How You and I Can Make a Difference Through the Power of Encouragement

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Not everyone is called to preach or teach but we can all change a life through the power of encouragement touching one person at a time with faith and hope. #Encouragement #Hope #Faith #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

Rev and I reminisce often about the wonderful people who have blessed us through encouragement.

There have been teachers, professors, church members, and countless others who have given us hope to carry on when we felt like failures. but one stands out specifically…

He was a pastor, author, and friend who was also an amazing Bible Teacher. One Sunday, he asked Rev to fill in and teach his class for him. We were all surprised to see him walk in and sit in the back as this first-year Sem student taught Bible Class for the first time. As he closed with prayer, Rev felt like a total newbie failure. But this encourager walked up, put his arm around him, and said, “Isn’t this young man going to make a wonderful pastor!”

Those words kept a discouraged kid from quitting the Seminary by giving him hope for the future.

Not every Christian is called to preach or teach but every one of us can change a life through the power of encouragement.

When [Barnabas] arrived and saw this evidence of God’s blessing, he was filled with joy, and he encouraged the believers to stay true to the Lord. Barnabas was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and strong in faith. And many people were brought to the Lord.

Acts 11:23–24

I love the fact that although Joseph was his real name, everyone called him “Barnabas” which means, “son of encouragement.” He was so well know for encouraging people it became his nickname!

Wouldn’t it be great if that could be said of all Christians everywhere? Can you imagine how we could make a difference and change lives if we were known as consistent encouragers?

Who in your life could use a word of encouragement? I’d imagine it’s just about everyone you know! Maybe it’s the person in the next room or next door. Maybe it’s the person who helped you that you barely noticed because they were stuck behind a mask. Or maybe it’s the person who is cranky because they’re having a horrible terrible no good very bad day.

Not everyone is called to preach or teach but we can all change a life through the power of encouragement touching one person at a time with faith and hope. #Encouragement #Hope #Faith #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

A Prayer to Make a Difference Through the Power of Encouragement

Father, thank you for putting people in my life who have encouraged me in faith and in life. Thank you for teachers and mentors, pastors and coaches, and especially for friends who have spoken words of kindness, faith, and hope into my life.

Father, thank you for Your Word that encourages me every day. Thank you for Your promises that give me hope for the future. Thank you for Jesus who makes all things possible.

Please make me a kind and caring encourager. Help me look for the best in people. Help me see them as people You love . . . people You want to know You, trust You, and love You. Help me love like Jesus. I believe that Your love is the encouragement that has the power to make a difference in every life. I believe because Your love is the encouragement that made a difference in mine. I thank You and praise You forever and always. Amen.

Not everyone is called to preach or teach but we can all change a life through the power of encouragement touching one person at a time with faith and hope. #Encouragement #Hope #Faith #CountingMyBlessings #WWGGG

You know, it’s funny . . . I’ve never heard of anyone being criticized for giving too much encouragement.

God is able to use it to save lives and win souls.

Then Barnabas went on to Tarsus to look for Saul. When he found him, he brought him back to Antioch.

Acts 11:25–26a

Many scholars believe it may have been as long as 14 years from the time Paul was converted until his preaching ministry really began. Because of his past, most Christians still didn’t trust him.

But Barnabas went and got him to help the church in Antioch where together they trained and encouraged new believers to grow in faith.

On today’s note write:

With God’s help, I will make a difference through the power of encouragement.

May God bless you with the power of encouragement today and help you bless and encourage the people around you.

Click here to read the rest of Acts 11.

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  1. Encouragement of others should never be underrated, Deb. We all need it in our lives, and I love the story you shared about Rev. Yes, encouraging words can make all the difference.

    1. Amen, Martha! We do all need it! Encouragement is a source of fuel I believe God uses to help keep us moving forward. Blessings, my friend!

  2. I feel it’s so much easier to give encouragement to others than to tear them down. Giving encouragement actually encourages me and lifts my spirit up. I like to think that’s God swooping in to encourage us when we encourage others. ❤

    1. I completely agree, Donna! I often say that we could almost be kind and encouraging for selfish reasons. I went out to run some errands yesterday and it was a blessed encouragement just to share smiles again. Thanks so much for visiting. Blessings!

  3. Such a good post! Everyone needs encouragement, and it costs so little…a few words, a note, a smile. As Christians we should be looking for daily opportunities to be a blessing to others. As a newbie blogger, I know I am always grateful for the encouragement I’ve received from other bloggers!

    1. Thank you so much, Tim! I appreciate your encouragement. You will love the Christian blogging community – it is full of people who love to bless others with encouragement. So glad you’ve joined us. God bless you!

  4. I love your writing. It’s so encouraging. Perhaps we should change your name to Barnabas too. We could call you Barbie for short.

    1. Oh, Julie, your comment made me smile! What a lovely thing to say! You were definitely my Barnabas today! Thanks so much!! God bless you!

  5. Angela Cahill says:

    “Encouragement” is like a solid foundation. It can be built upon in our daily interactions with others. A kind word can go a long way! We should use every opportunity that a God gives us to encourage our brothers and sisters….when we do this, we are building up the kingdom of God and blessing ourselves at the same time. Deb you encourage us all everyday……thank you!

    Angela – Ireland

    1. Amen, Angela! I love reading stories where people just keep passing on kindness one person to the next. I love how God can use a simple act to touch many lives. Blessings and hugs!