5 Helpful Verses to Pray When You Want the Truth

Do you ever feel like screaming … I just want the truth? Please just tell me the truth!
I think that’s why I love God’s Word so very much. I believe that the Bible is absolute truth. It is where I have learned God’s unchanging and everlasting promises.
David wrote…
“God’s way is perfect.
2 Samuel 22:31
All the Lord’s promises prove true.
He is a shield for all who look to Him for protection.”
What is the true and trustworthy promise God has given us?
It is the main truth of the Bible…
“For this is how God loved the world: He gave His one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent His Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through Him.”
John 3:16–17
And when you and I Know God’s TRUTH, TRUST His Promises, and LOVE Him with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength … we can’t help but want to glorify Him by obeying His will.
If you’d like to know additional reasons why I love studying God’s Word and believe it has the power to change lives, check out – How to Read the Bible in a Way that Will Change Your Life.
The thing is, you and I won’t fall in love with God and His Word and we won’t trust Jesus is our Lord and Savior without the help of the Holy Spirit. On our own, we’re sinful and selfish. On our own, we’re stubborn and foolish. On our own, we’re tempted to look for truth in all the wrong places.
So, when I want the truth about life, I go to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to guide me through His Word so that I might stand in faith and live for His glory.
And I’d love for you to join me…
Verses to Prayer When You Want the Truth
Jesus said…
“Make them holy by Your truth; teach them Your word, which is truth.”
John 17:17
And that is our prayer…
Father, teach me Your Word and fill me with Your Word and Spirit … I want to KNOW Your truth.
All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip His people to do every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16–17
Father, thank you so very much for giving us Your Word … for inspiring individuals to write the eternal truth that You have always wanted people to know. Your truth is timeless. It was true when it was written, it is true today, and it will be true forever and always.
It is filled with Your promises and Your will. It tells us the difference between right and wrong. It teaches us wisdom and prepares us for life.
Most importantly, Your Word reveals the truth about Jesus. He is Your love and forgiveness in human form and Your saving grace given to redeem Your children. I thank and praise You. Amen.
“But I will send you the Advocate—the Spirit of truth.
John 15:26
He will come to you from the Father and will testify all about me.
Father, thank you for the Spirit of Truth. He is the One who teaches us the absolute truth about Jesus. He is the source of our faith and the One who teaches us and helps us understand Your will. He shows us our sins and need for forgiveness. And He equips us to live the plans and purposes You have for us.
By Your grace, may Your Spirit be with and within me. Please strengthen me and give me all I need to live every day for Your glory. Amen.
Be good to Your servant,
Psalm 119:17–18
that I may live and obey Your Word.
Open my eyes to see
the wonderful truths in Your instructions.
Father, I want to obey Your commands. I want to love You with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength. I want to love my neighbor as You desire. I want to not only know but I want to live as though I KNOW that Your truths are wonderful and that obedience to Your commands is the only way to live if I want to have the rich and satisfying life Jesus came to give me.
I love You, Lord. Please help me. I want to KNOW and TRUST Your wonderful truths. Amen.
Teach me Your ways, O Lord,
Psalm 86:11–13
that I may live according to Your truth!
Grant me purity of heart,
so that I may honor You.
With all my heart I will praise You, O Lord my God.
I will give glory to Your name forever,
for Your love for me is very great.
You have rescued me from the depths of death.
Lord, through Your Word of Truth, give me the wisdom and good judgment I need to trust and obey Your commands. You know what is best for me. Please forgive me for my failure to consistently live according to Your will.
I want to have a pure heart and honor You in all I think, say, and do. I want to faithfully praise You and live for Your glory. Through Jesus, You cleansed me of my sin and saved me from the punishment I deserve. He suffered and died my death that I might be redeemed to live with You forever.
By Your grace, You rescued me. With Your great love, You give me everything I need. I thank and praise You now and forever. Amen.
Lead me by Your truth and teach me,
Psalm 25:5–6
for You are the God who saves me.
All day long I put my hope in You.
Remember, O Lord, Your compassion and unfailing love,
which You have shown from long ages past.
Lord, You are the God who saves, guides, protects, and gives everything that is needed for life. Why? Because You are the Creator of all things and You are the only One who truly knows what is best for all that You have made.
I want the KNOW and LIVE Your truth. So, with Your Spirit’s help, I will faithfully SEEK You and Your will so that I might KNOW all that You want for me. I will place my hope in You for You are all that I need today, tomorrow, and always. You are the God who saves me.
Thank you for inviting me to “Come and talk” with You. Thank you for allowing me to KNOW, TRUST, and LOVE You. You are LIFE and LOVE and I give myself to You. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
This world is full of mixed and confusing messages. If you and I want the absolute TRUTH that lasts forever, we need to turn our hearts and minds to God’s Word. We need our Creator, Savior, and Spirit of Truth to guide us. He alone knows what is best for us and He wants us to KNOW it too.
May the Lord be with you and bless you and you SEEK God’s truth through the Word, Prayer, and the power of the Holy Spirit.
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KJV is the only true word of GOD
David thank you for visiting. Here are a couple of articles you might find interesting. KJV @ Got Questions and KJV @ FaithPro.org I also believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to speak God’s living and active Word of Truth to humble hearts surrendered to Him. God be with you and bless you as You SEEK Him through His Word.
Let us never stop seeking God’s Truth in His Word.
Blessings, Deb!
Amen, Martha! Have a wonderful weekend. Blessings!
Your post didn’t go through, on when you want the truth and you feel like screaming
Hi, Cindy. There seemed to be a glitch today. The comment button at the bottom of the email works. Thanks for figuring out a way to come over, visit, and join the conversation. Blessings!
I am a true believer that the Bible is the only “self help” we need. It covers everything and I really do depend on it for guidance. I am so thankful for it.
Thank you for this post.
God bless you Deb and your Rev and your sweet Sadie.
I love that He wants us to KNOW the TRUTH that will bless us now and always. That is the best kind of help possible. Your right, Sue. His Word is the guidance we need for life. Thank you, dear friend! God bless you!
What a wonderful God we serve!! How gracious, merciful and forgiving is He?
Father God thank You for all You have done and are still doing for me, a lowly sinner. Without You I can do nothing.
Praise be to God ✝️ who is, was and is yet to come 🙏 🙌 ✨️
Amen, Joyce! What a wonderful gift it is that He wants us to KNOW Him. We are truly blessed by Him. God’s blessings!
Oh my this really touched me. Many times I fall short in following you Lord Jesus and at times my body feeling restless. Please help me Lord to always seek you in my life to feel the love, peace, and grace I need. Heal my soul, heart, mind, words, and thoughts to be like you.
Deb have a wonderful blessed weekend and thank you for the beautiful words and prayer’s of encouragement.
Thank you, Ana! I truly appreciate your visits and your encouragement. Enjoy a wonderful weekend filled with God’s blessings!
Hi Bev, I daily read your wonderful messages either on my phone or pc. I just want to let you know that I could not open the read further on either. Thank you for all your in put and prayers. God bless
Thank you for the heads up, Marinda. I will check into it. God bless you!
I love your God’s Post, continue doing HIS WORK
Thank you, Rosa. I truly appreciate your encouragement.