How to Live Every Day with Hope and Joy, Confidence and Anticipation

A little over a year into our marriage, Rev was contacted by an attorney who said that his elderly great aunt had died and left him a $500 savings bond.
We were both surprised and grateful. You see, Rev was a full-time student at the seminary and I was a parochial school teacher. That was more money than I made in an entire month. (Yes, we’re that old! Ha)
The Apostle Peter began his letter reminding all who read it of the “priceless inheritance” we have waiting for us:
All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by his great mercy that we have been born again, because God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. Now we live with great expectation, and we have a priceless inheritance—an inheritance that is kept in heaven for you, pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change and decay. And through your faith, God is protecting you by his power until you receive this salvation…
1 Peter 1:3–5a
An earthy inheritance can buy “stuff.” But the truth is “stuff” doesn’t last. I can’t begin to list the things that I was thrilled to purchase that were eventually given away or placed in the trash!
But the “priceless inheritance” we have in Jesus will last eternally. Or as I used to like to say with students . . . forever and ever and ever and ALWAYS!! That inheritance is being “kept in heaven” it is “pure and undefiled, beyond the reach of change or decay.”
When you look around and problems overwhelm you pause and remember the promised priceless inheritance that is waiting for you.
The Life Application Bible Notes add:
No matter what trials or persecution you may face, [because you are born again in Christ Jesus] your soul cannot be harmed.
And as Peter wrote, that is a wonderful reason to “praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!” We can live with hope and joy, confidence and anticipation because of all that God has given us in and through Christ Jesus.
A Prayer to Remember My Priceless
Inheritance and Live with Hope and Joy
Father, I am overwhelmed. You continually pour love over people who are sinful and foolish . . . all to bring us into Your Kingdom of grace and mercy. You sent Jesus, who gave His life to suffer our punishment and through Him, You have made it possible for us to be born again into lives of hope and joy, confidence, and anticipation. You have given us the promise of a forever life with You in heaven and that is a priceless inheritance.
Your Word tells me that whatever is going on in my life . . . Jesus is with me (Matthew 28:20), You will never leave me or forsake me (Hebrews 13:5), You will give me strength (Psalm 68:35), You will guide me (Psalm 73:24), You forgive me (1 John 1:9), I am set free (John 8:36), and You give me the promise of an eternity in heaven (2 Peter 3:13).
Please help me set my heart and mind on You. Help me trust You completely. Help me hold Your promises close to my heart and live every day with hope and joy. I pray this in the name of Jesus’, the One who makes my priceless inheritance possible. Amen.
There are those who have dreamt about receiving a large inheritance or winning the lottery only to spend through it and end up worse off than they were before.
The wonderful news about this priceless inheritance we have waiting for us is that it will last forever and for those who are in Christ . . . no one and nothing can take it away from us.
The Lord has promised:
“From eternity to eternity I am God. No one can snatch anyone out of my hand. No one can undo what I have done.”
Isaiah 43:13
So you and I can live today with hope and joy! We can face tomorrow with confidence and anticipation.
We can LIVE knowing that our souls are safe in the Lord now and forever and ever and ever and ALWAYS!
On today’s note write:
Praise God! Because of Jesus I can live with hope and joy, confidence and anticipation!
May God bless you and fill you with faith and protect you with His power.
This was such a blessing to me. It’s so true we spend hard to get money on stuff that does get thrown away in the trash or given away it’s a beautiful reminder that our soul is safe with Jesus. I loved this blog. (Article).
Thank you so much, Brenda! I so appreciate your kindness and encouragement. God be with you and bless you!
I will focus on my priceless inheritance, not what treasures the world has to offer.
Blessings, Deb!
That is my faithful prayer for myself, too! Blessings, Martha!