If You Want to be Patient You Have to Start Here


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Are you patient? If you're like me . . . it depends on the circumstances or your mood. If you want to be patient you have to start vertically. Learn how here.

Are you patient?

How about in traffic? With your kids? When you’re waiting in line or for an appointment?

If you’re like me . . . it depends on the circumstances or your mood.

I know, if I’m tired or I don’t feel well. If I’m running late. If it’s the fifteenth thing that has gone wrong that day. If someone has gotten on my last nerve. If the wait seems exceptionally long. If it’s an often repeated offense—any one of those things can push me into the impatient category.

C. S. Lewis said, “Everyone feels benevolent if nothing happens to be annoying him at the moment.”

And then I stop and wonder . . . why is the Lord patient with me?

When my attitude stinks? When I’m self-absorbed? When I continually repeat bad habits?

God is patient and I wonder why. 

As I dig deep into patience this month, I want to look at the times I need patience.

Patience in prayer. Patience in big and little things. Patience, when it seems like my circumstances will never change. Patience when I’m angry and I really want to react and get even. Patience when it’s hard to change. Patience with people in general.

But before I look at my horizontal view of patience, I need to look at it vertically because…

Like humility, love, and wisdom, any ability you and I have to apply patience to our lives comes directly from God Himself.

God is patient. It is part of His character. 

His patience is not in enduring long waits or difficult circumstances. God knows the beginning from the end. He knows how everything turns out. So, He has no need for situational patience.

God’s patience is with people. With sinners. He is slow to get angry. Always.

From Genesis to Revelation and still today . . . God is slow to get angry.

The Lord passed in front of Moses and said, “I am the Lord. The Lord is a God who shows mercy, who is kind, who doesn’t become angry quickly, who has great love and faithfulness and is kind to thousands of people. Exodus 34:6–7

There is no God like you. You forgive those who are guilty of sin;
You don’t look at the sins of your people who are left alive.
You will not stay angry forever because You enjoy being kind.
 You will have mercy on us again; You will conquer our sins.
You will throw away all our sins into the deepest part of the sea. Micah 7:18–19

I asked God the other day, “Why are you patient with me?”

And my heart heard, “Because I love you! And…”

 “God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life. God did not send His Son into the world to judge the world guilty, but to save the world through Him.” John 3:16–17

 “Because of Jesus.” 

Are you patient? If you're like me . . . it depends on the circumstances or your mood. If you want to be patient you have to start vertically. Learn how here.

Why is God patient with sinners like me?

Because God is love. 

And love is patient.

And He wants all people to come to Him through His Son, Jesus.
All people like you and me. People of every nationality.
People from every corner of the world.
Proud people.
Humble people.
Hurting people.
Successful people.
Broken people.
Church people.
Non-church people.

All people.
So God is patiently loving, waiting and watching.
Like the Prodigal Father, He’s waiting for His children to come home.

 The Lord is not slow in doing what He promised—the way some people understand slowness. But God is being patient with you. He does not want anyone to be lost, but He wants all people to change their hearts and lives. 2 Peter 3:8–9

Like every other word we’ve searched and studied this year, patience has to start vertically with heart and mind focused on the One whose character is love and patience. The One who pours His patient love into our lives. The One who wants us to respond to His patient love by patiently loving others.

But it’s hard to be patient isn’t it?

Like Paul, it’s what I want to do, but too often it’s not what I do. (Romans 7:7–25)

So, I will keep my eyes on God. I will stay overwhelmed by His patient love. I will thank and praise Him for the gift of Jesus. By His grace alone I will trust and follow each day. And with His help, I will continue to make it a goal to patiently love the people around me. Will you join me?

 May the Lord lead your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s patience. 2 Thessalonians 3:5

 But, Lord, you are a God who shows mercy and is kind. You don’t become angry quickly. You have great love and faithfulness. Psalm 86:15

What is something you have always wanted to know about patience?

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  1. Yes!
    I’m so guilty of somehow expecting God to build patience into my character . . . without ever testing me!
    When will I learn that I have to endure in order to develop the spiritual blessing of endurance??

  2. Hi Deb!

    Thank you for the continual encouragement you give the saints each and every week through your linkup. What a blessing to be featured! It’s always a pleasure linking up with the Faith N Friends community! Woo hoo!

  3. I have to laugh out loud as I read this because I just asked someone for the millionth time this week: So what are your plans for the weekend? ha. I’ve been wanting him to make a decision so I can know what’s going on, but I’m having to wait while he decides. More patience, Lord! 🙂 And thank You for your patience with me!

  4. Thank you for the reminder of God’s goodness and patience. If God can be patient with me, than I can learn to be patient with myself to–something I need to get better at doing. Thanks for the encouraging words and for hosting!

  5. {{ouch}} as just the other day 3yo Jocelyn asked me, “What you saying to that person?” as I was mumbling while driving. Yes, more patience even with those on the road. Thank you for this reminder today!

  6. Always a good reminder that God is so amazingly loving and patient with us and when we can remember that, we can extend it to people and circumstances in our lives.

  7. Jason Stasyszen says:

    Yep. I’ve been meditating on this very thing! He is so patient with us and I want the same patience to be demonstrated in my life. It’s a humbling reminder that a lack of patience is a lack of love. It’s also a lack of fellowship with the Holy Spirit because patience is a fruit of simply being with Him. He’s perfect, we’re all growing into this; but He is so good! Thank you, Deb.

  8. Thanks for sharing this great post on patience.
    A much needed reminder that patience is an act of love and we love because He has first loved us.
    You are blessed. Have a wonderful weekend.

  9. Kim Jolly says:

    Deb, thank you for sharing these words on being patient. I’m so thankful that God is patient with me–I can be a slow learner at times. Looking to God for how to be patient is an intentional thing. Learning to be patient is a life long endeavor.


  10. Yes! We must look vertically, toward our Heavenly Father, who is the perfecter of patience, to help us learn and embrace being patient with ourselves and others.
    Heads-up! My Tuesday post, Deb, references your blog. Hope it will generate even more fans for you! 🙂
    Blessings, and have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Another great post, Deb!
    I love this line, “So, I will keep my eyes on God. I will stay overwhelmed by His patient love.”
    That’s what I want to do!

  12. This is my area of weakness! And I see it in my daughter too…like a mirror. Remembering God’s patience with us is a great reminder!

  13. I love the C. S. Lewis quote, Deb. I’m so thankful God’s patience doesn’t rely on our own measure of patience. His patient love does overwhelm me!

  14. Your words on patience and impatience are so true! I can be pretty patient except…..like similar times to those you mention. I also am impatient when I am looking forward to something, anticipating it. Yet as I think about that, I wonder that I don’t usually add the Lord’s return in that as often as other more temporal things like a visit from friends who moved away or going on vacation or a trip to see children and grandchildren. To be like Him will mean He has much work to do still. He truly is incredibly patient with me!!

  15. Deb, I’m a pretty patient person … on the outside … but on the inside … sometimes it isn’t pretty! Thanks for your wise words, especially reminding us that it has to start with Him and His power working in and though us! Loved the C.S. Lewis quote, too.

    Thanks for hosting!

  16. Patience is something you learn when you have to. We meet a lot of different people and, in order to communicate with them easily, we have to be patient.

  17. Karen Grosz says:

    Thanks for sharing on Let’s Get Real Friday Party. #LetGetRealSocial. Patience has become easier as I have focused more on God. Starting my day with an hour of time with God makes all the difference in the world to me.

  18. Such critical truth here, my friend! Just as we offer forgiveness and grace from the overflow from which we’ve received it, the same is true with patience. Considering our God’s immeasurable longsuffering toward us, how can we refuse to bear with each other? Thank you for your faithful ministry, and for sharing with us at Grace & Truth.

    1. Every part of our faith, every life-giving fruit is Spirit given. I need it to start with Him before I can even begin to live it out or share it with others. Love. Patience. Humility. Joy. Peace. All begin with God! Thanks so much and many blessings to you, Jennifer!

  19. Patience … God has done a work on me over the years. Waiting, waiting, and waiting some more! I have come so far but I’m surely not at my destination yet! ♥

    Love this new series, Deb!

  20. I am so thankful that II Peter 3:8-9 is in the Bible! 🙂