How To Wake Up With More Joy In The Morning

Are you a morning person? Do you wake up with joy ready to go or does it take you several cups of coffee and quiet before you’re ready to take on the day?
It’s said that non-morning people find early-morning enthusiasts a bit obnoxious.
I used to wake our children up by singing, Rise and Shine and Give God the Glory, each morning. They thought it was fun when they were little but as they got older I’m pretty sure obnoxious would be the word they would use.
I’m still a “get up and get things done” kind of person but now it’s after my coffee and time with the Lord.
Psalm 59 begins like many others with one of David’s pleas for help…
“Rescue me. Protect me. Save me. See what’s happening and help me.” (v. 1,2,4)
What does having joy in the morning have to do with crying out to God for help?
David had cried out and received God’s help often enough that after he’d voiced his need for help he quickly turned his focus from his problems to the Problem Solver.
You are my strength; I wait for You to rescue me,
Psalm 59:9–10
for You, O God, are my fortress.
In His unfailing love, my God will stand with me.
He will let me look down in triumph on all my enemies.
David trusted God to give him strength, stand with him, and watch over him. David knew he was not alone and that the Lord was well aware of his circumstances and He was able to save him.
That’s why David could say…
But as for me, I will sing about your power.
Psalm 59:16–17
Each morning I will sing with joy about Your unfailing love.
For You have been my refuge,
a place of safety when I am in distress.
O my Strength, to you I sing praises,
for You, O God, are my refuge,
the God who shows me unfailing love.
David could have joy in the morning because he trusted God’s unfailing love and His power to help. Why? Because he remained mindful of all the ways God has shown him love and helped him in the past.
That’s why it has been so important for me to count my blessings at the end of each day. I need to intentionally thank God every night for things like moments of joy and laughter, strength, hope, for Jesus, and the gift of faith.
When I pause as I lay my head on the pillow and close my eyes to prayerfully remember His blessings, I can cry out to God for help, and trust Him to respond with unfailing love and provision. When I remember all He’s done for me that day I know I can give Him a joyful tomorrow.
I’ve learned that…
Nighttime gratitude leads to joy in the morning.
Let’s pray…
A Prayer for Joy in the Morning
Father, thank you for hearing my prayer. You invite me to bring my burdens to You. (Matthew 11:28) You tell me not to worry but to pray about everything . . . to tell You my needs and thank You for all You have done. (Philippians 4:6–7) And You promise that I will receive Your mercy and grace to help me when I need it most. (Hebrews 4:16)
I am humbled and so very thankful. You made me and watch over me. I don’t deserve any of Your blessings and yet, You forgive me and give me peace, strength, hope, comfort, victory over sin and death, patience and encouragement, and the promise of life with You forever.
Thank you! Thank you!
Please forgive me for taking Your many blessings for granted. I have cried out to You so many times and You have provided for me again and again. And I know there are countless things that You have done that haven’t even seen.
I want to thank and praise You with all my life. I want to live each moment for Your glory. And I want to end each day with gratitude and celebrate each new morning with joy. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Many of us begin each day by scrolling through the morning headlines or checking out our friends on social media.
And we end the day by lifting up our needs in prayer crying out about our cares and concerns . . . after we finally put down our phones and turn off the light.
God wants us to come to Him with everything—the good, bad, and in-between.
But thinking about my thoughts, attitudes, and the way I live my life, I wonder if we all wouldn’t enjoy more peace and happiness if we ended the day with gratitude to prepare our hearts to wake up with joy in the morning.
Give thanks for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Ephesiasn 5:20
Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
Psalm 30:5b
May you be blessed as you practice nighttime gratitude that leads to joy in the morning.
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Love your posts! They bring me to tears, for sometimes I forget to thank God for what He brings to me, and yet, I never forget to ask Him and trust Him for what I need!.
You are a blessing in my life.
Thank you so much, Debbi. Your sweet encouragement truly blessed my day. May the Lord be with you and bless you with much joy!
I’ve been struggling lately. Your post this morning was just what I needed. Thank you.
I’m so glad it was an encouragement, Kay. Thank you for letting me know! God bless you!
The moment I wake up, I tell Jesus good morning and give my day to God, as it truly belongs to Him and not me! I ask His will for the day and pray that I can glorify and honor Him in whatever He has planned for me. Then I too. grab that cup of coffee and go to my favorite quiet spot to praise, pray, read, study and worship! And through out the day, no matter what is going on, I am thinking, and talking with Him in my silent heart prayers. As bedtime approaches, even if sad things or bad things affected me that day, I know there are still so many beautiful and wonderful blessings to be grateful and thankful for. 24/7 with God is my motto, my joy, my peace, and my comfort. I am so humbled to be so loved by ONE who is so GREAT! And please know that You, Deb, are one of the very blessings I am so thankful for! Your posts and your beautiful prayers extend an even greater dimension into learning and loving my God all the more! God knew just what I needed and led me to you! I keep you and Rev in thought and prayer, precious friend.
Kathy, thank you so much for sharing this with us. When we place our hearts and minds on the Lord with gratitude it changes every part of every day. It truly is the only way to live with peace, joy, hope, and so much more! Thank you for your kind words also. I truly appreciate your sweet encouragement. Thank you for your prayers and your friendship. God bless you!
Voicing our continual gratitude to God and all His blessings certainly brings me great joy, Deb. A thankful heart is the best way to ensure that joy rules our day.
Amen, Martha! Blessing counting with gratitude is the quickest way to change my attitude. I living with joy is just a lot more fun! Blessings, my friend! Have a wonderful weekend!
Amen Amen
I didn’t always try to pray with on Wednesday, Monday and Friday. I have come to know that the impossible is possible with God.
Love you much.
Thank you for visiting, Sarah, and for taking the time to lift me up with this kind word. Many blessings!
Thank you for a lovely post to remind me that I need to talk to God more often. I do say a prayer when I rise and several prayers before bed. You are a great inspirational writer which I look forward in reading daily so I can remember to always thank God for his love, peace, grace, mercy, and blessings. Have a wonderful blessed day and weekend. ????????
Thank you for your encouragement, Ana! May the Lord be with you and bless you!
Thank you for this beautiful post. I love the mornings too. I love the fresh start to the day. I am a morning person and always have been. I start my day with prayer and praise to the Lord. The quiet of the morning is such a special time and I call it my special time with God. Praising and singing is wonderful, Deb. I think it is so nice that you started the day for your children like that. I don’t sing so good, but I sure do love to!!
I hope that you have a beautiful weekend and God bless you, my friend.
There’s nothing better than being able to start the day with the Lord. I know my day just feel right if I move on to busyness and miss my time in prayer and study. Blessings and hugs!
What I great idea! I always try to start joyful by letting my first thoughts when I wake up, be a conversation of gratitude and surrender to God.
I love that, Eleanor. What a wonderful way to start the day! God bless you!
Thank you for this post and the verses, encouragement and teaching!
You and your devotional teachings from the Word are just one more thing to thank God for!
Thank you, Monday! What a lovely word of kindness for which I’m thankful! God bless you!