How To Live In Victory Knowing Defeat Is Temporary

Facing defeat is one of life’s more difficult challenges.
I’m not talking about sports or board games although many of us find it hard to deal with defeat in any way. I’m thinking about the times the enemy defeats us. . . the times we give in to temptation and sin.
Have you ever noticed the enemy attacks you with taunts and temptations more intentionally and intensely immediately after you’ve experienced a spiritual high or committed to spending more time with the Lord SEEKing a closer relationship with Him?
Peter wrote:
Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
1 Peter 5:8
He knew what he was talking about. He denied knowing Jesus three times just hours after he said…
“Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you!”
Matthew 26:35
The truth is whether we are trying to be strong on our own, simply getting distracted by the world, or giving in to our own foolishness . . . sometimes we’re defeated by the enemy of our souls.
David was with his army fighting a battle in the northern part of Judah when the country was attacked from the south and God allowed them to experience a temporary defeat.
You have rejected us, O God, and broken our defenses.
Psalm 60:1–2
You have been angry with us; now restore us to your favor.
You have shaken our land and split it open.
Seal the cracks, for the land trembles.
What do you do when you’re attacked, tried to fight on your own, and God has allowed you to be defeated?
There’s an important truth we need to know from David as we think about the question above…
By God’s grace, our defeat is always temporary when we humbly go to Him in repentance . . . when we ask for His help.
Isaiah wrote…
The Holy One, says this:
Isaiah 57:15
“I live in the high and holy place
with those whose spirits are contrite and humble.
I restore the crushed spirit of the humble
and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.”
God promises to restore contrite and humble crushed spirits reviving courage and giving the strength to get up and try again. Because…
Jesus won the victory and set us free from the power of sin, death, and satan.
And because of Jesus’ victory, we can go to God with repentant hearts and trust that He will forgive us and restore us.
The Bible tells us He declares us justified. We are made clean and righteous. It’s just as if we’d never been defeated. Just as if we’d never sinned.
Because of Jesus, our sin has been removed from our repentant hearts as far as the East is from the West…
He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.
Psalm 103:12
Thanks be to God, by grace alone, we can say with confidence…
Because of Jesus, my defeat is temporary.
Because of Jesus, I can live in victory.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer to Live in Victory
Father, please forgive me. I am so very sorry. I want to glorify You with every part of my life but I allowed myself to get distracted and gave in to the enemy’s temptation. I’m so disappointed in myself as I face this defeat.
Please forgive me. May this defeat be temporary in Jesus’ name. I ask that You will restore me and help me think, speak, and act in ways that lift You up in glory and honor. I want people to see You in me. I want to shine the light of Your truth and love in this world filled with lies and temptation. I want to live in victory.
Lord, I give myself to You. I surrender this day to Your care. Please guide me by the power of Your Spirit. Give me the strength I need to withstand temptation. Thank you for sending Jesus to defeat sin, death, and the enemy. Thank you for sending Jesus to save me.
By Your grace, I believe I will share in His victory; and with Your help, I will proclaim His victory and Your power to forgive, heal, and restore. I thank and praise You, now and forever. Amen.
Facing defeat is difficult. Admitting defeat is distressing.
Giving in to defeat offers us a fork in the road.
Giving in to defeat means we’ll end up in a perpetual state of disappointment and frustration.
But giving up . . . admitting our defeat, confessing our failure, and surrendering ourselves to God in repentance opens us up to His forgiveness, His help, and an opportunity to live in victory.
David ended Psalm 60 with these words.
Oh, please help us against our enemies,
Psalm 60:11–12
for all human help is useless.
With God’s help we will do mighty things,
for He will trample down our foes.
With God’s help, we can live in victory because the enemy of our souls has already been defeated for all eternity.
May God bless you and help you live in victory now and always.
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What an encouraging post to start a new week, Deb. Yes, even in defeat, we are victorious in Jesus.
Thank you, Martha! Praying you have a wonderful week! Blessings to you!
I needed this today! For me, it is the little things that sometimes cause me to be impatient, grumble or cause me to feel like I am so not worthy of God’s amazing grace. I picture the enemy of my soul, just standing back mocking and poking fun at my failures, my faults, my flaws. I know the old devil delights in winning any battle possible, but God forgives and gives me strength to keep marching on…yes, sometimes the enemy wounds me but staying the course with God, I know satan will not be the victor of the war! Blessings to all the sweet and dear warriors who gather here today for encouragement, comfort, and strength. Thank You, Deb, for being our brave Leader!
You have the best way with your words and wisdom. What you posted is so well said. I share so many of the same thoughts. You are a true blessing to me and to others.
I know that the enemy uses my insecurity to rush in and attack me. It hurts and damages, but I know that with God I have victory over this.
Thank you for what you said today. It helped me.
Thank you so much Susan! Your comments just gave my heart such a lift and a blessing to my busy day! I feel so vulnerable and unsure about my comments, but I just say what is in my heart. Bless you that you could relate! I think the harder we try and the more faithful we grow, satan comes at us more often and with
stronger jabs! If he cant tempt us in big ways, he will try in so many little ways with the usual daily tasks we all face. I agree it is hurtful and sometimes damaging, but praise God, His understanding is infinite! I think we all have that yearning to be more in community with like minded people and God blessing us with Deb and her ministry, is fulfilling that need! Bless you dear friend and sister in Christ! I look so forward to sharing more!
Thank you, Kathy! You all bless me more than I can say. I can completely relate to your words. Oh, how the enemy wants us to live in guilt and shame doubting God’s forgiveness and love. What a blessing we have in the Spirit who continuously reminds us of our Father’s amazing grace and love. Yes, to keep moving forward in faith with His help trusting that He has won the victory and when we trust Him we can say, “it is well with my soul.” Blessings to you, sweet friend!
Thank you once again Deb for your scriptures and wisdom. It really helps. I find that the enemy does strike in our weakest areas. I know what mine are and I have to be on gurard so that I don’t let him strike and lead me into temptations of self pity and anxiety. I know that God wants what is best for me and I have to stay focused on that. You are such a blessing, as is with the ladies who share their feelings and fears as well and their knowledge.
God bless you my friend. You know that we all do consider you our good and faithful friend!!!
A big Amen to what Susan said! You are such a good and faithful friend to all of us, Deb! And just in case it hasn’t dawned on you, We all need you and so appreciate you!
I am so thankful for you and all the dear ladies that come together here! Everyone is such a blessing!!
Oh, Sue, I’m with you. I have been fighting back the enemy’s temptations this morning to give in to worry and anxiety. As I addressed his lies, I felt the Spirit whisper the Lord’s words . . . “trust Me.” One day at a time living with faith. I continue to claim the promise, “my grace is sufficient.” Thank you for your words of encouragement and faith. God bless you. I am honored to be considered your friend. Blessings and hugs!
Thank you for the beautiful words and prayers. Lord I surrender myself to you that you guide me throughout my life. Give me the strength and power to defeat temptation. Please give me the spirit to be able to forgive, to heal me, and restore my heart in order to have love, peace, grace, and faith. I know you are always with me.
Have a wonderful blessed day.????♥️
What a beautiful, heartfelt prayer, Ana!! Thank you!!
Dear Ana, Your comments are always so touching and such a positive for me. You are so humble and no doubt a mighty warrior in God’s Kingdom! I too, pray for love, peace, faith and grace…praying you have a very blessed and peaceful day! Sending love and hugs your way!
What a beautiful prayer, Ana! Thank you! I prayed your words as my own prayer as well. Thanks for lifting us all up with your sweet words of faith and hope. God bless you!