Why It’s Important to Focus On Jesus as We Live Through Revelation

I sometimes wonder where we are in the end times spectrum.
I wonder what if any events have taken place already and what the future will be like going forward.
Rev and I were talking the other day, about the challenges of understanding John’s writing of God’s plan. There are some who take it literally and some as simply a symbolic representation of the continuing struggle between good and evil.
And I guess I fall somewhere in between. I keep trying to imagine what it was like for John to understand visions of things that would happen far in the distant future and write them, as he was guided by the Holy Spirit, for people at that time. God’s message to people who can’t possibly fully understand His ways.
Did John see visions of technology . . . of jets, rockets, bombs, etc.? How do you explain things that have not yet been invented to people who can’t possibly comprehend what you’re trying to describe? How do you describe things you don’t fully understand?
Chapter 9 of Revelation describes a time of intensifying evil…
Then locusts came from the smoke and descended on the earth, and they were given power to sting like scorpions. They were told not to harm the grass or plants or trees, but only the people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
Revelation 9:3–4
So, although this sounds terrifying, God continues to show His grace toward those who trust and follow Him. Nothing can harm the soul of the believer who is focused on Jesus.
Jesus said:
“Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell.”
Matthew 10:28
But for the soul that doesn’t believe:
But the people who did not die in these plagues still refused to repent of their evil deeds and turn to God.
Revelation 9:20
It’s true, there are will always be those who insist on trying to find secular solutions to spiritual problems.
So, as you and I read and study these warnings from John’s writings, as we look around at all that’s happening in the world . . . things that sound like the fulfillment of his prophecies, we want to focus on Jesus. We want to humbly repent, resist temptation and sin, and SEEK the Lord above all else.
We should remove from our lives anything that would get in the way and the sin that so easily holds us back. Let us look only to Jesus, the One who began our faith and who makes it perfect. He suffered death on the cross. But he accepted the shame as if it were nothing because of the joy that God put before him. And now he is sitting at the right side of God’s throne.
Hebrews 12:1b–2 (NCV)
And because nothing else matters more, we should intentionally share His message with those who so desperately need to know His message of truth and love.
A Prayer to Focus on Jesus Through Revelation Events
Father, thank you for wanting us to know about the trials and troubles of the end of the age. Thank you for warning us of the ways the enemy will work to terrorize and tempt us to look for worldly solutions to spiritual problems. Thank you for your promises to watch over and protect the souls of Your children. Thank you for Jesus.
Please forgive me for allowing distractions and disruptions to upset me. Please give me everything I need to remain focused on the One who gave everything to save my soul. Help me intentionally pause to be still in Your Word and prayer. Fill me with Your Spirit and grant me wisdom and discernment that I might know the truth and live with faith whatever the day holds. Please help me hold dear that which You call important through the events of the end times. Remove my fear and give me courage and strength as I share the truth of Your love. Please help me focus on Jesus, in whose name I pray. Amen.
When the enemy tries to frighten us with wars and rumors of war, pandemics, famine, financial uncertainty, or even threats of death . . . we have God’s truth to encourage and strengthen us:
I hold you by your right hand—
Isaiah 41:13, 14b
I, the Lord your God.
And I say to you,
‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.
I am the Lord, your Redeemer.
I am the Holy One of Israel.’
On today’s note write:
When the enemy tries to worry me through world events or personal circumstances, I will focus on Jesus.
May God bless you today and fill you with His peace as you focus on Jesus.
Click here to read the rest of Revelation 9.
WHEN THE ENEMY TRIES TO WORRY ME THROUGH WORLD EVENTS OR PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES, I WILL FOCUS ON JESUS. – This is powerful…I think I will print this and hang on my refrigerator…gentle reminders…thank you Deb.
Thank you, Lily! Blessings and hugs! I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Keeping my eyes on Jesus!
Blessings, Deb!
I wanted to let you know I appreciate the weekday posts you have done this year. This has been the first year in a long time where I actually have kept to a bible reading plan and didn’t get overwhelmed, behind and then given up. It has been nice to have this as a “companion” to my bible reading.
Oh, Michele, thank you so very much! I love being able to do this and it truly blesses me when I learn that it has helped someone in their Bible Study. You made my day! God be with you and bless you!
Amen to whatLily said! I’m putting your quote on my frig too! As always, I love your prayers, Deb! I’ve been known to print out several of those!! You bless me everyday!! Love you!
Thank you so much, Kathy! I am so very blessed by your kindness. Your encouragement means so much to me. Blessings and hugs!
It is true, Deb, you do help a lot of people. You are easy to understand, and the daily readings are not overwhelming. I appreciate your dedication and often wonder how you find the correct words every day!
Oh, Jean, I appreciate your kindness. I am humbled by your question. I don’t know that I have the right words, I just love sharing my love for the Lord. And I have a consistent prayer . . . Lord, give me the words You want me to write, send them where You want them to go, and use them for Your glory. Amen.
Thanks for blessing me with your words. God bless you!
Hello Deb , you’re always encouraging me thanks . May the Grace of our Lord be with you !
Thank you so much, Caroline. I truly appreciate your kindness. god bless you!