Why It’s Important to Find the Balance Between Worship and Service

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The account of Mary and Martha shows us the importance of finding our peace and joy in Jesus by balancing both worship and service as we live our lives. #Planning #Peace #Worship #Faith #CountingMyBlessings

Oh, I can relate to Martha…

Martha was distracted by the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.”

Luke 10:40

She had a house full of guests and she was BUSY! I can almost see her rushing around trying to make everyone comfortable and happy . . . especially the guest of honor, Jesus.

But serving to make everyone happy is exhausting and truthfully, impossible.

So, it really shouldn’t surprise that Martha had become frustrated with her sister, Mary, who was getting to do what Martha herself wanted to be doing but felt she couldn’t because of her need to please by serving.

I love the way Jesus responded to her. He didn’t scold her . . . He simply said:

“My dear Martha, you are worried and upset over all these details! There is only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Luke 10:41–42

Are you worried and upset about all the details of your life? Do you feel like you don’t have time to sit at Jesus’ feet to learn from Him and talk with Him?

Hear His gentle reminder today to pause and take a closer look at your life.

Ask Him to help you find the balance between worship and service.

When you and I look at Mary and Martha, it’s not about who was right and who was wrong. It’s about each of them learning the importance of balancing worship and service.

And about being so very content with the balance in our own lives that we’re not even tempted to criticize someone else.

The account of Mary and Martha shows us the importance of finding our peace and joy in Jesus by balancing both worship and service as we live our lives. #Planning #Peace #Worship #Faith #CountingMyBlessings

A Prayer to Balance Worship and Service

Father, there is so much to do. Just once I’d love to get to the end of my day having successfully checked everything off my do-to list. I want to find balance in my life. I want to serve and worship You. But it feels like everyone is demanding something from me and trying to keep them all happy is exhausting.

But wait . . . that’s not what You ask of me. You don’t ask me to serve others is a way that makes them happy. In fact, You encourage me to sit at Your feet like Mary. You invite me to bring my weariness and my burdens to You so that You might give me rest.

Forgive me for thinking I can do it all myself. Forgive me for worrying more about pleasing people than worshipping You. Please guide me as I plan my schedule and help me balance my days with worship and service. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

The account of Mary and Martha shows us the importance of finding our peace and joy in Jesus by balancing both worship and service as we live our lives. #Planning #Peace #Worship #Faith #CountingMyBlessings

If you and I truly want to experience the peace and joy we can have in Christ Jesus, we must sit at His feet to find the balance between worship and service.

On today’s note write:

Peace and joy are found when we worship and serve Jesus.

God bless you and help you find the balance you need to experience His peace and joy.

Read the rest of Luke 10 here.

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  1. We definitely need to find that balance between worshipping and serving, Deb. The example of Martha and Mary is perfect!

    1. Amen, Martha! I’m so thankful that God wants us to enjoy a balance in life. He is so gracious to want such a beautiful plan for us. God’s blessings, my friend.

  2. Our pastor just spoke on this scripture Sunday. While listening to him it crossed my mind that the houses of that era were quite small. In fact, usually only one room. Martha could see Mary and vice versa. If Martha had chosen to sit with Mary would the meal have gotten prepared eventually? I also wondered if Jesus’ last words on the issue “…it will not be taken from her” might also mean I’m (Jesus) not going to stop her. Just some thoughts.

    Blessings to you!

    1. Thanks for adding those thoughts, Marie! I’m so glad you stopped and shared this. God bless you!

  3. Thank You FOR Sharing Deb???????? I KNOW SO MANY Times I TRY To PLEASE Others BC I DONT WANT to hurt their Feelings by Saying “NO”… BUT As I Grow Older AND REALIZE HOW Short Time here WITH LOVED ONES ????REALLY is …OTHER things CAN WAIT ❗️❗️❗️But I DO NEED G-d♥️FIRST ALWAYS ????????????❗️HIS LOVE ????♥️And GUIDANCE HELP me Through ❗️G-d♥️Bless

    1. Me too, Cheri! It is a blessing to gradually learn more and more of God’s beautiful lessons firsthand. Age and God’s grace give perspective. Thanks and blessings!