Need Help? You Can Run to the Lord for Everything You Need

What do you do when you need help?
Not help with the kids or help around the house.
But help with your emotions.
What do you do when your heart hurts? When you’re worried? When you’re afraid? Overwhelmed? Upset? Frustrated? Sad? Lonely? Stressed?
I wish I could say, I always run to Jesus first . . . but typically, I let the feelings take over for a time until the Spirit gets my attention and reminds me that I don’t have to carry my burdens alone.
I can take everything to God in prayer.
The Holy Spirit prompted Paul to write:
Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank Him for all he has done.
Philippians 4:6
Recently, I reread one of my old prayer journals. It’s a place where I write my thoughts, scripture verses, inspiring quotes, etc. Each day’s prayer entry begins with Praise. I then move on to Repentance. Then I add my Asks and Thanks. And finally, I Yield it all . . . I say, “Your will be done.”
As I read over past prayers, I realized that almost every ASK began with the words, “Please Help!”
Please help heal. Please help comfort. Please help strengthen. Please help and direct. Please help…
And the more I read, the more I was overwhelmed by His faithfulness to answer prayer.
God helps. He helps when we’re afraid, discouraged, frustrated, lonely, worried, or __________. He helps comfort, strengthen, encourage, calm, and so much more.
When you and I need help . . . He is Jehovah Ezrah – The Lord my Helper!
I’ve asked you all to share your favorite verses and several of you shared Psalm 46:1.
God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.
We don’t often go on and add the verses that follow:
So we will not fear when earthquakes come and the mountains crumble into the sea. Let the oceans roar and foam. Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!
Psalm 46:2–3
We won’t fear viruses, inflation, crime, or anything else.
God is our help.
Psalm 146 adds:
Joyful are those who have the God of Israel as their helper, whose hope is in the Lord their God.
Psalm 146:5–6
He made heaven and earth, the sea, and everything in them. He keeps every promise forever.
And it goes on . . . He gives. He frees. He opens. He lifts up. He loves. He protects. He cares. He reigns.
He helps!
Let’s thank God for being our Help in times of trouble.
A Prayer Thanking God for
Being Jehovah Ezrah When We Need Help
Father, You are Jehovah Ezrah. You are my help. Thank you.
Thank you for inviting me to bring my burdens to You (Matthew 11:28). Thank you for loving and caring for me (Jude 1:1). Thank you for hearing my prayers (Psalm 6:9). Thank you for keeping Your promises (Psalm 146:6). Thank you for Jesus (John 3:16).
I need Your help. My loved ones need Your help. We all need You. Life is hard. Sometimes it’s really hard. Often we feel overwhelmed not knowing what to do or say. At times, I don’t even know what or how to pray.
Your Word tells me that You are my loving Father. It says that Jesus is my loving Savior and that Your Spirit is always with me. You hear every cry. You listen to my heart and hold me close. You care for me and comfort me. You are with me when I need help. You are my refuge and strength in times of trouble and I thank You. I surrender myself to You in Jesus’ precious name. Amen.
What a blessing it is to trust God’s love and care when we need help. On those days when words are few and your heart is burdened, this simple prayer will always be heard.
“Lord, please help me.”
Run to Him in prayer and live with hope.
I love these encouraging words from A. W. Tozer…
“An infinite God can give all of Himself to each of His children. He does not distribute Himself that each may have a part, but to each one He gives all of Himself as fully as if there were no others.”
Your Father loves you. He is your Helper. He is Jehovah Ezrah.
The Lord is ever our help in times of trouble, and for that, I can’t stop thanking Him.
Blessings, Deb!
I’m with you, Martha! Have a wonderful weekend!
I always thank you, but today you sent me the key to my solution! Lord bless you so much!
I’m so glad you were blessed! God be with you!
Wonderful post Deb. I had a thought of running the race holding His hand as He runs with me. His hand is always there, but sometimes I have let go and struggling by myself.
Thank you, Angela! I love that image! Thanks so much for sharing it with us. God bless you!
Glory to His name, God never looked at my inequity, my waywardness, or rebellions….but every time I had to face life’s difficulties and cried out to the Lord, He reliably always answered. He lifted my spirit, lit the light of my failing hope, strenghtened my weak knees and rekindled my little faith. The only One, Who unfailingly walked with me, Who never let my hand go, Who stood with steadfast love with me is Jesus. When all looked hopless, He brought a new beginning in my life, lit the light of faith during the deepest dark times. Filled my loneliness, warmed my cold heart and breathe life in my dead soul.
Yes, the Lord is the only One I need to face life….and with Him I won’t lose.
Recently my new “war cry” became FAITH OVER FEAR in every and all circumstances ????????
I love your testimony here, Gaby! Thank you so much for sharing it here. It certainly blessed me and I’m sure it will bless all who read it! Faith over fear – I have needed that phrase many times in my life. Praying that you have a wonderful week! God be with you!
I am struggling today. I read your post and was really strengthened. Please pray for my situation
I am so glad you were encouraged, Wendy! May the Lord be with you and bless you!