this country…but then again, when they took prayer out of school and the Ten Commandments out of Federal and State buildings, I knew then our country was on its way to turning its back on God. And too, the Bible says, Christians will be persecuted. Blessings for a great post, Deb! The time is now to be bold in faith and steadfast in fearlessness!
Thank you, Kathy! God bless you!
Yes Deb, we all need to stand firm in our faith. We are surely being tested as Christians today. Persecution for our faith comes in different forms. The world seems out of control. Sickness, violence, wars and famines and in some places your people are persecuted for practising their faith. Even those closest to us, can ridicule us for our faith. We do not have to be afraid, You are in control. Lord Jesus, let us be shining examples in the world today. May the spirit of the living God, strengthen us and give us the courage, to proclaim the good news.
Blessings my friend and thank you for this reminder to stand up for God in our daily lives.
Angela – Ireland
Amen, Angela! I’m praying with you that He will give us everything we need to courageously share His Good News. God’s blessings!
Hi Deb.
I agree that now is the time to stand for Him. We need to be the hope and light for others in this world. Thank you for these powerful words!
That is my prayer, Tammy! That more and more of His children will be bold and stand strong on His truth. Thanks for visiting and stopping to leave your kind encouragement. Blessings, my friend!
I often think I could not prevail under torture and I pray I will never be tested that way. We do need to stand up for Jesus, sometimes I am not sure how. Thank you for this post Deb.
Me too, Angela! My prayer is that God will give us His supernatural strength whenever we need it. I rely on His Spirit every day praying and trusting that He will keep His promise to meet every need. God bless you, my friend!
AMEN ????????♥️❗️Thank YOU Deb AND I know We ALWAYS Need PRAY For Our MISSIONARIES And PERSECUTED Brothers And Sisters In CHRIST ????WE CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE WHAT They ARE going through Bc The News ISNT reporting IT❗️❗️????????????????UNLESS You See it On CBN . G-d♥️Bless
God bless you, Cheri! Yes, it’s so important for all of us to continue to pray for fellow believers as the spiritual battle is real and for many it is being lived out in persecution. Thanks so much for visiting and for blessing the conversation!